bexxi · 5 years
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bexxi · 5 years
First meeting
So okay guys,
I’m very sporadic on tumblr but I am more available on Insta you know if you were interested in knowing more about me. Don’t blame you if you don’t haha!!
But today is the first meeting where I’m working away from work if that makes sense.
Slightly nervous.
Done my brows though so everything should be a’ok!
Who would’ve thought when I set up this Tumblr account that I would be working in a pretty amazing job... cray cray!!
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bexxi · 5 years
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my travel buddy
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bexxi · 5 years
I know you’re tired bitch but keep fucking going
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bexxi · 5 years
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As Old As Time by Disney.
6 out of 10.
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Another book bites the dust!
Quite an average book to be fair, I enjoyed the story but hey, who doesn’t love a bit of Disney no matter how warped??
Beauty and the Beast told in a slightly different light. With the emphasis on “slightly”. Beginning of the book was as to be expected with the middle of the book getting interesting and almost tense even though you think you know the ending you’re still rooting for Belle & the Beast!
However, you arrive at the end of the book and there are still SO many questions left unanswered. I would of enjoyed another couple of chapters just to tie everything off nicely, but hey that’s just me.
Overall I enjoyed, easy to read as it is after all Disney & finished shortly after starting it.
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Now onto the next adventure!
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bexxi · 5 years
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Strangeways by Neil Samworth.
8 out of 10. 👍🏻
Although it is a tough read with how people are handled in prison (mostly staff) it’s eye opening and I enjoyed reading it.
Neil aka Mr Samworth gives his opinion ten fold in this book and quite rightly so, I believe everyone can have an opinion but when you have actually been in that situation your opinions hold more validity.
His actions and thoughts of a prison officer make me proud of him & I don’t even know the fella. Even though he states at the end of his book that he doesn’t feel pride, he doesn’t have to as I’m sure everybody that reads his book would have enough pride for him.
What those prison officers go through daily can be horrendous yet they still turn up to work everyday because they feel they have to. How many jobs with how many people would choose not to if life got that tough. The things they have witnessed is crazy!
& what I also love about this book is that it isn’t all about these big “I AM”s and gangsters, it’s also about normal everyday folk that ended up on the wrong path or in the wrong place or hanging around with wrong friends just doing their time and focusing on getting out. Those stories are the ones that touch me most.
Eye opening read to fully understand what these people go through every day and what they put on the back burner everyday just to keep people safe (& that includes people IN & OUTSIDE of those walls)
Keep on the good work guys & dolls! (P.S. even my nails are prison themed, good timing on that photo op, if I do say so myself 😝)
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bexxi · 5 years
Mothers Day 2019 - House Upgrades
So I took my mum to a spa today for Mother’s Day.
I SO wished I had picked a better spa. We had a bit of a crappy experience. So much for relaxing, it was more of a frustrating experience. My mum has been through a lot of crap & she deserved this. But at least we have another girly evening planned watching Adam Kay & I hope to continue for the rest of my life making memories with my family members.
But at least I got to spend most of the day with my mumma bear. It’s hard when your mum deserves a whole island but all’s you can afford is a spa day. Haha!
On the other side, my little fur baby has surprised me with a new wireless charger for my new phone. I love it and I love even more my little baby boy.
Now, I’m sat at home in my pjs feeling more relaxed than what both myself and my mum did at the spa. But this weekend has been sooo go go go. If anybody knows me they know I’m a lazy twat and love nothing more than chilling in my pjs with my fur baby Ollie & husband.
This next week should be good though, new carpet being put down in the bedroom on Wednesday. Another excitement of upgrading our house. I never thought that we would own our own home never mind be upgrading it to look sleek as fuck! So once this carpet goes down & the new bed arrives within the next few weeks that is officially one room down. When we first moved in we decorated but there’s only so far that a bit of paint and gloss goes.
Next... Kitchen & knocking some walls down. 🙌🏻
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bexxi · 5 years
“I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, whatever happens, I’ll always think of you, and the time we spent together, as my happiest time. I’d do it all over again, if I had the choice. No regrets.”
— Cynthia Hand, Boundless (via books-n-quotes)
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bexxi · 5 years
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bexxi · 6 years
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Clear your mind here
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bexxi · 6 years
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bexxi · 6 years
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bexxi · 6 years
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Forrest Gump (1994) dir. Robert Zemeckis
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bexxi · 6 years
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bexxi · 6 years
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Positivity Here
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bexxi · 6 years
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This is my literal fear right now. The opportunity to leave work just slightly early has got a massive downer just because... it’s dentist time!
Not only do I hate the dentist, I’ve only just recently found a lovely lady dentist... to arrive at my 6 monthly check up and find out she left the practice 5 months ago & now I have a new dentist. John. John the dentist. I hate this.
Now, please don’t get me wrong he probably is a lovely lovely man however I now have to do the whole “I’m a nervous patient, my teeth are super sensitive, yes I’m aware that they shouldn’t be, yes I smoke, no I don’t want to give up, I know about that hole in my tooth it’s been there for 6 years leave it alone.” Speech ALL over again!
Dentist was actually really nice. Need to go back in June for a filling but other than that I’m not doing too bad.
Life lesson: stress about the small stuf and usually that doesn’t even happen, winner!
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bexxi · 6 years
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