liott-monar · 4 years
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Recruitment Status: [OPEN]
«VT-RP» is recruiting! We’re a philanthropic organisation focused on the betterment of Hydaelyn through multiple services including mercenary work, exploration, scholarly pursuits and artisanal needs. Through comradery and development, we aim to not only better ourselves; but those around us. While based in Gridania, our reach is not limited, as we travel the realm to do what we can!**
EU FC ◆ NA/AU Welcome ◆ Weekly Events ◆ Collaboration ◆ Adventure ◆ Exploration ◆ IC/OOC Linkshell ◆ Active Discord ◆ Guests Welcome
What «VT-RP» Offer:
â—† EU based Balmung FC, but we accept NA/AU too, if your times align! â—† Weekly RP Events - both social and adventure. â—† Encouragement of character plot development, as well as a growing FC plot! â—† Lore abiding, but not lore strict! We like to have fun, but still respect the lore. â—† Accommodate multiple RP types, characters and players. â—† Growing community active both inside and outside of FFXIV.
**While we are a good leaning FC, we are always welcome to discuss all types of characters we see throughout the FFXIV Community. We have weekly RP events, from casual to adventure and general comradery. We’re looking for new members to add to our ranks, as well as players who are comfortable DMing, and any contacts within the community to colab and work with! Server: Balmung (EU/GMT based) RP Type: Medium to Heavy RP, preferably Good/Neutral Alignments! Active Times: 6PM (GMT) Onwards in the Week, All day on Weekends.
For more details or any queries please message us here or contact Jemface#3290 on discord or /tell Fida Vien.
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liott-monar · 5 years
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To make my own little post on the whole pay-to-rp thing.
I’ve done that.
Four times.
Twice ingame money. Twice real money.
I’m a shut in on the internet. A conversation vampire. I can’t talk to people unless invited to/into a conversation and then out of nervousness I drain it dry in less than 3 minutes and suddenly people either ghost me or tell me something came up and they have to leave. That’s assuming people want to talk to me in the first place, that’s a rarity in itself. 
After an extremely unpleasant experience involving my FC hating me for having a harmless opinion and my static abandoning me because “you’re doing your job too well and it’s hurting everyone else”, I felt so alone that I ended up desperately asking a literal random RPer to just RP with me and I paid them 2 million gil in return. 
Yes. I paid 2 million for RP that lasted an hour, but for at the time it was the most joy I had in literal weeks. I even cried. I ended up doing it a few more times to other people until I eventually quit the game because it was just unbearable.
I understand that horrible feeling of posting this LF-RP post that you spent a lot of time and love into, having loads of people reblog it and then silence. In fact I am experiencing that very thing right now! Though this time I’ve started talking more on discord (I did say I’d try in the new year and look at me, I’m actually doing it) and I’ve managed to get into RP by just... well existing I guess. 
It’s been an entire expansion since I’ve had to deal with what was the worst experience on the internet I’ve ever had and I’m still very much trying to overcome my fears of doing stuff (talking to people, doing ingame content, being a human being) but I’m trying my best. 
If you’re ever in that situation where you feel that you’re not going anywhere with trying to find RP, try talking to someone. Literally anyone. Throw yourself into a RP discord, scream about how sad it is that you fall over every time you walk into the bathroom (that’s a me problem, I know) and just... be you. People will respond, you will talk to them and eventually perhaps you’ll find a friend or two that’ll RP with you and join in on all the cool things you want to do. It takes time, but do your best and it will be okay.
Words are free, money is fleeting, friendship is sometimes forever. 
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liott-monar · 5 years
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Recruitment Status: [OPEN]
“Do you find yourself wanting more from life? Perhaps you’ve a vocation for helping those in need? Lacking a cause to pledge your sword to? Valiant’s Trust is the place for you! «VT-RP» is a philanthropic organisation focused on the betterment of Hydaelyn through the provision of a myriad of services including mercenary work, exploration, scholarly pursuits and artisanal needs. Think you can make the cut?“ 
EU FC ◆ NA/AU Welcome ◆ Weekly Events ◆ Collaboration ◆ Adventure ◆ Exploration ◆ IC/OOC Linkshell ◆ Active Discord ◆ Guests Welcome
What «VT-RP» Offer:
Heavy Roleplay environment with the potential for dynamic storytelling both for individual characters and the FC as a whole.
Lore-abiding, but not lore-strict. We want people to have fun, but also respect the lore given to us.
Accommodation of numerous roleplay styles, types and characters. While we are a good leaning FC, we’re still open to discussion about any morally grey characters, themes and events.
A fun social setting where people can participate in all sorts of content, inside and outside of FFXIV.
What «VT-RP» Want:
New members! Both new and old. We want energetic and active people to join our community and help it grow.
Content creators such as DMs are encouraged. We want people to not only experience the story we’re telling but be involved in shaping it!
Contacts within the community across both Balmung and Crystal, feel free to get in touch.
For more details or any queries please message us here, contact Peralta#1420 on Discord or /tell Jomaas Dzuqaim or Fida Viras in-game!
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liott-monar · 5 years
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it da new yer eve
While, in all honesty, I didn’t have a good year at all I’m definitely going to work just as hard in the new year. Maybe even more. 
My only resolutions are just to post more content, mainly on Eirn’s blog and to try and talk to more people online because I’m a horrid shut-in even on the internet. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful new year. Many trash cat blessings to you all. 
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liott-monar · 5 years
Christmas miracle achieved, I got my scouting hood. Merri crysler peoples! Don't do anything this trash cat wouldn't do!
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Ah yes, I would say it’s a christmas miracle…
… if the game gave me what I actually wanted. 
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liott-monar · 5 years
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Ah yes, I would say it’s a christmas miracle...
... if the game gave me what I actually wanted. 
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liott-monar · 5 years
3844: What do you do when you get writer’s block?
~random numbers munday meme~
I like to do one of two things!
1. Go write something else entirely from the piece you’ve been hitting your head at for ages. 
It doesn’t matter what kind of writing it is nor what quality, just write something different. Often I get writer’s block from simply staying on the same piece for so long and being so stumped on it that it affects other work. Writing something else that isn’t going to be posted anywhere puts my head into a different gear and helps when I go back to the piece I was struggling with. 
2. Take a small break, go do something else.
Sometimes writer’s block comes from being burned out and it’s always wise to take a moment just to move away from writing and go do something else. I like to take a nice walk sometimes or just stare outside my window with some nice music or eat giant chocolate buttons and drink rum while wrapped up in bed. Coming back to what I want to work on after being away from it for just a little while (not long enough to lose my place in the train of thought) leaves me more refreshed and able to look at what I want to do from a different angle.
That and maybe I just wanted to be a bed burrito filled with chocolate and booze.
Thank you for the ask @yuki-yukichan !
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liott-monar · 5 years
911: What is the worst thing that you’ve ever done to a muse?
~random numbers munday meme~
Allowed permanent damage and death on literally every event I went to. I used to RP a miqo’te black mage (who obviously hid the fact she’s a black mage) and  allowed anything to happen to her, so long as the dice roll allowed it. She lost both arms, half her tail, burned her legs, lost sight in one eye and still had the gall to insult your mother, your father and your aldgoat. She eventually died after 6 years (I swear she survived purely on spite alone) after saving her party of trusted friends one last time from a caving mine. 
RIP X’Dhora Tal you didn’t deserve my shit rolls.
Thank you for the ask @bloodsworn-marshal !
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liott-monar · 5 years
101: Did you ever have to learn something in order to play a character?
~random numbers munday meme~
I did recently! Eirn is heavily inspired by the history of where I live (northern Scotland) so I had to do a lot of rummaging around to get as much detail into the history and culture of the Iron Age onwards as possible. There’s some real crazy, metal as heck stuff in there (like having a belt made of animal intestines to spook the fae??? u wot) and I’m actually really glad I’m learning a lot about my peoples.
Liott took much less research, since I kinda read Isekai novels often and wanted to take that idea for a spin drive. 
Thank you for the ask @alun-ura !
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liott-monar · 5 years
~random numbers munday meme~
Send a number in and your question will be answered!
1: Who is your favorite muse to rp? (Includes past muses.)
54: What advice would you give to a new roleplayer?
127: What is the most pointless piece of information that you’ve ever written about a character?
98: How far have you gone in order to do research for a muse?
101: Did you ever have to learn something in order to play a character?
4: Have you ever cosplayed as your muse?
7502: If you were given a roleplay award, then what kind of award would you want it to be?
69: What is your opinion on smut?
2041: What is a promise that you wish you hadn’t broken? And one promise that you wish you hadn’t kept?
82: Do you believe in love at first sight?
13: What is the unluckiest thing that has ever happened to you?
470: Who would you trust with your blog password?
911: What is the worst thing that you’ve ever done to a muse?
6: Is there a muse that you regret giving up on?
33: Do you write endings for your muses or do they only exist within the world of rp? What kind of endings do they have?
45: What is the best rp resource you know of? (Could be a place to find themes, rp memes, faceclaims, etc.)
865: What does your URL mean?
26: Have you ever been away from home? If so, then how far?
3: If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for? (You may NOT wish for more wishes.)
10787: Name one thing that you like about yourself.
18: What’s one thing that you look forward to doing in the future?
75: Do you sleep with your socks on or off?
420: Have you ever done something illegal?
0: If your muse is an OC, then how did they come to you? If your muse is canon, then what inspired you to play them?
9999: How involved are you in your rp community?
123: What is something that you did as a child that you wish you could still get away with?
7: What is your favorite/lucky number?
666: How do you feel about rp memes?
3844: What do you do when you get writer’s block?
10: What do you love to hate-watch?
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liott-monar · 5 years
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She who walks with the dead will learn their mistakes.
RP blog for Eirn Heskin, Balmung world Crystal datacenter.
IC screenshots, drabbles and short writing
OOC gear set/minion/mount showcases and glamour ideas
Inspiration and aesthetic media
Open askbox, will answer any and all questions (both OOC and IC)
me trying really hard not to cry about everything in my blog
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liott-monar · 5 years
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Hello friends, your second favourite trash cat here. 
If you recently followed because of my main character, Eirn Heskin, you’re in luck! I’m working on a blog just for her which will not only contain her strange ongoings ICly, but me also posting 101 different gear sets and glamours because I’m sorry she’s too good looking not to.
I’ll probably have it set up tomorrow, if not then before the day of crimbus!
*rolls out*
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liott-monar · 5 years
RP Profile - Eirn Heskin [Balmung | Crystal ]
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« The Basics »
Age: Early 30s
Birthday: 11th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Hyur (Highlander)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown (possibly homosexual, though unclear)
Marital Status: Single
« Physical Appearance »
Hair: Dark mud brown hair that runs down to the middle of her back, usually tied up and braided for function. Matte in sheen, but somewhat soft to the touch. 
Eyes: Pupilless turquoise. Signs of forceful closure of the pupil can be seen. 
Height: 6′1″
Build: Athletic, very clear muscle definition on arms and abdomen. Worn callused fingers. 
Distinguishing Marks: Face paint across face, usually in white. Changes depending on mood. 
Common Accessories: Never seen without either her sword or staff. Eyes are covered (out of politeness) with either a blindfold, hood or mask. 
Fashion: Tribal attire from her home in the Far South. Finds comfort in leathers, furs and functional cloths. Neutral, earthy colours. Uncomfortable with fancy, flashy attire. 
« Personal »
Profession: Veil Seer, a guide of the living and the dead. Nature protector. Wanderer. Animal whisperer. 
Hobbies: Singing, sight seeing, fortune telling
Languages: Faronei (her homeland’s tongue), Eorzean Common
Residence: None (currently renting at The Carline Canopy)
Birthplace: Faronei Islands, Far South
Religion: The Veil of Hel
Patron Deity: Interest in Nymeia
Fears: True isolation from the world, being completely alone, losing touch with reality
« Relationships »
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Alive, residing in her village
Siblings: None
Other Relatives: Two uncles and an aunt, both alive 
Pets: None, but she won’t say no to any
« Traits »
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
« Additional Information »
drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess.
indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
« RP Hooks »
CITY LOST: Wandering often means moving with no goal in mind, but that does not mean that Eirn never becomes lost. The bustle of cities is extremely foreign to her and her senses so one might find her wandering around confused and perhaps disorientated.
FORTUNE TELLER: Though not a part of her role in life entirely, Eirn may be found offering fortune telling through her village's unique method of throwing uniquely carved bone die. Though the accuracy of her telling are not entirely accurate, as one can simply avoid the path they've now seen, what she sees in the future is never positive.
CHOCOBO MAGNET: Her love for the fluffy, feathered friend often seen in Eorzea has caused her to become enamoured for them. If you have a chocobo, she is most definitely going to show her love and joy to the creature.
« What i’m looking for/OK with »
Romantic Interests
Ties to her story
« What i’m NOT looking for/NOT OK with »
The killing or serious/debilitating injury of my character
Random ERP
Short term or sudden romantic interest. I like development!
« How to contact me! »
Here, ingame (Eirn Heskin) or Tumblr! I only really give out my discord on interest, mostly because I suck at doing the communication. 
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liott-monar · 5 years
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“The eyes that we are born with see only one part of the picture... but when we shift the veil over our eyes we see a collage of colours not previously visible. That is the truth of this land and our duty as veil seers.”
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liott-monar · 5 years
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So I’ve done a fair bit over the past week and a tiny bit
I just farmed 2m MGP for the sabotender mount. In a week. My fingers hurt. 
I also finally created a “main” character RP wise that I really want to develop and grow and cry in bed about. 
That isn’t to say I’m abandoning Liott, hecking no way I’m doing that. She’s my precious dwarf child I want to work with Liott in a much more slower and more in a slice of life manner, but with my main I want to do sooo much more than that. I’m still finalising everything and need to wait for money to come in so I can name change, but you can expect a post about it (and maybe a separate blog that’s much less OOC than this one) later this week. 
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liott-monar · 5 years
... Rowena changed the alchemist hand ins.
I have 127 dexterity tinctures that I can’t even hand in now
Please end me
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liott-monar · 5 years
Me: *reads up on a self sufficient guide on max gearing DoH/DoL*
Guide: “ If you want to gear up both crafters and gatherers you will need 153 Sublime Solutions (19125 white scrips). “
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*Get Ready For This starts playing in the background*
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