linguistshark · 2 years
Swedish online language books
Brief Swedish grammar | (old) online book for grammar
Simplified grammar | (old) online book for grammar
Travellers handbook | (old) online book for the basics
Wikibooks | not really a book tho
Linguebooks | links to 53 online language books
Swedish Phase 1 | audiobook, unit 1-5
Swedish Phase 1 | audiobook, unit 6-10
Swedish Phase 1 | audiobook, unit 11-15
Get talking Swedish in 10 days | audiobook
Keep talking Swedish | audiobook
Everyday Swedish | audiobook
Also check out @salvadorbonaparte's Mega Drive here [post] - there you can find around 10 pdfs of Swedish language books
P.S. Many of these sites also offer language books in other languages!
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linguistshark · 3 years
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WordBrewery is great for improving your vocabulary.  It gives you a random sentence at either beginner, intermediate, advanced or master level, and you can make lists of words or sentences that you’d like to learn.   It includes the following languages:
Serbian (Latin)
Serbian (Cryillic)
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linguistshark · 3 years
Daily Swedish Lesson #37
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Subject: Deep seas
Fiskar - fish
En delfin - a dolphine
Maneter - jellyfish
Räka - shrimp
Haj - shark
Bläckfisk - octopus
En sjöhäst - a seahorse
En säl - a seal
Snäckskal - seashell
Sjöstjärna - starfish
Korallrev - coral reef
Svampdjur - sponges
Hav - ocean/sea
Sjöborrar - sea urchins
Clownfiskar - clownfish
Teuthida - squids
Tioarmade bläckfiskar - squids (literally '10-armed octopus')
Ankare - anchor
Späckhuggare - killer whales
Havsormar - sea snakes
Havsanemoner - sea anemones
Havsutter - sea otters
Sirendjur - sea cows
Tång - seaweed
Hitta Nemo - Finding Nemo
Swedish fact of the day;
One of Sweden's earlier kings was a pirate. Eric XIII of Sweden became king after the death of his grandaunt Margaret I, but he managed to annoy the Swedish nobles so much he had to flee to Gotland. There, he took over Visborg Castle. After all that was finished, and the Swedish nobles were completely done with him, he started a career as a pirate on the Baltic Sea to take revenge on the Swedish nobles. When after 10 years of piracy he had enough, he returned to high society as a Duke of Pomerania!
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linguistshark · 3 years
Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 
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linguistshark · 3 years
Swedish Youtubers
Swedish youtubers
Clara Henry
Leva Loppan
Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time
Sonny Svensson (some videos about Swedish culture)
Jonna Jinton
Youtubers about learning Swedish
Slow Swedish with Katrin Berndt; videos with Slow Swedish
The Swedish Lad; mostly videos in English about Swedish culture, also some videos in Swedish with subtitles
Martin Arvebro; Swedish youtubechannel of The Swedish Lad
Swedish lessons
SayItInSwedish (mostly focuses on pronunciation)
This playlist from Academia Cervena on pronunciation
If searching for audiobooks, simply search ljudbok
If searching for bedtime stories, search for godnattsagor
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linguistshark · 3 years
Swedish Resources
Basic courses
Wikiversity (beginner 1)
Wikiversity (intermediate 1)
Wikiversity (intermediate 2)
Audio books:
Swedish Phase 1: unit 1-5
Swedish Phase 1: unit 6-10
Swedish Phase 1: unit 11-15
Get talking Swedish in Ten days
Keep talking Swedish
Everday Swedish for beginners
The people’s dictionary
Swedish Language Blog
Something Swedish
Simplified news
Online PDF of Swedish Grammar
Youtuber Katrin Berndt
Youtuber TheSwedishLad
Bedtime stories
Easy Swedish
Also check out @blommigfalukorv for some more swedish resources. Unfortunately they are no longer active (i believe), but they still have some great posts on their blog!
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linguistshark · 3 years
хуй and its derivatives (strong language)
хуй - dick
по́хуй - to not care
мне по́хуй I don’t give a fuck
на́хуй, нахуя́, захуя́ - all those words mean “why?” (with what aim)
ты на́хуй сюда́ пришёл? why the fuck have you come here?
с хуя́ ли / схуя́ли - why the fuck? (for what reason)
дохуя́ - a lot
я съел дохуя́ карто́шки I ate a shitton of potatoes
нихуя́ - nothing, not at all
нихуя́ они́ мне не да́ли! they didn’t give me anything! нихуя́ они́ не спортсме́ны they are not (at all) sportsmen
не́хуй - (1) nothing, (2) when telling someone to stop doing something
(1) мне бы́ло не́хуй де́лать, и я прибра́лся i had nothing to do, so i tidied up (2) не́хуй смея́ться на́до мной! stop laughing at me!
хуй там был - said when you were expecting/hoping/told something would happen and it didn’t
я ду́мал, меня́ поко́рмят - (а вот) хуй там был! i thought they would feed me - but they didn’t!
положи́ть хуй (на) - to ingore, to not care about something too much
я давно́ положи́л хуй на заря́дку I stopped doing morning exercise long ago
заби́ть хуй (на) - same as above, sometimes just заби́ть is used
забе́й ты на уро́ки, пойдём поигра́ем! screw homework, let’s go play! [you’re suggesting someone to stop doing homework]
хуи́ пина́ть - to do nothing productive or useful
мы це́лый день уже хуи́ пина́ем, пора́ взя́ться за де́ло! we’ve been doing nothing all day, it’s time to get down to business!
я́сен хуй - obviously! duh!
посла́ть на́хуй - to tell someone to fuck off иди́ на́хуй! - fuck off! пошёл на́хуй! [to a male] / пошла́ на́хуй! [to a female] - fuck off!
хуй (его́) зна́ет - I have no fucking clue
- кто съел соси́ски? - да хуй его́ зна́ет! - who ate the sausages? no fucking idea!
охуе́ть - (1) to be extremely shocked (2) same, but as an interjection - “oh shit!” (3) said about someone who’s behaving very badly (4) ну охуе́ть / ну охуе́ть тепе́рь is said sarcastically as an interjection about something which another person thought would surprise you but didn’t
(1) я вошёл в ко́мнату и охуе́л - там го́лый полице́йский танцева́л! i entered the room and was shocked - there was a naked policeman and he was dancing! (2) охуе́ть! ты где э́то доста́л? oh shit! where did you get that? (3) он вы́пил мой сок? да он охуе́л! he drank my juice? he comepletely lost his mind! (4) - я гуля́л и уви́дел БОЛЬШУ́Ю СОБА́КУ!!! - ну охуе́ть тепе́рь… - i was walking and saw A BIG DOG!!! - what a fucking surprise….
охуе́нный - really fucking good
я тако́е охуе́нное пла́тье вчера́ купи́ла. i bought such a nice fucking dress yesterday
охуи́тельный - same as above
хуёвый - really bad
хуёвый у тебя́ компью́тер - виснет постоянно your computer is shit - it’s always lagging
[someone] ху́ев - said to/about someone who’s supposed/told to know how to do something or to have certain knowledge about something, but failed, and you’re judging them for “showing off” but not actually knowing what they’re doing or not doing this to the promised extent
по́вар ху́ев, ты мне что́-нибудь кро́ме карто́шки жа́реной бу́дешь гото́вить? hey “chef”, will you cook anything except friend potatoes for me?
хуй зна́ет что - something unpleasant, bad, poorly made, something that you don’t understand
снача́ла она́ ра́довалась, а тепе́рь переста́ла со мной обща́ться. хуй зна́ет что присхо́дит! she was happy at first, but then stopped talking to me at all. what is this nonsese that’s happening!
хуй с ним - fuck it (exclamation)
хуй тебе́ - said to someone when you don’t want to do something for them or give them something they ask
почи́нишь по́лку? хуй тебе́, сама́ чини́ will you fix the shelf? fuck no, do it yourself
похуи́зм - the state or trait of not caring about anything (usually positive connotation)
тебе́ для сча́стья не хвата́ет немно́го похуи́зма to be happy you need to care a bit less
похуи́ст - a person who doesn’t care too much (usually positive connotation)
како́го ху́я - what the fuck?! ху́ли/ху́ле - same as above, but usually used in full questions, whereas the above can be used on its own
оди́н хуй - it doesn’t matter, it makes no difference
я и во́ду пил, и дыха́ние заде́рживал - оди́н хуй ика́ю i drank water and held my breath - and i still get hiccups
хуета́/хуита́/хуйня́ - (1) something unpleasant or hard to understand (2) a thing you and the person you’re talking to know about
(1) что за хуйню́ ты тут написа́л? я да́же не понима́ю, что ты име́л в виду́ what the fuck have you written? i don’t even understand what you were trying to say (2) пода́й мне э́ту хуйню́ с ру́чкой give me that thing with a handle
хуёвина - same as (2) above
страда́ть хуйнёй - to do nothing productive, to do something which seems really useless
ле́том мне надое́ло страда́ть хуйнёй, и я реши́л нача́ть учи́ть но́вый язы́к in the summer i got tired of doing nothing and decided to start learning a new language
спор́оть хуйню́ - to say something dumb or something which doesn’t make sense (incoherent, etc)
вчера́ напи́лся и споро́л каку́ю-то хуйню́, а тепе́рь она́ ду́мает, что она́ мне нра́вится i drank too much yesterday and said something dumb, and now she thinks i like her
хуйло́/хуесо́с - an unpleasant/dumb person whose behaviour is questionable
ну ты и хуесо́с! ты заче́м мою́ соба́ку побри́л? you’re a moron! why did you shave my dog?
хуя́к - denotes a sudden, quick and/or unexpected action
ката́юсь я, а пото́м хуя́к на лёд! so i’m skating, and then bam - i fell on the ice!
хуя́се! / (ну) нихуя́ себе́! / нихуя́! / хуя́! - an exclamation of surprise (you’re impressed)
нахуя́риться / нахуя́читься - to drink too much
смехуёчки - funny things, funny pictures/jokes/stories
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linguistshark · 4 years
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Fillers words are those small interruptions we put in our sentences whenever we talk. Mostly shunned upon when writing papers, or giving speeches, but in casual conversations it pops up all the time.
There are times where I just end up saying, “um,” “like,” “uhh,” and so on. You know, things like that and was curious how I can also transfer that blank state of mind in another language.
Well, that and it gives you time while you’re thinking of the right words for your target language. It sounds more natural than saying the English filler words and it won’t confuse the native speakers as much.
These are the filler words in the languages I’m learning:
Pues – Well
A ver – Let’s see
Digo – I say
O sea – I mean
Entonces – So/therefore
Asi que – So/therefore
Bueno – Well
Es que – It’s just that
Este – Umm/uhh 
La cosa es – The thing is
A lo que me refiero es – What I refer to is
えーと [eeto] – Umm
あのう [ano] – Well/say
その [sono] – That/the
ええ [ee] – Uhh
なんか [nanka] – Something
それで [Sore de] – So
You can extend the way you say it such as eeeeto, or sonooo.
Meno male – Thank goodness
Allora – So
Ma dai – Come on
Quindi – Therefore
Vediamo un po’ – Let me see
Siccome – Seeing as/since
Visto che – Seeing as
Comunque – Anyway
A proposito – By the way
Per la maggior parte – For the most part
Forse – Maybe
Magari – Perhaps
Ну – Well
Это/эта – Well
Типа – well, kinda
Как бы – Sort of
В общем – Basically, so
Слышь – Y’know
В принципе – Theoretically
Это самое – Whatsit, whatchamacallit
Собственно – As a matter of fact
Значит – So/well then
Скажем – Say
Однозначно – Sure thing
Так сказать – Sort of/kind of
Жесть – Sick/awesome/sick-awesome/harsh/heavy
В натуре – Actually, for real
Прямо скажем – To be honest
Короче – Bla-bla-bla, long story short
То сё, пятое десятое – This and that
Реально – For real
На самом деле – Actually
Круто – Cool
Конечно – Totally
Прикольно/ по приколу – Fun
Alors – So
Allez  – Right/Go ahead
Euh – Uhh
Quoi – What
Bref – Basically
Bien  – Well
En fait  – In fact
Quand même  – Still/anyway
Tu sais  – You know
Bon/bon ben  – Well
C’est-à-dire – That is to say
A la limite  – I mean/I suppose
Ou seja – Like/I mean/That is to say
Bom – Well/um/ok
Então – So/then
Pois – So/then
Ahn/Hum – Um/er
Mas – But
Bem – Well
Certo – Right
Certo/é  assim – Right/isn’t it
Como – Like
Try using these words as you slowly start forming sentences, or just use it whenever you’re studying in your target language.
Feel free to add more, or let me know if I missed anything! Happy studies!
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linguistshark · 4 years
♡ nors' favourite songs from last week ♡
♡ if you've any recommendations, send 'em my way ♡
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linguistshark · 4 years
there it is, the 1-1000 frequency anki deck (idk why’re there 1003 notes displayed tho aaaa..)
i guess?? it could work as vocabulary builder, in a way. since those are the most frequently used words and all.
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linguistshark · 4 years
Direction words
🔄 🔼 🔀🔽🔁🔄
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linguistshark · 4 years
♡ nors' favourite songs from last week ♡
of course не курите мальчики is no. 1, the song advocates against smoking and it rhymes a lot which makes words easy to remember and pronounce (for me, at least) but mostly bc im an игорь корнелюк stan and i can sing along to the refrain! <3
i instantly fell in love with человек и кошка, i was all "FUCK БРО AN ACCORDION" i'm just a sucker for accordions i could listen to that shit all DAY but also bc i am (sometimes) a man who's brain is sick and cramping
контрабанды is fucking vibe i cant even put it into words
шнурок is in this list to show people that i'm
but actually its here bc it reminds me of eraserheads' earlier music
7 этаж is the reason i couldnt fall asleep faster i mean бро it is catchy as fuck and i unconsiously sing it in the shower, its a great song to me if it does both of those <3 (but isnt 7th floor like slang for the psyche ward?)
♡ if you've any recommendations, send 'em my way ♡
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linguistshark · 4 years
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Verbs for Daily Life Actions in Swedish! 🚽 P.S. You can learn #Swedish everyday in the comfort of your home using SwedishPod101: https://www.swedishpod101.com/?src=tumblr_life-actions_image_062520
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linguistshark · 4 years
on one hand i respect belarusian for using the letter a where russian puts an unstressed o thats actually pronouced like an a, but on the other hand seeing belarusian words that are basically the same as the russian word but spelled phonetically looks goofy as hell. like..... tell me how im supposed to see the word свабода and not immediately think of a russian cat meme :/
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linguistshark · 4 years
What are some important/common phrases på svenska? 🙂
good question, i guess basic things like
hej - hi
tack - thank you
kan du hjälpa mig - can you help me
varsågod - you’re welcome
surprisingly hard to make this list and my imagination isn’t what it once was, so i’ll post a couple of links instead lol
common verbs + slowing down a conversation
hoppas det här var hjälpsamt to some degree 
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linguistshark · 4 years
[Video is in Russian with English subtitles available]
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linguistshark · 4 years
Nothing will ever be as iconic as Swedish just adding and removing pronouns from the language. Like in the 1960′s when we said peace out to the use of the formal pronoun Ni and then in the early 2010′s we loaned the gender neutral third person pronoun hen from Finnish (truly the most iconic loanword of all time in my opinion). Like grammarians said pronouns is a closed word class and Swedish said hold my snaps. 
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