I haven’t posted in so long. Kinda forgot about this I won’t lie.
He was my teacher last semester and I loved every second of every class I had with him. Not only for the fact that he was the one teaching it but because the subject he teaches is truly fun.
But, I’m now in uni so he’s not my teacher anymore and omg I miss seeing him everyday.
One of my best friends has him as a teacher and she’s talking to me about stuff he does bc she knows that I like him a lot.
We even made a plan for me to go pick her up at his class at the end of day so that I can hopefully talk to him again. She’s truly the best lmao
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 2 years
He is so perfect. I truly can’t handle it.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 2 years
After one year, I finally have him as my teacher again. I’m freaking out. I have my first class with him tomorrow morning and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see him teach again🤍
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 2 years
I saw him today! His hair grew so much during the summer it’s crazy but omg he looked so good. I, unfortunately, won’t see him tomorrow since I only have one class.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 2 years
It’s been so long since I posted.. Anyways my semester starts this Friday so I hope I’ll see him more than I did last semester!
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
He’s not even here today. I’m really starting to miss him..
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
I actually can’t believe I saw him everyday last week and had actual interactions with him but that I only walked past him like 3 times this week. Is he pulling some kind of prank on me? I hope not because I do not find it funny and if it continues I will sue him for severe emotional damages.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
I was, once again, getting to class but today I was with two of my friends who had a class close to where mine was. I saw him, turned to my friends because I was excited and then helped them find their classroom since they got a bit confused.
When I was walking back to my classroom, he was walking towards me so, I was staring a bit because, I mean, he just looks way too good for me to not stare. As we walked past each other he said “Hi Lilac!” and I was like “Hii!” but then, since I was freaking out by the fact that he said hi to me, I couldn’t concentrate at all during the class.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
🤍a little bit about me🤍
Hi! You can call me Lilac (it’s the name I’ll go by for the sake of privacy). I’m 20 and I currently am in my 1st year of uni. English is my second language so I’m sorry for the mistakes I may make. I’m a Virgo sun, Taurus moon and Cancer rising. I like kpop and the colours pink & purple a lot!
Oh and I also have a really big crush on one of my teachers (now ex-teachers) but I guess it’s not that important since my page is clearly not about that
Feel free to ask me anything, I’ll gladly answer (except for things that are too personal)
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
I was walking to my classroom and I saw him, he was talking to another teacher. His back was facing me and the classroom door was like “aligned” with his left side (definitely not a good description) so I had to get a bit close to him, but I thought he wouldn’t see me since he wasn’t facing me and he was talking with someone . Well, turns out, when I got there he turned around (like not just his head but his whole upper body) and looked at me. It made me feel great since I was also wearing my favourite outfit, which I’m the most confident in.
He looked SO good, like always, but omg I miss having him as my teacher.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
So, my winter semester started 2 weeks ago and we were online but we’re now back in person. I was really scared of not being able to see my tc this semester, since he’s not teaching me, but, literally on our first day back, I saw him!
I first walked past him in the hallway walking to my classroom, nothing special. But then we were on our 10 minutes break and I just stayed in the classroom since I had to reason to go out. A couple minutes later, I saw someone at the door so I lifted my head up and it was my fcking tc kind of bent down in the doorframe and just waving. We made eye contact, I waved back at him (there was multiple people still in the classroom but I was the only one that waved back), he laughed and then went to talk with my teacher since they teach the same subject.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
i am a simple girl i seek academic validation and get absolutely destroyed when i don’t receive it
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
You know that feeling when you know that in exactly a week it’ll be the last time you see him this semester but, you also learned that there were last minute changes so he won’t be teaching you for the winter semester which means the next time he’ll teach you is in august 2022.
I’m having that feeling right now.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
Since I saw him last friday Idk why but, I kept thinking “omg he would look so good in a white button up with his glasses” because I NEVER saw him wear something like that and that’s exactly what he was wearing today.
Was it a coincidence or did I unintentionally manifest it? We’ll never know..
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
He looks way too good today for me to be able to function normally.
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
I saw him today and I wasn’t even supposed to! We have a project to do and we (my team and I) scheduled a meeting to get a bit more info and see how we were doing. Let me tell you something, I couldn’t (and still can’t) think normally after this.
First of all, I was staring at him most of the time and we had sooo many long eye contacts. Second of all, I made him laugh. GUYS I MADE HIM LAUGH! Probably my proudest achievement lmao.
I’m seeing him again tomorrow since I have his class and I can’t wait!🤍
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lilacs-and-goodbyes · 3 years
In my psychology class today, my teacher (not my tc) was talking about Freud’s 5 psychosexual stages and he said that sometimes, there’s girls who tend to get attracted to older guys and that might be because something went wrong in those 5 stages.
I don’t know if anything went wrong but I do know I tend to get attracted to older guys!
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