gxleforce · 10 years
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gxleforce · 10 years
"I didn’t do it."
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"I doubt your words very much." Because, really, there was no one else in the library at the moment. So either a phantom or this person was the one to put an rack of books out of alphabetical order. Robin, clearly, was more keen on the latter. 
"You can either admit your wrong doing and assist me in reorganizing these shelves, or I will have to enact justice upon you." Have you ever thought of what it would be like to turn into a toad? She'd be inclined to find out on a proper test subject.
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gxleforce · 10 years
"I think it’s broken.”
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This would surely be the first and definitely the last time she agrees to make this person pasta. Be nice, she said. Be neighborly, Robin resolved within herself. Ridiculous.
A deep heave of a sigh, and…is that a bulging vein in her forehead? “Plates tend to shatter to the floor into tiny bits when you push them off my kitchen table, yes, you cheeky little boy. An excellent deduction. Now clean it up yourself or I will singe you in the rear.”
Neighborly indeed.
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gxleforce · 10 years
"That sounds painful."
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"I understand how you may think so. And it did hurt for a little while as well! It’s easy to read an incantation from a tome, it’s just reading right? The energy you yourself put into magic is what makes the spell flourish. Reading is only half the battle."
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gxleforce · 10 years
Sentence Meme sentences
"Are you crazy?”
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Are you even listening to yourself?"
"Are you sure they won’t find out?”
"Are you sure this is legal?”
"Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
"Are you threatening me?"
"Be mine."
"Do I know you?"
"Do you love me?"
"Do you remember this?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Don’t go."
"Don’t let me die"
"Don’t look at me like that."
"Don’t make me beg.”
"Don’t you dare come near me!"
"Don’t you dare."
"Explain yourself."
"For you, I would _____"
"Give it back."
"Give me another chance."
"Have you ever even done this before?"
"How drunk are you right now?"
"I already regret this."
"I am not wearing that.”
"I can’t believe you missed that."
"I can’t do this anymore."
"I can’t even look at you."
"I could kill you!"
"I dare you." or "I dare you to _____."
"I didn’t do it.""
"I didn’t know you could do that."
"I don’t want to look at you right now.”
"I guess this is goodbye.”
"I hate you."
"I have to go."
"I just want to cuddle."
"I know your secret.”
"I love you, but I really wish I didn’t.”
"I love you."
"I miss you so very much."
"I missed you."
"I need a drink."
"I need a hug."
"I never really loved you."
"I owe you."
"I think I broke it."
"I think I’m falling in love with you. "
"I think I’m forgetting something."
"I think it’s broken.”
"I trust you."
"I want to be yours."
"I want to try this thing I read in a book.”
"I want you. Naked. In my bed. Now."
"I’ll be there in five minutes.”

”This is really inappropriate.”
"I’m all for spicing thing’s up, but isn’t this a bit much?”
"I’m bad for you.”
"I’m dying."
"I’m going to be sick."
"I’m not speaking to you anymore."
"I’m pregnant and it’s yours."
"I’ve never heard that one before."
"If you stay quiet, no one will know.”
"Is that my shirt?"
"It was me"
"It’s so beautiful.”
"It’s time to choose.”
"Just five more minutes."
"Just go."
"Just leave me alone."
"Just let me die."
"Just relax."
"Just what did we do last night?"
"Kiss me you idiot."
"Kiss me."
"Make me."
"Marry me?"
"My Parents don’t know"
"My parents know.""
"Never again."
"Nh, don’t be so rough!"
"No, that can’t be my baby."
"No! You can’t die on me now!"
"Put it away.”
"Put your trousers on!"
"Put. The. Weapon. Down."
"Shut up and listen."
"Take responsibility."
"That isn’t mine."
"That looked easier on TV."
"That sounds painful."
"That was a bad plan."
"That’s mine!”
"That’s the cheesiest pickup line I’ve ever heard."
"They’re coming.”
"This seems familiar."
"This stays between us."
"Truth hurts, don’t it?"
"Want to hear a secret?"
"We need to talk."
"We’re moving too fast.”
"Well that was unexpected."
"What are we doing here?"
"What are you afraid of?"
"What are you touching?"
"What are you?"
"What do you need?"
"What happened to you?"
"What have I done this time?"
"What if someone catches us?”
"What sort of noise was that?”
"What the hell do you think you’re doing?"
"What were you thinking?"
"Where are my clothes?"
"Where did you find this?"
"Where do you even find this sort of thing?”
"Where were you?"
"Who’d have guessed you could pull such a face?”
"Why are you wearing that?"
"Why yes, I am as think as you drunk I am."
"You could have died!”
"You could have killed someone!"
"You coward."
"You don’t need to be so gentle.”
"You drive me crazy!"
"You have ten minutes, so make it quick.”
"You lied to me!"
"You mean everything to me."
"You owe me."
"You. Come. Snuggle. NOW!"
"You’re all out of ____."
"You’re an idiot.”
"You’re bad for me.”
"You’re dead to me."
"You’re pregnant and It’s mine"
"You’re really good at this…”
"You’re so weird."
"You’re under arrest."
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gxleforce · 10 years
✥: Do they miss their old family? What are their views on families, in general?
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Family meaning Chrom and all the Shepherds, then yes. She doesn't remember her mother in the slightest and her dad tried to destroy the world via a dragon possessing her body so -- not really thinking about him too much. Often her thoughts will dwell back to Morgan, who she does miss, but she finds it a little strange to miss someone who in reality doesn't exist just yet. Even so the feeling is there.
Family to Robin means that those are the people that will love you the most; they lift you when you fall, take you down a peg when you're biting off more than you can chew. And family comes in all forms, be it blood or water.
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gxleforce · 10 years
✰: Are they okay with their new apartment? Is it spacious and cozy enough for them?
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Very much so! It certainly beats camping out in the wilderness, even in the company of friends; castle walls and down pillows, beds lined with silk make her just as uncomfortable to an extent as well. The apartment is a happy medium between practical and stylish which makes Robin as pleased as a peach.
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gxleforce · 10 years
✸: How is your character adjusting to their new life? Do they find what the government is doing necessary or pointless?
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She's doing as well as anyone else. It's all very confusing and overwhelming for her, but in the end Robin is going to try her best to make things as comfortable for herself and her new family as possible. She isn't one to half-ass anything even if the odds are against her or the situation itself isn't favorable. 
And it isn't that she finds this government project to be pointless; in fact, rebuilding a nation after war through the people seems, to her, a very proactive way to go about it. But Robin finds that the fact that they made people ultimately come here by force to be taking a step backward in what it is they're trying to do.
The meaning behind what Hydread's government is trying to do resonates with her; the means in which they are going about it make her side eye them hardcore.
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gxleforce · 10 years
UN questionnaire.
✸: How is your character adjusting to their new life? Do they find what the government is doing necessary or pointless?
❂: Is your character enjoying their new family? Do they get along or butt heads?
☁: Does your character enjoy Hydread? Is Iunctum very different from their hometown, or just about the same?
❥: Was your character in a relationship back home? Can they let go or are they struggling?
✥: Do they miss their old family? What are their views on families, in general?
✰: Are they okay with their new apartment? Is it spacious and cozy enough for them?
✦: Will they sleep with their spouses in one bed straight away, or is someone ending up on the couch (and if so, who)?
✄: What's your character's new job? Does it resemble their old one, or is it something completely different?
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gxleforce · 10 years
◉ { for the button thing! }
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"I said don’t —"
There went the blond’s single, menacing index finger, all too casual in the way the button was pressed — quick like ripping off a bandaid and twirling said digit in front of Robin’s nose. And her’s was the fury. The fear too…what kind of hell was about to be unleashed?
Well…a breezy hell.
A moment of pause fills the gap, and the button pusher looks almost smug. Of course nothing would happen if you pushed a random button. All of Robin’s warnings and trepidation were unfounded and, frankly, silly. But that was until it was just one individually feeling a bit drafty…
The button was pressed. And their garments? Slipped off by an unknown force — two people now as naked as the day they were born.
Naked, and one with lightning crackling in her palm.
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gxleforce · 10 years
✄: What's your character's new job? Does it resemble their old one, or is it something completely different?
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Robin has joined the elite ranks of the library! Being around books isn't very different from what she used to do, as one should do a lot of reading on battle strategies when waging war. And spells. Gotta love spell tomes.
However it's just a little difficult for her to grasp why exactly there are computers in a library. If anyone can get their information from them, then what will happen to books?
So in some ways it's pretty similar? But not necessarily. There isn't a war to be one or a dragon to quell, so this is a lot more peaceful.
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gxleforce · 10 years
The mesmerizing light box now had a name. They were getting somewhere now, and this person had offered her assistance too? Robin would have been a fool to pass up such an opportunity. The dove haired woman smiled back cordially, pulling over a chair next to the brunette before, briefly, giving her name to her technological savior. 
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"Robin," She nodded, "Good to meet you. And thank you very much for offering your assistance." To so readily do so as well? The way her fingers tapped against that board too...perhaps Robin was dealing with a professional. It didn't seem too unlikely anyway.  "These computers seem to be prevalent throughout many establishments, so I can glean that they must be quite necessary." Barely anyone she saw come in for books ever visited the reference section and she wondered why, but something definitely told her that computers played a factor in this. 
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She pursed her lips then, "Although I do have my reservations -- for I've only ever seen eyes glued to an object for so long when one is in a trance. But you know much more than I do no doubt, thus I need to ask if dark magics dwell within these light boxes." Can never be too careful.
more glowy contraptions || closed @ Ema
Being a detective, gathering information was something Ema greatly enjoyed. Be it on whatever subject, gaining knowledge was always something she’d look forward to. As such frequent trips to the library were a must, what better place was there to learn? Books were a great tool for learning, this she could not deny. However today, she came here not to check out a book but to research some things on one of the libraries computers.
Upon entering the establishment she swiftly made her way to the rows of computers, plopping down in an empty seat. As the computer had booted itself up the brunette tapped her fingers in a rhythm on the desk. In this day and age technology was certainly useful to use, you could do or find just about anything with the simple press of a button. ‘The way of the future’ as many people would call it. Society did seem to start building some sort of reliance towards technology, which wasn’t that bad, as long as things didn’t get too out of hand. The screen having loaded, the detective began to type away, fingers gliding across the keyboard only to stop when a woman had come to ask a question.
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Blinking twice before speaking, a bemused expression came across her face. "You mean this?" pointing to the computer as she looked at the other. "It’s a computer, a device that can be programmed to carry out different operations automatically."Deducing that this woman did not know what a computer was or how it worked, she had decided to keep her definition as simple as possible. It was surprising that there were some people who did not know how to work with a computer, but she couldn’t be too surprised. "Do you wish to learn how to use one? If so, I may be able to help you." was offered along with a small smile. If they were willing to learn, the detective would be more than happy to teach anyone something new.
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gxleforce · 10 years
An intuitive girl. That or Robin was an incredibly easy read these days which, really, she had pegged it for the later. The young woman shook her head, letting out a breath. "Pardon me for being so doom and gloom, but please know that it isn't yourself that has me rather out of sync. More so, the new responsibility. And these glowing boxes everywhere." Why was everything so bright? Didn't modern folk like seeing the stars? Ah well... "Technologies such as these and caring for children are a new challenge."
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"You do seem like a capable young lady, however, I will do my best too. Despite these backward circumstances." Talking through the abundance of thought coursing down her train of thought had eased her some, thankfully enough. 
At the young girl's next inquiry, Robin couldn't of shaken her head any sooner. "Robin is absolutely fine, thank you." There was that word again -- mother. Something that perhaps at one point she was called by a boy who mirrored her in many ways, but nothing more. The mage was no mother to this girl, for she could only hope that Hiyori had her own somewhere out there. But a friend? Definitely. 
Who is taking care of who? || Closed @ Hiyori
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gxleforce · 10 years
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slow on the draw as of late with replies, but just letting those i owe know that they're drafted and should be coming at you within the next couple of days!
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gxleforce · 10 years
UN questionnaire.
✸: How is your character adjusting to their new life? Do they find what the government is doing necessary or pointless?
❂: Is your character enjoying their new family? Do they get along or butt heads?
☁: Does your character enjoy Hydread? Is Iunctum very different from their hometown, or just about the same?
❥: Was your character in a relationship back home? Can they let go or are they struggling?
✥: Do they miss their old family? What are their views on families, in general?
✰: Are they okay with their new apartment? Is it spacious and cozy enough for them?
✦: Will they sleep with their spouses in one bed straight away, or is someone ending up on the couch (and if so, who)?
✄: What's your character's new job? Does it resemble their old one, or is it something completely different?
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gxleforce · 10 years
My character shows yours a mysterious button a stranger gave them and told them not to press it under ANY circumstances. If your character couldn’t resist the temptation, send me ◉.
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I’ll generate a number between 1-30 and we’ll see what happens…
WARNING! Mix of funny, strange, and angsty! Some trigger warnings may apply. 
*Please be sure not to accidentally send an answer to an archive hosting the meme, such as its creator at inboxideas. Please do not remove this notice. Thank you and happy roleplaying!
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gxleforce · 10 years
text meme.
Send me a symbol for a:
✌ - Drunk/drugged text
❤ - A heartfelt text
☾ - A bedtime text
✴ - An angry text
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