lifes-a-simple-plan · 2 years
My Top 10 Teen Wolf Moments
The time has come. The day, which I’d hoped would be years from now, has fallen upon us. Teen Wolf is over. *Cue intense sobbing*
I decided that as a way to hold onto this show that was such an important part of my life, I would make a post about my favorite moments from Teen Wolf before I start re-watching it for the billionth time!
#10 Allison Accepting Scott as a Werewolf (Season 1 Finale)
We know Scott’s first love extremely well. She was a character adored by many who was so much more than just his love interest. But their love was so wonderful and so powerful to watch, I don’t think anyone was immune to shipping Scallison. The moment for me that solidified their relationship was when Allison embraces Scott while he’s 100% turned. It told me that she was capable of seeing the boy she loved through the terror of finding out he’s a monster.
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#9 Scott VS Liam (Season 5A Finale)
Scott and Liam have had a very interesting storyline together where Scott basically ends up a Papa Werewolf to this five foot tall ball of rage and every moment is so priceless to me. I think one of my favorite things to watch in the show was how they grew to look out for each other and had an amazingly deep bond. So of course I chose the scene they fought each other (technically to the death) as a top 10 moment. It had me on the edge of my seat and yelling at the TV, terrified for Scott.
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#8 Stiles joins the FBI (Season 6B Premiere)
This was the only moment from season 6 that had me sobbing. Seeing him in his fancy shirt with his tie and his familiar goofy smile, happy for a reason that was unrelated to the supernatural and going out to pursue his dreams melted me into a puddle. The same thing probably would have happened if they’d had a scene where Scott entered a college and there was a sign that said “This way to become a Veterinarian!”
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#7 Allison’s Death (Season 3B Finale)
This one hit me pretty hard as well. Allison had become such a strong character and one of the few human members of Scott’s pack. She was smart, resourceful, confident, and, above all, always ready to help those who could not help themselves. Her death shook me, and seeing Scott’s emotional response that her death triggered was painful. But her final moments were spent helping to save the day and being in the arms of Scott, and I feel like she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
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#6 Night School (Season 1 Episode 7)
Night School is my second favorite episode of the series. The first time I watched it I was terrified and seeing Scott lose control and turning after Peter roars was just insanely cool to watch.
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#5 Melissa Saves Scott (Season 5A Finale)
Melissa, AKA Momma McCall, is my favorite of the adults! She’s sassy, gives great advice, and wants nothing but the best for her little baby werewolf Scott. Which doesn’t include dying. The moment she runs into the library and begins CPR, I felt so much better. I couldn’t think of how, but I knew he’d be okay if Melissa was there. Everyone needs their mommy some time.
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#4 Stiles’ and Lydia’s First Kiss (Season 3A Episode 11)
I feel like Stydia is one of the most important romantic relationships of the show. Both Lydia and Stiles developed as characters and came so far from where they were. We know Stiles has had a thing for Lydia since day one, but I feel like this kiss, where she was just stopping a panic attack (yeah right),was the very first time she let just a small part of herself feel the love that was growing for him. And, while I didn’t have hardly any Stydia moments from season 6B, I think the most important one was when she looks at Stiles and recalls this kiss, telling Malia to kiss Scott to help him focus. It was a great callback to a great moment.
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#3 Scott VS Peter (Season 4 Finale)
This has to be one of the best fight scenes in the series. Scott and Peter have not had a very good relationship (to say the least), but every time these two come to a head, I cheer. Peter was a pretty good bad guy (he’s no Demon Wolf), and I love how snarky he was to everyone around him. But in the end, he was always only willing to help if it served his purposes, and usually only if he could do it discreetly. When Scott was finally able to shut him down and beat him up, I had a field day.
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#2 Scott Becomes a True Alpha (Season 3A Finale)
This moment was just so incredible! To know that our little baby Scott, of high moral and virtue, could become an Alpha without killing his way to the top might be when I felt the most joy watching the show. He did what NO supernatural creature is supposed to be able to do and broke through mountain ash through his sheer force of will. His strength comes from his ability to see right from wrong and never blur the lines. Scott knows that he has power and that whether he likes it or not, he feels responsible for saving Beacon Hills repeatedly. Scott’s development as a character is more like a slow burn. It’s harder to see how different he is from season one because he’s always been ready to take the moral high ground and be the better person, and for that he deserves to be the Alpha.
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#1 Stiles Saves Scott (Season 3A Episode 6)
Of course this is my number one moment. If it isn’t your favorite moment, then I think you were watching a different show. Stiles and Scott are the backbone of this entire series. Everything they do, they do together (bite me season 6). So Motel California, my favorite episode of Teen Wolf of all time, having the bromance moment to end all bromance moments, easily took the top spot. When Scott is out of his mind, having been poisoned by wolfsbane again, he douses himself in gasoline and is holding a lit flare, ready to end it all. But who isn’t going to let that happen? Stiles. Because they are brothers, through EVERYTHING. Stiles’ speech had me crying for ages, and when he stepped into the puddle of gasoline to be with Scott, I lost it. The bromance is what I came for, and you bet your ass it’s what I’ll come back for time and time again.
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Well, that’s it. Those are just some of my favorite scenes from this show that has been everything I needed from television. I’m going to miss having new episodes to binge in my wolf onsie, but Teen Wolf doesn’t really feel gone. And I’ll always have my DVDs. Thank you to the cast and the crew for giving me such a gift. I might not have gotten to see them graduate, or find out who the hell Greenburg was, or have every little thing I wanted to happen happen, but I did get a show I can love for the rest of my life.
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 3 years
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High School Yearbook Awards ∟ futilefangirl asked: charmed + 2 [cutest couple]
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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bc the world needed this
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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Spike’s expression when…
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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Buffy and Spike throughout the seasons
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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Twitter deleted her thread. Reblog to save it. #Love it!
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
Jess hater: Jess slacked off at school
Jess: actually didn’t feel school challenged him enough and it was boring to him, he also lacked self worth and didn’t believe he should even try to pass anyway because he didn’t think he would amount to anything anyway.
Jess hater: Jess manipulated Rory into leaving Dean.
Jess: loved Rory, didn’t kiss her first, didn’t tell her to break up with Dean, and Dean was the one who broke up with Rory.
Jess hater: he forced himself on Rory
Jess: stopped when she wanted to stop
Jess hater: Jess didn’t respect his elders
Jess: had no experience with adults who treated him like he deserved respect, and had no examples of how or reasons why he should respect adults automatically.
Jess hater: He was rude to Lorelai
Jess: Knew from the start that Lorelai wasn’t giving him a fair chance, so he didn’t try to win someone over who had already given up on him.
Jess hater: Jess didn’t treat Luke properly
Jess: learnt how to be a man after Luke had shown him, and he did see the error in his ways and respected Luke more than ever because Luke didn’t give up on him even when he hadn’t been the easiest to be around.
Jess hater: Jess was a bad boyfriend.
Jess: Had his own issues with trusting people and letting them in. He was terrible with communication, but he tried. He tried to make Rory happy and be there for her, he just didn’t know how to.
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
Anyone who tells me this song doesn't suit Son O-Gong from A Korean Odyssey is a LIAR
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 4 years
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I don’t know about you guys, but I, as a huge fan of Yoo, miss him in a drama. 
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
“We still don’t have a single wedding photo. But we live every day, loving and being loved, living a magical life. Maybe being in love is a lot like swapping souls. May your soul have flowers that bloom, a cool breeze, a shining sun, and… once in a while, a magical rain that falls.”
Gil Ra Im, Secret Garden
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
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Episode 14   × Episode 12
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
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I’d forgotten for a while This life, this moment You only get one chance
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
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Today I lost what would have been my one and only love
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
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He gave Ji Ho a kiss over the phone and the reactions are hilarious 
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