lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
Can-Aware Rules & Regulations
You have to create a short video that makes people aware about cancer (what is cancer / causes / types / symptoms of cancer / preventive measures to avoid cancer / need for early detection etc.).
Video should be in mpg or mp4 format (Maximum length 6 minutes)
Individuals/Team (Maximum of 3 members) can participate.
Registration is free and open to all.
For registration, fill up the attached form.
Last date for Registration is 00:00 hrs IST on 31st October 2014.
You cannot participate in the competition if you are a part of the Sanjeevani LBC team.
  Process of submission of film
Upload your video on YouTube through your own account.
Please share the YouTube link with your friends and generate likes on the page.
Last date for submission of film (the link on above mail id) is 15th November 2014.
The title of your uploaded video MUST begin with “Sanjeevani Can-Aware”.
Your uploaded video must have all the following tags- Sanjeevani, survivor, cancer, disease, awareness, health, life, healthy lifestyle, movie, film, organization, regular health check-ups, life beyond cancer, radio-therapy, chemotherapy, mammogram, mammography, oncology, oncologist.
Send a mail with the link of your YouTube video to [email protected].
  Shortlisting and selection
All entries will be screened for appropriate content by a Jury.
Shortlisted videos will be uploaded on the Sanjeevani Can-Aware Facebook page.
The FB page will go live on 00:00 Hrs IST on 1st December 2014.
Participants whose videos have been uploaded will be informed by mail.
Please stay tuned on the page post 1st December 2014.
Thereafter, it is your responsibility to generate likes for your video on the Sanjeevani Can-Aware Facebook page itself.
  Winning Criteria
Best Entry, 1st Runner Up, 2nd Runner Up will be decided based on:
the number of likes, the participating video accumulates on Sanjeevani Can-Aware Facebook page till 00:00 hrs IST on 14th December 2014 (25% weightage);
the number of views on your Youtube page till 00:00 hrs IST on 14th December 2014  (25% weightage); and
Jury’s assessment on the content (50% weightage).
Best Entry              : Rs. 10000/- + (IB Students will be entitled to 5 CAS points in addition to cash prize)
1st Runner Up       : Rs. 7500/-   + (IB Students will be entitled to 3 CAS points in addition to cash prize)
2nd Runner Up      : Rs. 5000/-   + (IB Students will be entitled to 2 CAS points in addition to cash prize)
  The Top 10 videos will get a Certificate of Excellence and will be screened at all Sanjeevani Events.
Videos from rank 11 to 25 will receive a Certificate of Merit.
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
5 Steps to Being Badass
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Kindness, Humility, etc. are all qualities of the past. The qualities that our generation looks out for most is: Coolness, Loyalty through bro-code and most importantly, Badass-ness. We admire people who can come up with witty comebacks and give us all those little ‘Oh Snap!’ moments. We absolutely adore them. We crave for them. We want to be them. We want to crawl up their witty brains and know where all those comments arise from.
But being a badass doesn’t just always mean witty comebacks. It is one word for courage and straight forwardness. It is a quality that even cancer, the most deadly disease on this planet, is scared of.
So for all those who want to be badass and make cancer scurry off as if it’s nothing but a mouse, here are 5 steps to do so:
1. Act Cool
All those who are badass are cool at all times. If your doctor tells you that your great-great-great grandmother’s cousin twice removed once upon a time had cancer and hence there is a probability of cancer through genetics, I suggest you act cool and do yearly screening tests. Coolness doesn’t lie in ignoring what your doctor says and then regretting it later but in actually taking the advice and then telling yourself, “I am not going to have cancer! Aww Yeah!”
 2. Don’t be main stream
People always find those who are different from others extremely intriguing. If people around you are smoking, set a statement by not smoking. It’s like forcing yourself to like One Direction just because others around you like them. That’s way uncool and un-badass. If you are badass, you make what’s not main stream, main stream. People would like to follow you because of your aura of badass-ness. So if you stop smoking and make a statement, people will respect you for it and before you know it, you will have started a trend.
  3. Beat up the bad guys
If you follow the two steps above and still feel like the bad guys have caught up with you, for example if you take all precautions and still feel like you have some symptoms regarding cancer, go to a doctor immediately! Beat up the bad guys!
  4. Believe that the phrase ‘give up’ doesn’t exist
If the bad guys don’t stop irritating you, don’t give up and try your best to get out of the situation. For example if the cancer doesn’t respond to all the beating up, don’t give up and keep doing the treatments. In this case, the flies are going to fly to the vinegar and not the honey. Simply believe that ‘Give up’ is not a part of your phrasal vocabulary.
This is the most important step. Even during the disease and after it, you need to keep up the good reputation! Keep motivating and inspiring people, keep on that smile and keep setting trends. After all, Badass-ness needs to be maintained!
  Cancer can change a person but how you change is in your hands. If you choose to change yourself for the worse, you will. But if you choose to change yourself for the better and make a difference in society by recounting your experience and gained wisdom, there is no doubt about the fact that people will look up to you.
  In fact, they will even look up to you if you follow a healthy lifestyle devoid of any cancer and keep yourself fit and fine. Do things that make you feel good rather than trying to make sure others like you by doing the things that make them feel like they can control you.
  It is important to get the attitude that people will remember for eternity. Imagine people even hundred years from now saying “He/She is the one who inspires me. They were so Badass!”
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
This Monday, Quit Smoking!
“Smoking is injurious to health.”
“Smoking Kills.”
“Smoking can lead to cancer.”
These would be effective messages if we pay attention to them. Whisked away by the company of ‘friends’, ‘stress’ or even ‘curiosity’, we end up taking callous decisions unaware of their consequences. We somehow manage to circumvent even those pieces of advice that sit staring at our faces. The situation usually turns out to be the following:
Walking up to a small shop, a young adult at the pink of his health (Let's name him Bob) takes out some money from his pocket. He asks for a pack of cigarettes and places one in his mouth. He lights it.
He ignores the "Smoking is injurious to health" sign that the company's owner has placed at the bottom of the pack, due to his addiction. He is oblivious to the voices of hundreds who suffered an early death at the hands of countless cigarettes carelessly smoked. He just enjoys his puff and loses himself to its effects.
When later someone asks why he started smoking in the first place, most probably this will be his reply:
“Uhh… Well, I had just broken up with my girlfriend man! Can you imagine the stress I was under?”
“Everyone was doing it so I did it! Who cares?”
“My dad smokes. I was curious so I tried it!”
And of course, the all-encompassing answer to all your questions:
“YOLO man!”
*For those unaware of the term; YOLO= You Only Live Once*
Well, now that the reasons have been established, let’s see where Bob’s potential future leads him if he continues:
After 10 years of chain smoking:
Bob has been unable to quit smoking and has conveniently ignored all messages politely asking him to quit smoking, be it in cinema halls, on TV, through YouTube videos or even on the packet of cigarettes he smokes every single day. He has now become an addict, a slave to the Devil named Nicotine. No amount of warnings can stop him now.
His breathing has become laboured and his once athletic body has lost its stamina. Even one flight of stairs seems like a task. His family reveals their concern for his failing health and so Bob decides to visit his doctor.
After conducting a series of tests, the doctor diagnoses him with Lung Cancer and tells him that he needs to quit smoking. He realises that he has exploited his lungs and taken them for granted.
Maybe YOLO was not a philosophy to be adopted in this area after all.
His family may support him to the best of their potential but being the sole bread winner of the house, it is difficult to put up with the heavy expenses. Every time his daughters approach him, he can see the tears in their eyes. He can see his own ghouls haunting him through their tears, making him die even more with every drop. But the worst part is the pain this illness has caused to his daughters and his wife without any fault of their own. His love for them makes him wonder, "Was that small little wicked cigarette worth my daughters' tears?"
After what seems like a million drugs and loss of billion priceless tears, Bob  realised that Smoking after all wasn’t worth his time. In fact, he decides that this is what he will advocate to all his friends, family and at a later age, grandchildren if he is lucky enough to survive.
We at Sanjeevani do not want you to suffer the fate Bob did. We do not want your family to feel that they will lose a loved one from their life so soon.
Our Quit Monday Campaign helps you get one step closer to crushing that cigarette butt. We'll send you an inspirational message EVERY MONDAY asking you to quit. We want to protect you from this life threatening disease and we would love to see you safe and healthy. Only you could help us take one foot forward at a time by supporting us and quitting this habit that though enjoyable and addictive can only lead to one ultimate path: CANCER.
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Join us in our fight against cancer. Fill the form below to get our messages, to shower your support and show us that you too believe in prevention of cancer, fighting against cancer and most importantly, a Life Beyond Cancer.
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
A Rose For A Smile
This friendship day, we had a simple aim in mind, to talk to these people not about medicines or surgeries or anything related to cancer, but simply to bring smile of these lovely faces.
What matters most is that they know we are here for them. They were more than thrilled to know that the people who came there to give them flowers did not want to remind them about cancer, and did not want to talk about what medicines they need to take or what they can and cannot do. This event was about talking to them, getting to know them, and for those few minutes, allowing them to forget. 
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We had a simple message, dont give up, life is still waiting for you. This, we hope gives them that added push to fight this battle and to believe that they still have a life, a life beyond cancer.
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
Awareness Session At Orient Club
On 14th July of this year, Sanjeevani…Life Beyond Cancer’s youth wing of Mumbai got an opportunity to hold an awareness sessions for the members of Giants Group of Chopatty at Orient Club.
 The session started off with a short introduction to Sanjeevani…Life Beyond Cancer and then their awareness Vice President Cristabelle took over the stage and started of by defining in simple terms, what is Cancer? The session was informative and interactive and at the end of the session people knew the basics related to cancer, like its types, causes, preventions etc.
Later, an audio-visual was shown which totally inspired people to believe in life beyond cancer as it had messages by cancer survivors themselves who were supported by Sanjeevani in some way or the other.
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It ended with a short description of what the youth wing is all about. A lot of people requested the Sanjeevani volunteers to hold more such awareness drives as it is really need of the hour.
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
Our First Awareness Camp
Our journey as Sanjeevani’s Mumbai Youth Wing kickstarted on World No Tobacco Day (31st May 2014). We got an opportunity to reach out to an active and enthusiastic young brigade of students from the 5th Maharashtra Girl’s Battalion, Mumbai. The building excitement for our first event peaked upon seeing this young bunch in their spotless khakhis who had assembled before time inside Patkar Hall. The chief guest for the event was Linda Rose, Sports Trainer at SNDT Women’s University.
Having formally introduced and welcomed our guests of honour, the event began with an informative speech on harmful effects of tobacco and the benefits of maintaining healthy lifestyle at an early age. Cancer and many other topics relating to it were discussed at great lengths.
The message was received well by the young audience. To further drive the point home, a short film titled “Lavender Life” (last year's first prize winner of Can- a cheer, Sanjeevani’s film making event) was played among other shot films that revolved around the anti-tobacco theme. A short presentation about Sanjeevani and its work in the field of cancer was shown to the audience. The session ended with a small quiz in which the audience participated enthusiastically.
Later, the Chief Guest Ms. Linda Rose addressed the audience and earnestly promised to support the cause in the best way possible. The gathering then took Sanjeevani’s pledge of adopting a healthy lifestyle and joining the cause in eradicating cancer from the society. The spirit of unity towards supporting this cause was then elevated when everyone spiritedly sang the NCC Anthem “Hum Sab Bhartiya hain” in unison. The event turned out to be a great success as a few students expressed their willingness to join our Youth Wing. It concluded with warm appreciation that the NCC Members extended to our team.
Post the event, Ms. Rose got us in touch with Dr. Nitin S. Tendolkar from the Student Welfare Department of SNDT University. As a result, Sanjeevani- Life Beyond Cancer will now be starting an Awareness Program with the NSS students. We are looking forward to more such engaging events and hope that you too will support us in this endeavor to eradicate cancer from our society.
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
The latest from SanjeevaniLBC (@SanjeevaniLBC). Page of Mumbai's Youth Team of Sanjeevani-Life Beyond Cancer, NGO working in the field of cancer awareness, counselling & rehabilitation of cancer patients
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
Page of Mumbai's Youth Team of Sanjeevani-Life Beyond Cancer, NGO working in the field of cancer...
Like our Facebook page.
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lifebeyondcancer · 10 years
About Sanjeevani
Sanjeevani…Life Beyond Cancer, an award winning registered Public Trust, is a special purpose organization, set up for prevention and early detection of cancer and providing care, counseling and rehabilitation to persons fighting cancer.  Our active In-hospital interventions for cancer patients and their families include: 1. Counseling and Emotional support thru rehabilitated Cancer Survivors, 2. Nutritional support, 3. Provision of prosthetics and 4. Fun events Awareness / Advocacy Activities to help create awareness for prevention and need for early detection as well as support for patients include., 1. Advocacy with all stakeholders – Federal and State Governments / Philanthropic Organization / Donor Groups etc, 2. Inclusion of Youth via the Sanjeevani Youth Brigade, 3. Creation of content for awareness viz., Films on Breast Cancer,  4. Facilitating Cancer awareness camps, 5. Facilitating Cancer detection camps, 6. Holding Cancer survivor conferences, 7. Holding Care Givers conferences, and 8. Holding Can-a-thons / Can-a-rides (Walkathons / Bike rides to reflect the I-can spirit). For latest updates on our activities kindly do visit us at WEBSITE : www.sanjeevani-lifebeyondcancer.com FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/sanjeevanilifebeyondcancermumbai YOUTUBE : www.youtube.com/user/SamjeevaniLBC HELPLINE : +91 8691000800
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