lineflats · 11 months
*      closed   ,   @pravitaes   .
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                   ❝   okay   .   .   .   but   why   is   it   that   big   of   a   deal   ?   it's   not   like   i   maxed   out   your   credit   card   !   just   .   .   .   i'm   offering   you   a   free   trip   to   paris   –   why   are   you   saying   no   ?    ❞
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swtsours-archived · 10 months
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“   i   hate   seeing   you   with   them   .   ”
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manhuntingbonanza · 3 months
As I'm reading more up on the Pickman Project files, the more convinced I am that Daniel got the worst treatment in the CAVUS experiment since Project Pravitas...
You'd think that Daniel being a fellow Project scientist would grant him leniency and special treatment, right? I've heard theories that Pickman secretly hates/resents Daniel, and this sure adds to it.
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valiantvideo · 1 year
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awesomegoat152 · 10 months
I’m sorry the pravitas for Leo are so sad but imagine you kiss his cheek and he’s like “that’s my ass”
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prayantis · 2 years
It had also been heavily implied that Leo was a test subject of "PROJECT PRAVITAS" prior to the events of the game.
TW: unethical surgeries and experimentation, phychological abuse (just in case)
Source link below the cut
He was then subjected to horrific painful surgeries without anaesthetics. Additionally the staff made sure that he was ostracized by his fellow patients.
The aim of that experiment was to see whether or not the combination of pain and isolation would make him violent or not.
Answer: It did.
Here's the link
Note: The images are burnt papers, so it was hard to decipher 😅😅
AKA Manhunt is a coward and I will have to start drawing Leo with a SHIT TON of scars after learning about this
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ppravitas · 10 months
HEADCANON. warning for talk of child sexual abuse / sex trafficking, mentions of animal harm, and implied suicide.
one of the reasons for leo's trauma being pretty much unmentioned is that it lies heavily in the corruption of the government. his parents weren't exceedingly wealthy or anything like that -- his mother was somewhat of a generic part working woman, part housewife, and his father was a former military man turned politician -- but they were somewhat well-known figures with a lot of shady business happening behind the scenes. one of these was trafficking their son to any colleagues and statesmen who wanted him. it got them where they wanted to be, after all.
consequently, leo knew from very early on how evil the government could be, but it wasn't until his days with the project that he started acting out against it. as a child and a teen, the majority of his behavioural issues manifested in different ways ; stealing, fighting, hurting others and animals, self harm, substance misuse, truancy, and the like. it was the way he coped with the things he was going through. because his family couldn't risk having him see a psychiatrist - at least one that wasn't as corrupted as they were, - he never had any support for these issues. this did not mean, however, that they weren't noticed.
leo was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder [NOTE: not "acute antisocial personality disorder" like rockstar said because personality disorders. cannot be acute lmao that goes against their entire thing] in the years after he turned 18, following numerous bail-outs for assault and theft. it was at this point that internal discussions between the powers that be were set in motion. the ease at which he was accepted into the project was no coincidence. while the opportunity to partake in project pravitas was seemingly random chance, it was in fact targeted towards him in particular. his trauma predisposed him to violence, filled him with rage, and he had already been held in a chokehold by the venomous hands of the government his whole life. he was the perfect candidate.
during the end of his time as an assassin, before his death, he had began becoming increasingly dissatisfied with his job and the project and the government. all the years of being toyed with and railroaded had caught up to him, and he was SICK OF IT. for once, he wanted to be the one in control, he wanted to be more than just a variable, he wanted to take control of his own life.
so he did.
one of the reasons he becomes so violently desperate when danny tries to get rid of him [ "SO SCARED YOU LOCKED ME AWAY, HUH?" // "YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!" // "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WITHOUT ME, PIPSQUEAK? WHO'S GONNA STAND UP FOR YOU?!" // "I'M THE ONE WHO BELONGS HERE, WHO DESERVES TO BE HERE!" ] is because it brings him back to the times in his life when he was helpless. when he was nothing but a meaningless variable in the lives of others, a puppet to be toyed with and controlled and manipulated in whatever way they wanted. he's finally the one in control, and he doesn't want to lose that.
and in regards to danny, it's one of the reasons he thinks he deserves control over daniel's body. after he spent so, so long being a tool for everyone else to use, why shouldn't he get a fresh start? is that not the least he deserves?
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allenthedevastator · 1 year
i must confess i drew leo as a trans man this morning bc i love projecting onto characters i shouldnt and rn im too afraid to show and too busy thinking of the fact i read the entirety of pravitas and did so much research about what tf is wrong with the lil guy to not keep it in mind so theres that ill go back to my hole now
ANYWAYS the only non-controversial things ive been doing most are still a lil too edgy as filler
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kknr14 · 2 months
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Desa gondang merupakan salah satu desa yang berlokasi di Mojokerto,Desa ini merupakan desa yang memilki mayoritas bepotensi di bidang wirausaha yang berbentuk umkm yang didukung pemerintah dan kecamatan dengan berupa modal dan juga edukasi.salah satu hasil olahan dari umkm desa gondang yang paling terkenal adalah kripik samiler yang dimana berbahan dasar dari singkong,
Melihat dari banyaknya umkm yang berwirausaha dengan menjualkan produk kripik samiler  yang berbahan dasar singkong di desa gondang.maka para mahasiswa UNTAG surabaya mempunyai project KKN yang dibimbing oleh dosen pembimbing lapangan Pravita Aldino, S.I.kom., M.I.Kom. memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi dari umkm yang berada di desa gondang tersebut guna meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan juga meningkatkan proses produksi untuk umkm kripik samiler KUB langgeng Makmur di dusun kedungpen desa gondang Mojokerto.
Kelompok KKN R14 Joshua mishael obednego Bersama ke 3 Rekannya di kelompok 7 memiliki ide program yaitu mendesain alat pengupas kulit  singkong yang dimana dengan desain alat yang diciptakan oleh kelompok 7  diharapkan meningkatkan efisiensi kerja UMKM kripik samiler KUB langgeng Makmur yang dimana pada proses produksinya untuk mengupas kulit singkong tersebut masih menggunakan alat yang tradisional,yang dimana diharapkan dengan desain yang kelompok 7 berikan dapat bermanfaat untuk meningknkan produksi dan efiiensi kerja.
Dengan adanya desain alat pengupas singkong diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah inovasi baru untuk umkm umkm yang berwirausaha kripik samiler di desa gondang yang dapat meningkatkan ekonomi di setiap dusun yang berada di desa gonging tersebut.
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venesicity · 10 months
my opinion on the danny and leo birthdates conundrum is that those Are just their canon ages. leo is younger than danny, he just looks and acts older bc that’s a Very common thing in response to trauma (considering he has aspd) and also probably looks older because like. project pravitas. just like in general
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Bertepatan Dengan Purnama Katiga, Wawali Arya Wibawa Hadiri Piodalan di Padmasana DPRD Kota Denpasar
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa menghadiri Piodalan di Padmasana Kantor DPRD Kota Denpasar bertepatan dengan Purnama Sasih Katiga, Kamis (31/8/2023). Dalam kesempatan tersebut hadir pula Ketua DPRD Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Gede, Wakil Ketua DPRD, I Wayan Mariyana Wandira, Sekretaris DPRD Kota Denpasar Ir. I Gde Made Bhaju Pravita serta anggota DPRD Kota Denpasar lainnya. Hadir pula para Camat serta Asisten dan Staf Ahli di lingkungan Setda Pemkot Denpasar. Diiringi suara kidung dan gambelan, rangkaian upacara berlangsung khidnat. Turut dipentaskan Tarian Wali seperti Tari Topeng, Tari Rejang oleh ibu-ibu Gatriwara beserta staf sekretariat DPRD Kota Denpasar, Pesantian oleh Sekaa Santhi DPRD Kota Denpasar dan iringan Tetabuhan dari Sekehe Gambelan Werdi Suara Banjar Kedaton Kesiman, Kecamatan Denpasar Timur. Rangkakan Piodalan kali ini disertai Pemlaspasan Alit pasca perbaikan salah satu bagian atas Pelinggih di Pura Padmasana Kantor DPRD Kota Denpasar. Seluruh rangkaian diakhiri dengan persembahyangan bersama yang dipuput Ida Pedanda Istri Mayun Griya Gede Jempeng Sari Kesiman, Denpasar Timur. Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa usai mengikuti persembahyangan mengatakan, piodalan ini menjadi momentum untuk selalu memanjatkan puji syukur kehadapan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa atas segala anugerah-Nya. Dimana, piodalan ini menjadi momentum untuk bersyukur dan meningkatkan sradha dan bhakti kepada Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. "Ini juga menjadi gambaran langkah-langkah koordinasi dan komunikasi antara Eksekutif dan Legislatif guna meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan menjalankan pembangunan di Kota Denpasar," ujarnya Sementara Prawartaka Karya, Sekretaris DPRD Kota Denpasar Ir. I Gde Made Bhaju Pravita, menjelaskan rangkaian Piodalan dan Pemlaspasan Alit Pelinggih di Pura Padmasana Kantor DPRD Kota ini dimulai sejak prosesi Ngingsiran Ida Bhatara dikarenakan perbaikan bagian atas Padmasana pada 28 Agustus 2022 lalu. Dilanjutkan dengan Prosesi pemasangan Lapan Banten dan mendirikan tetaring pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2023. Puncak Piodalan dilaksanakan pada Rahina Purnama Sasih Katiga, Kamis (31/8/2023) sudah dimulai pukul 10.00 WITA, yang diawali Ida Pedanda Mepuja, Pemlaspasan dilanjutkan Ngaturang Piodalan.(bpn) Read the full article
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lineflats · 11 months
*      closed   ,   @pravitaes   .
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                   ❝   hard   pass   .   i   don't   do   the   whole   .   .   .   pity   party   thing   .   and   anyway   ,   don't   you   have   other   people   you   could   ask   ?    ❞
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talesofmiddonmira · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask what the religions are in your world? It’s always super interesting.
Sure! I do have a few different religions planned, but I have not fleshed them out a lot yet.
For now the most I have is the worship of certain deities. There is the worship of the chaos/creation god Pravitas:
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Pravitas is a nonbinary/genderfluid deity, but commonly taking the shape of and referred to as a masculine god, they can shapeshift and are worshipped mostly by the dark elves (the Drokharan). They're a really ancient being who was around far back in the creations myths of the world, it is thought that Pravitas was responsible for the introduction of humanity to Yimrasil.
The other deities are Alder and Alma, their religion is like a mixture of Christianity and Paganism. They are a god and a goddess, though often referred to as one being/one deity overall. They're symbol is this one here (you'll notice that Alistair wears their symbol from his horn, as he is a worshipper of Alder and Alma):
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There are quite a couple more that I have planned, but I think it's a lot to fit into one post! Pravitas and Alder & Alma are the most highlighted religions in the stories so far though.
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manhuntingbonanza · 6 months
Leo for the character/ask game
favorite thing about them: His background, both the fully canon (his assassin background) and the implied one (Project Pravitas)
least favorite thing about them: He'd be better off as a real person rather than an alter. He made such shitty representation of heavily stigmatized mental disorders like dissociative disorders.
favorite line: "Dogs bark, babe. Snakes crawl. Leo kills. This is a suprise to you? You fuckers created me!"
brOTP: None.
OTP: None.
nOTP: Sorry to say it but the ship between Daniel and Leo is one for me.
random headcanon: He's Gary Smith's second cousin.
unpopular opinion: I don't like him that much. While I do find aspects of his character and lore interesting and worth exploring, I find him very much overrated otherwise.
song i associate with them: Mind Control
favorite picture of them:
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Pretty decent angle, I'll give it that
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glitchedstarr · 4 years
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This took me like half a month to actually finish but here’s a long overdue refsheet for my favored oc Pravitas (and of his other forms)
I know I gush about him on every art piece I post but I genuinely love this oc so so so much he is my magnum opus and he is so close to my heart. He’s so very important to me and I have loved him for 2 and a half years now. Who would have thought that a simple Fuse Your Faves meme would metamorphose into my most beloved muse?? No one.
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ppravitas · 11 months
the only thing stopping me from writing leo as trans is that it involves having to rewrite part of project pravitas and im too silly for that. sadge.
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