listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
I think you'll get some practice around here. There's a lot of good people, I think, people worth getting to know. [She laughed about his books and swatted at his bicep.] Whatever, you're a big, strong guy, why are you complaining about textbooks?
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
I know what you mean. Things are different when you get to talk to someone on a more personal level…to be honest I’m still in the midst of getting used to being like that myself. [Matt laughed at the gesture] Those books can get annoying just be happy you aren’t like me and have double sized books for braille. [chuckles]
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
I may or may not have a stockpile of dark chocolate in my room.
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All I want at the present is something sweet. Who’s got a fix of chocolate they’re willing to share?
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She smiled sheepishly as he told her not to worry.] I'm just not used to talking about stuff this heavy, I guess, so I'm anxious. [She shook her head with a grin.] The worst we talked about at my last school was a perpetually flat bocal or an arabesque that just wasn't high enough. But I like talking to you, too. Don't think my recent silence means I don't. Like I said, trying to at least seem like a good student. [She stuck her tongue out at her textbooks in a childish gesture.]
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
[Matt just laughed and shook his head] You don’t need to be afraid of offending me, Maya. It takes a lot more than a possible misconstrued statement to do that. You are perfectly fine. [Matt patted her hand and smiled wide] I rather like talking to you, so please keep doing so. [ Matt returned his hand to his lap and looked at her happily. She was one of the better friends he had on campus] 
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She listened, her own father's story replaying in her head at the same time, until she realized she wasn't reading Matt's words anymore and shook her head, returning to his lips.] That's fortunate that Daredevil would offer to help you. I don't know much about him, but I would assume he's got a lot on his plate. [She grimaced, realizing what she might have implied.] Not that your dad's death isn't important. Sorry. I should think before I speak, huh?
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
[Matt just laughed and put his hands in his lap.] The first time I had evidence of the men and a hitman called The Rose. I couldn’t get the hitman that delivered the final blow, but I did manage to get the other men. Someone bought off the court. Judge, jury, and attorney all disregarded clear evidence and in some cases completely destroyed it. I did all I could but in the end it was the power of a Kingpin that would take it away from me. I learned of Daredevil and one night he came to visit me and told me he’d help. They all confessed, but The Fixer would die of a heart attack before police would arrive.
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She watches him speak, learning his story, examining it against her own, but snorts at the word "masterpiece."] If you're referring to any of this as masterful, you're blind and crazy. But I like making them. And sharing them. [She leans back on her hands, pushing a few roaming papers out of her way.] Did it help, finding the guys who did it? [She pauses and waves a hand.] If you don't want to talk about it, just tell me to shut up. 
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
Its ok. He wanted me to be better than him. Dad was a prize fighter way past his prime and wasn’t ever able to get much money doing much else….He wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer. After his murderers were let off the hook, I was even more determined in law. When I got out I started to talk to Daredevil about bringing them down…and so it happened. Sometimes you have to break the law for justice to prevail. [Matt felt over the scene. Another magnificent piece] Is there anything you can’t describe as a masterpiece? [Matt smirked]
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She smiled still, though a shade of sadness fell over it as he spoke.] I'm sorry he never got to see how skilled you are. My dad didn't get to see much either. I wonder sometimes... But we had a good time together. [She rifled through the papers spread across her bed, pulling a colored pencil drawing of a prairie out.] I don't know if you can see this one, but it's the Rez. He took me a few times, and it's all half-forgotten, but it's one of the places that I always think of with him.
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
[Matt shook his head] No…dad was very much against me fighting or training at all to fight. ‘The only thing you hit are books, Mattie’ he’d say. [Matt smirked at the memory and reached the end of the painting] I’d train on my own when I lost my sight…a blind man helped me use my other senses to see and he also taught me some martial arts. My dad never knew. Thank you…this is a beautiful piece, Maya.
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She watched him tell his story, smiling with him.] Is that where you started training? At Fowler's? 
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
[Matt thought of his father and his time in that gym as a child. The smell of the powder and aftershave and the sweat. He smiled wider and wider as he heard her story.] I grew up near that gym…my dad fought with a trainer in there. Name was The Fixer….Lotta memories in that gym. Its wonderful, Maya. It really is…[Matt’s fingers feel over the yellow sign ‘Fowler’s Gym’ before moving to the crowd]
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She watches his reactions, trying not to feel very self-conscious as he inspects her work.] Not very talented, but I tell myself I sometimes see things differently. [She nods at his question.] Yeah. That guy, I've seen him all over, but I love to watch him, and you get less tourists there than other places.
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
[Matt smiles softly and sat in front of the canvas. His radar sense could pick up the picture, but Matt wanted to experience the full picture. Matt placed his fingers lightly on the top of the paper and slowly felt down the paper] Wow…you must be very talented…these streets….is this outside Fowler’s Gym in Hell’s Kitchen? [Keeps feeling]
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She nods and pulls out a large portfolio from under the bed and tosses it on her bed. Once opened, it’s full of various drawings and paintings, which she shuffles through, looking for something.] Don’t worry about messing anything up, it’s not a big deal. I’d rather you “see” them as best you can. [She finds a canvas with a street dancer depicted in oils, colors swirling around him, and pushes it towards Matt.] Here, this should have the most texture, but feel free to look at any of them.
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
Thats ok…I just want to ‘see’ them in my own way. I promise not to ruin them…<Matt feels a bit exposed but he’s always wanted to do this.>
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
[She looks slightly bemused but smiles at him.] Um, sure? I don't have a lot here, and most of the stuff in art building is still wet, but... [She gets up and reaches under her bed searching.] Were you looking--wanting anything in particular? 
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
Well…as you know, I’m blind as a bat Like you wouldn’t believe and…Could I please feel your paintings? <Blushes slightly and dips his head in embarrassment> 
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
Trying, at least. Can't disappoint people too much.
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You're right, though, a break sounds great. What did you want to ask?
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
Hello, Maya. I see you are being a good student. Wanna take a break…i want to ask you something about art…or rather your art…
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
I've been buried in my books for ages it feels like.
These grades better show it, too.
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
"Nice to meet you, Steve. I'm in the performing arts department," she said with a smile, shaking his hand before sticking it in a pocket and looking around. "But I like to paint, and draw, so an art class might not be a bad idea," she explained. "If I don't have specific projects I mostly just end up doodling all over notes for other classes," she added, rolling her eyes at herself. 
Scuffing a foot against the floor, she looked back at Steve. "So what brings you to the school?" she asked, only realizing after that it might be poor manners to ask so bluntly so soon into the acquaintance. 
Washing off the dust of daily life. || Steve&Maya
That made sense, considering wandering around campus buildings was basically what he did when he first got to the school.  “You should if you can.  The classes are small, and the professors are good at what they do.”  Steve felt like he sounded like a spokesperson, but besides the fact that what he said was true, having more people in the classes wouldn’t be a bad thing.
“Steve Rogers, nice to meet you,” he replied, standing and shaking her hand with a polite smile.  “It’s a good place to people watch, and helps for reference.  But yeah, art major.  You?”  
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
Do you have a problem with this "mood?"
Really feel like punching something right now.
Punching bags are so boring.
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listenfortheecho-blog · 11 years
Unfortunately I don't have an army of exes to choose from unlike some people.
Really feel like punching something right now.
Punching bags are so boring.
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