listlessladylister · 5 months
Now Showing At The Hawk
       🎟MetalSandwich Movie Mania🎟
Welcome to the MetalSandwich Movie Event! I hope everyone will have a good time and make new friends as we create or appreciate the cool stuff that comes out of this event!
Tag for the event is #MetalSandwichMovies24
After a movie night with some friends on discord where we watched The Lost Boys, the idea came about to me to have a Week, seven days with a prompt for each day, with the date and prompts announced months in advance so everyone has time to make something for it!
We held the event and so many of you participated and had a lovely time, I knew I wanted to keep it up!
The last event was for movies from pre-2000, but so many of you were interested in a post-2000s event, we're having one! And this time it's not one but TWO weeks!
The prompts for it will be focused on movies from the 2000s, 2010s, 2020s! After an interest check and vote, the date decided was June 9th-22nd!
Remember, even if you can't participate, you can still join in by showing others your love and support! You could even join the discord to hang out or have a movie night!
Tag for the event is #MetalSandwichMovies24!
The Official Prompts!
June 9th - Musical Movie Day
June 10th - Animated Movie Day
June 11th - Sci-Fi Movie Day
June 12th - Fantasy Movie Day
June 13th - Action Movie Day
June 14th - Adventure Movie Day
June 15th - Romance Movie Day
June 16th - Historical Movie Day
June 17th - Horror Movie Day
June 18th - Creature Feature Movie Day
June 19th - Free Genre Movie Day
June 20th - Iconic Movie Day (EX: The Matrix, Mean Girls, LotR, Legally Blonde, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jennifer's Body)
June 21st - Cult Classic Movie Day
June 22nd - Final Day to Post
Read more for Rules & FAQs
What is accepted for the event?
Anything! Fan fiction, fan art, photo edits, moodboards, fan videos, playlists, cosplays, you name it! Just let your creativity go!
Is there a minimum word count or something similar for other projects?
Not at all! Go wild, write drabbles, do anything!
I will ask that any videos include captioning and images include alt text to be considerate towards our friends with hearing and auditory processing difficulties!
How strict do we have to stick to the prompts?
Good question! With the variety and freedom of the prompts I hope you'll have plenty of wiggle room. And maybe you don't feel any movie au in particular but still want to participate? Maybe the boys just have a movie night watching a movie of your choice or they're actors! Who knows, you do! ;) I just want everyone to have fun. If you'd like any movie suggestions, let us know and we'll make a post!
What kind of ratings and content are allowed?
This is an explicit, kink, and Dead Dove friendly event as we are dealing with many kinds of movies, including horror! Just make sure to tag appropriately. If you're unsure and need help with tagging, reach out via DM and we'll give our best suggestions.
I might run a little late in posting? Is that okay?
Life happens and it sucks! The dates are good for organization and giving everyone a clear schedule to try to keep to. But anything made specifically for this event will be accepted as long as it is posted sometime in June or early July. Otherwise, there's always next year!
I'd like to chat, maybe share ideas, or just show love for our favorite guys! Is there a discord?
Yes! It's 18+ and you can join us here!
Cool! Is there a Twitter?
Also yes! Give us a follow and share!
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to drop an ask! ❤
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listlessladylister · 2 years
Fem!Harringrove Harringrove Billy
Steph/Stevie 🤝 Calling Steve
calling Billie daddy Mommy
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listlessladylister · 2 years
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Found him
my little cousin confidently declared that mother nature had a counterpart named daddy electric and i feel like this concept needs to be explored
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listlessladylister · 2 years
Guys guys guys y’all omg
Imagine a Steve who has always been hard of hearing or was born with tinnitus and who’s hearing has been steadily worsening with each encounter with the upsideown, because he just keeps getting concussion after concussion like oh my god.
And he’s doing his best, he’s always known he would lose his hearing entirely eventually, but he’s also super bummed because he thought he’d have longer and there’s so many things that he knows he’s going to forget and that he didn’t appreciate enough.
And one day he’s getting high with our two favorite trailer trash men, Eddie and Billy and letting himself be not okay about it because he’s been putting on a strong face for the kids but inside he’s just spiraling into this really awful sense of mourning like ‘I know it’s really fucking obvious but god I fucking miss music. I really fucking miss music, and I’ll never hear it again and I kinda feel like I’ll never dance again either?? What if I just forget things like rhythm and beat and shit? Like what if I stop being able to tap little patterns with my fingers because I just lose all sense of tempo and melody? Like-'
And it is at this point that Eddie sits bolt upright and is forgetting all of the basic asl he’s learning for Steve in a fit of excitement and throng to mime ‘wait right here’ ‘I’m going to go get something’ and ‘I have a great idea’ all at once before he vaults off the bed and barely sticks the landing.
Steve and Billy are both confused but Eddie comes careening back in with a stereo and a cassette and Steve is like, ‘I’m the deaf one here jackass so I know you just heard me. Why are you bring music?’
Fast forward to Billy and Eddie introducing Steve to rock and metal and Steve for once being able to stand it, because he isn’t straining trying to understand what the lyrics are and he isn’t cringing from the wailing of the guitar. What he IS doing, is feeling the bass pump through his veins and cradle his ribcage, he can stomp and head bop and head bang and even though it isn’t really the same it’s good.
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listlessladylister · 2 years
Third fill for the @harringroveson-bingo. I'm seriously obsessed with these prompts, I'm not sure I've written this quickly like ever.
Square: B2 - free space
Title: Shotgun
Rating: Explicit
Ship(s): Harringroveson
Summary: Steve and Eddie both have a crush on Billy and can't decide who should get to date him, so they make a pact to save their friendship. Neither of them can date him. That is until they realise that there might be a much more fun solution to their problem, one where everyone wins.
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listlessladylister · 2 years
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listlessladylister · 2 years
Me, being proud of my titties as I go downstairs and then feeling a deep, vicious, sense of hatred and disdain that I quickly direct towards male writers.
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listlessladylister · 2 years
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listlessladylister · 3 years
Ummm byee
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listlessladylister · 3 years
so i will never understand tumblrs obsession with reactionary politics and the death of nuance but here we are.
children need healthy platonic friendships with adults. children need all manner of platonic relationships with adults and segregating children from ALL interactions with adults simply because some adults would like to cause them harm not only doesnt stop that from happening but also makes children EVEN MORE susceptible to abuse.
children should have literally no shortage of adults in their lives who they know, feel comfortable with, and are safe around. isolation ALWAYS increases the risk of abuse. children who dont have positive interactions cant identify behavior that isnt okay because they dont know any better! a child that has a healthy network of adults in their life does! they can compare behavior between adults and say “this isnt how everyone else treats me and i feel weird about it. maybe i can ask xyz who doesnt treat me this way if this is weird or not”
this also gives them more places to turn when things go wrong. a child whos in trouble but only has their parents and peers has a very limited number of options. ESPECIALLY if their parents are the adults in their lives who are harming them, which is overwhelmingly the more likely option. children are much more likely to abused by a family member than by a stranger. a child with more adult friendships, like for example, the woman who works at the library and always talks to them about tv shows they love, the guy from the comic book store who they see every week and who always recommends them new titles to try, the college age coach of their after school sport, the nurse from their school who they eat lunch with because the feel more comfortable there, that child has a large number of adults who they can now turn to in a crisis.
yes, there will always be bad people with bad intentions, but the solution isnt to isolate children from all adults therefore making them even more susceptible to harm if and when it happens. the solution is to surround children with as many examples of healthy positive relationships as possible so that they can easily identify when a situation is not right and then have an unlimited number of resources to go to for help.
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listlessladylister · 3 years
for the bitches who don't know shit about stars. (its me. im bitches)
hey so you know how a lot of the time people write cute fluff fics where character A and B are on a date and inexplicably one of them knows about constellations and it's very beautiful and romantic?
i'm not saying i call bull, because people can definitely know about constellations and such
but i just think it'd be so much cuter if like??? neither of them knew shit??????
like they both look up at the pretty night sky and are both internally lamenting not being able to tell the other a cool story about the sky and then character A points at orion's belt, or just three stars in a line that might be orion's belt and make up a completely fabricated story about it
and then character B calls bull
and character A doubles down because they're invested and also B laughed at their stupid story about how orion won his belt in a wrestling contest against plato and thats why its such a prominent belt no really—and character Bs laugh is just the cutest and the stars make their eyes sparkle, and and and
so A points at some random stars and draws a pattern and makes up even more shit and the pattern isn't even that good but none of the other constellations are well shaped either, and this vague looping line is the template for the very first sombrero why do you think i'm lying? how could you think i would LIE about Ancient Hat History™ and they're laughing and giggling and idk i just think it's a cute concept
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listlessladylister · 3 years
so i’ve been toying around with this headcanon / season 2 au about Billy’s mother.
first of all, let’s give her a name.
i feel like Summer would be fitting. right? surely, the woman with bright blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles and the cutest dimples ever… yeah, she feels like a Summer to me.
let’s pretend she’s not dead or gone. let’s pretend she got sober, got clean, got out of prison, got her shit together, got some therapy, whatever. let’s pretend she came back.
july 1984, Summer Hargrove comes back.
comes back to a new Mrs. Hargrove who isn’t quite able to look her in the eye, a little ginger girl hovering behind her and staring at Summer with mistrustful eyes full of the strength her mother’s lack.
comes back to a Neil that hasn’t changed in the slightest, not even a tiny little bit, a Neil who is still very much the man that manages to sneak into her nightmares most nights.
comes back to a son that won’t smile at her, won’t hug her, won’t even let her bandage his bruises.
she deserves this, okay? she does. but Summer’s heart breaks in half whenever she finds her kid aimlessly driving around the worst parts of the city, beers on the passenger seat and blood on his split lip.
Billy will sneer and scream and one time he punched a hole into the wall next to her head, and the idea of her baby turning into Neil scares Summer into doing something, anything at all. whatever it takes to save her son from turning into the monster in his nightmares.
Summer had planned to sneak into the house while Neil was working and his wife and step-daughter were away getting groceries. she had planned the way she would lay out her arguments, the way she would make Billy leave with her, the way they might be able to tie his surfboard to the roof of the camaro.
what she hadn’t planned, though, was to climb in through the window of the kitchen and find so much blood everywhere.
she hadn't planned to find Billy’s stepsister crying and screaming herself hoarse, the new Mrs. Hargrove lying on the floor like a broken doll, a battered and bruised Billy standing between them and Neil.
there’s a bloody knife in the sink.
Summer isn’t quite sure of happens next. the blood on her hands won't go away and it reminds her of Lady Macbeth. she has always liked reading, that’s why she had been going after a literature degree when she got pregnant with Billy. right now, it feels like it had happened to another woman.
collecting as much as possible of the kids’ stuff, piling them into the car and speeding away happens in a daze, as if it were a dream. it isn’t. there’s no way that the girl’s screams and wailing wouldn’t have woken her up if that were the case.
on the verge of a hysterical breakdown, Summer plays one of Billy’s tapes. she vaguely hears him mumbling the lyrics of I Feel Free in between bursts of semi-unconsciousness and honestly, 60s rock isn’t quite what she expected to find in his car but also it doesn’t feel that out of place.
she should take him to a hospital. she shouldn’t kidnap two children after killing her ex-husband, but what the fuck is Summer supposed to do? let them go into foster care? she barely made it out alive herself, she won’t make her son go through it.
the girl’s name is Max, and Max has a great-aunt somewhere in Indiana. Summer learns as much during a quick stop at a gas station where she finally manages to clean the blood off her hands.
she comes back into the car holding two packs of baby wipes, some food and drinks and half of the gas station’s first aid supplies.
this time, Billy doesn’t flinch away from her hands as Summer tries to put his eyebrow back together. might be because he’s gripping the little girl’s wrist in a way that looks both uncomfortably tight and comforting.
“Max has an aunt or something in Indiana,” he says, bright blue eyes burning a hole into hers.
cut to september 1984, when Summer Mayfield drops her kids at the school and speeds away in a blue camaro.
she owns (has stolen?) a guitar and sings like Stevie Nicks every friday and saturday night at the local pub. she’s a regular at the library, apparently single, and firmly on the wrong end of ‘too young to have two kids’.
Joyce Byers, who can read into the red flags, invites her over for coffee and happily allows Summer to charm her way into becoming friends.
(who do you think that bullied Chief Hopper into forging false documents for a young abused mother and her two kids? Billy Mayfield might remind Hopper a bit of himself, back when he was that age, but Max Mayfield definitely reminds him of the little girl he’s hiding back home. yeah, he’s more than willing to let himself be bullied into committing documental fraud)
Summer’s oldest is a mean piece of shit, a huge pain in everybody’s ass, including his mother’s… but he holds the door so that the band dweeb with a horrible half-bleached perm doesn’t walk right into it while holding her instrument. he tells Harrington to plant his fucking feet and begrudgingly gets Wheeler her pencil case back when some bullies start playing fetch with it. he happily busts Tommy’s face in after the other boy makes one comment about Summer’s age, and he gets a girlfriend almost as soon as he sets foot in town.
(Tammy Thompson is as girly as they come, but she likes to listen to Bronski Beat and wears one of Billy’s rings on a specific finger and has watched Ghostbusters a few too many times just because of Sigourney Weaver, so Summer isn’t that surprised to find the teen in Billy’s room from time to time).
Summer’s youngest looks nothing like her and hates everybody and everything about Hawkins -makes sure to make it known too. rumor has it that her aunt died just before the Mayfields got to Hawkins, how tragic.
however, she’s the one that gets them involved in the dark side of Hawkins as soon as a group of particularly nerdy kids catch her attention. that’s pretty fucking funny.
by pretty fucking funny, Summer means that these kids will be the death of her. fuck, she can feel the white hairs kicking in.
she stomps out of the camaro and stares in disbelief at the teenagers in front of her. what the fuck is Harrington doing with that bat? why is Tammy Thompson holding an axe? who’s the kid gripping Max’s hand in his?
“this isn’t what it looks like” Billy, behind Tammy, blurts out.
“you were supposed to be watching her, and you were supposed to be doing your homework.”
Max shrugs. “shit happens.”
“language!” both Summer and Harrington say at the same time.
“i think you kids have something to tell me, don’t you?” Summer asks. after a quick look around her, though… “let’s get inside. being here in the dark is giving me the heebie-jeebies.”
Billy’s eyes wander between them and he’s probably trying to be smooth about it but, really, there is only one person who could have left those Wham! tapes in the camaro. turns out it wasn’t Billy’s ‘girlfriend’, was it?
Harrington makes sure to step out of her way as Summer stomps into the Byers’. she hears him tripping on his own feet and Tammy’s cackle as she drags him along.
he’s pretty and he looks like a good kid, but Summer has already killed once and she’s more than willing to do it again if he ever hurts her son.
“so, the Wham! tapes?” she asks later, much later, while they are having breakfast and patching each other up and there’s a telekinetic girl sleeping on the couch and Joyce’s crying in her bedroom after those things killed her boyfriend.
Billy chokes on his coffee and stares back like a deer in front of the headlights. “what?”
“do you want me to invite him for dinner?”
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listlessladylister · 3 years
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the breakfast club as the onion headlines
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listlessladylister · 3 years
We don’t appreciate the fact that Bruce Wayne is a Kardasian level celebrity enough. Everyone knows him. I want more one shots and crack fic moments where the League (Pre identity reveals) just openly talk about Bruce Wayne in front of Batman.
Just imagine them playing fuck, marry, kill with famous actors and such and throwing Bruce into the mix. And Batman just sits there, silently suffering as he listens to the reasons why Flash and Lantern would marry, fuck, or kill him. He prays they choose kill. They don’t.
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listlessladylister · 3 years
Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!
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listlessladylister · 3 years
Controversial Truths About Ancient Egypt Masterpost
The pyramids were built by contemporary workers who received wages and were fed and taken care of during construction
The Dendera “lightbulb” is a representation of the creation myth and has nothing to do with electricity
We didn’t find “““copper wiring””” in the great pyramid either
Hatshepsut wasn’t transgender
The gods didn’t actually have animal heads
Hieroglyphs aren’t mysteriously magical; they’re just a language (seriously we have shopping lists and work rosters and even ancient erotica)
The ancient Egyptian ethnicity wasn’t homogeneous
Noses (and ears, and arms) broke off statues and reliefs for a variety of reasons, none of which are “there is a widespread archaeological conspiracy to hide the Egyptian ethnicity”
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listlessladylister · 3 years
Since they don’t teach gay sex ed in school let me tell gay guys and anyone else that wants to use the back door that douching is bad for you. It will cause long term problems.
Also starving yourself all day will not work because sometimes it can take up to two or three days for something to move through you.
Just eat a bunch of fiber and use the bathroom at least an hour or two before your booty call if you can. If you hate eating fiber just get yourself some fiber pills to take with meals. If you eat enough fiber the section after the colon should remain relatively clean on its own. Just wash the outside part. Not your insides. Those clean themselves.
Also if he shames you for anything that happens by accident in the bedroom and/or refuses to use a condom he’s a jerk-wad and an idiot and you should dump him.
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