linkisntrelevant · 4 years
mo sat at the diner close to the links. it wasn’t her ideal spot, but they had waffles that you could die for. her coffee was as black as her soul. which only helped with the ranging headache she had from the night before. maybe drinking after winning her match wasn’t the best idea. at least her hangover could be counted as worth it. as the diner got more crowded she noticed someone looking for a seat. with sigh she held her hand up waving them down. “hey over here,”
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Link was exhausted as always as he headed down the street to the diner near his apartment building, his daughter perched on his shoulders. She was whining and babbling nonsense about being hungry. He had fallen into a bit of a depression, making basic needs such as buying food for the apartment difficult. He had fend his daughter some prepackaged donuts and a box of apple juice while he tried his hardest to pull his shit together. That was the main reason that he was heading to the diner. To feed himself and hopefully get rid of the guilt of not giving his daughter a proper meal. As he entered the diner, setting Ensley down on the ground, he noticed one of his neighbors calling him over. Without hesitation, his little girl ran to the familiar face. “Morning. You look hung over.” He remarked, dropping down across the table from Mo.
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
jaesun was on his way home after closing up the shop for the day when he was forced to come to a halt as a little girl stood in the way of his path on the sidewalk, a curious tilt to her head. he offered her a smile, an expression that only grew wider when the little girl pointed eagerly to the tattoos that lined his right arm. she didn’t need to speak for him to understand her question and he followed the line of the leash she was attached to, letting his gaze settle onto who he assumed was her father talking on the phone, before deciding to indulge her for the time being. “ your dad has some doodles on his arms too, huh? ” his eyes widened in surprise when the little girl held her arms up toward him after nodding, clearly hoping to be lifted from the ground to continue their conversation. “ you’re very friendly, aren’t you? ” he chuckled softly, kneeling down to her level instead to make her feel more included without actually picking her up ━ he didn’t want to overstep a boundary, after all. “ I don’t think that’s the greatest idea. your dad is going to be worried enough when he looks over here, don’t you think? pretty sure you’re not supposed to be talking to strangers, no matter how much you like their doodles. ” he continued to speak to her casually, until who he assumed to be her father came and scooped her up quickly ━  his attention settling onto the other boy then instead as he stood up once again. “ oh, don’t worry about it, she was very sweet. I think she was just curious about these. ” he shrugged his right arm gently before offering him a soft smile. “ anyway, I hope I didn’t encourage any bad habits talking to her like that. I thought I’d just give you a second to finish your phone call but I didn’t expect her to open up so quickly. ”
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Ensley bounced on her toes, pointing at he tattoos and babbling on excitedly. The little girl’s words a mix of English, Korean, and gibberish with no real coherent sentences leaving her mouth. As Link scooped his daughter up into his arms, he eyes the man she was talking so happily too. At a glance, it was obvious to him why she had taken a liking to this specific stranger. Tattoos, piercings, and dressed in mostly black he did look similar to him at a glance. Clearly enough to please his daughter. “Probably. I’ve got plenty hidden away that she likes to colour in.” He smiled, shifting Ensley so she rested comfortable on his hip. “Thanks. I’d prefer she be a friendly kid, we’re still working on the concept of strangers. It wasn’t an important call though. Family bullshi---” He cut himself off quickly, not wanting to seem like a bad father for swearing in front of his daughter. Almost as quickly as he cut off the word, the little girl repeated it gleefully.
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
Link wasn’t ashamed to say he put his daughter on a leash when they were wandering the streets. Ensley was an energetic three year old and liked her independence. On the bustling streets of San Diego were not a place for a toddler to be roaming freely. It was a little stuffed animal backpack with a couple straps over her chest and a leash so she never strayed too far. It was before dinner and he was letting the little girl burn off some energy before it got too dark. “I know, Liv.” He sighed into his phone as he walked. Olivia was the only one out of his three sisters that he stayed in contact with regularly. “We’re having kimchi fried rice. It’s what she likes end of story.” He was so caught up in arguing that he hadn’t noticed Ensley holding up her arms to a complete stranger. “Shit.” Quickly, he hung up his phone and scooped his daughter into his arms. “I’m so sorry. She likes people.” @twenty3starters​
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
Link was thourouly distracted as he walked down the street, his nose in his phone. Today wasn’t his favourite day. All morning he had had to practically fight Ensley just to get her dressed and to daycare before his shift started only to get a voicemail left less than an hour later that he needed to come pick her up under the suspicion that she might have pink eye. To make matters even worse, he had gotten an email from his mother. The first one he had received from her since moving to California eighteen months ago. His father was sick and things weren’t looking good. The woman talked about how he needed to come back and make amends. That alone was enough to give him anxiety. When he felt a hand on his arm, tugging him to the side he all but jumped out of his skin. Glancing at the path he had been on, he sighed. “You should have let me walk into it.” He chuckled, stuffing his phone into his back pocket. “Family bullshit as always.” He recognized the man who had helped him. Although he couldn’t remember his name off the top of his head. If he wasn’t mistaken he had a child that went to daycare with Ensley.
the vape shop was a bit steady today. while one of his workers ran the register he took it upon himself to go take a break. he might be the owner, but he still made sure the shop was good. it was like his baby. other then eun anyway. pulling the little juul out of his pocket he brought it to his lips. that’s when he caught someone with their head down walking straight towards a pole. raising an eyebrow he wasn’t sure if he should intervene or watch the outcome. finally deciding to be the good guy he gently took the other’s arm pulling them to the side. “sorry, i just didn’t want to see you hit that pole,” chuckling he shook his head. “so what’s got you so distracted?”
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
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𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚔𝚠𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚔 #𝟶𝟶𝟷 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍
you said you’d never leave..
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
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for will. done november 2015
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
✧。 kim hanbin. 22 .he/him. 。✧ is that LINCOLN “Link” KWON living at THE LINKS in APARTMENT #204? i heard the COMIC BOOK STORE WORKER has lived there for 18 MONTHS now. every time you pass by you can hear I Fall Apart by Post Malone playing. maybe they play it because they’re friends would say they’re the GIVER. it could just me assuming things. even if they would say they are (+SELFLESS) and (+DETERMINED.) that doesn’t mean they can’t be (-BRASS) or (-STUBBORN.) let’s just stop by and ask them sometime. considering they’d describe themselves as (second hand everything, finding pacifiers and baby toys everywhere, sleeping alone, crumpled up bills because he isn’t sure how to pay them, studying in between shifts.) that’s if they’ll actually answer the door. good luck. (ooc: shelby, she/them, 26, cst.)
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Birthday: 6 August 1998
Sign: Leo
Nationality: Korean
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/him
Birth Place: Austin, Texas
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Health Issues: minor depression, three screws in his knee from surgery he had when he was a teenager
Trauma: warched his girlfriend die while giving birth
Faceclaim: Kim Hanbin
Eyes color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'10
Weight: 142lbs
Dominant hand: Right
Tattoos/scars/birthmarks: "I think I saw you in my sleep" with a pair of small hands tattooed on the back of his right arm, a tombstone tattooed on his wrist “death is a thief,” flowers and spiderwebs tattooed on his elbows, 0 gauged ears
Mother: Min Byeong Soo
Mother’s Occupation: Labor and Delivery Nurse
Father: Kwon Jin Eun
Father’s Occupation: Accountant
Siblings: Min Joo Kyung (27), Sun Min (24)
Children: Ensley Kwon (3)
Random Facts:
His favourite food is dinosaur chicken nuggets. He always has a bag of them in the freezer. He says its because his daughter, but they are really for him.
He hasn’t been in a proper relationship since he was with Harmony. So he’s been single for 3 years.
He still draws when he has the chance, which is when it’s slow at the comic book shop. He’s been working on drawing a comic book series for years.
Link is the first generation born in American from his Korean immigrant parents. For years they waited, studying American history and culture in hopes to move to America, to give their children a better chance at life. Sure enough in 1998, the same year they learned they were pregnant with Link their citizenship was granted. No more green cards, actual American citizen identification for them and all three of their children. In a way of celebration, they named their new child, their first son Lincoln, after their favourite president.
Being the first son put a lot of pressure on Link. He always tried his best in school, playing on the baseball team as well as studying hard to live the life his parents so desperately wanted for him. The pressure was a lot for him, since it was coming from his big sisters as well.
It wasn’t until the boy was in seventh school that he had the vocabulary and knowledge to understand that the pressure he was feeling wasn’t normal. That the nights he laid awake at night weren’t normal. Other students weren’t put under as much pressure or held to such high expectations as he was. That was the first time that he told his parents that he thought he was depressed. Both parents dismissed him, telling him that was a rich person’s sickness. He had a roof over his head and hot meals on the table every night, he had nothing to be depressed about
So he ignored it, going on as if nothing was wrong. But deep inside he knew that what he was feeling was valid. That something was wrong in his head.
Link’s sophomore year, he met Harmony and his world was shook. The second he laid eyes on her, he knew he wanted her. She was in the stands at one of his baseball games. He kept an eye on her the entire game, just to make sure she didn’t leave before he had the chance to talk to her. Sure enough, she was waiting for him by the dugouts after the game was over.
The rest became ancient history. For the rest of high school they dated and were practically inseparable. A high school romantic just like all the cheesy movies. Link knew it too, but he didn’t care. He loved this girl with everything he had inside of him. 
Their first year at college, they took too much advantage of their freedom and ended up in the family way. The pregnancy was complicated to say the least. Neither of them were ready for a baby and not a single one of their parents was supportive when they told them. Abortion was never on the table, as Harmony was already four months along when they realized what was going on. So they decided on adoption, giving the baby the life they knew they would never be able to give it. For months they met with couples until they found one that seemed nice and would love their child unconditionally.
A week before the due date, Harmony went into labor in the middle of the night. A few hours later, around sunrise their daughter was born. She was healthy and safe, but Harmony was not. She wouldn’t stop bleeding and unfortunately didn’t make it. When the adoptive couple came to collect the baby, Link couldn’t part with her. This little girl was all he had left of his Harmony and he couldn’t bare part with her. So he didn’t. Ensley Julienne Kwon was his baby and he wasn’t going to give her up for anthing.
For the first year of his daughter’s life, he lived back at home with his parents. Trying to make things work while listening to their constant badgering and negativity. They helped with the baby but were always reluctant and negative about it, criticizing how he decided to do certain things and judgmental of how he was caring for himself. But the young father was still drowning in the loss of his love.
One week after Ensley’s first birthday, Link packed up his car and left with no real plan of where he was going or what he was doing. Talking to some of his online friends, he decided to head for California. A couple days of living in his car and he found himself an apartment and a steady job at his friend’s comic book store. It’s not an ideal living situation, but he’s happy...for the most part. At least happier than he was back in Texas.
Wanted Connections:
Besties with Benefits: I want this to be a legit friendship, like the bestie who hook up with each other
Just Benefits: A simple hook up, someone who they don’t even need to hang out after they finish or even really get along. Just good sex
A shoulder to cry on: it’s no secret that Link is having a hard time with life and he needs someone to act as his support. Someone to act as an older sibling, a mentor, a therapist. Someone to be there when he needs it the most.
Wanna Be Baby Mama: this one has to be female, because I want this person to become very close with Ensley, almost to the point where she starts calling this person Mom.
Nerd Buddies: Someone who comes into the comic book shop a lot because they’ve seen his work and like it. These people don’t have to be close, but the potential to be more is there. Future besties maybe? Maybe more. Who knows! We’ll find ot
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
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linkisntrelevant · 4 years
This is my tag drop ignore it
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