lilythebattlepony · 2 years
One of the things I enjoy a lot of making fanart is being able to reinterpret and play with the elements that makes a character recognizable, take them out of context and make something new but keeping it's escence, I had a lot of fun doing this, I hope you guys enjoys it too :)
Ps: my commisions are still open ;)
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
Thank you @forestfairyunicorn for trust me with your babies.
Princess Corva, a great character from the fic "Survive another day" in AO3.
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
Happy birthday to our Queen! Guess who's giving her an awesome present?
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
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See? I told you I can make your OC's look really fancy :3, thank you @forestfairyunicorn for the oportunity!
Zed the son of the Emperor of the known universe from the Fic "Survive another day"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24405670/chapters/58873999 go and give them love.
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
Thank you so much @imperfectmazen for giving me the oportunity to bring to life your amazing work. From the series "Magnets pulling from different poles" (if you haven't read it, drop inmediately what are you doing and read it in ao3) .
Comissions are still open guys, meanwhile enjoy :)
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
Looking through my old files I found this little comic I did after watching the four seasons of Castlevania while lying in bed being food poisoned .
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
Hello Hello! I'm opening for the first time the "Miss Pony's attelier"!!
What is it about?
Well, I'm opening for comissions, but what I'm really interested is to give characters a styling service, wich means that I can make your OC looking fancy and ready for a cover magazine, or just a nice modern twist, I can also make fanart and special requests
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lilythebattlepony · 2 years
The House of Prime
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Would you like your OC to look as fancy as the Emperor of the known Universe?
I'm open for comissions, for more info on rates and stuff, follow my tumblr
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
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you gotta make sure you stretch when you’re building an interdimensional portal all day
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
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Just as the sun is about to set, it's getting cold out. Nothing beats an early evening cuddle.
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
Dye! Dye! DYE!
Last one. It was clear that luck was on her side. She investigated every store on the continent, looking high and low. She was losing faith. But finally, her eyes spotted the last ‘prismarine seahorse blue’ hair dye in the beauty store. It was a very specific colour, and clearly very rare, but it did not matter, it was her colour. That specific shade of blue was an iconic aspect of her look, she couldn’t be seen without it! Mermista, disguised in a flipped up blue hoodie, shades, and with a winter wool cap with a pompon under the flipped up hoodie. All in the efforts to hide her natural brown hair, moved in.
Meri reached out with her hand gripped the plastic container, and for a split second she believed her victory was assured. But then, her world crashed down and burned as she realised that another hand was holding the product. She had laid her fingers on the item at the same time as someone else. Mermista almost felt like time had stopped, like the universe was mocking her. She followed the arm up to the face of the culprit. It was none other than Hordak.
He was wearing his own disguise, but Meri knew that face well enough to see through it. He was wearing one of those holo-masks, which aided him in assimilating with the public better. It made him look like an Etheria human. His skin was of a darker tone of brown, a colour template he based off of Entrapta’s. His irises were their natural evil red, but you could only tell once up close to his face, like Mermista was. His normal black lipstick and makeup around the eyes was still present, but the turf on top of his head was its natural platinum blonde, white like the snow.
“I’ll be taking this.”
“And why would you think that?”
“Because I am your Princess and superior. I decree that you must let go of the box and leave.”
“You are not my Princess. Your words mean nothing to me.”
They both began to pull the small box towards themselves, creating a ridiculous tug of war in the middle of an aisle. It attracted a couple of eyes, but the passersby moved on quickly as they didn’t want to be caught up in whatever that was. Hordak managed to yank it out of her hand for a brief second and the two began to circle like vultures, eyes piercing into each other.
“You think you can steal from me?”
It wasn’t long before the confrontation became physical as she leaped at him, violently crashing him into the ground, and the two began to wrestle over the product, pushing and pulling and rolling around on the floor like children fighting over a toy. They pushed over several shelves, and probably caught too many bystanders in their crossfire. All of which culminated in the store manager having to step in and taking the hair dye out of their hands and both were escorted out. Both Mermista and Hordak could have easily taken out the guards, but neither of them wanted to draw more attention to themselves. Meri had a reputation to uphold and Dak had a reputation to salvage.
Once shoved outside the two silently looked at each other. Then looked away. Then back at each other. This was extremely embarrassing.
“We will never speak of this to anyone.”
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
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There was a suggestion to edit this Marvel scene and I’m like “oh yeah butts” 🍑
I headcannon Hordak is thinking “so that’s what Entrapta sees in me”
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
Wolftrapta AU
So I have an AU where Entrapta is a Wolf/Werewolf. Not like in the traditional sense of a werewolf who only turns during the full moon. Because 1) thats boring and 2) Etheria has like 10 moons. So she can transform into a wolf at will. And The positions of etherias moons changes her strength. Transforming can be draining, and depending on how long she stays transformed and wether or not she eats while transformed, she tends to take rather long naps after she switches back.
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Her "condition" isn't a curse. She's simply a magical creature. The Princesses have a record of this and know shes a wolf sense at least one of her parents is also a wolf. The Horde however does not have such information ;3c
For the most part her human form is pretty standard, but includes striking features like pointed ears, sharp teeth, and white pupils. And given the nature of Etheria, anyone who doesn't know she is a wolf wouldnt be bothered to question it. She spends most of her time as a Human though, considering herself a scientist first and foremost over a wolf. So some people who are unaware of what she is may be surprised when she transforms.
Even in her human form she still has some, canine habits to her personality. Most notably she enjoys pets and scratches.
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Sometimes she may transform suddenly, or partially in stressful situations where she is afraid and furious. Resulting and her wolf features being a little more exaggerated as she tries to keep it together. Moments of rage dont happen often but when they do she can be savage
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Given that the horde does not have data on the Wolves of Dryl, Hordak was quite surprised the first time he witnessed her transformation. When he first interacted with her directly he had firmly noted that she "smelled like a dog" (which she then called him rude for) but had only assumed she had animal companions in Dryl. Catra has also noted that she smells like a dog, and hates it.
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
Thinker the brother
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no no......
I was looking for a illustration I did a while ago because I wanted to edit it and put a better background but I can't find the file on Clipstudio, so here's the old one with not background color ;____;
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Ps: I love to dress my spacebats in fancy clothes :3
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lilythebattlepony · 3 years
This is so beautiful , it makes me want to share a tear
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This is the head canon(I’m not sure if this is the right expression.) whose the Velvet Glove server room has been invaded by wisteria. The language of the wisteria flower is “never leave” and "faithfulness” (Including the Japanese language of flowers.)
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