lildarkduck · 3 years
This right here!!! If one more person says I should be over it by now or god has a plan or they are in a better place I will probably throat punch them…
The Best Things to Say to Someone in Grief
1. I am so sorry for your loss. 2. I wish I had the right words, just know I care. 3. I don’t know how you feel, but I am here to help in anyway I can. 4. You and your loved one will be in my thoughts and prayers. 5. My favorite memory of your loved one is… 6. I am always just a phone call away 7. Give a hug instead of saying something 8. We all need help at times like this, I am here for you 9. I am usually up early or late, if you need anything 10. Saying nothing, just be with the person
The Worst Things to Say to Someone in Grief
1. At least she lived a long life, many people die young 2. He is in a better place 3. She brought this on herself 4. There is a reason for everything 5. Aren’t you over him yet, he has been dead for awhile now 6. You can have another child still 7. She was such a good person God wanted her to be with him 8. I know how you feel 9. She did what she came here to do and it was her time to go 10. Be strong
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lildarkduck · 3 years
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lildarkduck · 3 years
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lildarkduck · 3 years
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lildarkduck · 3 years
Do you even realize that when I try to talk you shut me down? You complain I don’t talk well for fucks sake give me time to talk you never call me I always have to call you and I’m tired of being the one to really out I’m tired of it constantly being the same conversation you talked for years about coming and now it’s still years in the future I’m tired of waiting for my time, you don’t get how close I am to just never answering your call or texts again you’re supposed to be my best friend but you have no idea what’s going on in my life do you really think that I’m happy with the scraps you give me? I’m just so over this...
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lildarkduck · 4 years
The rules just never apply to you do they....
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lildarkduck · 4 years
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lildarkduck · 4 years
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My heart still screams for you...happy 8th birthday Ryan and Sydney....love you more then anything
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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lildarkduck · 5 years
me trying to organize my life
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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a local celebrity. Brugge, autumn 2012
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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lildarkduck · 5 years
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lildarkduck · 5 years
It’s not like you care anymore...
I can’t tell you or anyone the last time you called me when I didn’t call you...
When I do call it’s not like you actually want to talk...
Just the other night I didn’t tell you I was going to bed or anything I had just called to chat as something was bothering me and you couldn’t wait to get me off the phone...
You never share your schedule so I might know...
And you seem shocked when I don’t talk to you, darling you shut me out a long time ago...
But somehow it’s my fault if we don’t talk...
My dialysis schedule has been the same on over half a year, every tuesday Thursday and Saturday, every week same thing it’s really not hard, and you’d have known that if you had actually read the texts I sent you tonight...freaking tonight...really? Then act shocked when I’m hurt and frustrated???
What balancing to many girls again???😡 f u🤬
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