littlecranetsuru · 7 years
I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!
Go ahead and send me prompts, or message me! I need to warm up to you guys again! ;A; Sorry for the big absence around here.
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littlecranetsuru · 7 years
Make the muse blush? *looks up skirt*
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“Hey, Hey, Hey!! What on earth are you doing?! You can’t just do something this shameful so casually!”
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littlecranetsuru · 7 years
Copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful (you have no obligation to if you don't want to)~! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ 💚💚💚💚💚💜💜💜💜💜
Aww! You’re too kind, really ^^ Thank you so much! 
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littlecranetsuru · 7 years
Come into my inbox and try to make my muse blush!
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
↖Slow as fuck with replies but does it anyway.. eventually..
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
Doing a survey. Reblog if you are a "Just Wing It" role player. No planning or plotting is needed. Nor permission to make a starter just for you.
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
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“Sakon!!” The girl smacked his head with her hand lightly, clearly flustered. “You can’t just ask a maiden about her intimate feelings like that!” How insensitive. What was she supposed to say? She couldn’t read him the poem she wrote for Fuuma. “Sheesh....sometimes i even wonder if you know about shamefulness.” She didn’t mean it in a bad way. He was always so careless and cheerful - did her ever get flustered? The Crane puffed her chest out, dusting her skirt. “W-well, whatever. I have a hoodie i don’t use inside my locker, let’s go get it.”
Even the odds? What was he talking about? Even if she could see her own future, she would never use it for any harm. She still felt it was unfair.
“Skip out on them? Won’t you get in trouble?” She asked, a little curious. 
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“Oh! i have no problems with it at all. Should we try it now?” She asked.”Perhaps we could do it in the courtyard by the fountain.” Hm…What if he didn’t show up? No, that was impossible. He was always there whenever she faced any small danger. The girl took her bag, smiling excitedly. She couldn’t wait to give him the gift. What would he say?
The club doesn’t meet 24/7, so chances are that his and her schedules will line up, but it not then, “Eh, probably, but I think that Hanbei-senpai would approve of me trying to get better grades, at the very least–”
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“–Wait, right now?! I would need a hoodie or something at the very least!” 
If he was following her around, then he would know what he looks like, and–wait–if he was following her around, then wouldn’t he overhear their conversation about trying to get him to come here… 
“Well, let’s just hope for the best… Do you have anything planed to say to him when he gets here?”
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
Have you guys even seen....
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There it is, the worst Funko Pop
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417K notes · View notes
littlecranetsuru · 8 years
Even the odds? What was he talking about? Even if she could see her own future, she would never use it for any harm. She still felt it was unfair.
“Skip out on them? Won’t you get in trouble?” She asked, a little curious. 
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“Oh! i have no problems with it at all. Should we try it now?” She asked.”Perhaps we could do it in the courtyard by the fountain.” Hm...What if he didn’t show up? No, that was impossible. He was always there whenever she faced any small danger. The girl took her bag, smiling excitedly. She couldn’t wait to give him the gift. What would he say?
The girl winced at his words, clearly a bit hurt. “I…” She didn’t know why she offered that in the first place. Actually, she did. Motonari had told her that people preferred to do the least amount of work possible for things, and she was trying to follow his advice. Tsuru let out a small sigh, her shoulders slumping down. “Tutor?” Oh, but she was so busy…she had to go to the shrine and help out the monks, not to mention the…What was she talking about? She had to help him. She would find some way to squeeze her other chores with her schedule.
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 “My grades are excellent!” Of course they were. She lived right next to Mori himself, and she visited often. He never seemed pleased with her work, but he helped - well, In exchange for a few favors that she really didn’t understand, but that’s probably not important. “I simply suggested the fortune telling without thinking, okay? Don’t look at me that way…I never read people’s fortunes without their permission, first. That would be rude.” He seemed a bit suspicious now… “ Besides, it’s not like I can read my own fortune.” That little detail always flustered her. It just didn’t seem fair to her.
Well, it’s good to know that she works for her grades; it would be a little out of character for her to do so, he realized, now that he a little more time to cool his head. That last fact stood out to him, “Huh, that is a little weird… I guess it’s to even the odds of having those powers.”
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“I’m fine with any time you’re willing to study with me; I usually have student council duties, but I can skip out on those.” Sneaking off to work on impressing Mitsunari-senpai does sound a lot like fun, and it’s for a good cause. The other members would probably approve. Hopefully.
“But let’s get that present to Fuma first~! Do you have any problems with the plan?”
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
The girl winced at his words, clearly a bit hurt. “I...” She didn’t know why she offered that in the first place. Actually, she did. Motonari had told her that people preferred to do the least amount of work possible for things, and she was trying to follow his advice. Tsuru let out a small sigh, her shoulders slumping down. “Tutor?” Oh, but she was so busy...she had to go to the shrine and help out the monks, not to mention the...What was she talking about? She had to help him. She would find some way to squeeze her other chores with her schedule.
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 “My grades are excellent!” Of course they were. She lived right next to Mori himself, and she visited often. He never seemed pleased with her work, but he helped - well, In exchange for a few favors that she really didn’t understand, but that’s probably not important. “I simply suggested the fortune telling without thinking, okay? Don’t look at me that way...I never read people’s fortunes without their permission, first. That would be rude.” He seemed a bit suspicious now... “ Besides, it’s not like I can read my own fortune.” That little detail always flustered her. It just didn’t seem fair to her.
“I see…” The girl looked down, tapping her chin lightly. “Well, there /is/ a way you can get perfect scores without trying much, but…” Oooh, she wasn’t sure if she should that… “S-see, i do fortune telling, and…well, it’s a little bit more complicated tan that. It’s a little bit like…seeing the future in it’s own way. I could help you get better scores if i tried reading you fortune.” Perhaps, but… “That way Mitsunari would be really proud if you got perfect scores.” In fact, she was pretty sure Sakon had never gotten a perfect score in his life - it kind of made her really pity him.
“Wait, are you suggesting that I cheat on the next test?” The word was filled with much more venom than Sakon intended, but that would the worst thing she could have offered to do for him. 
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And given the brief hesitation in her words, it seemed like she was. 
He isn’t somebody that would try to cheat, and it hurt to have that suggested to him. Sakon put his hands on his hips, as he let out a sigh, “I can’t say that I got a perfect score if I did that, and I don’t think Mitsunari-senpai would approve.”
He wasn’t in the mood for drama after seeing his grades and having to talk about them. He just wanted to help someone else to get his mind off them, before hitting the books again. An idea popped in his head, “Hey, why not tutor me after we get Fuma his present?! You’ve got good grades, right?” 
Hopefully, she doesn’t do the vision thing on her own tests, “…right?”
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
“I see...” The girl looked down, tapping her chin lightly. “Well, there /is/ a way you can get perfect scores without trying much, but...” Oooh, she wasn’t sure if she should that... “S-see, i do fortune telling, and...well, it’s a little bit more complicated tan that. It’s a little bit like...seeing the future in it’s own way. I could help you get better scores if i tried reading you fortune.” Perhaps, but... “That way Mitsunari would be really proud if you got perfect scores.” In fact, she was pretty sure Sakon had never gotten a perfect score in his life - it kind of made her really pity him.
“A-ah…” A princess? Her? That made the girl let out a small giggle, her hand covering her lips quickly to contain herself. How flattering. “A plan like that could certainly work, but… if he was really watching over me, I suppose that he’d know we’re friends, no?” Guess that they’d have to act it out to find out. It was worth a shot.
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“Say,how have you been? You don’t look as cheerful as always. Is something troubling you?” She wasn’t sure why she said that - it was a little rude for her to assume something like that. She just felt that something was bothering him.
“Well, I can put a hoodie and cover up my face or put a wig on, so he won’t know it’s me. It’ll all work out~!”
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Helping other people with their problems always made Sakon feel better. Seeing her with a grin put a smile on his face as well. He felt his smile was moving from ear to ear, until she asked him how he was going. 
“Was it that obvious?” 
He pondered over whether or not to dump his problem on her, but once he realized what he already said, there was no way he could get out of talking about it. His shoulders slumped, “It’s just–my grades aren’t good enough for Mitsunari-senpai’s approval. I’ve been trying to study, but reading stuff for school is so hard. Like, there’s words I just don’t get, ya know?”
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
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self indulgent iemitsu doodles :^)
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
trans boys are so important if youre a trans boy and reading this ur so great ur a prince or a king or whatever u prefer… keep being a gr8 guy
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
Honesty meme!
Send me a symbol for my muse to come clean about:
 ♥ - Something they like about your muse.
 ❦ - Something they hate about your muse.
 ✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse.
 ♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse.
 ♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting.
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
“A-ah...” A princess? Her? That made the girl let out a small giggle, her hand covering her lips quickly to contain herself. How flattering. “A plan like that could certainly work, but... if he was really watching over me, I suppose that he’d know we’re friends, no?” Guess that they’d have to act it out to find out. It was worth a shot.
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“Say,how have you been? You don’t look as cheerful as always. Is something troubling you?” She wasn’t sure why she said that - it was a little rude for her to assume something like that. She just felt that something was bothering him.
“Well…yes…” The girl brushed her bangs a little, clearly little flustered. “But…every time i get close to him he disappears without a warning.” She said. “The weirdest thing is, yesterday i was reading a book about fortune telling, and was so focused on it while i was walking home that i didn’t notice i was about to walk on the street while the street light was green…” Her eyes glimmered and the girl gave a small twirl, holding both of her hands clasped together in her chest. “But out of nowhere, oh, he put his gentle hands in my shoulders and pulled me closer to him - how dreamy! I was so shocked, and when i opened my mouth to thank him, he was gone!” She seemed way too excited to be sharing a near to death experience. “It’s happened before, too! Whenever I’m in danger, he swoops in and saves me. He’s watching over me i tell you~” Perhaps he liked her? Oh no, just thinking about it made her heart flutter. “I wanted to give him a little something to thank him, but whenever i try to approach him he’s gone like the wind! Sakon…what should I do?”
‘She isn’t a part of the drama club, is she?’
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Seeing her twirl around as she recalls her encounters with the mysterious student was incredibly theatrical, but kinda cute too. Soon realizing that Tsuruhime was waiting for a response, he replied, “He sounds a lot like a superhero looking out for a princess; that’s for sure~! As for a plan…”
He messed with his hair again, forgetting how much effort he put into it that morning, as he pondered about possible solutions, “I wonder if we could act out a dangerous situation. Like, I can pretend to be a shady fella trying to mug you; he’ll swoop in, and you can give it to him then. That could probably work…”
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littlecranetsuru · 8 years
“Well...yes...” The girl brushed her bangs a little, clearly little flustered. “But...every time i get close to him he disappears without a warning.” She said. “The weirdest thing is, yesterday i was reading a book about fortune telling, and was so focused on it while i was walking home that i didn’t notice i was about to walk on the street while the street light was green...” Her eyes glimmered and the girl gave a small twirl, holding both of her hands clasped together in her chest. “But out of nowhere, oh, he put his gentle hands in my shoulders and pulled me closer to him - how dreamy! I was so shocked, and when i opened my mouth to thank him, he was gone!” She seemed way too excited to be sharing a near to death experience. “It’s happened before, too! Whenever I’m in danger, he swoops in and saves me. He’s watching over me i tell you~” Perhaps he liked her? Oh no, just thinking about it made her heart flutter. “I wanted to give him a little something to thank him, but whenever i try to approach him he’s gone like the wind! Sakon...what should I do?”
“Oh! Sakon!” The girl smiled brightly, placing the small pink bag she had in her hand on her backpack. “W-well, I was just preparing something for…” the girl trailed off a little, her cheeks growing pink. “You know the upper class-man, Fuuma Kotaro~?” 
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“Fuuma Kotaro?” he repeated, craning his head to the side as he tries to recall the list of names–and the photos next to them–that he read over to memorize for the student council. 
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“Oh, the red haired guy? Yeah, I think I’ve seen him on campus before. He’s pretty mysterious looking…” Once he realized what was going on, Sakon soon teased her as he pointed to what she placed on her backpack, “Sooo~ is that for him?”
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