Adventure Log #0
“Lily? Lily, are you okay?”
"Huh?" I exclaimed as I came rushing back to reality. I looked at the soldier in front of me. “Oh, sorry, Michael. I keep spacing out.” Michael looked back at me. He’s a good kid. Of course, he was only five years younger than I am, but he seemed so much younger. He’s too big of a dreamer.
"It’s the anniversary, isn’t it?” he asked. I shook my head.
“Five years to the day. I miss him.”
“I know you do, Lily. I’m sure your father is looking back down at you and smiling though.” Michael was right. Father was always smiling. He was always proud of me, no matter what, but the knowledge of that didn’t help me. He was gone. My father, my best friend was gone and all I was left with was this amulet. The amulet that my mother gave him before she left. How could she? She left the greatest man in the world and left me there with him.
"Thanks, Michael.”
"Any time, Lily.” Michael smiled at me. He was infatuated with me. The kid’s sweet, but I’m too old for him. I’ve seen too much.
"Hey, are you going to look for her?”
“You told me last year that your father left you your mother’s amulet and told you her name. You said you should probably look for her.” Michael was right. Him and I got some drinks after work on the last anniversary of Father’s death. I was so depressed I downed all of the alcohol and let all of my emotions out. I even offered myself to the poor kid. He was so sweet, he wouldn’t take it. He knew that I had a little too much and that it wouldn’t be right. My father would’ve liked Michael, but he would’ve never thought that Michael was enough for me. He would always tell me that I need someone just like me. I need someone just as powerful and just as strong. That way, I would have my partner’s back and they would have mine. I just wish I knew who that was. I’ve never really been attracted to any of the guys nearby.
“I don’t know if her name also being Lily helps me much.”
“You still have to try. If you need any help, I’m here.”
“I know. Thank you, Michael.”
“Of course. You’re always smiling so much, so when you’re not, I feel like it’s my job to make you smile again.”
“Thanks, Michael.” He smiled and walked away. I’m too nice to tell him that it’s no one’s job to make me smile but me. I’m too nice to tell him that even implying it was his job implies there’s any sort of relationship between us. I sigh and I return to my post. Shortly after, my superior shows up to relieve me.
"By the well, have you heard of the Summer’s Eve Festival? We need some guards positioned over there. You up for it?”
“Of course, sir,” I replied back. I had always dreamt of going to the Summer’s Eve Festival!
“No need for the formalities, Lilith.”
“Then call me Lily,” I said with a chuckle. He laughed alongside me.
“All right, Lily. We heard some rumors that an unknown army has been showing up near there. While you’re there, you may want to investigate.”
“Sure thing. I’ll take one of my pegasi there tonight.”
“Oh, well, we have a blimp traveling out tomorrow morning, if you’d prefer that.”
“Eh, I’ve been looking for an excuse to break in Moonlight. She’s new to the stable and a trip to Burgundy Town should do the trick.” And a blimp would take much more time than a pegasus. 
“Sure. We’re providing housing there. You’ll be at the Mineral Mantis. Tell them you’re from the Primarian Guard and they’ll give you your room. You’ll have to book your own stable though.”
“All right.” I salutde my superior before I walked outside and took off my helmet. God, it’s hot out. I thought about how I'd have to attach my armor to Moonlight’s pack tonight. It would be fun flying such a long distance. I was so excited that I whistled and people in town looked at me before they saw my wyvern fly down and pick me up. They all watched as I flds away. I flew back to my house and thres my armor down in my room. I ran outside in my brown coveralls over my white tee. Luckily, I attached mounting cleats to my Guard Boots to attach to my stirrups for better grip. I opened the gate that leads to my mounting stables. I saw all of my friends look at me. Of course, I mean animal friends.
“How are you girl?” I said to Patty, another Wyvern of mine. Sally who just brought me there waz a little jealous. “Sally, get back in your stall. You’re fine.” She gave me an attitude but returned to her stall. I started preparing the food for each of them. I pulled out my stash of meat and began to cut it off the bone for them. I threw some to Patty and Sally, the Wyverns. Then I took the rest of the meat to the other side of the stables to my two Draconian friends, Billie and Darkly. “How are you two fine ladies?”
“We’re doing just fine, Lily,” Billie replied with a smile. She’s a green Draconian with a heart of gold. Darkly looks up at me and then back down. She’s a shy black Draconian, but she loves affection.
“Are you two sure you want to stay at the stable? I mean, you guys have an entire kingdom you can be citizens of,” I said to the two Draconians. Darkly seemed scared. Billie comforted her.
“To hell with our Kingdom. We go back there and we end up soldiers in wars we don’t want to fight. We leave here and the other races will kill us. But here with you,” Billie looked at me and searched within my eyes. I coilx tell that there was pain behind these eyes before she smiled. “You’re the only one that treats us like family. We can put up with you riding on us if it means we get to be your friends, Lilith.” A tear came down from my eye.
“I love you guys,” I said with a whimper. Darkly looked up at me. I could tell she had been overcome with anxiety, but she smiled anyways.
She softly said, “We love you too,” before going back to her corner. I eat some of the meat with them and we talk about our days. They’re able to leave to go out and hunt or do whatever they like, but they stay here and work as farmhands. They even let me mount them if I want. We’ve had a lot of fun flying together in the past.
When done with them, I walked over to my Pegasi. Moonlight stands there in her beauty. She’s a white Pegasus with silver hair. She seems to always be sparkling and the light always knows how to make her look gorgeous. I notice that I have dirt on my face. Looks like one of us cares about our appearance more than the other.
“Hey, girl. We’re going on a flight tonight.” Her wings perked up and I couldn't help but smile. “That’s right! Just you and I. Momma’s gotta guard the Summer’s Eve Festival.” Her wings wenr straight up and she neighed. “Yeah, I know. You like the Summer’s Eve Festival, dontcha?” I petted her mane and let her eat some feed from my hand. I turned to her stallmate, Sabrina. Sabrina is purely black Pegasus with red eyes. She looks like evil incarnate and she likes to think she is too, but she’s actually a pushover. “Hey there, Sabrina.” Sabrina looked away from me. “What? Jealous that I’m not taking you?” She turned to look further away from me. “All right. Fine. I’ll just eat all of this feed myself.” Sabrina turned around. I smiled. She rolled her eyes and started to eat the feed from my hands. I petted her and kissed her forehead. I went back inside and I start to pack. Moonlight and I had a big night ahead of us.
As I walked inside a familiar friend runs up to me. “Max!” I exclaimsd as my pet fox jumps into my arms. I raised this little one since she was a little pup and when I tried to return her to the wild, she refused to leave me. Max has been my pet ever since. She tries to go everywhere with me. I try to keep her away from danger though. She bit my suitcase. “Max, you can’t go with me.” She growled. “Max, please.” She growled louder. “Fine. You can go.” She madd a happy sound and nuzzle against me. I rolled my eyes and I continued packing.
I left around ten ‘o clock. I walked outside with Max on my shoulder. I walked towards Moonlight who was the only one still awake. She'd been waiting all day for this. The saddle was already on her from earlier when I started to attach my armor to the pack. I took Max and hooked a little suit on her to Moonlight. I opened the stall door and walked Moonlight out before I jumped onto her back. She stood there and waited for my command. I slipped my cleated boots into the stirrups and took a deep breath.
“Go!” I yelled and with one motion, Moonlight brought her wings back and pushed us off the ground with so much force that we brought a wind current down that woke up all of the animals in the stables including Billie and Darkly. All of them looked at us as we hovered above the stable. “Bye guys!” I yelled and I leaned forward to pet Moonlight before yelling, “GO!” once more.
We soared through the sky with the wind pushing my red hair back. Max was enjoying the wind against her and Moonlight was beaming with confidence. We soared for miles and miles passing everything around us. We cut through clouds and did swoops and all the grand gestures. I waz clenching the reins with sweat dripping off my hands in excitement. I pulled the reins towards me and Moonlight shot straight up in the air and slowsd down. I lead her slowly to the ground in front of Cherche Stables. I saw the night guard looking at us in excitement.
“You guys were so great! I woke up to all of those hoops you did in the air!” he says. I laugh.
“Thanks. How much to book her here for a night?”
“Usually it’s 100rn, but for you, I’ll do 50.” I smiled.
“Here you go, sir.” I handed him the money and lead Moonlight to her stall. I disconnected Max and she jumped back on my shoulder. “Looks like I have to carry my armor to the hotel, Maxie. You’re going to have to jump down.” She made a whimpering noise and jumped down. We made our way through town until we came across the Mineral Mantis. I walked in. “I need a room.”
“Certainly, miss. Do you need someone to assist you with your armour?”
“No thanks. I’m not sure your bellman can handle it.” The bellman is a big burly man and he madd a “pffffbt” noise before trying to lift it from my hands. He couldn't pick it up. I dropped it on the ground and watched him struggle to even lift it an inch off the ground. “I’m with the Primarian Guard. I need a room, " I reiterated.
The front desk person looked at me and then back at the bellman. “Certainly, miss. You’ll be in room 13. Sorry we can not assist you in carrying your armor.”
“No problem. I’m used to it, ” I say with a cocky smile. I liftex my armor with ease and elected not to use the elevator. I started walking up the stairs and out of the corner of my eye I could see the bellman glaring. I giggled. I’m going to have fun at this festival.
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