lightsorigin · 2 years
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TRANSCEND GAME!  A Discord-based Yu-Gi-Oh! roleplay with the simple plot premise of uniting Duelists across time and space via the Duel Links virtual reality system. Message for an invite. Read the rules below.
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lightsorigin · 2 years
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TRANSCEND GAME!  A Discord-based Yu-Gi-Oh! roleplay with the simple plot premise of uniting Duelists across time and space via the Duel Links virtual reality system. Message for an invite. Read the rules below.
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lightsorigin · 2 years
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Downfall is a multi-fandom 18+ roleplay that takes place in its own afterlife universe. Characters from different worlds and settings have been brought to this limbo-like place after meeting their end in their own world. These characters may be brought in from any point of their life, meaning that their timeline may differ from that of a companion’s.
The centre of our setting is Solace, a small, idyllic city surrounded by lush greenery that looks like a paradise, with one catch: if you’re here, you’re already dead. The realm in which Solace exists is the afterlife, where souls who have departed their own worlds may come to be. Whether or not they find peace is yet to be seen — Solace is bordered by tall, hazardous mountains, with no telling what could lie beyond.
☆★☆ ⤞ 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞. || 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘.
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lightsorigin · 2 years
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Downfall is a multi-fandom 18+ roleplay that takes place in its own afterlife universe. Characters from different worlds and settings have been brought to this limbo-like place after meeting their end in their own world. These characters may be brought in from any point of their life, meaning that their timeline may differ from that of a companion’s.
The centre of our setting is Solace, a small, idyllic city surrounded by lush greenery that looks like a paradise, with one catch: if you’re here, you’re already dead. The realm in which Solace exists is the afterlife, where souls who have departed their own worlds may come to be. Whether or not they find peace is yet to be seen — Solace is bordered by tall, hazardous mountains, with no telling what could lie beyond.
☆★☆ ⤞ 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞. || 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘.
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lightsorigin · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts/Panfandom Roleplay Discord (18+)
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Rules Join Premise
Welcome to World's Awakening, a multifandom roleplay server (18+) based on Kingdom Hearts! From Disney and Square Enix to anime and manga, characters from all walks of life are welcome here. The possibilities are endless!
We firmly believe that everyone is welcome. Character and ship hate is not tolerated, as we strive to make a comfortable and safe community for everyone to call home. There will always be a place for you here. Hop in and take a peak at what we have to offer! Our top priority is providing our members with an experience they will never forget!
Thank you for visiting us, and as always...
👑 May your heart be your guiding key. 👑
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lightsorigin · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts/Panfandom Roleplay Discord (18+)
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Rules Join Premise
Welcome to World's Awakening, a multifandom roleplay server (18+) based on Kingdom Hearts! From Disney and Square Enix to anime and manga, characters from all walks of life are welcome here. The possibilities are endless!
We firmly believe that everyone is welcome. Character and ship hate is not tolerated, as we strive to make a comfortable and safe community for everyone to call home. There will always be a place for you here. Hop in and take a peak at what we have to offer! Our top priority is providing our members with an experience they will never forget!
Thank you for visiting us, and as always...
👑 May your heart be your guiding key. 👑
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lightsorigin · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts/Panfandom Roleplay Discord (18+)
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Rules Join Premise
Welcome to World's Awakening, a multifandom roleplay server (18+) based on Kingdom Hearts! From Disney and Square Enix to anime and manga, characters from all walks of life are welcome here. The possibilities are endless!
We firmly believe that everyone is welcome. Character and ship hate is not tolerated, as we strive to make a comfortable and safe community for everyone to call home. There will always be a place for you here. Hop in and take a peak at what we have to offer! Our top priority is providing our members with an experience they will never forget!
Thank you for visiting us, and as always...
👑 May your heart be your guiding key. 👑
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lightsorigin · 2 years
general psa that i will NEVER be upset with you for taking forever/never answering something i send you 
we all have lives outside of this and muses are fickle like, i get it and i never want anyone to be afraid that i’d hold it against them like if i send you a meme and you’re not feeling it? you don’t need to answer it
if we plot something and i make a starter and you’re not feeling it anymore? that’s okay too. even if halfway through a thread it feels like it’s going nowhere so you wanna drop it? that’s 100% okay
honestly? you don’t even need to let me know you’re dropping something/not answering something like im not here to pressure you or bug you about replies and i don’t care if you’re actively writing with other people  or anything, like if you’re not interested in writing something with me i won’t take it personally
and even if you don’t want to drop something and take literal months to answer? that’s chill like me too okay
and all i ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me <3 
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lightsorigin · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts/Panfandom Roleplay Discord (18+)
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Rules Join Premise
Welcome to World's Awakening, a multifandom roleplay server (18+) based on Kingdom Hearts! From Disney and Square Enix to anime and manga, characters from all walks of life are welcome here. The possibilities are endless!
We firmly believe that everyone is welcome. Character and ship hate is not tolerated, as we strive to make a comfortable and safe community for everyone to call home. There will always be a place for you here. Hop in and take a peak at what we have to offer! Our top priority is providing our members with an experience they will never forget!
Thank you for visiting us, and as always...
👑 May your heart be your guiding key. 👑
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lightsorigin · 2 years
And yet again, I was not enough.
A.M.// when will I ever be? (via tullipsink)
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lightsorigin · 2 years
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promo & pinned!     This is a heavily headcanon-based writing and roleplay blog for Lightning of YGO VRAINS, dragged kicking and screaming through the character development and redemption arc they should’ve gotten over the course of the series’ run. Writer is 20+ and goes by they/them. Please read all info before interacting! ♡     mobile-friendly doc~
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lightsorigin · 2 years
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lightsorigin · 2 years
the burdened:
“  being alive is exhausting.  ”
“  i ruin everything i touch.  ”
“  no one ever helped me when i needed it.  so,  i just.  try to do my best to keep others from feeling that kind of loneliness.  ”
“  i feel like the pain is all i am anymore. ”
“  i wish i remembered anything other than loneliness.  ”
“  i’m not a particularly good person.  but sometimes i wish someone would think i am.  ”
“  i’m just always the one who gets left behind.  ”
“  i never seem to belong anywhere.  or to anyone.  ”  
“  i’m alone.  and it’s my own fault.  but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.  ”
“  i don’t know how to just live.  i constantly feel like i’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.  ”
“  i always expect people to hurt me.  because they usually do. ”
“  i don’t know how to let go of my trauma.  i don’t know what i am without it.   ”
“  it’s better if i’m alone.  i can’t hurt anyone if there’s no one close enough to get hit by the debris of my fuck ups.  ”
“  there are just too many people depending on me.  i can’t rest.  i can’t let them down.  ”
“  i don’t have anything or anyone left anymore.  ”
“  i’m not strong.  or brave.  i survive ‘cause there’s not really any other choice. ”
“  i tried to give up before.  but the universe just didn’t let me.  ”
“  i just want to be done.  i’m tired.  i’m so,  so fucking tired.  ”
“  i know it’s selfish.  but i wish someone would just take care of me.  ”
“  every time i start to feel like things are getting quieter and i can feel safe,  something bad always happens.  ”
“  i tend to love people more than they love me.  and it’s okay.  i don’t mind but…it can be lonely.  ”
“  i just don’t feel like my life makes any difference to anyone.  i’m just here.  ”
the comforter: 
“  hey,  look at me.  i’m listening.  you can tell me anything. ”
“   how can i help you feel less alone?  ”
“  i’m here and i’m not leaving or letting you change the subject.  now talk to me. ”
“  i know you feel like you’re alone and i’m not going to invalidate that.  but i can tell you that i’m here.  and i know there are people who want to care and help if you’ll let them.  ”
“  whatever it is you’re struggling with,  i want to help and it’s not going to make me look at you any different.  ”
“   i like having you around.  and not because of what you can do for me or give to me—  i like you.  i value you as a person.  ”
“   i just need you to know that you’ve never been ‘nobody’ to me.  you’ve never been nothing.  ”
“   you’re important to me.   you hear me?  you’re important.  and that’s never gonna change.   ”
“  i’m not going anywhere until you get some sleep.  ”
“  i want to take care of you.  please,  let me.  ”
“  no one is meant to be all alone.  that’s not how humans are built.  you don’t need to do all this on your own.   ”
“  you don’t deserve the bad things that happen to you.  you never did.  ”
“  i can’t promise you aren’t going to have any more hardship.  but i can promise i’m gonna be right here to get your through it. ”
“  you make a difference in my life.  i’m not just saying that.  it wouldn’t be the same without you here and i don’t want to find out what it’d be like to not have you around. ”
“  next time it gets this bad,  you call me okay?  now you just sit there and i’m gonna make you some tea and soup and we’re gonna talk this out. ”
“   is it getting bad again?  ”
“   you are so much stronger and braver than you think.  ”
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lightsorigin · 2 years
just more misc memes
“  it’s not something i usually talk about,  because it’s not something most people can understand.  ” 
“  i don’t need to be understood.  i just want to be accepted.  ”
“  the harder you fight against the paths life puts you on,  the steeper the climb becomes,  the worse the falls.  ”
“  i’ve always been honest about what sort of person i am.  there’s few indignities worse than lying to oneself.  ”
“  the sooner you accept what you are,  the sooner you can embrace the strengths that come with it.  ”
“  i find there are two sorts of people.  those who talk too much and think too little.  and those with too many thoughts and not enough words.  ”  
“  it’s not so much that letting someone know who i really am scares me.  it just seems tedious to spend all that time pulling back the layers and asking to be understood,  when there’s that chance they’ll leave anyway.  ”
“  i don’t like how you looked at me then.  i don’t ever want to see that in your eyes again when i’m reflected in them.  ”
“  there’s a lot of people in this world just existing.  going from one thing to the next in an endless cycle until they die.  ”  
“  it’s not shallow confidence when i tell you i’m not the sort of person you want to go making an enemy out of.  trust my experience.  careful how you tread. ”  
“  i can’t walk this path with you.  but i can be there when you reach the end of it.  ”
“  you want to tell me something—  i can see it.  so you might as well speak.  ”  
“  the unfortunate truth is,  i think i’d forgive any flaw in a person if they loved me enough.  ” 
“  is there really nothing i could do that would scare you away from me?  ”
“  why did you think i wouldn’t notice you?  ”
“  why didn’t you come to me for help?  why wouldn’t i have helped?  ” 
“  do you think my love for you is so little that you hurting me would make a difference in showing up when you need me?  ”
“  what was that— you got this look in your eyes just now and then pushed it back down.  tell me what you were thinking.  ”
“  i don’t need anything from you.  i’m here because i want to be.  ”
“  i won’t reject your help.  but you must know none of this will be easy.  ”
“  i’m already involved.  so tell me the truth.  and let us figure it out together.  ”
“  don’t you try and treat me like i’m just anyone else in a crowded room.  i know you.  ”  
“  you swallow your words and bury your thoughts so often.  i would love to see the day it all comes barreling out.  ”
“  i think there’s more inside you than everyone else would believe.  and i think that’s how you want it.  you like to be underestimated.  ”
“  i find comfort in being misunderstood.  ”
“  one day,  you’re going to snap.  and i would pay millions to be there to see it.  ”
“  what i wouldn’t give to know all the secrets hiding behind those eyes.  ”
“  love is a knife.  we either cut ourselves in the process of falling,  or slice the arteries of the one we adore.  ” 
“  nothing is worth your self destruction.  ”
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lightsorigin · 2 years
Noticing Trauma sentence starters
Feel free to alter dialogue to suit your muse!
“That really surprised you.” 
“I don’t want to pry, but.. I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.” 
“Well, pretend I’m not here. What would you say if nobody could hear it?” 
“Does this happen a lot?” 
“Hey, what happened between you two?” 
“When is the last time you ate?”
“Is this okay?” 
“This is the third meal you’ve missed this week, are you okay?” 
“What did he/she/they do?” 
“This … hurts you.” 
“You don’t feel safe, here.” 
“When you look at [trigger], you… what is that?” 
“What can I do?” 
“You were crying in your sleep.” 
“What do you dream about?” 
“Whenever you get stressed, you do this thing with your hands. What is it?” 
“You’re right, I don’t understand, yet. Will you help me?” 
“Should I leave a light on for you?” 
“I brought you some water.” 
“I won’t judge you.” 
“It doesn’t have anything to do with trust. You don’t have to tell me. But I’ll listen, if you do.” 
“Count your breaths with me, okay? Ready? One, two, three, four…” 
“I’m here.” 
“Talk to me.” 
“You don’t need to tell me everything. I just want to know how I can help.” 
“Let me hold your hair back, at least.” 
“You used to love that [item].” 
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lightsorigin · 2 years
it’s all “accidental hand touch” this and “brief longing gaze” that, where’s my support at for “reaching up and fixing someone’s collar for them” crew??
the intimacy disguised as helpfulness! the lingering contact! the optional subdued “you look nice” as they stand too close!!
expand your pining vocabulary people
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lightsorigin · 2 years
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The unexpected offer would only warrant an unexpected response from the natural-born troublemaker. Smirk dissipating, the only thing prominent in his expression would now be his raised brows. 
Looking from side to side, Jeremy would realise that he had fallen out of character. Habitually, he’d fiddle at the piercings of his ear- his attempt at easing back in.
“Hehh~? Are you asking me out?”
At the very least, his teasing sickly sweet tone had remained in tact.
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“Nope. Not even your dreams. Sorry.” She even managed not to blush! Though, in hindsight, Jin wondered if maybe the remark was unnecessarily hurtful. (Of course, the original intended reply had been something along the lines of, I might not even spit on you if you were on fire, so she was probably all right.) “It’s just I was hoping you had a good reason for pestering me. My brother says I’m optimistic like that. Was there something you wanted, though? Or are you just being weird for the sake of being weird? And not, like, good weird. Sketchy weird. Which is toeing the line toward bad weird. Also known as get-out-the-mace weird. Just, you know, for the record.”
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