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Chris Halliwell in every episode → 5x22 - “Oh My Goddess: Part 1”
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Jason laughed bitterly, "I grew up thinking there was something wrong with me. Everyone walked around egg shells on me. They always thought of what they were going to say first," he growled, "I'm sorry you didn't have a family, but sometimes being alone is better than being treated differently."
"Maybe not, but I’m not the one yelling or insulting the other without reason. Maybe both our dads didn’t want us. But you still had family. I didn’t. I have no siblings. I didn’t have my aunt or cousins to help me where my dad couldn’t. You have your siblings, your mom, your uncle.." She shrugged lightly. "See that’s where you are wrong. I feel sorry for you. I know how hard it is and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone."
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Jason's hands shook slightly before he ran over and hugged her, "Laura..." he whispered.
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"I think I'm telling you to move out of my way before you regret it," Jason glared up at him.
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Isaac looked over at the boy “Pfft I think there might be a polite way of saying that so go ahead and say it and I will move.”
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"BECAUSE MY FAMILY IS HERE!" Jason yelled, "You can't tell me where to be. I'm allowed to be here!"
“Why are you here?!” Aster demanded once more, pressing his arm more firmly on Jason’s throat before letting his blue eyes flash in anger.
"Tell me. Now.” he hissed.
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Jason stared at her and swallowed, "Hi, Cora," he whispered.
Oh, it was too late for that. Cora caught the scent, and her eyes widened. "Jason..,?"
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⋆ Detailed Headcanon Prompter! ⋆
⋆ : Minor personality flaw or quirk
✢ : Physical advantage
✣ : Physical disability/disadvantage
✦ : Fatal flaw
✧ : Mental or emotional strength
❋ : Belief they have
✩ : Belief they've questioned/struggled with
✪ : Critique they have about others
✫ : Pet peeve
✬ : Something minor they enjoy
✭ : An obscure interest
✮ : A moral standard
✯ : Way they could see themselves dying
✰ : Weird thing they want to try or have tried
★ : A socially unacceptable thought they've had
✱ : Someone or something who or that has played a part in a fantasy or daydream
✲ : Something or someone they down right hate
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eldestlaura Jason tilted his head when he thought he saw his oldest sister. It had to be impossible...he read that she was murdered. Then again, he was supposed to be dead too.
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halexbound Jason's eyes widened when he saw Cora. He swallowed and looked for somewhere to hide but there was no where. He ducked his head while he wrote, trying not to be noticed.
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theparaboyz "Uh..." Jason looked up when he saw someone blocking his light from his writing, "Move."
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Jason stared at her in shock and moved back from her quickly, his eyes wide, "Sorry," he said quickly when he saw he made her drop everything.
Jason was walking down the street when he caught a scent. Not just any though, the scent of an alpha. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his eyes from flashing gold and continued walking.
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Jason snorted bitterly, "News flash, we aren't so different. My dad didn't want me either!" He yelled, "I'm not going to be sympathetic towards you when no one ever was to me. Do I relate to you? Yes. Am I sorry? No. No one ever was for me."
"Good!" Jason yelled, "They obviously didn’t want you in the first place!" He said, rage taking over him as tears started going down his face, "They didn’t know my dad and they kept me! They didn’t know your mom and they gave you to someone else!"
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Jason growled and tried to shove him away, "Get off!" He yelled.
Jason growled, kicking him off of him and snarling, his eyes bright gold.
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Jason just stared at the notebook. He didn't know anyone in this town and he didn't care. He started writing beside Stiles' name in his notes when she walked away.
“Watcha doin’ Hale?” Stiles asked in a chipper tone as she sat on the empty seat next to Jason, grinning as she placed her food tray on the table.
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I'm back!
{Thing have been a little crazy the past few weeks, but here I am. Jason is going to be featured in my next Teen Wolf story, I've decided. I'll do replies and then some greeters for the new followers now.}
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//Going to be a little slow with replies this week. I have two days to two long ass Spanish lessons, Tuesday I’m helping with a Haunted house (socializing…what), Friday I have my standardized test (why), and also Friday I have a party (how).
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"Jason," he said quietly, pulling his sleeves down to cover the burn scars on one of his arms when it started to come up.
"Okay," Jason said quietly and looked at him, "What’s your name?"
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