lil-sir-schaden · 2 months
" Spiders... "
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Carls grip got a little more tighter before he finally fell asleep, completely, feeling a lot more warmer than ever.
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Carls breath slows down, slowly drifting to sleep. Forgetting that his glasses are still on.
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" Nnngh.. " Carl closed his eyes, still clinging onto hugos arm. sweating as the effects of the pills
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" p-please... " he clinged on to his arm little bit tighter, not wanting to let go any time soon. b ...clingy
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" hmmpfh.... " Carls meds are kicking in...took a while... he tightened his grasp, sweating a little. " haah..zhe pills are vorking now?... "
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" ...i vould rather let you do anything you vant...unexpected or not... i dont care. as long as your here vith me... " he hugged hugo by the arm, boi hes feeling clingy
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Cals whole bod shivers with nervousy. he stopped covering his face, just to breathe properly. "i-it happens so sudden...i got...surprised.... "
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" i...! " Carl felt butterflies in his stomach once more as hugo kissed him on the lips. again... blushing entirely because he didnt expect it to happen. Carl sat there in silence before clutching on the blanket, covering his face with it while making a few small quiet noises.
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" your velcome...feel free to cry on my shoulders... after all, i have to make sure your feeling better right? i...used have someone to cry on my shoulder... but now hes gone, and now your zhe one vhos crying on my shoulder now...vhich made me useful again after feeling useless for a long time... " carl chuckled quietly, putting on his glasss again.
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" there there...let it all out dear... i dont care if my shoulder's are wet.... dont keep zhat mask on all zhe time... " he kept giving pats to hugos back. making sure hes feeling better...
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Carl was startled. but he quickly brushes it off. " Hugo... "
He went silent, decided to hear everything from him. he gives a pat to his back. " i understand, i know everything. you can't stand to loose someone you love and cared for is it? you we're a burden to a lot of people, i vas as vell...but for vhat reason? is it because we ve're unsatisfied vith life? is it because we ve're curious? ve'll never know...but hugo, listen. no matter vhere you are, in any time and anyvhere, i'll alvays be zhere for you...i'll alvays love you... and zhe truth is....you're the only one zhat could love me no matter vho am i... now.... do me a favor and don't bottle up your emotions your hiding....you know my lies and i know your mind... "
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
" zhen...i'll make sure sound honest even though i'm not...." Carl tilted his head slightly " im not uncomfortable...zhats just how i vork....even zhough im in pain...i'll enjoy it...no matter how painful it is.... "
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Carl covered his face with his hands. feeling a great amount of embarrassment. " i...aheh...you could alvays tell vhats a lie and vhats not.... " Carl looked at him again, feeling the caress. he smiled nervously " i...feel butterflies in my head....or maybe stomach? maybe both...its just that good you know?...i cant handle such pleasure... "
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Carl shook his head, snapping back to reality. before nodding slightly as he sweats in nervousy. taking off his glasses after " i-its...its great...really....and im fine...im fine.... " judging by the tone, he was below fine
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
Carl was caught off guard. Speechless. But of course, he just played along.
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" i just voke up after getting drunk and i dont think im in my house right now..."
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lil-sir-schaden · 3 months
I offer you frog 👐🐸:)
.... " would eat...but im too nice of a man. "
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