linious · 11 years
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This is my recent article on the BEST PHO in Sydney~ 4 article consisting of 3 suburb: Cabramatta, Bankstown and Flemington
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linious · 11 years
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  Commonwealth Street一直是Surry Hills著名的一條街之一,暗藏著多間特色餐廳與酒吧,其中就有新開的Brooklyn Hide。
如果紐約式的Bagel能被廣大吃貨們知曉,那Brooklyn則功不可沒。 白吉餅Bagel是Brooklyn的代表作,把這種甜甜圈形狀的麵包帶入悉尼,替代傳統的土司或者Sourdough麵包來搭配不同肉類甚至甜點,以酵母發作再用水煮之後再拿去烤, 白吉餅的口味便跟濃稠、嚼勁十足、香味畫上連接。
不用坐幾十個小時的飛機飛往紐約便可體驗New York Style food,以紐約的幾個區域來命名菜單上的特色,再讓食客自選酵麵包、罂粟籽、藍莓、無谷蛋白,當然,若你同樣也有選擇困難症,那Everything則是個不錯的選擇。
“Made fresh to order”是Brooklyn Hide的口號,除了新鮮更有美味topping搭配著Bagel。
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linious · 11 years
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悉尼的Frozen Yoghurt就像是美國的快餐一樣遍地都是,但是隨著品嚐的種類越多,就越能感受到每間店的口味不同。
坐落在著名的Oxford St上,一間從玻璃窗而吸引小編進入的CherryPick frozen yoghurt店就是今夏小編最願意推薦的甜品店。
經老闆應邀而參加的Blog Me Froyo Event讓小編得以跟老闆Daniel閒聊得知更多酸奶冰淇淋的歷史,他們的創業過程以及對froyo的喜愛。試問,又有幾位能餐餐吃froyo而不膩不煩呢?
多樣化的Cherrypick,除了提供froyo產品之外還有迷你cupcake,其中小編最愛最推薦的少不了Red Velvet以及Cookies and Cream。聖誕即將到來,這使得店裡的cupcake也以聖誕作為主題披上了聖誕的新裝,這不僅給這家小店帶來喜慶的氣息,也給我們的視覺帶來了更多的色彩。
Pomegranate froyo:Cherrypick的signature flavour也是cherrypick的代表,容易搭配任何一項topping
值得一提的是cherrypick的奶昔有世界健美冠軍Charlie Duca設計合作~~
      Address: Shop 28, Oxford Square, 59 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia
8021 7859
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linious · 11 years
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Manmaruya 是一家精通拉麵和壽司的日本餐廳,這家Ashfield分店離火車站只需三分鐘步行,對不住在Ashfield附近的顧客來說也是非常的方便。這家店給顧客的第一印象就 是非常的舒服,在不是很大的店舖裡採用暖色調,讓寒冷的冬天變得特別的溫暖還有一種家的溫馨。開放式的廚房讓四位大廚們的一舉一動盡在你的眼中,看著他們在那乾淨的環 境下做專業的烹飪,你再也不用擔心什麼衛生問題,就盡情的吃吧!   老闆是位擁有25年豐厚烹飪經驗的日本廚師,他為我們細心的介紹了普遍顧客最喜愛的幾道菜式。老闆解釋說本店用的都是最新鮮的肉來烹飪,因為在開店以來就跟Campsie一家有名的肉店結成了良好的合作關係,所以拿​​到的都是上等的肉。其中最能 展示肉的品質的就是用wagyu beef製作的Tataki。還有,所有湯麵都是經過精心挑選的骨頭,除了普遍的豬骨湯底還有雞肉湯底。經過12個小時的慢火���熬成的湯用來做湯底,再使用木耳去除油膩的口感除了健康當然還少不了香 味。老闆的開店宗旨就是honesty, 他認為要把每道給客人的菜做到最好,就不能偷空減料,每個步驟都要用足夠的時間和足夠的料。聽完老闆這番話我們就迫不及待的想品嚐這些由大廚們盡心烹飪的菜式了!如果您是一位平常總是擔心出去吃飯會不會不干淨,或料會不會用的不好,那麼我建議您把您的擔心留在Manmaruya的門外,因為這裡不需要他們!   開吃咯! 聞名而來到Manmaruya的我們當然還不忘試吃拉麵以及咖哩豬排飯。拉麵鮮美又有健康的湯底是之前已介紹過的但除了這些肯定也少不了炸豬肉。由於油炸很多時候都會使人一下就飽 了而很乾的肉便會讓人失去繼續吃下去的勇氣,但是Manmaruya不會。炸豬肉因為在湯裡就會嫩化當嘗試咬一口再喝一口湯之後那口感簡直無法形容。真的 有圖有真相 那咖哩 雞肉飯呢?一樣是炸肉但搭配咖哩醬亦是最佳的調味料。雞肉的口感再加上醬的美味 讓人吃完還久久留戀而壽司方面則使用鮮美的生魚,生魚壽司以及炭烤三文魚,無論再飽吃到炭烤三文魚還會忍不住再多點一份。   拉麵:炸雞肉外脆裡嫩加上蛋與竹筍帶出濃厚的湯味而黑木耳則去除油膩量雖少但重於精緻而且絕對能吃的很飽,所以建議帶著您的空肚子去Manmaruya,您不會失望的! 生魚:生魚很鮮美嫩中帶甜種類諸多 咖哩肉飯:咖哩不辣但很重味道帶出雞肉的香味。配上生菜除膩
  環境: 4.5
食物: 5
口感: 4.5
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linious · 11 years
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  地址:165 Wycombe Rd Neutral Bay NSW 2089
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linious · 11 years
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Indulgence: Love of CHOCOLATE
So, chocolate is not only associated with Valentines day but also WINTER. imagine having some warm waffles or hot chocolate or maybe even some fresh baked churros on a cold winter day. How'd that sound?
Tempted? welcome to read through my article "Indulgence: love of chocolate" featured on Citywalker magazine earlier.
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linious · 11 years
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So… I’ve realized my commitment to this blog is really low due to my overwhelming work & study load… I even find it hard at times to manage to hand in my articles on time… So, instead of putting some of you off, I’ve decided to post some of my precious articles written in Citywalker magazine online, to this blog~~ It’s all places that I’ve been to, and I really do hope you find it useful~
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linious · 11 years
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[Article] Love Grub! Love this place
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linious · 11 years
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[Articles] Burgerlicious
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linious · 11 years
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One of my articles on Citywalker magazine~
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linious · 11 years
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Home cooking? Decided to cook Thai green curry earlier and thought that the leftover fried rice from last night will be a waste if no one eats it... So I combined the fried rice with the curry around it~~ How's my cooking?
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linious · 12 years
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Jamie's Italian
Everyone must have already heard of Jamie Oliver's name right? The famous celebrity chef that not only cooks but also teaches audiences on television shows about cooking. Must admit my knowledge towards Italian food is not very broad, up until i tried the pasta, i was so amazed at it, spicy pasta? maybe not my type
Booking for 6+ only so we went on the day, waiting for half an hour til there's a table for us. 
Ordered drinks quickly, the old traditional favourite: Lemon Lime & Bitter. Love never dies for LLB... my absolute love
It took us awhile to order what we wanted, after ordering, the staff brought up complimentary breads with olive oil & herbs. A great combination of texture, hard crust with olive oil to soften and the inside of the bread is absolutely soft...
Next came the Baked Mushooms which contains crispy "bread" and smoked buffalo mozzarella. Not my type of dish but the presentation is great.
My friend wanted to order the squid but i misunderstood her and ordered a pear or apple salad. By memory i believe it's pear salad, the combination of the dressing and pear is unique i must say.
This is the Casarecce Sicilana pasta, it is very spicy, we didnt know it was spicy until we tried it. Beyond what i can manage but in an attempt to enjoy the food we ordered more and more drinks in order to finish the pasta. It's delicious but too spicy
Then comes the Posh chips which is topped with truffle oil and parmesan cheese. Great combination however too rich after a few bite.
By memory, this is the duck sausage, it is a spicy dish as well with beans beneath, didnt like it, but i love the fillings in the duck sausage, brought up my appetite for more.
Finally, we ordered dessert, Assorted Sorbet and Chocolate Brownie.
The sorbet on the day was passion fruit, apple and raspyberry. Very refreshing after a big lunch.
The Chocolate brownie is a must have dish at Jamie's Italian, sensational texture with gorgeous taste, a spoonful of brownie and a little bit of the Vanilla Ice-cream, you know you cant be happier that lunch.
Thank you for the very helpful staff and Jamie's Italian for opening a restaurant in Sydney.
Jamie's Italian 107 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 www.jamiesitalian.com.au Phone Number +61 2 8240 9000 OPENING TIMES Monday - Saturday  11:30am - Late Closed Sundays
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linious · 12 years
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Never too many Macarons at Zumbo~~ absolutely delicious (來自 Instagram)
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linious · 12 years
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Stay tuned... More to come~~ Photo at Jamie's Italian, Sydney~
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linious · 12 years
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Team orange challenge on moons festival 2012~ So our team orange consisting of 8 members bought 8 orange juice from Coles in an attempt to finish it all... Not really considering that it is beyond what some can resist... Too sour and slightly bitter... Even though the packaging says it does not include concentrate, I would actually rather fresh orange juice... I... Had 3, finishing what two others cant finish. As a big orange juice lover, this challenge is simply, a small case~
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linious · 12 years
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Wowcow Walked past wowcow on Burwood Rd, Burwood a few times, saw the queue outside and is just purely amazed by the crowd that frozen yoghurt attracts. Frozen yoghurt is delicious, and an amazing substitute of ice cream, gelato or sorbet~ it contains some good bacteria that is essential for human digestive system and is lower in fat~ Making frozen yoghurt is quite easy, simply purchase yoghurt, milk, sugar and juice~ I searched online for a simple recipe if you don't have an ice cream maker~ Add a small amount of frozen yoghurt along with large amount of milk, add in whichever flavour juice you wish along with sugar, place under high heat for awhile then place in the freezer and your frozen yoghurt is done... Not sure whether this is useful or not, maybe you can try it out and tell me x) So, trying out wowcow, it is quite different to moochi, as moochi fruit smoothie, the fruity taste is much stronger, the smoothie is thicker and somehow tastes better. I saw the process of wowcow staff making this mango moothie, he pour a cup of mango juice, a spoonful of fresh mango along with a cup of frozen yoghurt together with the use of blender brings together this mango moothie. I would recommend to use more fresh mangoes for a stronger taste but I also understand that they probably want to save more money...
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linious · 12 years
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Yayoi Kusama LV collection 2012
Yayoi Kusama and LV together launched a new collection in 2012 featuring poker dots~ An absolutely amazing collection that is a MUST to collect.
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