lifeofahumanbean · 2 years
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lifeofahumanbean · 2 years
8. 'Seductive Kiss' for Judar!
This is a mini-sequel to Birdcage, though it's not totally necessary to read that first.
8. Seductive kiss
Judar delights in testing your control.
After so many years of inhibition, of duty, of wanting but not having, it is difficult to open yourself to him. But it is also equally difficult not to take. Restraint had been beaten into you as a princess, had been demanded by your cruel brother and your critical sisters, but Judar has stolen you away from all of that, and reminds you of this every night.
Halfway between Asmarakand and Qishan, the two of you settle down in plain lodgings for the night. The moon is flooding through the wide windows, and the sheets are scratchy against your skin, and Judar's body is warm against yours. It is all so different from being locked away in that tower, from those oppressive silk sheets and that narrow, sad sky.
His face is inches from yours, breath playing across your nose. A finger jabs at your shirt.
"Wearing this again tonight?" You can hear the smirk in his voice. "We're a couple now, y'know. We can do whatever we want."
You try not to flush, ignoring his bare chest against yours. Of course Judar would like to sleep without his clothing. It isn't like his usual outfit does much to cover him anyway.
"You might be shameless enough to sleep like this-"
"Hah, as if you don't enjoy it!"
"-but I'm not."
He shifts a little, presses his mouth onto your collarbone. Your heart stops for a moment, lodged into your throat, dancing to his chapped lips.
"I guess I can't take the Princess outta you in one night," he drawls.
You huff. "It is not a princess thing." And then there is a softer voice, whittled down by a scar on your inner thigh and fading bruises on your ribs. "...you know how they treated me, Judar. You know what they did after they thought we had..."
Judar presses a finger against your lips.
"Yeah. I know." So nonchalant on the surface, but you do not blame him. This is how he's always spoken of bruises and oppression, of even his own. This is all he knows, why he's stared at your Rukh for so many years and drawled that they look too much like his own, why he's told you for so long to run away with him and let him crown you against all odds. "Don't worry, Princess. I won't do anything to you."
You nod a little. "I know." Your finger traces his jawline. "You've never done anything to me. Somehow."
"Somehow," he agrees. Then his voice drops: a low, taunting purr. "I'm bad at holding back, but I do it for you. I won't sully you without your permission."
A fleeting shudder.
"But tell me this, my queen," he says, wickedness upon his tongue, "Am I allowed to tempt you in the meantime?"
A quiet laugh.
"You have always tempted me, Judar."
He chuckles, grinning against your skin. "Yeah, I have. And it worked in the end, didn't it?" Fingers trace your lips, warm and wanting. "You ran away with me. Took you fucking forever, but you did."
"Then I'll keep doing as I please," he concludes smugly. "-and as you please, my queen."
You let out a sigh.
"Always so insolent."
"Always so restrained."
-always so close.
And he is closer, and closer, and closer, until there is no more space and your mouth is full of him. Until there is peach on your tongue, sticky-sweet and tempting. Until years of longing is dissolving into hot breaths and panting, dripping down your throats.
Until there is longing, wanting, needing.
Until there is taking.
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lifeofahumanbean · 2 years
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doodled out this little exchange from the Crimson Diplomacy episode of CR for funsies between working on my TAZ animatic.
i’ve blown through another 8 episodes this week, and i’m entertained by the ribbing No Mercy Percy’s still getting for that particular cool one-liner, even as the plot gets ever-darker.
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lifeofahumanbean · 3 years
recently learned about a horticultural technique called Espalier, it’s the funniest goddamn thing i’ve ever seen.
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Espalier allows trees to be trained into 2-dimensions, by tying the branches to a flat surface as the tree grows. They literally flatten the tree. They make the tree flat. Flat tree!!!
Look at this. This is objectively hilarious:
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And people get fancy about it. Look at this nonsense:
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(the first one’s called a Belgian Fence, and can be used as an actual fence)
Espalier is actually a very useful technique for
increasing fruit yield
gardening is small spaces
maximizing or minimizing sunlight (since the branches all face the same direction) and therefore extending the growing season
Like. this is a legitimately practical gardening method. but it looks like they squished a tree between the pages of a book. just squashed it flat like a sad little dried flower! i could use these trees as a bookmark!!!
But yes, it is also a healthy and clever way to grow lots of fruit in small spaces, in climates they might not otherwise be suited for. I’m still going to make fun of it, but it honestly looks delightful and delicious.
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lifeofahumanbean · 3 years
Today is the only day you can reblog this
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lifeofahumanbean · 3 years
Really do not get the arguments about who the strongest avatar is. Like, the answer is clearly Szeto. Dude canonically worked as court bureaucrat, meaning he not only mastered the four elements but on top of that also administrative law. Administrative law. This is a man to fear.
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lifeofahumanbean · 3 years
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it’s called science
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lifeofahumanbean · 3 years
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Wind deers :] weird mimic-esque animals that look like wind turbines. they settle down in one spot and open their face panels during the day to absorb solar energy & they often camp out for weeks by windmill farms before moving on. People sort of just leave them alone when they show up
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lifeofahumanbean · 3 years
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
You grow up and you realise A Bug’s Life was the revolutionary Leftist masterpiece of our childhoods
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
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Moonlight, 2016 Directed by Barry Jenkins
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
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Chaotic Dumbass
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
mermaids with starfish covering their boobs is a great concept until you like.. remember what starfish are i mean ma’am theres an animal on your titties 
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lifeofahumanbean · 5 years
I like hearing “I want you to come” instead of “you can come if you want”
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