lipbalmiscool · 3 years
ACTUALLY acting silly is one of the greatest joys of life. if you see me in the street meowing back at cats I see and kicking snow piles down know that I am living my best life.
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
I think tumblr should add a 'king for a day' feature. This would do very little other than add a crown to the chosen king's avatar (how blogs are chosen is not revealed) and enable the king to 'carcinize' blogs, changing their avatar to a crab. I think this would be a good feature because it addresses no problems with the website and also would make some people very mad and that would be funny I think.
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
people always ask which way you face in the shower... but baby, I'm a rotisserie chicken
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
I am literally begging, BEGGING modern media to portray healthy relationships. enough cheating. enough infidelity. enough disrespect. show me people who love each other, proper communication, and a strong mental as well as physical connection. I want plots about people who are madly in love with each other and STAY madly in love with each other. please. I am losing my mind.
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
people who live in old houses don’t give a fuck about anything they’ll be like yeah i hear scratching inside the walls at night. it was annoying at first but now it’s just part of the charm of this place for me. i actually can’t fall asleep without it.
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
I fully believe the queen is dead and they just don’t wanna deal with a funeral before Christmas so they’re keeping her on ice (aka life support) till spring.
apparently the entire country has to do a 12 day long mourning and the BBC is legally banned from putting on any comedy show during that week AND they have to shut down the London stock exchange for one whole day… now I’m not saying they’re weekends at Bernie’s-ing that colonizer to keep the stock exchange open, but….
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
*goes to a party and awkwardly follows friend around the entire time*
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
advantages to wearing oversized sweaters:
instant cute outfit with minimal effort
it enhances the coziness when u drink hot beverages
sweater paws are guaranteed to make u feel 43% more adorable
u can unbutton ur jeans and no one will know
disadvantages to wearing oversized sweaters:
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
A movie full of historical inaccuracies. But it’s filmed about our modern-day times as if it’s from the future. The fashion is all over the place from the 60s to our modern-day style. There’s a little newspaper boy waving an iPad shouting: “Hot Take! Fresh Hot Takes!”, self-flying cars that look like they’re from the 80s. Everyone is typing messages on giant 90s phones. The moon-landing is constantly mentioned as if it’s a big deal in everyone’s every-day life because The Future Film-makers don’t understand that 50 years were a long time in the past too, meanwhile someone is like: “But we will never reach Mars” while talking directly into the camera.  A woman is president of the United States.
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
“In third grade I had this teacher who would give every student the same grade on each assignment. After the A at the top of the paper, she’d mark all the wrong answers with a red pen, and then would come by each student’s desk to talk to us about where we went wrong. Together we would fix each sentence or math problem until it was right. At Parent night, one of the dad’s complained that his daughter worked hard to get her A, and that some of the other kids deserved to fail. The teacher allowed him to finish talking, and then responded in the same polite tone she always used in the classroom. “I’m not teaching your children how to pass test… I’m guiding them on how to learn.” Months later our teacher posted everyone’s final grade on the board, and at first, no one was surprised to see we all had A’s. But after looking closer at our papers, and book reports, and our final assignments, we didn’t see any red ink on them. I don’t think we should lie to children and tell them they got it all right if they didn’t. That doesn’t help anyone. But I also know that if you keep telling a child they are a failure; they messed up; or they did a bad job, after a while they’ll start agreeing.”
— Learning to Learn (via dominicmatthewjackson)
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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Doctor Who
3.10 | Blink
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lipbalmiscool · 3 years
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