listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
A Visit
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Perhaps it was rude to choose only two of your potential successors, but in reality, you had only intended one letter to be sent. Mello and Near were so closely ranked it was becoming hard to decide for yourself who was more worthy of taking on the challenge that would be succeeding you when you were gone.
You oftentimes wished it wasn't your responsibility to choose. One will regret being chosen and the other will regret not pushing himself harder. Could they not simply work together?
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
It was a relatively simple case: A serial killer striving for that typical feeling of being infamous. It was apparent by his almost careless means of slashing his victims, and then leaving a playing card from the clubs set. It was apparent he was striving for the full set, leaving the Ace card as something synonymous for "You lose, detective."
Naturally, this killer was fond of gambling and ordinarily, L wouldn't be interested. But it seemed a good case was hard to come by lately. 
He had just returned from visiting Boomtown, a casino the great detective suspected this criminal was (at the very least) involved with. Having assured Watari he would be fine on his own, he had made his departure and visited the Baccarat. 
Surely enough, his culprit was in their midst. The man who would be linked to the six murders. All victims had been big on games, themselves. But the murderer was Jack Amsen. A man of thirty-three who was growing bored of his typical work in a casino, and decided to try his hand at dealing death instead. 
With the name relayed to Watari, L decided to return to their temporary residence and help himself to the contents of their fridge. Watari would be filing the police report and collecting the reward, of course.
His eyes connected with his intruder's immediately upon glancing at his window. 
An intruder.
Watari had specifically requested that no one enter the room. Fortunately, nothing interesting had been left out in the open. 
L approached the door, inserted his card, and slowly pushed the door open.
Beyond Birthday was a man of many talents.
He could become a nearly flawless copy of anyone he pleased with an eyeliner pencil and a bottle of cheap hair dye. He could imitate any voice he’d ever heard down to the very last tremor. He could even fake his own death while in a maximum-security prison well enough to fool the world’s greatest detective, then escape - only to resurface for the sole purpose of finding that same detective again.
However, that had taken an embarrassingly long time.
New Orleans. 
In October, a bowl of candy corn trees capped with clear blue. The air was drier than Ethan’s tongue against the roof of his mouth as he peeked stealthily through the hotel room window. He had the kind of face that caught your attention - whether it was directed to the dimple or the gray-framed lenses too spotless for any normal college student was a different story. 
He’d gotten his part time job making beds and changing towels a few weeks ago, but this was the moment he was waiting for.
The room’s tenant emerged from the car without his babysitter. It was a rare sight, but happening, nonetheless. The case was heating up, it would make sense for them to divide and conquer when necessary. 
This room had been booked with a specification of no daily cleaning services.
Of course, Ethan was good enough with a computer to fix that. He stayed facing the window, even after watching him enter the building. Even when feeling his presence draw nearer to the room.
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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Hearted from: http://qing.blog.sina.com.cn/tj/bc1395f4320042lj.html
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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Hearted from: http://favim.com/image/488528/
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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Click Here to find out what Food you should be eating in 2013!
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
what about b
"One shouldn't be so attached to serial killers, Anon. It never ends well." L gave a glance at the table before him before delving into a recently obtained slice of strawberry shortcake.
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
What's your most memorable case?
"That should be obvious, Anon." Dragging his thumb across his lower lip and scraping sugary excess off his incisors, the detective waited a few moments before adding more in the instance it wasn't known.
"Your first and latest experiences are those you remember the best. Naturally, I'd say my first case would be the most memorable, as it was the case that led me to Watari." His eyes bugged out a bit, an atypical smile ghosting across his lips.
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listless-lawliet-blog · 11 years
You were accepted into the DN masterlist, are you going to roleplay with them...?
[ ooc; I'm a tad intimidated by the others, so I'm trying to kick myself into talking to them and introducing myself and then maybe propositioning role-plays. But of course I'd love to role-play with them! ]
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