life-is-a-dark-room · 5 years
autumn air - anon imagine
Here’s a sample of the kinds of things that I write. Please feel free to send your requests in! 
The fall night was just crips enough for her to see her breath in the air as a sigh left her lips. She'd been at a party but quickly got bored, deciding that roaming the city would be a much more entertaining option. As she walked, she realized that her outfit might not have been the best to wear outside. She had gotten dressed with the full intentions of staying at the party, wearing her favorite crop top, ripped denim shorts, fishnet stockings, some combat boots, and finished the look off with her favorite leather jacket. As she continued to walk down the familiar streets, she heard faint footsteps coming from somewhere behind her. Figuring it was just someone else out for a late-night walk, she ignored it at kept moving. "Hey, wait up!" A familiar voice called after her, causing her to roll her eyes.    "What do you want?" She asked coldly, feeling a lecture coming her way.  Within just a minute or two her best friend was beside her, panting softly from his short jog to catch up. "What are you doing out here? Why are you dressed like that? Aren't you freezing?" He bombarded her with questions, something she'd come to expect. "I was at that party tonight," she replied simply, shrugging. "Okay, that only answers one of my questions." In her heart, she knew that the nagging was a sign of caring, but that didn't stop it from annoying her each time it happened. "You're not my dad, you know," she scoffed, finally turning to look at the boy beside her. "No, but I am your best friend. I gotta worry about you sometimes." He flashed a Cheshire cat style grin, knowing that she wouldn't be able to stay mad for long. "And you still haven't told me why you're out here." "I think there were a combined five brain cells in that entire house. It got boring really quickly." Her arms crossed over her chest to provide a bit more warmth against the chilly fall night. A chuckle left the boy's lips. "You had to have known that before you went." She shrugged once more, pulling a cigarette and lighter out of her jacket pocket. Shielding the lighter with her hand, she lit the cigarette and took a long drag before offering it to the boy. He gladly accepted, putting it to his lips. "I did. I just thought maybe it would bring me some sort of entertainment." He offered the cigarette back to her and she inhaled deeply, blowing the smoke out of her mouth slowly. "Come on, let's go get some burgers or something." A faint breeze came up, making her shiver slightly. "Yeah, I guess," she replied, passing the cigarette once again. "We'll have more fun together anyway."
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life-is-a-dark-room · 5 years
My name is Riley and I enjoy writing imagines here on Tumblr. I also have a Wattpad account where I post true crime imagines. 
I enjoy writing band imagines (I listen to a lot of different stuff, so feel free to request something and I’ll see what I can do!), song requests (send me a song title and artist as well as who you’d like the imagine based on that song to be about), bulletpoints, and, of course, true crime imagines. 
I will ONLY post true crime imagines on my Wattpad account, but you are more than welcome to request them here. 
I’d also love to talk to you and get to know you all! 
Thanks, everyone! 
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