lineflats · 10 months
hi y'all <3 i moved blogs bc this one got a wee bit messy 4 me SKSSKSKS i'm probs gna be more selective over there so like this post for me to follow u when i wake up 🤠
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lineflats · 10 months
hi y'all <3 i moved blogs bc this one got a wee bit messy 4 me SKSSKSKS i'm probs gna be more selective over there so like this post for me to follow u when i wake up 🤠
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lineflats · 10 months
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lineflats · 10 months
hi! i know i'm not a rp blog so excuse me if this is against your rules (i couldn't find them!!!) but about this gif of aubri ibrag from the buccaneers https://www.tumblr.com/lineflats/735257999221899264/open-mascs?source=share, do you know if they're available publicly in like a pack? i'd love to use her as a fc one day so i thought i'd ask <3 thank you!!!!!!
i made them myself :) but there are a few packs in her tag to look at!
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lineflats · 10 months
lovely dent in drafts done but if any of y'all reply i'll start crying
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lineflats · 10 months
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tyla  in  various youtube videos and tiktoks .   all  of  these  gifs  were  made  from  scratch  by  me .  please  do  not  redistribute  these  gifs ,  or  claim  them  as  your  own  work .  please  do  not  edit  these  gifs or turn them into gif icons  without  asking  me  first .  (  i  will  usually  say  yes ,  just  ask  )  the  total  gif  count  is  :  #204  gifs . please  like  or  reblog  this  post  if  you  use  these  gifs  /  plan  to  use  them .  enjoy  !
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lineflats · 10 months
◝           *        closed      ,      @pravitaes      .
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                   ❝ i don't wanna ruin your evening , don't wanna be a buzz kill … if i'm coming on strong . ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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they're done , far from repair , and yet ivy still wants him . " you could've brought anyone else , and i would've been fine with it . " tone rings truthful , quieter than before as her eyes casting to the floor as she finds the right words , along with needed strength to finalise it all . " i just  ───  you know i know her , right ? like , we're friends . sorta . " there it is , a nail in a metaphorical coffin , even if it was unintentional . there's a thin smile that pulls on brims , simple raise in shoulders next . " i mean , it's not your fault , so don't worry there , like it's cool , i promise . but no i'm not seeing anyone … i  ───  i couldn't , y'know ? "
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her  answer  only  brings  him  disappointment  despite  knowing  that  he  shouldn't  care  anymore  .  knowing  that  it's  over  .  attention  should  be  focused  elsewhere  ,  like  on  his  date  inside  .  "  she  asked  to  come  ivy  and  i  ───  "  voice  cuts  as  she  finishes  her  sentence  .  "  wh  ,  what  do  you  mean  you  didn't  do  the  same  ?  are  you  seeing  someone  new  ?  "
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lineflats · 10 months
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" forgive me for being confused . " there's a roll of her eyes before anything else , learning that there truly was not any patience left for homme or attempted reasonings behind act . niamh thinks she has the right to know , frustration bubbling , threatening to tip into something more dramatic as time passes . but she'll listen , even if it pains her to do so . " ─── so you're agreeing you didn't have one ? just … hoped into bed with the closest girl you saw when you were the one to put us on a so called break ? " there wasn't a chance for her to beat angered allegations , so she continues , " like … jesus christ , crue . i've got a job to do , i can't just be at your beck and call all of the time . i mean , did you not take that into consideration before you thought with your dick instead of your brain ? " questions plummet , taking a second to breathe and look at male . " i've been nothing but faithful to you . "
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head  nods  sarcastically  at  the  smart  comment  he  was  already  expecting  from  the  femme  .  crue  was  expecting  all  of  this  truthfully  which  is  why  he  never  wanted  her  to  find  out  about  that  night  .  "  sorry  for  not  wanting  to  discuss  me  having  sex  with  other  people  with  you  niamh  ..  "  frustration  lacing  syllables  now  .  "  my  thought  process  ?  "  —  "  my  thought  process  was  that  we  were  on  a  break  ,  we  hadn't  talked  in  a  few  weeks  and  for  all  i  knew  that  meant  it  was  over  between  us  .  so  i  went  out  and  i  don't  think  you  want  to  hear  the  rest  .  "
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lineflats · 10 months
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━━                   ❝  quaint , or whatever the correct term is . but i like it , a lot .  ❞  speaks with nothing but truth laced in their voice , but still it feels foreign .  she hasn't seen another living person  ( key word being living )  for what feels like months , but days did often roll into one , and the solitude had become habitual ; surprised enough that he hasn't go back on his word yet , the trust had been latched , but not at all solidified .  conversation seems forced , once normal & rolling , now full of hesitation and entirely scarce , it's not until they're in his territory  ( his safe haven , after all )  does manon feel a little bit more at ease .  however , guard still is up , matching silent steps , as if one wrong move would set her up for a not so heroic end .  ❝  what kind ?  ❞  should've learnt that the end of the world didn't bode well for fussiness , but old habits still remain … a sense of life before shines through .  hopeful , but not entirely .  ❝  i mean , sorry , yes please . i'll take anything …  ❞  now it's time for conversation to shift , pushing into an unknown direction as manon leans against nearest surface , not yet daring to sit unless invited to do so .  ❝  thank you , really .  i , uh , wouldn't have survived tonight without some shelter & food .  so guess i owe you one , huh ?  ❞
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━━ figures walk in the fading light , heading the few yards inside the threshold . the tension in the air , though slightly eased , still lingered as a reminder of the harsh reality they both faced ... the question hung in the air , a lifeline to normalcy in a conversation born out of necessity . ❝ it's been in my family for four generations , so ... my whole life . ❞ he glanced at the stranger , still uncertain but sensing a shared vulnerability in the air ━ they're both making the conscious effort to trust each other . for now . his gaze shifts towards her briefly , blond cleared his throat , the sound cutting through the quiet . ❝ y'hungry ? i've got some soup i can heat up . ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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━━                   ❝  fine , then i'll spare you hearing the sound of my voice .  i'm not trying to argue or be annoying , but i can see i'm getting under your skin so  . . .  ❞  trails off , deciding it would probably be best to silence herself before she did  ( or said )  something worse than prior .  however blair stays still , eyes fixated upon him , as if to say she'll comply .  finally , right ?  ❝  do you really want me here ?  'cause i'll do whatever you want . just please don't make me leave .  ❞
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━━ ❝ that's not ... you're incessant . there's many things i do that i'd rather not elaborate on . & if you were smart , you wouldn't be asking about it . like i said , you'd already be gone if that's what i wanted . i just want some compliance , & if that's too big of an ask , you can leave . ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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━━                   ❝  yeah , you would be .  just saying !  no offence for indirectly calling you stupid , but you said it first .  ❞  grin crosses features , tongue darting over lesser brim as he nods .  ❝  pft , six months is nothing … you've been wanting it for ages , right ?  and hey , my loving company will help pass the time …  ❞  that's his way of saying : do it , otherwise you'll regret it .
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━━ ❝ no , i won't ! i'm fading away as we speak ... but , uh , i'd be pretty fuckin' stupid to not take it , right ? i mean ... it'd be for 6 months , on the road , longest break is 5 days . it's what i've always wanted , but i'm still freakin' out about it . ━ you can come ! i mean , if you want . ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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━━                   ❝  it should !  i mean , you're not really leaning into the whole ' everyday is a school day ' motto … or is that not a real thing ?  anyway !  you're coming & that's final , no matter how many strings you have to pull  ━  and don't say i didn't offer my professional eyelash batting & puppy dog eye skills to help you out .  but of course not , i was fucking with you . you're my number one choice … always .  ❞
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━━ ❝ yeah , thanks . future parisian knowledge really helps ease the anxiety here . i don't take time off ... ever . if it was really a favor you'd wait until i was free ━ but i understand the sentiment . no , no . keep your string pulling to yourself . i've got to ... conduct an extremely well - written email & contact the dean directly . ━ did you really have a list of people you were going to ask besides me ? ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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━━                   ❝  right , okay .  i'm not too sure on your terminology for me , aids but i can work with it .  but you are running out of free passes with asking for my help  ━  next time you're gonna have to pay !  ❞  jovial comment rises , not at all serious with the intention of monetary gain .  but she does think it'd be nice .  either way , there's a smile curving upon brims , nodding slowly .  ❝  we'll start with the basics then i'll try to get a binder for you by the weekend , sound good ?  i'm currently a private chef for those rich families on the other side of the city .  you know the ones .  but i used to work as a hostess before i went to culinary school … uh , only child , parents are still married & i'm unfortunately allergic to dogs .  ❞  
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━━ ❝ ah , consider yourself ' the chosen one ' or whatever bullshit sounds good for you . c'mon , ris ! when have i ever asked for your help ? besides the past few times ... when ? okay , okay , no need to gas yourself up ━ a fat head doesn't look good on you . uh , yeah , a binder would be good ! think that'll be done next week ? but for now , give me the run down so i can call my parents & let them know we're super duper excited to see them . ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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━━                   can feel & sense the quiet fury from miles away , gio's entire being struck with some kind of eye twitching , body freezing stature .  if she knew that this is where her query would lead to , she couldn't have imagined this .  but bites her tongue , head nodding ever so slowly ; remaining calm , for the sake of her own needs .  ❝  no , i can't actually .  do you get much luck with women this way ?  and your promises are beginning to sound like some kind of blackmail movie or something … which isn't my personal vibe .  ❞  shrug emits , rethinking interaction throughout its entirety now .  but stands her ground , for the sake of seeing where it went .  if she'd get what she was asking .  ❝  i'll give you some on campus buzz or whatever , maybe a good recommendation .  but you don't acknowledge me after this .  sound good ?  ❞
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━━ & why the fuck would he say that ... can he not read the room ? regardless , seb is an arrogant , conceited , semi - kind - hearted asshole with no morals or sense of humility . what wouldn't she be interested in ! ❝ can you believe this isn't an act ? didn't get so far in life being a dud , y'know . aw , c'mon , don't hurt me like that . i said i'd even do it for free ! give me half an hour ... in a well - lit , public place . ❞ just give it up , man .
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lineflats · 10 months
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                   ❝ of course i would . ❞ admission falls as if it's the easiest thing to say , but in some realities , it is . camila's never been shy of her like of his company , but telling him directly was another thing altogether . ❝ i mean … we're not bad people , right ? just , sorta ended on bad terms , which is normal . doesn't mean that i don't miss you being around . plus , you talk a lot less than everyone here , which i also really like . ❞
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                   ❝    you    would    ?    ❞    questions   ,    focusing    on    latter    of    her    sentiments   ,    simply    because    it    piques    his    interest    the    most   .    ❝    thought    i'd    be    the    last    person    you'd    wanna    spend    your    night    with   ,    if    i'm    being    honest   .    it's    ―    kind    of    nice    to    hear    that    that's    not    the    case   .    ❞
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lineflats · 10 months
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                   raises her a blank stare , along with a brow against his forehead . he does stays stagnant for a second too long , attempting to gauge her intentions before he��ultimately fails  . . .  until she's speaking . ❝ fucking hell , kaia . does he know you're getting off at the thought of me ? ❞  question is heavy , but rocky's demeanour is now as well . like something has switched , but could anyone really blame him ?
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                   words    momentarily    caught    in    the    back    of    her    throat   ,    if    only    to    spare    herself    any    further    embarrassment ,    if    she's    actually    wrong    here   .    however   ,    opts    to    full-send    it   ,    anyway   .    ❝    getting    off    on    the    idea    of    you   ,    yeah    ―    that's    where    that    sentence    ends   .    ❞    it's    all    she'll    offer    in    response   ,    purposeful    in    the    way    she    ignores    any    mention    of    his    brother   ,    her    boyfriend   .
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