likesouvenirs-a · 4 months
icymi - doing some writing over thurrrr this weekend. i think.
moved -> @likesouvenirs.
hoping this helps with some of the brain fog & motivation to keep things organized & consistent!
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likesouvenirs-a · 4 months
moved -> @likesouvenirs.
hoping this helps with some of the brain fog & motivation to keep things organized & consistent!
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likesouvenirs-a · 4 months
leaning towards remaking my indie bc while i adore it, my brain is so MUSHY and static-y whenever i go through things but...i'll ponder on it and see this weekend. not sure if it'll be a sideblog or separate.
i think that if i do make a decision to refresh, i'll reply to things / start new threads over thurr and tag accordingly.
will likely keep url and all the same, theme moved over and all bc i luv it.
anyways just saying all this so i can feel less guilty about reblogging things lmao.
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likesouvenirs-a · 4 months
which uniquely human interaction are you?
those extra seconds sat in your friend's driveway so you can make sure the door closes behind them. you are those watchful eyes. you are saying "i can't keep you safe always but i will make damn sure nothing happens on my watch". you are the action of keeping a stranger's child in your peripheral to make sure they don't get into any trouble. you are holding out a hand to catch the person who stumbled. you are the village.
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likesouvenirs-a · 4 months
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a sarcastic laugh escaped nate’s mouth at maria’s comment. at his age, he should’ve been avoiding oreos like they were poisonous. however, he wasn’t going to argue, especially over the better part of an oreo. popping it into his mouth, nate’s tongue flipped the biscuit so that the creme melted rather easily. a groan - drawn out - left his lips as he chewed the remainders before washing it down with a sip of water.
“appetite?” the man retorted, leaning back into his chair, immediately feeling the heat of the rays hitting his white shirt. “appetite for what?” nate knew he shouldn’t have been - but even after being a kid himself with an appetite his mother couldn’t keep up with, then his own kids’ ( especially javier’s ), he was surprised anyway. 
“we just smashed a whole pack of oreos, i feel like i could barf. and that’s because of the amount of oreos—not because i’m...middle aged,” he breathed out the words as if it was offensive to admit.
"you're acting like i offered you a live snake, viejo," she teases, watching him unabashedly. sure, they've killed an entire packet of oreos and they'll both regret it later, but life is short. a fact she knows a little too intimately.
he does, too, she's aware.
maria brushes off the cookie with a wave of her hand, settling back into her chair, arms folded as if the matter is settled. the shade by umbrella keeps her mostly covered, but where the sun hits and warms, the mottled scarring on her shoulder peeks in a lazy sprawl from the strap of her dress. the markings across her face are never hidden, shade or not.
"eat it," she reiterates, equal parts encouraging and demanding. amusement lingers in her gaze all the same. "i'm not about to spoil my appetite."
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likesouvenirs-a · 4 months
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Pedro Pascal - The Last of Us S01E09
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
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a smirk tipped upwards involuntarily, as the agent allowed edward’s annoyance to roll off his shoulders. it hadn’t always been easy for nate to do so in his career, starting out bright-eyed and eager to right the wrongs of the world, specifically the corruption and greed that access to drugs caused. he learned rather quickly he’d piss people off and vice versa - there was nothing he could do about it, either.
this, though, wasn’t necessarily that. the tone lacked bite.
“sure,” nathaniel agreed, a quick nod. “but that could be said for those trafficking into mexico… colombia… the list goes on.” forever. peering over the photos scattered across the duke’s desk; he noticed people, white bricks, and a shipping route. “any leads of when?” if they had the who, and the how many, there weren’t many missing pieces left. “though, glad to see you’re expressing your concern of this miami invasion,” nate stood up to his feet, pointing towards the untouched glass of scotch. it’d been a long week.
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it's   a   bevy   of   factors   grating   his   nerves.   impatient   tapping   against   the   mahogany   grain   of   a   desk   sat   in   the   same   spot   for   over   two   centuries   marks   his   annoyance.   ❛ it's   a   fine   sport   for   you   yanks,   isn't   it?   showing   up   late. ❜   a   little   dig   changes   his   demeanour   and   humour   finds   a   subtle   arch   to   his   brow.
    the   duke   makes   no   work   of   pouring   two   glasses   of   scotch.   the   endearment   hits   his   ear   but   his   only   tell   is   the   faintest   lift   to   the   corner   of   his   lip.   ❛ your   lads.   ❜   the   insinuating   evidence   is   laid   out   in   front   of   nathaniel   and   edward   leans   back   in   his   chair.   ❛ seventy-five   kilograms   of   cocaine. ❜   he   sips.
    ❛ your   boys   out   of   miami   are   trying   to   expand   into   the   mediterranean   via   London.   is   that   emergency   enough,   guapo? ❜
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
@pericu1o requested: what took you so long?
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lowering his hips, nate settled into the plushy leather chair in edward’s office, a quick nod serving as his hello. the question the dealer wasted no time in asking — it made nate’s lips twitch. “why? not used to waiting on anyone?” 
tongue slid out, swiping at his bottom lip before he sat up straight, reaching for his pack of marlboros. despite carrying it on him at all times, the box was crisp, unused. it served more of a reminder ( or reminders ) than anything else. running the tip of a thumb across the corner of the long side, nathaniel finally looked up at edward across the desk and exhaled.
“i’m here now, aren’t i?” nate’s voice softened. “what’s the big emergency, guapo?”
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
↪  𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑺 .   (  a  collection  of  100+ question prompts .   adjust  phrasing  as  necessary . )
you’re leaving ?
can you shut up ?
are you  [ name ] ?
who am i to you ?
why should i care ?
can i come inside ?
did i do something ?
you don’t trust me ?
can we make a deal ?
are you lying to me ?
are you free tonight ?
are we going to die ?
can i come with you ?
can we call it even ?
you stay here , okay ?
you think i’m stupid ?
can you stitch me up ?
are you doing alright ?
is that … my shirt ?
who takes care of you ?
have you seen yourself ?
what took you so long ?
can’t you see i’m busy ?
who do you think i am ?
why are you helping me ?
are you happy with him ?
are we having a moment ?
are you listening to me ?
how are you so arrogant ?
how did you afford this ?
what are you doing here ?
is this all in my head ?
why won’t you look at me ?
are you here to kill me ?
do you want some company ?
are you from around here ?
do you need to lie down ?
are we on the same page ?
why didn’t you defend me ?
are you sure you’re ready ?
where is this coming from ?
where were you last night ?
you wanted to talk to me ?
will you PLEASE be quiet ?!
what was i supposed to do ?
why do you look so guilty ?
[ name ]  …  truth or dare ?
why did you bring me here ?
are you looking for someone ?
since when does that matter ?
why do you put up with me ?
THIS is your breaking point ?
what can i say to fix this ?
do you think i deserve this ?
hey ,  hey ,  are you with me ?
why are you leaving so soon ?
what do you get out of this ?
[ name ] ,  what have you done ?
do you have a minute to talk ?
did you ever actually love me ?
do you need somewhere to stay ?
why don’t you ever listen to me ?
do you hear yourself right now ?
you knew & you didn’t tell me ?
do you want something to drink ?
when did you know you loved me ?
when was the last time you ate ?
what’s your favorite scary movie ?
do you want to get out of here ?
why is this so important to you ?
can i at least buy you a drink ?
how can you think this is funny ?
are you sure you’re up for this ?
are you trying to start something ?
what are we supposed to do now ?
can we at least try to be civil ?
why won’t you just leave me alone ?
are you thinking what i’m thinking ?
why are you so concerned about me ?
why can’t you just stay out of it ?
you’re not bailing on me , are you ?
how long have you been lying to me ?
can you keep your eyes open for me ?
how long have things been like this ?
why is this suddenly such a problem ?
what ,  am i supposed to be impressed ?
do you ever wish you could run away ?
you’re going to believe them over me ?
why are you looking at me like that ?
why can’t you just tell me the truth ?
why can’t you ever take responsibility ?
what can i do to make it up to you ?
can we put this whole thing behind us ?
i’m coming to get you , where are you ?
can you stay ? just for a little while ?
why won’t you let me be here for you ?
when are you going to forgive yourself ?
is that what your nightmares are about ?
what kind of person does this make me ?
where are we supposed to go from here ?
are you TRYING to get yourself killed ?!
why can’t we just talk like we used to ?
why do these things always happen to me ?
how long has it been since you’ve slept ?
can’t we just enjoy the moment for once ?
why can’t you ever stand up for yourself ?
why haven’t you been answering your phone ?
what was i supposed to do ,  let you die ?
can you just listen and do as i say for once ?
what do you mean ,  you’re not coming back ?
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ?
you’d tell me if something was wrong ,  right ?
where do you go when you space out like that ?
you were going to leave without saying goodbye ?
you’ll stand by my side no matter what ,  right ?
what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into ?
i need you to sit up ,  can you do that for me ?
if you have nothing to hide ,  what’s the problem ?
you really don’t care about any of this ,  do you ?
can you just tell me everything’s going to be okay ?
you know we’re gonna have to talk about this eventually ,  right ?
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
🐝  *  ―  𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.   (  random assortment of sentences that can but don’t have to be used for muses meeting each other for the first time. feel free to adjust to better fit your muses.  )
❛  i know we only just met but i already feel like i’ve known you my whole life.  ❜ ❛  umm, is this seat taken ?  ❜ ❛  don’t be alarmed now but there’s someone following you. pretend you know me and come with me. i’ll get you somewhere safe.  ❜ ❛  my friends ditched me here and now i could really use a ride home.  ❜ ❛  i don’t think we’ve met yet but you looked like you needed someone to talk to.  ❜ ❛  can you please pretend to be my boyfriend / girlfriend for a moment so my ex will leave me alone ?   ❜ ❛  are you always this straightforward with strangers ?  ❜ ❛  here, i noticed you lost this earlier.  ❜ ❛  i’m sorry, i must’ve mistaken you for somebody else.  ❜ ❛  so, what brings you here today ?  ❜ ❛  hi, my name is [name]. it’s nice meeting you.  ❜ ❛  you’re cute. how about i buy you a drink ?  ❜ ❛  can’t you watch where you are going ?!  ❜ ❛  i just moved into the apartment next to you, so i guess we’re gonna be neighbors now.  ❜ ❛  oh god, you’re [name], aren’t you ?  ❜ ❛  here, let me help you.  ❜ ❛  is there a reasons you’re here on your own ?  ❜ ❛  apparently we’re going to be working on this together now.  ❜ ❛  you look like you could use a hand with that.  ❜ ❛  what do people around here do to have some fun ?  ❜ ❛  looks like this will take a while, huh ?  ❜ ❛  oh god. please tell me you haven’t just heard me talk to myself.  ❜ ❛  excuse me, i think i’m lost.  ❜ ❛  i just wanted to say that i really like your outfit.  ❜ ❛  do you come here often ?  ❜ ❛  do you mind if i join you for a bit ?  ❜ ❛  you looked lonely so i got you a drink.  ❜ ❛  i don’t think we’ve met, i’m [name].  ❜ ❛  what the hell just happened there ?  ❜ ❛  have you seen this anywhere ? i must’ve lost it.  ❜ ❛  can i please use your phone ? i have to call someone to get me out of here.  ❜ ❛  seems like we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together.  ❜ ❛  come with me, and don’t ask any questions. it’s urgent.  ❜ ❛  i heard strange noises coming from your apartment and just wanted to make sure everything is alright.  ❜ ❛  i have a spare ticket, you wanna come in with me ?  ❜ ❛  you don’t know me but will you be my date for tonight ?  ❜ ❛  we’ve got some time to kill so why don’t you tell me a little about yourself ?  ❜ ❛  i don’t usually just walk up to strangers but my friends set me up to it.  ❜ ❛  i think our orders may have gotten mixed up.  ❜ ❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
@f1rstcut requested: offers him out an oreo with clear indication he's meant to twist it, to see who gets the cream side.
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eyes squinted behind his raybans as he sat across maria under an umbrella protecting them from the sun, the sound of whizzing cars muting their conversation. they’d been sharing a whole pack of oreos for the last hour, and now they were down to the final one. shaking his head, his head bobbed as though to tell her to take it. after all, he’d had way more than he needed.
“no, ma’am,” nate confirmed as he watched her stretch out her hand, the oreo flat on her palm. moments went by, he watched her tilt her head as if he’d just unknowingly challenged her. then a smile.
the off-duty agent couldn’t help but roll his eyes, hoping it wasn’t evident. taking the cookie from her, he did what he always did. tugged at each side of the brown biscuit until it gave out. with a quick glance of each revealed side, careful fingers stretched towards her with one side of the cookie. “think i’ve had enough cream for today,” nate’s head tilting back immediately, regret settling in his nerves. 
“take the fuckin’ cookie before i eat it, flores.”
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
@saud4des requested: where did that scar come from ?
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it’d been a long day. bones popped, muscles ached. all the energy nate could muster up, he used to drag his feet to his bedroom and plop his body on the surface of his bed, emphasizing the stretch in his hips making him wince. god, he hadn’t felt this old in a while.
the longer he laid there, the more his spine sunk into the plush mattress, and the heavier his eyelids felt.
well on his way to dreamland, nate heard quiet footsteps, then felt a dip in his right side in which he turned to face immediately. the feathery touch on his forehead made his eyebrow twitch. “this?” eyebrow lifting to emphasize the scar slicing through the curved hairs.
“it was a knife,” nate murmured, “tommy and i were playin' darts, must’ve been…seventeen or so. lied to my parents and said it was a glass that broke,” he smiled at the memory, eyelashes still resting on his cheekbones. “i dunno if they ever believed me, but tommy was hysterical, didn’t think he needed to get in trouble for it any more than he already had with me.”
opening his eyes, nate leaned forward to lean up on his elbow. squinting his eyes, he smirked.
“does it make me look like a badass?”
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
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cordova nodded as he listened to the deputy. oxy and heroin - a garden variety case, he couldn’t help, but predict. “ah, so an experienced veteran,” he muttered. great. swinging his keys around his index finger, the man chewed on his bottom lip as his brain churned out options. they could make a run for it around houston - likely scaring off the man. coming from kentucky also meant there could be accomplices…or absolutely none. 
it wasn’t the drugs that ever scared the agent when it came to his job. it was the lack of facts. lack of facts meant anything could go sideways. 
“well, you said interstate…” he huffed, pressing off the suv. “what if we blocked off some, come up with some bullshit like construction? one lane set ups to slow traffic down, have security keep an eye out for his face.” not the best suggestion, but it was what he had at the moment. “got any photos of this compton?”
“we’d have the DOT block off san an, laredo, maybe even el paso in the event he decides to try a detour. he got any family, anybdy anywhere you know of?” interstates 410, 35 and 110 were likely their best bets.
tim feels the fucking weight of texas on him more every step he takes. it was why he enlisted, that feeling of being watched of being found wanting at every possible turn, well that and his father's fists that never seemed to miss when aimed at him. but that's not exactly texas's fault, though he's blamed it before. "yeah, yeah, home sweet home."
he follows the other man towards the lights and sirens and shows his marshal's badge to get his way in. only the higher ups had known he was here at first and he had long stopped dressing like a cop. "that's what i said." he breaths out once they're past the front lines of uniformed staties and patrol cars. he's at work, so he can keep his head straight, but he's never liked the overwhelming lights.
"looks like the guy you're chasing, this devon compton? he's a fugitive out of kentucky, works with some folks in lexington selling oxy and heroin to the smaller hollers outside the city." tim doesn't have the file on him, it's locked in the glove compartment of his suv which was out front of the motel he was parked at. "looks like he's grown up, gone and graduated to interstate drug trade.
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
been debating the last few days on whether i want to remake / move my indie, but the way that i just finished a reply ( & plan to do a few meme replies ), and my tags are all FUCKED up???????? highly considering. :/
they will be posted on here tho
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
made the mistake of dming someone earlier like “hehe what if nate had this scar”, drops gif from the great wall. and now it’s 1:22 and i’m half asleep thinking up ways he could’ve gotten that scar 🥲
but it would be smaller and much more faded / older than shown in the movie ok.
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
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I did not know then what I know now:
to be an American boy, and then an American boy with a gun, is to move from one end of a cage to another.
Ocean Vuong, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous
indie/priv tim gutterson of justified by kel ©
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likesouvenirs-a · 5 months
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the father saw her , THE SNAKE IN THE GARDEN
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independent writing blog for the rookie dep by holly.
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