lifeisdivinee · 19 days
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lifeisdivinee · 2 months
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Cristal Palace ~ Madrid
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lifeisdivinee · 2 months
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Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in To Have and Have Not (1944)
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lifeisdivinee · 2 months
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Ig: aliyahraey
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lifeisdivinee · 3 months
This document is by Solar which was a subliminal maker but sadly her page got terminated:( She really helped me change the mindset and become the master manifestor I am so ALL CREDITS GOES TO HER! ( I did not make this at all Solar did! ) { I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THIS, AND APPLY ALL THE INFORMATION STATED. LIKE FR. 💝 }
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lifeisdivinee · 3 months
what to do when the 3D hasn't aligned⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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okay so first i wanna remind u guys of the truth that YOU ARE IN CONTROL. so when the 3D is being slow, practice simply saying no. when the 3D is showing u something unfavorable -> say no, im the creator and its like this (insert how u want it to be)
the goal isnt to constantly check the 3D but instead change how we react to it. bcuz the 4D reflects ur 3D, not the other way around.
redirect ur thoughts and remind urself of who's in control, and ofc persist in whatever it is that u want.
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lifeisdivinee · 4 months
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Fearless Social Confidence: Strategies to Live Without Fear, Speak Without Insecurity, Beat Social Anxiety, and Stop Caring What Others Think - Patrick King book notes
Socially confident people:
expect to be accepted. When they meet strangers, they expect to make a good impression. They never approach situations thinking, “What if they don’t like me?” Instead they think, “I hope I like them.”
evaluate themselves positively. Socially confident people are encouraging, positive, and accepting of themselves. They give themselves leeway not to be perfect and don’t beat themselves up too harshly when they are not.
feel comfortable around superiors. Socially confident people feel comfortable because they don’t feel threatened, or that their flaws and vulnerabilities will be highlighted by the other person’s qualities.
With a lack of social confidence, you are usually choosing the thought that is cruelest to yourself.
when navy SEALs recognize that they are feeling overwhelmed, they regain control by focusing on their breath—breathing in for four seconds, holding for four seconds, and then out for four seconds, and repeating until you can feel your heart rate slow down and normalize.
Core beliefs: 
Steps in a thought diary entry can be arranged in the easy-to-remember A-C-B format—
Activating Event. Note down the event/ situation. This is simply the origin point of your emotional change. It’s whatever caused your emotional status to change from calm to agitation (a memory, a song, etc).
Consequences. In this step you identify the specific emotions and sensations that arose. These could be simple feeling words— “anxious,” “unhappy,” “sickened,” “panicky,” “melancholy,” “confused,” and so forth.
Beliefs. This is where the action begins. How do you link the activating event with the consequences? What unconscious narrative or story about yourself was told to achieve the consequence? (“What was I thinking?”  “What was going through my head when this happened?”  “What’s wrong with that?”“What does this all mean?”  “What does it reveal about me?”)
Now you’ve gotten to the bottom of your situation and figured out what your core beliefs are.
The first step is writing down one of the core beliefs you’ve just uncovered. Ask yourself what experiences you’ve had that prove your core belief wasn’t always true. Generate as many experiences as you can and be very specific about what happened.
Write down the core belief you’re examining.  Think of ways that you can put that belief to the test. These are actual tasks that you can perform.  Then, write down what you expect or predict will happen after conducting these tasks if your core belief was true.  Perform the tasks.  Write down what really happened after you completed your task.  Compare and contrast your predictions with what actually happened. Finally, document what you learned from the task and come up with a new, more reasonable core belief that goes in line with your discoveries.
Bushman’s results imply that sometimes the best course of action after being provoked to anger is to just sit quietly and let it pass.
There’s a direct link between social anxiety and negativity. A 2016 Australian research study showed that “elevated social anxiety vulnerability is characterized only by facilitated attentional engagement with socially negative information.” Obsessing over negative details—including by constantly talking about one’s problems—only reinforces one’s social fears and does nothing to inspire real confidence in a social setting.
Personalization is the mother of guilt. In the cognitive distortion of personalizing, you feel responsible for events that cannot conceivably be your fault. While it is admirable to take responsibility for your actions, there are things completely out of your control: the subway schedule, other people’s actions, and a million day-to-day factors.
Common cues of overgeneralization are “always” and “never.” When starting a sentence or a thought with “always” or “never,” consider whether you have the experience or evidence to back up the statement.
Other people aren't only what they are showing to the world. Most people put on a good show. But do you really know what might be going on in their private life? Take comfort from the fact that while there will be many people who are better at certain things than you are, there are also most certainly things that you will be better at.
If you are self-conscious and worried that people will judge you if you say something stupid or “off,” there's an easy workaround to that. The best approach is simple preparation. Create answers to predictable questions and conversations. Run that mental videotape in your mind about your past 10, 20, or 30 social conversations. I guarantee they are not all that different from each other.
Figure out the general questions that people will ask and the topics that will come up in normal conversation and be prepared with story-answers. For example, How was your weekend? What are you doing this weekend? How was your day? What do you do for work?
How can we ease ourselves into social confidence little by little? 
List the social situations you avoid. Ask yourself what kinds of gatherings or circumstances you steer clear of and write them all down in a list. Your list should include both physical situations—parties, family gatherings, work presentations, and so forth—and personal experiences that you don’t want to face.
Give each situation a SUDS level from 0 to 100.
Plan your goals.
Build your goal stepladder. You’ve planned a goal and have decided to start work. Remember, situational exposure is a bit-by-bit process.
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lifeisdivinee · 4 months
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lifeisdivinee · 5 months
My Five Tenants of Life
1. State what you want. You do this with integrity and you only know what you want by being honest with yourself. You can lie to me, you can even lie to God but never, ever, lie to yourself. Always be honest with yourself.
2. When you enter and exit someone’s life, do so with dignity. You do not ghost, you do not wreak havoc [unless they had it coming but this is still tricky]. You’ll be more at peace knowing you operate with dignity; and inner peace is everything.
3. You never know anyone’s fate in this life. Treat everyone you meet and interact with with the utmost respect. I don’t care if they’re carrying your bags as you walk into the Ritz. I don’t care if you’re pitching to them during a meeting. You treat both people with the same level of respect.
4. Remain a student and constantly be learning. Always follow an opportunity to learn. Be teachable and throw yourself into new experiences with the mindset of someone eager to learn. You never know what someone may teach you; never think you are above taking advice from someone you deem “below” you or not up to par—even a broken clock is right twice a day.
5. Take care of number one [you]. You cannot do for others if you are not at capacity or in any position—physically, emotionally, mentally—to take care of someone, something, or group of people or things. Again, never lie to yourself. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. Take your self care seriously and the rest will fall into place.
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lifeisdivinee · 5 months
embracing being alone⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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learning to be alone is such a crucial thing to learn at all times during your life, but especially during your youth. and something to understand is that sometimes, protecting your peace comes at the cost of being alone but being alone is peaceful! and not as bad as you might think that it is.
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being alone offers an opportunity for self discovery and growth and rest and relaxation and reflection and the list goes ON. being able to enjoy your own company is a SUPER power bcuz it genuinely nourishes you so much.
enjoying your own company ;
you dont have to be codependent on someone else to make yourself happy or to make yourself feel good. what fulfills you and nourishes you isnt the relationships that u have with others. although that is an amazing and fulfilling thing, the most fulfilling thing is learning yourself. being alone REPLENISHES you, its like, hydration for the soul.
dont wait on someone else to do something that you wanna do!! if u dont have anyone to go with, just go on your own. you dont have to wait on others to be happy.
practice being alone ;
go on solo dates, practice planning to do something fun and just doing it by yourself. once you start doing things alone and you see how nice it feels, you'll want to do it more bcuz its so easy to enjoy your own company, you just have to get over your fear of judgement or of being alone and learn to enjoy and embrace it.
have a spa day
learn to cook a new dish
read a book
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have a journalling session
schedule appointments for yourself
go on a long drive
some benefits of enjoying your own company ;
you can be yourself without filter
less distractions and you give yourself time to ponder and look internally
your in control of your space and your time
you can be creative and imaginative without interference
its peaceful
being your own best friend ;
treat yourself how you'd treat someone that you valued a lot. be compassionate and understanding and respectful. dont talk badly about yourself and dont be mean to/punish yourself bcuz u wouldn't do that to someone that u loved and cherished.
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dont abandon yourself in times where life can become stressful. focus on being present and dont forget your worth. your self worth and value doesn’t come from how useful you are to others, your valuable simply because you are you. a human being who is deserving of love. your worth doesnt come from how productive you are or what you’ve achieved, instead your worth is already done and your valuable because of your existence. 
coping without friends ;
everything is temporary and meaningful relationships will always find their way to you. just understand that some ppl are here temporarily and some ppl are here for a lifetime but only you are here for all of it which is why its important to be alone and be comfy with that.
not everyone is gonna like you or wanna be your friend and thats okay. it has nothing to do with you and is almost always simply because of different personalities and its not personal
brush off rejections bcuz rejection is just redirection. when you dont take everything personally you'll notice how much happier you'll be overall.
know that the meaningful relationships and connections that u crave will come!! no one is here to be alone forever so you'll meet the people who pour into you and you'll meet ppl that u can pour into and you'll be okay!!
overall, enjoying your own company does wonders for your mental and physical health and its a useful skill to learn in general because it brings so much peace from being able to sit with your thoughts.
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lifeisdivinee · 5 months
how to keep going⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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just. keep. showing. up. even if u don’t look the way that you wanna look, or u don’t have the aesthetic that u wanna have, doesn’t mean that u won’t get there. 
it’s normal to get discouraged sometimes but don’t let that discouragement take u off track for your goals. you will get to where u wanna get, you will excel but in order to get to that place you MUST keep going. 
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track your progress ; when you feel like you discouraged it’s easy to forget what you’ve done to get to the spot that ur at today. 
track your progress in your journal or on your notion or in a binder, that way when u have days when it feels hard to keep going, you have a resource that can prove to you that you ARE competent and you CAN do it. 
take a break and reflect ; this is when it’s time to whip out the progress binder and remind yourself of how good that ur doing. 
reflect on if ur harboring something that is serving or hurting you and if it’s the latter how will you go about it. remember to let yourself take a breather. but whats important to note is that dont let this "breather" be something that moves u backwards. a breather should move you forward a little bit, and if it can't, then at least stay where u are for a little, but never go backwards.
you are doing GREAT and ur doing so well, just keep showing up even tho it feels like u don’t see movement, or you feel as though ur not moving forward. YOU ARE MOVING FORWARD. u just need to keep going 
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lifeisdivinee · 5 months
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lifeisdivinee · 5 months
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My routine Zillow browse.. 🌊
$24, 750,000 • 9 bed, 8 bath• w/ cottage guest house
Siasconset, MA 02564
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lifeisdivinee · 6 months
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drink your skin care!
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lifeisdivinee · 6 months
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lifeisdivinee · 6 months
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lifeisdivinee · 6 months
Honestly be pretentious as fuck about the stuff you create. Do a press release for your fanfic updates. Do a Q&A about your webcomic. Make fake merch designs for your OCs. Commission "official" book covers. Very few of us will ever get to a stage where something we've created Makes It Big but even if you have an audience of 5 people plus a shoelace fucking indulge yourself and pretend!! It's the only way to live!!
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