littlebettablue · 5 years
Hey everyone, while I'm no longer active here, I still have a petblr blog, @creepie-crawlies if anyone is interested in following me still
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littlebettablue · 5 years
Some of you were curious about the honey process
Well, I’m here to show you what these wonderful little ladies make, and how us humans collect the extra.
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Some Vocabulary:
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This is a Langstroth beehive. Those boxes in it are called “Supers”. Supers hold 10 frames each. Frames look like this.
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I’m here to teach you about honey extraction from this particular kind of hive, and when you only have like 5 or 6.
The Process:
First, we start with the frame of honey.
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Notice anything? The bees have “capped” this honey with beeswax so it can keep for the winter! (or beekeep heheh)
So what you wanna do is cut those bad boys off with ya Hot Knife.
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(Or you can just scrape them off with a fork. Or poke holes in them. Dealer’s choice, man.)
Next, you put your uncapped frames in the Crazy Spin Cylinder. (The Extractor)
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And the honey sp i n s
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Honey GO
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H O N  E  Y
The frames are spun at such a high speed that the honey is pulled right out!
Next, you open the spigot at the bottom, run it through a strainer…
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Pour it in a jar…
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and VOILA!
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Beautiful Bee Nectar that you got yaself! This has been a PSA
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littlebettablue · 5 years
Its been almost 2 years and he still falls in soemtimes
I love my cat but he’s gotta stop climbing on my tanks. Like, he already fell into my axolotl tank. You’d think one dip in a 20g tank would be enough to keep him from doing it again, but nope
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littlebettablue · 5 years
Aparently saying "congratulations you kept a fish alive for not even a third of it's normal life span" to a person who told me they kept a goldfish alive for 3 years in a 3 gallon tank was not the correct thing to say
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littlebettablue · 6 years
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Aztec; Mosaic Axolotl ✨
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littlebettablue · 6 years
Axolotl friends wanted!
Reblog if you;
Own axolotls
Post about axolotls
Make axolotl art
Love axolotls with all your being
Wish you had an army of axolotls
I will follow everyone whom reblogs! I would appreciate a follow in return!
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littlebettablue · 6 years
Dear Pets
I’m so sorry I woke you up you were just so still and I though you were dead please forgive me
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littlebettablue · 6 years
Pet-of-sub’s 500 Follower Giveaway
Guy’s I’ve reached 500 followers! It’s so hecking exciting and I love each and every one of you! I never expected to get this many followers, especially bc I’ve been on here since 2013 and talked to maybe one person before discovering my love of fish.
Speaking of fish that’s what this giveaway is about!
The winner of this giveaway will receive a full set-up to either upgrade your current betta or as an excuse to get another is up to you!
This set up will include:
A 6.5 hexagon acrylic tank
A 50 watt adjustable heater
A sponge filter, air tube, and air pump
1 terra cotta pot
1 floating log
And 1 silk plant
And if you don’t want to use the hide, plant, or substrate in favor of something else don’t worry, my feelings won’t be hurt but you can keep them anyway.
The rules for this giveaway are pretty easy:
You must be following @pet-of-subs
You must live in the USA(on a side note if I have any followers living outside of the USA would y’all be interested in a separate giveaway for something smaller? I want to include you guys but this feels like to big/heavy for me to ship so far away)
You have to reblog this post(only one reblog counts)
You must be willing to give me an address to ship to
And finally you must do this before April 8th when this giveaway will end.
Thank you guy’s for being so amazing! I wish I could give each and every one of you a little something
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littlebettablue · 6 years
So I bought one of those Aqueon Betta Falls Tanks...
Keep reading
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littlebettablue · 7 years
Everything is a mess and I feel horrible
If anyone wants to post their favorite critter to keep and maybe a fact about them that would be really neat
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littlebettablue · 7 years
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The thing with accidents, is that you don’t expect them. You are so sure nothing it’s going to happen, and when it does it’s heartbreaking.
Cat’s saliva has gram negative bacteria that is extremely dangerous for birds, this bacteria can be found both in their mouth and their claws, all it takes is a playful Pat or a bad day when your cat is upset, all it takes is a scratch and you lose your bird forever.
Why would you risk your pet’s life?
Be responsible, chose prevention.
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littlebettablue · 7 years
Okay but how do y'all pronounce "plakat"?
Sometimes I say it like “pluh-cott” and other times I say it like “play-cott” and every once in a while it’s “play-kit” and occasionally “plack-it” cus I have no idea how you’re supposed to pronounce it
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littlebettablue · 7 years
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Slowly making progress
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littlebettablue · 7 years
Just an update
Tell all of your pets that I (me) love them (your pet)
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littlebettablue · 7 years
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What started out as a small practice turned into something much larger
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littlebettablue · 7 years
I spent an hour cleaning my 5g so I can set up arthur in it
And as soon as I turn around to grab a rag so I can dry it, there's a loud crack
So now not only an I down one filter, but also one tank
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littlebettablue · 7 years
I can't help but cringe at afv half the time, at least when it comes to their animal clips.
The shit that's in this? Like an adult ball python in a 10g tank with live mice crawling over it? Or a cat chilling on a tiny bird cage with a sin conure? Or some guys harassing another guy by throwing a juvenile iguana at him? Its absolutely disgusting
But whatever animal abuse is hilarious right?
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