lilorangebirb · 4 years
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the great monster war
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lilorangebirb · 4 years
y’ALL don’t know how emotional i am right now... Haikyuu has been my love and my life these past 4-5 years and i am not OK.. this storyline is so fking beautiful and i just want to say thaNK YOU FURUDATE. i know we still have one more chapter to go, but ugh this whole storyline is truly one of the best ive read. thank you so much for everything.
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lilorangebirb · 4 years
y’all i finally caught up with the manga bc the VERY last chapter of haikyuu is coming out tomorrow...... and I am... SO. EMOTIONAL.
Golden moments in 401~
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Happy tsumu
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Dead sakusa
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Kiyoko the heartthrob
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Suga waiting for kag’s autograph that he probably designed...
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Smiling tsukki
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lilorangebirb · 4 years
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lilorangebirb · 5 years
Catching Up Rambles~
maHello!!! It’s been quite AWHILE. So I randomly decided to rewatch the haikyuu anime as well to continue reading the manga from where I left off.... which is about almost a YEAR AGO !!! Anime wise, it was like watching it all again for the first time... and in some cases I picked up on some things I had never realized before..... (or maybe I just have a bad memory or understanding lol) ???? But I’m on season 2 right now, they’re playing Wakonan and Daichi got injured. Honestly, it’s been awhile so re-watching it, even though I’ve seen it about 8 times now, is just as great as the first time.
I also started reading the manga again and omg. I stopped about when the Nekoma vs. Karasuno match had JUST started. And NOW, the match just finished (ten million crying emojis). I still haven’t caught up completely, I’m on chapter 325 I think, but I’m almost there. BUt omg WHAT A MATCH FUUUUQ. So freaking intense. Honestly Nekoma is Karasuno’s worst match up that we’ve been introduced to so far. Like man what a match... if it was a 5 set game I D K what would’ve happened... it would’ve just been a match of stamina at that point. GAHHHHH but it was so heart wrenching... because even though we’re rooting for Karasuno... it’s safe to say that everyone also roots for Nekoma just because they’ve been there with us since the beginning. That last point was just... WOW. I personally liked how it ended... I know some people thought it was unsatisfying but I thought it was a great way to end the match and very cinematic... I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE GAME TO ANIMATED. Man, we have the Inarizaki AND the Nekoma match to look forward to now to be animated... EKKKK. 
OH YEAH, SEASON 4 OF THE ANIME got announced for later this year~~~ FINALLLYYY. I’m curious to see how they’ll split everything us amongst the upcoming seasons. I think season 4 will include the training and youth camps, and end with the first two matches at Nationals I think. I think season 5 will be the Inarizaki match, and the first half of season 6 will include the Nekoma match, and then the rest of Nationals?? DOOOD.
I still don’t think Karasuno will win it all at Nationals, but I do see them making either the semi-finals and possibly even the finals ??? But now that the battle of the garbage dump finally happened at Nationals, I think the third years are finally ready to retire..... sad to say. I do see them going a bit further, but just not all the way. I personally am rooting for Fukurodani to win it all. I think Karasuno will probably lose against Hoshiumi’s team ?? Gah, also I didn’t realize until I started reading and watching Haikyuu again, that Karasuno hasn’t lost a set or match in a LONG TIME. Like, Yaichi has NEVER seen them lose an official game before.... crazy.
I personally hope that Haikyuu never ends, and keeps going for another 5-10 years hehe. OK RANT OUT. IT’S BEEN AWHILE, BUT IM BACK. I’ll definitely be more active when the anime airs again!
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
I am SO behind on the manga chapters : ((( I just need to sit my butt down and binge read all the chapters one day... but in other news WHEN ARE WE GETTING THIS SEASON 4 ?!?!!!! It’s been nearly two years now : (((
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction to Haikyuu Chapter 298 & 299
WOWOWOWOW. Chapter 298 is sooo good. My KuroTsukki heart is happy... and it’s nice to see my ship sailing well lmao. BUT DAMN THAT BLOCK OUT... YOU SHUT THEM DOWN TSUKKI !!!! But lmao @bo for saying “THAT’S OUR TSUKKI!!” and Akaashi responding by saying Tsukki isn’t ours ..
and now onto chapter 299..... THE CRAZY QUICK DUO IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVAAAA. FUUU K YES LMAO. I will never get tired of seeing it nor seeing people’s reactions to it.  at this rate it seems like Karasuno is going to win straight sets? I’m interested in seeing what the story arcs will be for this match. 
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction To Haikyuu Chapter 297
OOOooOOooOOOOOOooH. FUCKING CHILLS, ESPECIALLY THAT LAST PANEL. LIke damn................. Tsukki replying “Impossible” to Suga lmaooo I was cackling. But then we see him say, I never said I could win against Kuroo ALONE.... AND THEN WE SEE HIS LIL SIDEKICK YAMAGUCHI IN THE BACKGROUND GETTING READY TO SERVE LIKE HELL YEAH. TEAMWORK BITCH LMAOO. We bout to get them float serves, but tbh idk how many points they’ll be able to rack up since Nekoma is a really strong defensive team. It seems like this whole chapter was a Kuroo vs Tsukki / middle blocker showdown and I ain���t complaining because those two are possibly my favorite characters hahaha. LOL AT BOKUTO SAYING DON’T LISTEN TO HIM TSUKKI FROM AFAR, my favorite third gym babes. But it is true Kuroo did teach Tsukki a lot so it makes sense he has a leg up on him, but like Tsukki said this match isn’t just middle blocker vs middle blocker. GET HYPED. 
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction to Haikyuu Chapter 294
FuuUUUuUUUUuUUUUUuUU. I was so fking hyped during this rally. Like I was screaming and hollering as if I was actually there. YES, FINALLY LETS GOOOO BOYSSSS. I am so pumped.  LMAO at the girls in the crowd saying that they thought Lev and Kuroo looked hot and matured- meanwhile Lev’s saying he needs to go poop, and Kuroo calling him poop names... I was dying. Also @how bokuto wanted to play Nekoma and Karasuno too, and Akaashi just agreeing and smiling :’))) BUT YAAAA THAT FIRST RALLY, DAMN WHAT A WAY TO START A GAME. It seems like this game is going to be more of a battle of stamina, because both sides are equally matched. THE FLASHBACK THO TO KENMA AND HINATA WHEN THEY FIRST MET. AJKSJDLFKLADSJFLADSF A match Kenma is finally excited to play, and to see what the outcome will be..... wow. but at the girls in the crowd again saying that this isn’t like the volleyball they play in P.E....  DA FAQ, WHAT YOU THINK THIS IS.... THIS IS MTHAFKING NATIONALS BIH.  Also the last frame of Kenma’s face....... boy looks evil lmao, but seriously he actually looks so happy and excited to finally be playing volleyball !!!! ok get HYped. LETS GOOOOOOOOO
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
That we haven’t seen Sakusa’s team fully in action yet/ what they’re capable of kind of makes me scared...................... I still don’t think Karasuno will win Nationals, so I am really, really, really hoping Fukurodani does !! I am ready for this battle of the trash heap match to finally begin, and as much as I love Nekoma, still hoping Karasuno will be able to pull away with a win. I know it’s going to be a close match regardless, because Nekoma is sort of like an opponent like no other for Karasuno, and if anything Nekoma is everything Karasuno is weak in... so it should be an interesting and LONG match haha.  If my predictions are correct, Karasuno should win this next match versus Nekoma and then face off against Hoshiumi’s team (little giant vs little giant !), and then I’m not sure if they’ll win that one. Hoshiumi’s team will face off against Sakusa’s team and lose. And then Fukurodani will face off against Kiryu’s team & win- and then it’ll be Fukurodani vs Itachiyama in the finals, and hopefully Fukurodani will upset them and win! *Whew* But by the time we find out the winners of the finals it’ll probably be 2019 hahaha. 
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction to Chapter 290
I JUST SCREAMED MY LONGEST YEAAAHH BOI EVER LMAO. YYYESYYSYYEYSS YESY YES FUCK YESS.. LMAO The match is FINALLY OVER, but most importantly.... KARASUNO FUCKING WON, YES FUCCKK YES. Man WHAT A GAME. Damn, I can already tell this is going to be the best match of Haikyuu once it gets animated, although I have a feeling as they go against better, and better competitors that will keep happening. I SCREECHED WHEN I SAW DAICHI SWOOP IN AFTER TSUKKI. He probably knew Tsukki was getting tired and was right there behind him to cover him, BUT DAMN HIS REFLEXES AND ABILITY TO DIVE (that shit is not easy, because the ball falls in a split second).  KDSJFAKJDFLKA THAT SCENE, I was so happy and sad to have Daichi, sad knowing he and the other third years won’t be there anymore after next year kdjfakdsfjkladjflajldf.a 
AND MAN. OH MAN, DID YOU SEE THAT BLOCK. I WAS BEGGING FOR SOMEONE TO BLOCK THE ATSUMU’S QUICK AND BOTH HINATA AND KAGEYAMA WERE THERE. GOOOSHH THEY’RE COMPREHENSION OF THE GAME HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH. They knew that it was coming down to the last straw, and other team would pull out things that hadn’t been done or use yet to throw off their competitors.... both Hinata and Kageyama knew. LIKE DAMN. I don’t think I can get over how they can understand what’s going to happen by taking in their surroundings in a literal split second..... unbelievable. I’m envious of those athletes and their ability to act on what they see in such a fast manner kadsfjajldsf.
BUT OH MY GOOOOSSHH, IM SO PROUD RIGHT NOW. THEY WON, FINALLY... THE MATCH IS DONE. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS..... THE FUCKING BATTLE OF THE GARBAGE DUMP IS HAPPENING NEXT. kadsjfkajdkfljaldf I’m going to struggle to watch/read this match just because this is the first time we’re getting a match with two teams that are truly painted as the “good guys” in the sense that will know all of the members very well. I also love Nekoma a lot......:( Also this time around, we’ve been expecting them to reach this point, and it’s what since the beginning of the series has been painted as the goal. Because of that, I’ve expected Karasuno to win each and every game to get to that point. Now that they’ve reached it, I don’t know whether Karasuno will actually be able to pull away with a win this time. 
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over Karasuno’s bright orange uniforms lmao
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction to Haikyuu Chapter 289
WELLL..... the set is still ongoing.... BUT it SHOULD (hopefully) wrap up in next week’s chapter. The ending of this chapter reminded me of the the last point for the Shirotorizawa match- so I’m expecting next week’s chapter to be a long ass rally for the final point. AKLDSFJAKDFJALKDSFJLASDF but ONCE AGAIN, I am crying because I am so proud of our lil orange birb. SO SOSOSOSOSOSO proud. He’s come such a long way and learned so much. He’s the one that’s able to slow down the pace for the team, when this whole time he’s been a lil ball of energy going ZOOMZOMZOOOOOMM hahahaha. 
BUT DAMN, yall see that dump....... Kageyama’s face after he made it was pretty scary too lmao. AND YES TSUKKI, YOU DO THAT SHORT SERVE- I KNOW YOU STILL GOT SOMETHING LEFT TO GIVE IN THIS MATCH. 
Also, random but Ukai’s tiny face after he tells them to slow down, and yells LEFT LEFT is really funny.
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction to Haikyuu Chapter 287 & 288
Wellllll I’ve have not been up to date with my reaction blurbs, mainly because the chapters haven’t been uploaded on time every Friday morning on the website I read from- and that’s usually when I remember to read the chapters. So very sorry about that~
I’m catching up right now AND BOY OH BOY, I HAVE SO MANY GOOSEBUMPS FROM CHAPTER 287. That freaking close net set by Kageyama and Hinata coming right up to hit it !!!!! DFAJDKFJADLFJDF WTH. Only they can do that.......... lmao but when it said Tanaka has no energy to verbally roast them hahahahaha. Man THIS SET, has me on the edge of my seat- when my goosebumps go away they end up coming back by the next page haha. But man... aside from Hinata and maybe Kageyama, everyone is so tired and out of energy :/ YOOOO COMING IN CLUTCH. TSUKKI KNEW HINATA WOULD BE THERE.... I CRI***** YEAAAAAHHHH BOYYYYY, THAT’S HINATA’S SECOND SAVE/PASS NOW IN THIS GAME!!!! I AM SO. PROUD. Baby boy is growing so much...... you can already tell that by the time he’s a third year he’ll be indomitable along with Kageyama.  BUT GUYS/ CAN I JUST SAY... THE ART HAS BEEN SOOOOOO DAMN AMAZING LATELY. I JUST GET CHILLS. I LITERALLY WANT TO PRINT OUT CERTAIN PAGES AND ENLARGE THAT SHIT AND PUT IT UP ALL OVER MY WALLS. BEAUTIFUL.
ffuuUUUUUUUUU, TANAKA’S SAVE. FAKSDJFKAJDSFKLA I LUV UUU. but WOW, kageyama’s set from outside court to outside position of where Asahi is...... freaking unbelievable. aLSO, damn Asahi with his broad AF shoulders...... YEAAAAHHHHHHH FUCCKKKK YEAAHHH. ASAHI DAMN. YES. U BLAST THROUGH THEM THREE BLOCKERS. HELLLLL TO THE MTHAFKING YESSS.. DAMN. THAT’S OUR FKING ACE RIGHT THERE. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Awww, but I like how he included Date Tech in this chapter so we see them reacting to the set, and how much Asahi’s come since when they played against them during one of their first matches. asjdfkasdjflasdjfl, we love a character growth and development. 
BUT OHH MYY GAWWD. THIS IS SUCH A TEETER TOTTER SET- WHEN WILL IT END/???? My guess is the next chapter, unless we get a flash back chapter instead.... kafdsjfkaldjf but man this freaking game, I can already tell this is probably going to be the best game arch when it gets animated.... I CAN’T WAIT. 
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lilorangebirb · 6 years
Reaction to Haikyuu Chapter 285
*wELp* I’m crying again............................................... I AM SO PROUD OF TANAKA RIGHT NOW AKSLDFJALKSDJFLAJSDFJLAKSJFKLAJSDF THIS. THIS. THIS IS AS MUCH OF A FUCKING ACE YOU CAN GET RIGHT HERe. LIKE C’MON THAT FREAKING “SUPREME” STRAIGHT WAS FLIPPING UNBELIEVABLE. HE’S LIKE A MINI BOKUTO. It’s like they’re prepping him, or showcasing him to be a true ace once the third years retired. And that page of Saeko’s tears kjasdkldfjadslkfjlasdf. :’-)))
ALSO THAT OIKAWA CAMEO !!!!!! IT FEELS LIKE IT’S BEEN AGES SINCE WE SEEN HIM.... I MISS HIM SO MUCH. But yeah, it was v nice to see him & to see that he’s watching the games, and to see that his competitive side hasn’t changed one bit lmao. I hope we see more of him in the future~ Also, aside from Tanaka..... man KAGEYAMA I SEE YOU AND YOUR GROWTH. I am so proud of Kageyama as well...... he’s grown so so so so sooooooo much since the beginning and he’s truly at a national level now. He’s so fucking talented. It’s kind of scary haha. 
WE’RE STILL A MATCH POINT. FUCK. I’m still hoping Karasuno pull away with a win for this set but you never know...:( I’m guessing the next chapter we’ll find out the winner of the set, but idk they could do a flashback chapter as well. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 
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