litrtur · 5 years
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Calia bit her lip as she smiled at the man, listening to his banter but not really paying attention to them as she had heard that before and when he paused she took advantage and went for his lips, he did little to stop her, to push her away and rather kissed her back while he continued to speak. “Let’s talk later, Fe. I have some better ideas we could use our mouths for.” She murmured against his lips, helping him with his shirt. There wasn’t much to talk about, at least not for Calia, they were still exes who sometimes slept together, since she wasn’t in a new relationship —and as far as she knew he wasn’t either — there wasn’t anything wrong with it.
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“I’m... serious,” he said, although his words were muddled by the gasps he couldn’t help letting out. “We aren’t teenagers or in our twenties anymore, Calia; we’re fully grown adults and I’d... I’d like something more serious soon....” Despite his grumbling, however, his hands were snaking up her skirt, and his mouth on hers was kissing so fervently that he was knocking her head against the wall. His lips lowered to her neck. “After this, we gotta talk. But after this,” he murmured. He pulled at the fabric on her lithe body. His mind was too overwhelmed by the heat of her skin, the sounds emanating from her, and her scent to think clearly and easily rid her of her clothing.
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litrtur · 5 years
open to: f.
plot: exes that still sleep together sometimes. ( no taboo, please! and this is meant to be a maybe-toxic sort of relationship, but not abusive on either end. )
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“do you seriously think this is gonna work this time? you knock at my doorstep and put on that fake whisper voice and i get hard again? i mean —— i hope you know that voice sounds ridiculous, if you think you’re being sexy.”
felix went on, “you think i’ll be a fool again just because you’re right here in my house wearing a tiny skirt? do you think i’m that stupid? well, you’d be right, i sure am that stupid.” he said this in between kisses, hands attempting to get rid of his shirt. “but this is still fucked up. we can’t just keep doing this. we have to... establish what this is....”
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litrtur · 5 years
“a few times, i’ve stroked my cock to the thought of myself fucking you on this very mattress,” he told her. “but you’re a bit younger than i am, and such a good girl, so i didn’t think you’d ever be asking me.” rhys withdrew his fingers from her cunt, his hand coated in her lubrication. “didn’t think you’d be so needy and filthy... so wet for me. but i couldn’t be any happier that you are.”
he stood up from the bed and unzipped his pants. “don’t worry. i’ll slather on some lube for you later.” rhys took off his briefs; although he doubted he had one of those impossibly big dicks eva had heard of, his was significantly larger than the standard size. “come here, eva.” he shut his eyes momentarily to jerk himself off, aching to feel her around his stiff cock. “touch your pussy for me as you’re on your knees, will you, good girl? let me see how much you want this.”
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litrtur · 5 years
       eva lets him slip his fingers into her mouth, instinct telling her to suck on it. she swirled her tongue around his fingers, and let him take off her clothes. she could feel redness blooming across her cheeks; she’d never bared herself so easily to anyone before. “d-do you like my body?” she asked, suddenly overcome with the urge to cover herself up. she’d heard the comments made whenever boys passed her by, the whispers about her curvy, petite body and what they’d do to it if given the chance.
       rhys’s fingers filled up her cunt, and she gasped loudly. his fingers didn’t compare to her own, and despite the slickness, it still felt like a tight fit. she started to worry; what if his cock didn’t fit inside her? “g-go slow, please,” she whispered. “but it feels good. really good.” his tongue against her nipple sent waves of pleasure through her, making her arch her back. “god, yes, keep doing that.” her hips rocked against his hand, and once she got used to the feeling, her rhythm quickly sped up. “g-god, don’t stop. i can take it now.”
“do i like your body?” he chuckled. “do you know how many times i’ve thought about how your breasts must look like under all those layers; how i’ve had to stop myself from thinking about reaching up your skirt, and just...?” he softly hummed; it was clear he was alluding to what he was doing right now, stroking her. with his spare hand, he traced the curve of her hip adoringly.
he did as he was told, making the movements of his fingers slower, but as steady as before. “are you worried?” he asked, his voice a balance of gentle and lusty. although he may not seem like it at times, he was quite a caring person. “i can keep on doing this until you’re loose enough for me to fit.” or, he suggested: “i could eat you out, too.” a shaky breath escaped from him, and he said, “or i could fuck you in the mouth....” he truly did want to be considerate and put her needs first... which was why he was offering this as a mere option, of course, no matter how much he wanted his erection inside her already. “do you want to taste my cock, eva?” 
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litrtur · 5 years
rhys knew few pleasures in life more exquisite than the vision of a pretty girl’s desire to be fucked spilling over, especially in front of him, meant for him. and virginal, sinful eva was such a fine example; his cock was already hardened and pulsating under the fabric of his trousers, especially as she detailed her own fantasies. “i’m not sure where to start,” he said, “‘cause i also want to do all of that to you.” he slid a few fingers into the warm, damp tissue of her mouth. “i want to feel all of this with my cock, like this. i want to pump inside your pretty lips....”
as he said this, his hand was pulling down her underwear. he took off her dress and shivered at the full glory of her unclothed body. “what a sight...,” he said, grinning, before carrying her to his bed. upon the mattress, he edged on top of her, two of his digits diving into the slickness of her cunt. “does this feel good?” his fingers found the hood of her clit, and he stroked the wet flaps of skin around the nub, careful not overstimulate and cause pain instead of pleasure. as he did so, he slowly planted a string of kisses from her neck to her nipple, giving the bit of flesh on her breast a lick. “does that feel good?”
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litrtur · 5 years
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       he was older, devilishly handsome to boot. eva wasn’t foolish enough to believe in love at first sight, but there was no mistaking the way her heart raced every time they crossed paths. she blinked, cheeks turning pink. “i… no,” she admitted, pursing her lips together tightly. god, this was so embarrassing, would he even agree to doing this? it was taking all of her not to just back out and run away, back to her dorm room where she could slip her fingers down her underwear and think of no one else but him. no, this was the perfect opportunity to do it, and god would never want her to suffer more than she already has. or at least, she thought so.
       fingers toyed with the hem of her babydoll dress, which, in retrospect, didn’t leave much to the imagination. “look, uh… i’ve been having these… thoughts lately,” she started, stepping close to him so only he could hear. “a-and… they’re not very pure thoughts. the worst, actually. they make me feel things, and i wanna make them stop.” she took in a shaky breath, and looked up at him. “i… i think i know how, but i don’t wanna to do it with someone i don’t know, someone who could hurt me.” she cast her eyes down. “you’re really nice, so i-i figured you could.”
“what kinds of thoughts?” he asked as he unbuttoned his shirt. tossing the garment to the side, his toned upper body now bare for her to see, he went on: “do you really think i can make these thoughts stop for you?” although he wasn’t that much older than she was — at this point in life, he wouldn’t go for anything with someone more than 4 years younger — he could tell she was deeply inexperienced in this sort of thing. he indeed felt a need and desire to be careful with her, careful not to hurt her.
“what do you actually want, eva?” strong arms lifted her into an embrace and wrapped her legs around his waist. he walked a bit nearer to the wall, gently beginning to pin an arm of hers against it. “do you want me to stroke your pussy?” a hand slipped into the skirt of her dress; he hooked a finger into a corner of her underwear, teasing. “i can’t really help you much until you tell me what you want me to do to you...,” he murmured. “i want to hear all of it....”
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litrtur · 5 years
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“i don’t suppose you’re asking for thesis help.” his reply would’ve been, well, exactly what it sounded like — he wasn’t in the business of fixing things, after all; he was just another graduate student hoping to become a professor someday. but he was no stranger to this kind of behaviour from girls. the coquettish tilt of her head, innocent widening of her eyes — eva wanted... something. he wasn’t going to presume right now, but this was deliberate. and so a flirtatious tone coloured his response. of course you’re not asking for thesis help. i know you want something else, was the unspoken addition to his words.
“so how can i help you?” his voice lowered to an arch near-whisper, eyes briskly flitting from her face to further down, his interest evident. more than once, he’d pictured her laid back on his bed; he’d imagined the fullness of her breasts, her nipples growing harder and harder fast as he did things to her. lots of things. he just didn’t expect something like this to happen. he’d need to hear what kinds of things she wanted him to do, maybe, for him to believe such a good girl as eva was actually making advances towards him. 
A STARTER FOR @litrtur / ft. eva rhee.
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        eva had always been the good girl, never one to stray from the crowd. she’d never seen the point of it, not when her parents had always told her to stay on the safe side — it’s what jesus would have wanted. but recently she’d been tempted, let her mind linger to things considered sinful. much to her chagrin, her desires seemed to get more intense, her thoughts making her filthy and weak — she needed to make them stop. one man, admittedly, had become the star of her fantasies; and the next time she sees him, she marches up to him, doe eyes and pouty lips focused on his handsome face. “rhys?” she squeaks. “i… i’ve got a problem. and you’re the only one who can help me fix it.”
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litrtur · 5 years
PLOT: muse a (my muse) is a schoolteacher, and muse b is his ex-girlfriend. they have a passionate but chaotic on and off relationship, and he thought she’s here at this pta meeting for another hook-up with him... but she’s actually a single mother??? tf??? and her child is, by honest-to-god coincidence, studying at HIS workplace????
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She looked even more beautiful right here and now than she did in her Facebook updates. Rhys was sure she’d been posting some specifically designed to send him running back to her for the thousandth time, despite his better judgement; doubly so when he saw her at the parent-teacher conference, where he was about to ask only semi-jokingly if she was stalking him now. As it turned out, probably not... Jesus, probably not. That prospect was actually more frightening to think about than her simply being there for him. She was a single mother, genuinely talking to his colleague about her child, who was going to the school he worked at. Fuck.
He walked cautiously so that he wouldn’t bump into her, but did. “Oh, didn’t see you there.” He smiled, putting on a false air of casualness. “I was just leaving, as you can see. I... I’m also here as a guardian, ‘cause my nephew studies here and his parents couldn’t attend the meeting.” It’s not like he works here or anything, ha ha. Please don’t realise that he works here. Their relationship was among the most passionate ones he’d ever had, but she was one of the messiest girlfriends he’d ever had.... This was dangerous ground he was treading on, but... God, did she look amazing.
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litrtur · 5 years
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“Uhhhh… I’m not gonna do anything. But you can’t stay here.”
Mind’s instantly racing to figure out just what she’s getting at. Maybe he’s just tired, but it feels like there’s a bigger cosmic joke here that completely misses his head. He’s met other people like this but they’re usually too drunk or already half-asleep by the time he comes around to throw them off his bus. He watches her with tired intent as she gets up, blinking his eyes slowly. “Talk to me, about what? Listen, it’s really late, I…——”
He can’t quite shake the effect that her next words have on him, though. Don’t be scared and, though he wasn’t really, too tired and apathetic to be much of anything at the moment, for a few seconds he feels something pass through him like a wave——something soft, calm. Like the very presence of her calms him for a little while. As if she isn’t just some random stranger in the back of a bus. He clears his throat a little again, “… I’m not scared.”
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“Good.” But you should be, she thinks, unable to keep herself from giggling at her own musing. The sound is pleasant as it leaves her, however. “Let’s go somewhere, Samuel.”
She coughs and tells him, “I’m not trying to have sex with you.” Over the previous years, she had to learn the hard way that other people thought she was propositioning when she wasn’t. “I’m not a stalker either, but I do know everything about you.” Almost everything.
“Aren’t you curious? I know you are.” This is why she whirls around to begin walking. It’s probably not the finest etiquette down here, but she knows she’s right. Humans’ need to learn more would bring him to her. Although she does realise as she’s heading towards the vehicle’s exit that she’s not sure where they’d go. She’ll ask later, she decides. And hopes it’ll be his apartment or something. (Her apartment is garbage. She can’t believe she, an angel, could have such a garbage apartment.)
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litrtur · 5 years
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“‘This is the last stop.’ Well, what are you gonna do about it?” It’s not the finest attempt at humour; but that’s probably apt given that Hila is, at the moment, as human as an angel can be. Even now, a couple of weeks into her “vacation,” (suspension, really), fathoming the diminutiveness of her own flightless form is a strange process.
Light-years into space, and in flight his former guardian saw him from above. At present, however, he towers over her. To mitigate the surreality, she stands up. “I’m kidding. I just... need to talk to you.” What on Earth..., she’s thinking. The man is a whole foot taller than she is, she realises.
As scarce as she is in the height department, at least she gets to keep her big eyes. Humans trust big eyes, don’t they? “Don’t be scared.” Another tool she’s relieved to still have: the mellifluous voice bestowed upon angels. 
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Digital clock on the dashboard of the bus is nearing three a.m. with green blinking numbers. He’s been driving the same stretch all day, can probably do it with his eyes closed now if he tries, the street lamps and stop signs all greeting him like old friends on every turn. With a sigh he turns the engine, the world going quiet, only the low fluorescent lights still buzzing overhead and his bones popping as he gets out of the driver’s seat, stretching his arms over his head.
With a sigh he starts doing the rounds, it’s all routine. Checking the seats for anything leftover, anyone. And he does so with practically just one eye open, tired and yawning, head craned and looking down the whole while, so it takes him a while to actually realize that there is, indeed, a someone left behind, in the very back of the bus. Gives his heart a little start, but he straightens his shoulders and clears his throat as if nothing happened.
“Hey, lady——this is the last stop. You gotta get off.”
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litrtur · 5 years
The moan she let out made him look forward to this even more if it were possible, after already being excited which she could clearly tell from how tight his boxers seemed in that very moment. ‘ And you’re so, so, beautiful.’ he murmured as he let his lips travel from her chin down to her neck as soon as she sat onto his lap, his lips nibbling onto a spot just as she had made that confession, emitting a groan from him. He pulled his head back a bit to watch her for a few seconds with a smile.
‘As much as I want to say yes to that, how about it for another time? Right now-’ he speaks as he moves his hand down her body, stopping at her breasts and making sure to give both of them the attention by squeezing them, then moving a thumb around the nipple and flicking it slightly; he moves to the other nipple as he continues speaking. ‘- I want to prep you, feel how wet you are, feel how much you actually want this.’ his hand goes down to her panties and is not afraid to cup her sex through the fabric, only to move it aside and cup it bare.
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Self-consciousness creeps up within her when his hand makes contact with the decidedly wet outer layer of her pussy. If he went any deeper, he’d feel the extent to which she was already soaking. But the pleasure of his touch near-instantly overwhelms her easily unnerved nature. She can’t help sighing out her thoughts: “That feels so good.... That feels....” Zahra’s heartbeat thumps loud in her ears; and as amazing as it and the heightening heat of her body were, of course, this was not all there was to the evening.
“Deeper...,” she tells him. “Go deeper....” She pushes a few of his fingers into her drenched, swelling folds, and moans, even more audibly this time. “Don’t stop; don’t....” In the middle of her panting, she says, “Nothing in the world could make me leave tonight.” She thought about tacking on a “thank you” — she’s met so many good-looking men with only their own pleasure in mind. It was a welcome surprise that he’s put her first, though the blowjob was her idea. She decided against the show of thanks, however; they were barely acquaintances, and what was happening now was due to lust more than any emotional connection.
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litrtur · 5 years
Edwin didn’t know what he had expected of her when they got here- maybe he had expected her to be a little less brave, but once again he had been wrong- maybe she wanted this to happen way more than he thought. Which was only a plus for him, even if he had been willing to wait as much as she needed him to.
She had left him breathless- her enthusiasm making his breath hitch into his throat. And her words made him snap, leaning down and taking her face into his hands, pressing his lips against hers like there’s no tomorrow. And between kisses, he spoke. ‘ Then let me take care of you, let me show you what you’ve been missing on, hm?’
He moves one of his hands down her back, her shirt had already been took care of, but he made sure to unclasp her bra and remove it from her body completely.
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She released a soft, approving moan upon hearing his words. “Yes, please,” she gasped, more demanding than begging despite the use of “please.” Her fingers moved to help him toss her bra aside; her nipples were firm, and stiffening further in excitement as she watched him.
“You’re really handsome,” she murmured, a hand reaching up to grasp his chin, descending to his strong chest and torso. She climbed back up, sitting on his lap, and her hand settled on his underwear. “Let’s get this out of the way,” she said, her voice almost a whine. Whispering in his ear, she said, “I want you inside my mouth....”
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litrtur · 5 years
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The flood of giggles that Rhys’ terribly pronounced Spanish elicited, was infectious, especially since Shiloh was fluent in the language. “That really was something else - really, if we ever go somewhere where Spanish is the most widely spoken language, let me do the talking.” She stared up at the wide open night sky above them, a few stars visible despite the light pollution, big full moon bright in the sky, just enjoying the moment alone with her husband, both tucked neatly into each other’s arms. “You’d do that?” Shiloh knew he loved her, knew he wanted to support her goals and help her chase her dreams - had sworn to do both when they were married only a few weeks ago, but she also knew that Rhys didn’t necessarily believe in aliens and UFOs himself. It would be cool - getting the chance to search up in the air, high in the night sky all while getting to see Rhys do his job and ask he twenty thousand questions about what buttons did what and if the blinking lights meant anything. And then he was singing, just as badly as he’d spoken Spanish, albeit on purpose. Shi playfully hit his chest, laughing with him, smile so big she was afraid her cheeks would burst. “You’re the cheesiest, Rhys. Remind me why I married you again?”
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“Of course. I don’t know if it’s too soon...,” he said, clearly kidding — they were husband and wife now, which was a considerable number of paces past “too soon”; “but I’d do anything for you. Seriously. I mean, call me cheesy all you want.” (And she did.) “Well, really, I dunno why you wouldn’t marry me.” He drew attention to his arms yet again, saying, “I’m so good-looking, plus, I’m smart. And, you know, I’m such a good singer.... You ever wonder why you don’t hear much of Enrique Iglesias on the radio anymore? That’s because he heard my talent and decided to quit music, just like that.” He cackled at his own joking imitation of arrogance. Certainly, he had a healthy confidence in his genuinely good looks and intelligence; despite that, however, he really did wonder himself why she married him. As healthy as his self-esteem was, his adoration for her knocked it out of the water. She was just... incredible. “Nah, to be frank, I ask myself that, too. All the time. All I can do now is enjoy how lucky I’ve been and, you know, love you. Same thing, though. Same thing.” 
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litrtur · 5 years
Zahra knew that the man probably expected her to be timid when it came to sex. Understandable, given her general demeanour (though she’d honestly argue she was more awkward than shy) and the fact that they met doing a church thing. Her family’s piousness was why at 25, she didn’t have much sexual experience with other people.
But one would just be wrong if they thought this meant she kept her thoughts innocent. She kissed him fervently, with the enthusiasm of someone who’d thought frequently about the parts of a body she wanted to kiss. Lower and lower she went, until she was looking up at him from in between his legs.
“Don’t go soft on me,” she said, slowly unfastening his pants. “I’m not some delicate little thing.” Her voice dropping to a whisper, she said, “I want you.” | @bravecr
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litrtur · 5 years
can i please get some m/f smut threads right now......... especially for my taron egerton muse.............
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litrtur · 5 years
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Shiloh couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped from her lips, Rhys’ grasp on her waist tightening for a moment, the blonde showing off his arms, joking around, protective but still a total goof. “I really think it’s gonna be the terrible foreign language skills that get them babe. Forget trying to fight them, just yell some Spanglish and I think they’ll give up.” Her palms slid from his chest, up to encircle her arms around his neck, taking the tiniest half step further into Rhys’ arms, staring up at the night sky above them, head resting on his chest. It really was a gorgeous view - one that she was incredibly blessed that she could share with him. “You know me so well,” she murmured, grinning ear to ear. A hand moved to the back of his head, tugging him down for a kiss, gentle and slow, savoring the moment - warm night breeze blowing, the smell of gardenias on the wind, the vast unexplored night sky above them. When he pulled away, Shiloh lifted her head from his chest slowly, smile still on her lips. “I once saw one up here too. It was before I invested in the cameras or any of the other materials.”
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Rhys brandished a wrathful finger in the air, in the direction of an imaginary foe. “¡We shall fight al atardecer!” he exclaimed, knowing he was mangling the language. “I feel so guilty towards Spanish speakers. That was horrible. Pronunciation, syntax.... I really should just speak English.” Taking his own advice, he said, “Of course. I enjoy trying to learn as much as I can about you.” He quietly hummed, basking in the evening’s loveliness with her. “Well, you know I’ve got aircraft, you know I know how to steer. Perhaps you could finally get a snapshot of a UFO while up in the air at some point,” he suggested, an honest offer. Although he was never the sort to believe in those kinds of things, he kept an open mind whenever his wife spoke of UFOs and aliens. “Some stunningly beautiful views when you’re on a helicopter, too. I kinda feel like I’m Aladdin-ing you right now.” He sang, silly and a little off-pitch, “I can show you the world... shining, shimmering, splendid....” Another laugh emanated from him, before he nuzzled her chin, her curls brushing against his cheeks. “They’re nowhere near as as stunningly beautiful as you, though.” A clichéd line, some would say, but he liked to think of it as classic.
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litrtur · 5 years
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Paris being gorgeous as hell in Paris & Will | Cover | I’m Yours
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