lilolethang · 9 months
i am queer in the way that i like pathetic, slutty men and scary women with weapons thank you for seeing my vision
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lilolethang · 9 months
Police, arresting him: You have the right to remain silent.
Kaminari: Ah, but not the ability.
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lilolethang · 8 years
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lilolethang · 8 years
The only thing that got me through each and every day was that promise you made to me on our first date. That you would always be there for me. Always by my side. Well, I should have known it was too good to be true. Guess there’s no point in living anymore.
Excerpt from a book I will never write #712 // @myawheelerr on Instagram (via excerptsofstories)
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lilolethang · 8 years
The thing is, I know he wanted to be with me, but he was afraid that I would hurt him. So he hurt me instead.
Excerpt from a book I will never write #51 // {kaslynet} (via excerptsofstories)
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lilolethang · 8 years
"So the question remains: Are you in love with me?"
-M.S. #85
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lilolethang · 8 years
Imagine us waking up to each other Imagine us having a breakfast together Imagine us cleaning the house together Imagine us laughing together Imagine us playing around together Imagine us randomly kissing each other Imagine us taking a walk together Imagine us holding each others hands Imagine us sitting in silence together Imagine us falling asleep together Imagine us going through hard times together Imagine us caring about each other Imagine us worrying about each other Imagine us supporting each other Imagine us loving each other
Imagine us.
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lilolethang · 8 years
"So the question remains: Are you in love with me?"
-M.S. #85
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lilolethang · 9 years
How to Not Fall in Love with a Winchester
You should definitely avoid ever looking at either of them. Do not notice the strong line of Dean’s jaw or the sharpness of Sam’s cheek bones. Don’t look into Sam’s eyes when they are filled with emotion. Don’t notice that Dean’s eyes are sometimes the exact color of a midwestern sky just before a summer tornado. Don’t admire the way Sam’s shoulders hunch over dusty books while he researches for a case. And you should not let yourself enjoy watching Dean’s lips wrap around the neck of a beer bottle when he takes a drink. Don’t ever focus on the way Sam’s forehead wrinkles when he raises his eyebrows or how his adam’s apple dips when he clenches his jaw. Don’t think about Dean’s freckles or his stupid adorable smirk. Don’t watch Dean walk. Trust me, just don’t. Avoid looking at Sam when he’s sprawled over a chair. 
Don’t go to a bar with them. Or a diner. Don’t let them buy you a cup of coffee because then you’ll probably notice how Sam’s hands make that coffee mug look like a child’s toy. Don’t look at Dean when he smiles with his tongue just visible behind his perfect teeth and his eyes crinkling at the corners. Don’t imagine what he looks like when he bites his bottom lip. Don’t go for a ride in their car because then you’ll just be asking for it. Don’t watch Dean while he drives, tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel in time with the classic rock spilling from the speakers. Don’t look at Sam’s long legs folded into the passenger seat, his head practically hitting the ceiling. And under all circumstances, avoid seeing Sam smile; those dimples will definitely do you in.
Especially don’t imagine what they look like under all that flannel and denim. Don’t even think about what it would be like to run a hand through Sam’s hair or the way his hands would feel on your skin. Don’t imagine what it would be like to feel his lips on yours, to feel his hand wrapped around the back of your skull or cupping your ass, pressing you against him. Do not imagine Dean lifting you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, his fingers digging into your hips possessively. You also shouldn’t imagine what it would be like if Dean took you up against a wall or what it would be like to have Sam’s head between your legs. Don’t ever let them wink at you (you might implode).
But most of all, don’t listen to their stories—about how they kill monsters and demons. About how they save innocent lives everyday. About how they saved the world once. About how they always save each other. Don’t ever imagine them saving you from a supernatural being. Avoid realizing the expanse of the guilt they carry for every person they could not save, for all their loved ones that have died, for letting each other down. Don’t let them show you the depth of love they have for each other, how either would do anything for the other, how all either wants to do is sacrifice his own life so his brother can live. Don’t talk to them about growing up together in cheap hotel rooms and a chevy impala, when all they had was each other. Don’t let them tell you stories about their prank wars or their teenage dares. Don’t let Dean tell you about how he will always always look out for Sammy. Don’t let Sam tell you that Dean is his hero.
Just don’t do any of that, okay? If you don’t do any of that, I promise you’ll be fine.
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lilolethang · 9 years
im exhausted and love girls reblog if you agree
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lilolethang · 9 years
For Jared bbys next birthday. "happy birthday"
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lilolethang · 9 years
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and if you turn to ur left you’ll see the emos
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lilolethang · 9 years
And this one?
BOLD IF IT APPLIES TO YOU *extreme version*
i’m smaller than most of my friends
my feet are small
one of my parents/siblings has the same hair color as me
my hair is naturally straight
i think i have nice arms/hands
i tan easily
none of my parents/siblings has the same eye color as me
i have dimples
my forehead is big
i wear contacts/glasses
i’m ginger and i have freckles
i hate shaving
i go on manicure/pedicure
i do my eyebrows
i own at least one item from adidas and/or nike
i tattooed/pierced myself
i was on diet
i have pimples
i do my makeup everyday
i love necklaces
i dyed my hair
i own 4 or more pairs of jeans
i had undergone plastic surgery
how to dance limbo?
the story of how my parents met?
how to swear in three or more languages?
more than 3.14 of pi?
when’s my best friend’s birthday?
how to french kiss?
what goes after “in west philadelphia born and raised…”?
name all of Kardashians?
how to ride a bike?
made out
made lasagna
slapped/punched somebody
made a surprise party
smoked cigarettes
ridden on motorcycle
spent whole night without sleeping
cooked a meal for somebody
made it to the second base
let somebody treat me like shit
been told told that i was pretty/smart
kissed somebody you didn’t feel attracted to
cried after reading a book
go on university/college
get married
write a book 
adopt a child
start a band
go on audition for a show
do extreme sports?
be without internet for a whole week?
forgive your significant other for cheating on you?
live without fast food for a whole year for 50 000$?
jump from Eiffel Tower for 1MIL$? 
live like amish for 1 year for 500 000$?
sing in front of your whole school for free netflix for the rest of your life?
make out with your best friend’s significant other for 800$?
do you have friends on facebook that you never met in real life?
do you have tumblr best friend? 
did you ever post photo of your meal on instagram?
did a celebrity ever replied/followed/retweeted you/your post on any social media?
do you have stardoll account?
have you ever stalked somebody on social media?
do your friends know your wifi password?
have you ever illegally downloaded music/movies/tv shows/books?
nice shoulders or nice arms
collarbones or hipbones
flat stomach or long legs
lips or eyes
curly hair or straight hair
six pack or nice arms
long eyelashes or nice eyebrows
funny or romantic
have you ever seen a cow in real life?
did you ever swim in a river?
have you ever talked to your pet?
have you ever helped your friend get ready for a date?
have you ever felt in love at first sight?
have you ever had period cramps?
did you put your name in the goblet of fire?
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lilolethang · 9 years
Should I do this?
cross out the things you've done.
Graduated high school. | Kissed someone. | Collected something really stupid. | Smoked a cigarette. | Got so drunk you passed out. | Gone to a rock concert. | Helped someone. | Gone fishing. | Watched four movies in one night. | Gone long periods of time without sleep. | Lied to someone. | Snorted cocaine. | Failed a class. | Smoked weed. | Dealt drugs. | Been in a car accident. | Been in a tornado. | Been to a funeral. | Burned yourself. | Ran a marathon. | Cried yourself to sleep. | Spent over $200 in one day. | Flown on a plane. | Cheated on someone. | Been cheated on. | Written a 10 page letter. | Gone skiing. | Been sailing. | Had a best friend. | Lost someone you loved. | Shoplifted something. | Been to jail. | Dangerously close to being in jail. | Had detention. | Got in trouble for something you didn’t do. | Stolen books from the library.| Gone to a different country. | Dropped out of school. | Watched the “Harry Potter” movies. | Had an online diary. | Had a yard sale. | Had a lemonade stand. | Actually made money at the lemonade stand. | Been in a school play. | Been fired from a job. | Swam with dolphins. | Taken a lie detector test. | Voted for someone on a reality TV show. | Written poetry. | Read more than 20 books a year. | Gone to Europe. | Loved someone you shouldn’t have. | Used a coloring book over age 12. | Had surgery. | Had stitches. | Taken a taxi. | Seen the Washington Monument. | Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once. | Overdosed. | Been in a fist fight/split one up. | Gone surfing in California. | Had a hamster/guinea pig. |  Pet a wild animal. | Used a credit card. | Did “spirit day” at school.| Dyed your hair. | Got a tattoo. | Got straight A’s. | Been on the Honor Roll. | Know someone with HIV or AIDS. | Played on a sports team. | Snuck out of the house. | Swore at a teacher. | Gone laser tagging. | Had a romantic relationship. | Been on the TV. | French braided. | Skinny-dipped. | Driven a car. | Performed in front of an audience. | Gone bungee-jumping. | Been to Mexico. | Crashed a car. | Sky dived. | Been kissed in the rain. | Made an 11:11 wish. | Drank alcohol. | Made a mistake.
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lilolethang · 9 years
spn au where Jess lives and joins the boys hunting
spn au where Ruby was being manipulated just as much as Sam was and lives
spn au where Jo survives the night and Ellen is the one that stays behind and suddenly she and the boys both lost both their parents to this stupid fucking apocolypse 
spn au where Bela comes back as a demon to make Dean’s life a little more complicated
spn au where Eve is a bigger bad than she was
spn au where Niaomi is introduced during Anna’s recalibration so Anna’s 180 makes sense and heaven is more twisted than before
spn au where Abbadon takes over Hell and Crowley has to run and he sides with the Winchesters and becomes human and Abbadon is Rowena’s biggest problem
spn au where Charlie didn’t fucking die
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lilolethang · 9 years
Back to school supplies list
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So since September is coming up pretty soon I made a back-to school uni list for myself, so I don’t forget anything when I do my shopping. Please feel free to use as a reference =)
Writing supplies:
black pens 0.38 and 1.0
set of coloured pens (stabilo point.88 fineliners)
set of simple pencils
correctional fluid
set of highlighters
pencil sharpener
pencil case
Organisation supplies:
pen/pencil holder
paper holder
folder for graded exam papers
folders (1 per subject) 
binders (1 per subject)
notebooks for each subject (for rewriting notes)
notebook to take notes in class
planner/bullet journal
loose paper
post-it notes
post-it flags
flash cards
scotch tape
glue stick
hole puncher
memory stick
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lilolethang · 9 years
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just a little disclaimer before we begin: what i may consider an ‘essential’, you may not and that is perfectly okay!! i don’t want anyone who is not financially able to get themselves a lot of the things on this list to feel left out, a lot of the stuff i have has been mine for years/given to me as gifts and it can seem like a real shock to the system to purchase it all in one go!! it’s okay to re-use loads of stuff from the year before, it’s okay to leave out anything you don’t feel is necessary or postpone getting something until you can’t afford it - studyblr can seem pretty rich person elitist at times so i will be including budget options, fancy options and what-i-have options to hopefully mean everyone feels included in one big happy bunch okay? that’s not to say that people with more money should feel bad for splashing out on what makes them happy though! okay, i love you all (p.s. i’ve tried to include sites that ship to both usa and uk, but i’m not 100% sure about other nations:(( i’m very sorry to all my lovely international studyblrs, i hope you can find alternatives that will come to you!)
1. a backpack 
ideally this needs to be large enough to fit in what you’re gonna need it to, so cute little fancy ones might look like a dream but might not accommodate what you need it to!! roughly 16″ to 18″ tall, 14″+ inches wide and 5″ inches deep is my recommendations
budget: here mine: here (except mine has a light blue base colour) fancy-pants: here
2. a washbag
what? what do you mean a washbag? for what? well, my friends, if you have a vagina you need tampon/pad storage, if you wear make-up you need somewhere to keep that, i’d advise also bringing a hairbrush, some tweezers, band-aids, painkillers, tissues in there too, it’s a handy space for all sorts of utensils which shouldn’t just flop around aimlessly in the bottom of your bag
budget: here mine: from a cute little independent shop in my town, no link avaliable, alas! but it is green, covered in small sheeps and roughly 25cm long, 15cm tall and if full, 10cm deep fancy-pants: here
3. multiple notebooks 
i have a very specific way to take notes which i don’t know if any of you will replicate. i take messy notes in class (i take as much information down as possible and it’s in my worst, quickest handwriting) then in my next study period/when i get home, i’ll rewrite the notes very neatly with diagrams, key words and a nice system! i’ll then either photocopy them and add them to my subject folders or just keep them in there 
budget: here mine: a hodgepodge selection from here fancy-pants: here or here
4. a bullet journal
i didn’t comprehend how much i needed one until i got one and my life literally changed and that’s not even an exaggeration!! check out here for more info on what a bullet journal actually is 
budget: here mine: here fancy-pants: here
5. a laptop
now, this isn’t always an essential for sure. i know some schools make it mandatory to have one but it’s also a luxury not everyone can afford. i have a chromebook which i received as a christmas present last year but i’m sure you can find tablet devices with word processors on them that could serve a similar purpose for cheaper!
budget & mine: here fancy-pants: here
6. ring-binders
for keeping all your subject work separate and organised! i recommend the lever arch folders because you can store more work, it doesn’t get creased and the edges of the paper/plastic wallets are less likely to tear or fray
budget: here mine: here fancy-pants: here
7. pencil case
your pencil case should be as spacious as possible, sometimes i even recommend having more than one so you can have one of your everyday lesson things (pens, pencils, rubber, ruler) and one of things like felt tip pens and highlighters which might not always come in handy
budget: here mine: here fancy-pants: here
8. felt pens
for taking pretty notes, colour-coding your work, generally making ANYTHING look a little more bright and colourful is very very important
budget: here mine: here fancy-pants: here
and now for a selection of misc. items that you’ll need and below, a list of general stationary shops of good value that ship all around the world/have shops up all around the world!
ballpoint pens pencils (HB - 2B) ruler highlighters post-it notes paperclips mini hole punch mini stapler flashcards rubber/eraser  glue stick sticky tape/washi tape tippex corkboard/whiteboard pencil sharpener scissors clipboard filing system for your studyspace
muji tiger target colemans wh smiths tofu cute waterstones
i hope i could help with my big list of products! just to reiterate, you can pick and choose what you deem important from this list, i just tried to cover all bases! lots of love x
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