little-scorpion · 10 years
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Lmao, I don’t even know if I should feel  sorry for Naruto or Hinata xD
And uh, yeah … I have honestly no idea if you can break someone’s penis while moving too fast?? So let’s just assume you can, regardless if it’s possible or not haha. 
This is already the second NaruHina text we posted … guess we need to give other ships some love too ;w;
- Misaki
{Requests are open, btw~ So just shoot us some asks, lovelies ♥}
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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And here it is, our contribution to ShikaIno month~ It’s nothing special but hey, it’s ShikaIno .. kinda xD And yes, I’m not gonna lie, I adore ShikaIno, it’s my biggest OTP tbh^^
- Misaki
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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Just a little Sexting~ to the wrong person xD Hope you guys like it ♥
- Laylay
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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Yeah, that’s not how it’s supposed to go I think xD
- Laylay
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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Haha, looks like Naruto can’t sleep~ xD
- Misaki
{Requests are open~ :3}
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little-scorpion · 10 years
Hey guys, I know I’m not one for doing this but my family needs your help. So much has just been going on financially that I don’t know how long it’s going to persist. We’ve been in this rut for so long, that I didn’t or don’t know what else to do. 
Any and all much would be much appreciated and even the sharing of this video. If you wish to donate please do so here: http://www.gofundme.com/9km6mg
This is the info and whats happening; If you guys have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me them, and I’ll be glad to answer all.
My family needs your help; we are in so much need of assistance at this very moment. My mom landed in the hospital around the end of November traveling into December; we decided not to go to a clinic in Canada because they said it was going to take a month to get my mom’s surgery done to remove this kidney stone. We weren’t going to wait that long, my mom was in pain and I knew she wasn’t going to make it if this was left in for too long.  It turned out that the kidney stone grew an infection, and was travelling in my mom’s lungs, so we had to act fast.  She was in ICU at Henry Ford Hospital; they were doing everything they could. All the while, I was doing my regular duties at home, and it didn’t help we were planning on moving to a bigger home. So that was just another thing I had to worry about. Things had happened so fast, and luckily, after we moved to a larger home, my mom just made it home for Christmas healthy, and almost at full health after being in the hospital and rehab for 3 weeks.  Here is where I need your help, insurance will only cover so much for us, and we’re trying to balance so much on our plate. From bills such as the rent (since we don’t own) groceries, telephone, and hospital, just today did I find out from my dad that on his way to work, our van broke down. And that’s going to cost us another large chunk of money, we just don’t have. I know that my parents are stressed; I can see it on their face daily. I don’t want them to have to suffer like this, or worry about money so much. And even how they’re going to provide necessities for me and my sisters, we’ve just been in a pickle too long, and I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know how we’ll make it; my family really needs your help. Even if you can’t donate money, please share this to others. I don’t want to get evicted from my home, and I definitely don’t want to see my mom who’s still recovering become even more stressed than she already needs to be.  Keep my family in your prayers, thank you.  Xo Haze
Please reblog this even if you can’t donate, thank you so much. <3
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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I wish more people would see the charm of FugaMiko! Or at least give it half as much love and care as the fandom does for MinaKushi. Just one filler, or a little bit of exploration on the animation team’s part if nothing else is all I ask for my poor, deprived heart. I want to see their love too!
Picture Source (x)
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little-scorpion · 10 years
i will defend my shit taste in anime to my grave
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little-scorpion · 10 years
All I want is for a boy to look at me and think “wow she is so cute she gives me a boner but I also want to make her soup”
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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little-scorpion · 10 years
helping old people with computers is the 10th circle of hell
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little-scorpion · 10 years
Why is a porn blog following me
Ancient tumblr user proverb (via cutemutant)
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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little-scorpion · 10 years
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little-scorpion · 10 years
yeah I speak Chinese
凵𠂆 𠂎丹丫
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little-scorpion · 10 years
Are you asking because you care or because you’re curious?
“10 word story" series - #27 (via jennayliu)
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little-scorpion · 10 years
do you ever just get the overwhelming urge to cry because you think you’re not going to go far in life because you’re not as smart or as talented as the people around you
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