i hope you love my new music video "the villain".
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My Favorite Stills from "The Villain" music video
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We are all "The Villain" in somebody else's story...
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Favorite musician of all time/role model?
that’s a tough one!
I guess I would say overall, Stevie Nicks :)
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surprise 🦋 my 3rd single “Let it Be” is out on this gorgeous spring morning 🌸 this song came from a very deep and private part of myself 🔐 when you set yourself free, you set everyone free 🕊 sometimes we think we know the end before the beginning 🤍 so, fuck around and find out 🤑
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I know it has been a minute but i wanted to share my new b-side music video for my first official single! please let me know how you like it loves
hi everyone ! My first OFFICIAL single "Living for the Weekend" is out now on all platforms! This is the visualizer I edited and we filmed on Super8 in the Spring. Enjoy! And please please tell me what you think xoxo
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Astro-Observations *CAPRICORN* by @queenlianna
1) Capricorn suns are the real workhorses. They don’t really know what it means to chill (obv bc it’s opposite Cancer).
2). Capricorn moons must always have at least 1 project if not several. Like a remodel, or side hustle, and they love to give advice (not as good at taking it thought). They expect you to listen to them and when/if you don’t they do get PO’d.
3). Capricorn risings have nice cheekbones. The women also can be petite and proportionate. There can be a seriousness too at first despite outgoing placements elsewhere in the chart.
4). Capricorn mercuries have an authoritative tone. It always feels like they’re scolding you or disappointed in you… They like to be the boss.
5). Capricorn mars have a wild side in the bedroom. The women i know with this placement say the craziest sexual shit i’ve ever heard and thrive off of that attention. This also makes you one persistent mother fucker when it comes to getting what you want in every area of life.
6). Capricorn venus can have a formal energy even in their closest relationships. The things they say about virgo venus i find to be very true here; can have intimacy issues, trouble letting walls down, and it can feel really vulnerable for them to allow their true messiness (aka humanity) to show to their partner and loved ones.
7). Capricorn north nodes have a destiny here on earth to become the BIG BOSS! There is hardship earlier in life but after their saturn return it’s like the heavens open up for them and all their hard work begins to pay off, and doors swing wide open. Patience. Persistence.
8). Capricorn 7th house want a traditional partner in many cases. The ladies with this placement want a man who is a provider while she can be a homemaker. Karma and lessons through relationships.
9.) Capricorn and Cancers are drawn to each other. It’s literally the most perfectly balanced sister signs in the entire zodiac. I see it like a match made in heaven, any opposition this placement is in, it is electrifying and comforting.
10). Capricorn in the 8th house may lose their virginity after their peers. Saturn ruled is restrictive to the sexual expression. 
***happy first day of AqUaRiUs SZN bitchezzzzzz sry for the day late cap post, love ya!!!*****
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Astro-Observations *SAGITTARIUS* by @queenlianna
1). Sagittarius suns bring such an uplifting energy to everyone. It really feels like the sun is shining on you in their presence. Fire signs and especially Sagittarius burn warm and bright.
2). Sagittarius moons are alwaysssssss down for a wild and crazy adventure. The ultimate partner in crime, side kick, right hand man, ride or die, but can have a flighty two faced side.
3). Sagittarius mars crack me up. Hilarious, wild and witty. So similar to their sister sign Gemini.
4). Sagittarius mercury laugh so loud!! The best audience and even cleverer story teller. They are blunt and harsh as hell. The thought pops out of their mouth faster than it appears in their head.
5). Sagittarius venus dreams of traveling with her lover. They must feel better than a vacation to tie them down. A big need for space, but also get jealous if their partner thinks anyone else is more fun.
6). Sagittarius rising/ascendants can be SO big, bold and tall. Especially the men. Big hands and feet. Mystical and charismatic with a power commanding presence. The women often remind me of Gemini risings.
7). Sagittarius in the 7th house love to learn, travel and explore love and life with their friends and partners. Good luck comes from relationships especially with Libra in the 5th. Creativity and good fortune comes from collaboration.
8). Sagittarius risings can have big booties! For example, Kim Kardashian.
9). Sagittarius and Gemini are more alike than they are different compared to all the other sister signs. Drawn to one another powerfully as well.
10). Sagittarius in the 12th house aka Capricorn risings really believe they know it all. Very cunning. 10 steps ahead of you vibes.
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hey angels! please follow my new astrology account
~ today you are reborn!!! this is the first day of your new life
~shed your skin, release, let it die, put it to rest, cut them off, quit your bad habits
~ FEEEEEL it all !!! feel yourself too
~ embody who the version of yourself that you are becoming. live it. breathe it. the time is now.
~ harness your power.
~ manifest the life of your dreams. it is not enough to simply think it. you must take actions to be the highest version of yourself. change doesn’t happen with out activation!
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Astro-Observations *SCORPIO* by @queenlianna
1). Don’t be fooled by the “mysterious” trope, Scorpio placements need and want as much attention as Leos, they just have a subversive way of going about it. 
2). Scorpio suns are all relationship oriented, but also they ALWAYS prioritize themselves above all else. They have no problem cutting people off without explanation. SNIP SNIP MOTHERFUCKER
3). Scorpio venus is the second most difficult venus placement to have in a birth chart ( the first being virgo). The difference here is that virgo has inner turmoil, scorpio turns this outward, and inflict plain upon others, while virgo hurts themselves.
4). Scorpio moons can be hard to know. They have deeeeeeeeeeply rooted trust issues that begin in the womb. They came out not trusting their mothers. Mommy lied. Period. Mom was not a safe haven, and you wanted her so badly to make you feel safe and accepted but she always pulls the rug out from under you. Ultra sensitive and ultra secretive about feelings. They want to appear tough, but this is the most sensitive moon sign. Cut throat towards others, extremely harsh, and can be super mean. They can dish it but CANNOT take it.
5). Scorpio mercuries, y’all are amazing interrogators. Secret keepers. ALWAYS read between the lines.
6). Scorpio risings will ask you a million and one questions, and reveal little to nothing about themselves. They know exactly how to get information. They keep you talking. They are “so interested” in YOU! Beware: this is how they get dirt on you. Genius in this arena.
7). Scorpio mars: they speak about this placement being ultra sexual, but what i have found is either these people have been sexually abused at some point or they are abusers themselves. The women have often been assaulted or violated, and the men with this placement can be super aggressive…Just an observation. Lots of sexual projection.
8). Scorpio placements take the cake for GHOSTING (spooky szn vibes). They say air signs do this, but I beg to differ. Scorpio will just out of the blue disappear from your life. No explanation. This is how they feel powerful. Their energy and presence in your life and their control over it is their power. It creates the “mystery” and “allure” that is so commonly talked about in regards to this zodiac sign. Like they will purposely show up late and make you wait for them because they think they fucking can. And you let them! Stop it.
9). Scorpio women need a lot of sexual validation. This is underdeveloped ofc. They are quick to get to the fucking, and then are surprised when it doesn’t work out or this person doesn’t immediately fall in love with them and become obsessed. They like to boast about their sexual prowess. This isn’t sexy FYI ladies.
10). Scorpio north nodes can learn a lot from scorpio placements, but they aren’t meant to be in their life forever. These are impactful, deep, and transformative lessons. When the lesson is learned, the person disappears.
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Hi babies !! i wanna play a little game ;) it’s called “guess my chart”
DM me what you think xoxo
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Astro-Observations *VIRGO* by @queenlianna
1) virgo suns have an otherworldly sprite-like energy, and i notice they have distinctive noses (risings too)
2) virgo venus love to help you. the more they can can help you grow, the deeper the connection. growing together, glowing up together.
3) virgo mercury’s can have extreme anxiety, ocd thoughts, especially with a libra sun. super insecure spirals and repetitive negative thought loops.
4) virgo mars can be sooo grouchy! i swear, they will pop off and say really mean things. they also need a lot of attention.
5) virgo moons battle many inner demons throughout their lives, but especially in youth. it is so common to see eating disorders, exercise addiction, extreme perfectionism, and negative self talk.
6) virgo risings are quiet introverted and very observant. the inward expression of mercurial energy. they care about their health a lot, and have anxiety surrounding it if they are someone who avoids healing themselves.
7) virgo venus is very similar to scorpio venus, especially if you have mars and/or pluto aspects. there is an intensity that lies below the surface. very calculated. 10 steps ahead of you always.
8) virgo in the 8th house has very high expectations once married. they will nitpick their spouse over every little thing.
9) virgo suns can give me cult leader vibes, especially when mixed with charming placements like gemini and libra
10) virgo chiron are the  ULTIMATE healers. they have to face themselves and their wounds from day 1. they can activate the healer within ANYONE. do not squander this god given gift. you are here to help heal humanity through healing yourself first.
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follow me hunny plzzzzzz!
Astro-Observations *LEO* by @queenlianna
1). Leo placements are the MOST insecure and prideful people. it is confusing because there is a large part of them that truly has this shining light and confidence, but they always need external validation to feel it.
2). Leo risings are fucking fabulous with beautiful hair, most leo placements actually have nice hair but especially the risings.
3). Leo mars women are… difficult. They want their way and you would do well to want things to go their way as well or you will hear them roar and no one wants to deal with that.
4). Leo mercuries tell little lies. they just exaggerate, or stretch the truth. They want you to like them, and think highly of them and will say whatever they think they need to say to get you to give them what they want.
5). Leo moons are starssssss honey. a beautiful place for the moon. full of love and confidence, radiant, shining, warm energy.
6). Leo venus are fucking DRAMA QUEENS/KINGS!!! They love hard, and fight harder. They need all of your attention. All of it. they care a lot about what others think of them too. appearances matter to them. the men love a sexy beautiful woman, even though they may not be flashy themselves.
7). Leo suns are so fun and so annoying. so fabulous and so obnoxious. you love them you hate them, you’re jealous of them and want to be them. yeah i said it.
8). Leo venus + mars in a chart is a fucking nightmare, especially in a woman. SO demanding!! it is and will always be their world and you are just living in it. You better compliment them, tend to their every need, kiss their ass, and don’t you dare put anyone including yourself first. you have been warned. And ladies, if you have these placements; please seek help. self awareness is the first step.
9). Leo in the 8th house need a ton of sexual validation. especially the men. very cunning. very ego-centric. beware.
10). Leo in the 12th house (virgo rising) have a superiority/god complex. at their core they are deeply insecure, and how they justify everything in their head is that they are simply better than you. they don’t want you to know this. this is subconscious. it’s that inner dialogue. Vulnerability is extremely uncomfortable for them and they have roundabout aka manipulative ways of getting what they want from you. they would do well to work on their self worth and developing a real sense of confidence and security within themselves.
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Astro-Observations *CANCER* by @queenlianna
1). yes it is true, family is everything to cancer suns. whether they have a good relationship or a difficult one. it is still at the center of their feelings, roots, and identity.
2). cancer rising have a roundness to their appearance. not saying weight wise, just rounder eyes, or face/cheeks, booty, etc. they are luminous like the moon!
3). cancer mercury has the BEST memory. they remember every detail, but usually must have an emotional connection.
4). cancer moon men love the energy of the feminine. these men usually love to have female energy surrounding them, meaning lots of female friends, and a need for a relationship whether it is a situationship or full blown love affair. they don’t do well single.
5). cancer mars have a roundabout way of going after what they want. crabs walk sideways after all!
6). cancer venus love tenderness, but have a tough shell initially. they take time to warm up to you.
7). cancer in the 8th house and chiron in cancer have mommy isuesssssss
8). cancer suns can love any sign in the zodiac, but for long term compatibility it is best the be with a fellow cancer, scorpio or pisces.
9). cancer sun with gemini moon have a very split / all over the place energy. these people have a million thoughts and a million feelings in a million places at all times. would do well to avoid alcohol and drugs other than 420, and meditation could help calm their frenetic energy.
10). cancer in the 2nd house NEED to feel safe at home and NEED to have money in the bank. security allows them to feel free.
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please follow my new instagram, trying to get active on both platforms. ILY!!
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VENUS THROUGH THE HOUSES :::luv + relationships:::   by @queenlianna
venus in the 1st house: you love the chase, and you love the game of love. you like knowing someone likes you. “um hello, why aren’t you paying attention to me?”. the way you present yourself is really important. keeping up appearances. looking for a lover who lets you lead. (but you also like to lead…)
venus in the 2nd house: searching for sugar daddy/mommy. these folks expect to be taken care of. they are into more traditional roles in a relationship. stay at home wife vibes. woo them with lavish presents and a sense of security. simple folks. love doesn’t have to go so deep, you’re looking for security and attention, let’s be real.
venus in the 3rd house: the BIGGEST flirts! love cheeky sexy texts. ask and you shall receive! love to sing and express through music, writing and poetry. if you’re friends with one or dating one they love to hear from you throughout the day/week. they want to discover their lovers. they must be fascinated by you, endlessly! be curious about them too, and know you will never be bored!
venus in the 4th house: searching for a prince/princess they can melt into the couch with. ready to introduce you to mommy on the 2nd date. dates in the coziness of their home. netflix & chillllllll !! moody, but loving.
venus in the 5th house: in love with LOVE! the feeling, the rush, the excitement of it all. players gonna play! searching for “the one”. and until they find him/her they’re gonna be on the hunt for attention and validation. DUH
venus in the 6th house: you might find romance with your coworkers, or meet a sexy stranger at work. it’s not hard to find someone to be playful with, this is your daily energy. you want someone who can help you along the way, someone to love you and someone to love. simple.
venus in the 7th house: you feel incomplete without a partner. even when you want to be single, you really don’t. always dating. always looking for “mr/miss right”. always disappointed as well. enmeshment is a problem here, as well as neediness sometimes. you would do well to develop a strong sense of self before trying to find yourself in another xo
venus in the 8th house: but who are you really? you want to know everything about your partners/friends but reveal little. intimacy is uncomfortable. it’s hard for you to let loose and really be yourself. lots of alone time is needed for you to process. JEALOUS AF! and suspicious. what are you hiding?
venus in the 9th house: you want a travel buddy! someone you can explore with. you may be attracted to people with drastically different backgrounds from you because to you life is for learning! exotic foods, new experiences, sexy accents. this is all a turn on!
venus in the 10th house: you want someone with status, or a good trophy wife/husband. you gotta be GOOD FOR BUSINESS BABY! your creativity and beauty could easily propel you forward in your career. use it, if you got it, flaunt it.
venus in the 11th house: you want a BFF. you like to flirt and fuck friends. It’s easy for you to have lots of fwb. the way you express love is not very romantic, but very friendly. romance can be kind of uncomfortable for you, you think it’s corny. you like real people. you can get ahead in your career through connections with friends.
venus in the 12th house: the martyr in love. you will sacrifice and sacrifice until you can sacrifice no more! until they get up and leave you. know that you have the power. know that you are special and loving and worthy of someone who sees all that you do and bring to the world. you see people. let them see you.
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Astro-Observations #8 @queenlianna
1).  Even if they have a ton of friends, Aquarius suns tend to feel like they are loners.
2). Taurus moons have a very grounding and calming energy, especially the men. My favorite planets for taurus to be in is the moon, mars or venus, but a chart too heavy in taurean energy = TOTAL NARC
3). fixed venus signs are in it for the long haul. if they really like you, they will really like you for a really long time. however once they are over you, BYE BITCH.
4). pisces and virgo are drawn to each other. They are so alike but so different. both so giving, compassionate, helpful, and interested in knowing the real you. But pisces can get lost in the dream, while virgo has trouble dreaming the dream. (moon sign connection is best here or mars)
5). Sun + pluto aspects have endless deaths and rebirths. they can weather the storm of life. they can begin again. This gives them an inner strength that cannot be taken away.
6). mercury in the 5th house loves to talk to their crush, like way more than any other placement. they love games in love. they love the chase. they love to figure you out. they love a smart and witty guy/gal. your mind has to be sexy ;)
7). pisces moons NEED to be around good influences. They are very influenced by their environment and the people that surround them. They need grounding. And they need people who won’t take advantage of their kindness, which is why 2 pisces moons together are a big FUCK NO!
8). Libras are the biggest hypochondriacs. next in line, Aquarius!
9). moon + pluto aspects have overwhelming emotions. Their mother was overwhelming in their childhood too. they need people to hold space for their big feelings, and someone who cares deeply for them. they love hard, but sometimes can push people away.
10). North Node in scorpio has to let go of comfort, and be fearless! trust that this life can hold you. Part of evolving from our south node and coming into our north node is facing fears. Being brave enough to tell your truth. scorpio likes to keep secrets, so finding people you can trust is important. but trusting yourself and your intuition is of the utmost importance. You are powerful as fuck!
ps my asks are OPEN!
ask away xoxo
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