lilbigdumbass · 5 years
You’re going to want to hang tight for this one.
I JUST about committed actual murder. My mother brought me to Sunday school for this dumbass girl to sit there and tell everyone how (and try to follow this absurd dumbass logic with me) ALL of the LGBTQ+ wanted to add a P to the acronym. I said alright. Someone said “for pansexuals?” Which is what I was thinking. And this girl. This girl says no. FOR PEDOFILES. And then proceeded to tell my Sunday school class how, now all people of the community were now pedofiles. I said. No one wants to add a P for pedofiles, dickhead. Get your head out of ass. And. THEN we proceeded to have our Sunday school lesson over ARROGANCE. ARROGANCE madam. And for the best part. How everyone was arrogant EXCEPT for. (And you’re going to love this) Trump. The man himself. I need to be air lifted out. I’ve had enough. Beam me up, things are getting toooooo stupid.
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lilbigdumbass · 5 years
One of the worst performances in my career, and they never doubted it for a second
- My closeted gay ass, on the drive home, had a debate with my brother over hot women and I named 7x as many women as he did.
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lilbigdumbass · 5 years
My sensory issues just really gonna go apeshit on me eh? That’s how you wanna play this bud?
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lilbigdumbass · 5 years
If anyone wanted to hit me up I wouldn’t be upset. But also be prepared for inconsistent replies because my depressed, social anxious ass gets scared.
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