littledeviltwin · 4 years
non-sexual forms of intimacy.   send me ‘INTIMACY +’ a number between 1-125 and i’ll write a starter or a drabble about our muses engaging in a form of intimacy outside of sexual context.   note: as the level of trust required for the things listed here varies a lot, feel free to send multiple numbers if you aren’t sure if they’ll work! bonus:   if the mun is comfortable with randomising a number if asked, state so in the tags when you reblog!
1        watching tv/movies together
2        going to an event together  ( like a carnival, festival, etc. )
3        going on dates, like to the movies or shopping
4        sharing secrets
5        hugs
6        sharing drinks
7        having a phone call
8        touching noses
9        cuddling
10      having a philosophical discussion
11      hand holding
12      sharing jokes
13      sharing smiles
14      laying your head on someone’s shoulder
15      linking arms
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
  It wasn’t like he really had a choice in the matter, Kyoya was reluctant but obviously oblige to tag a long. It wasn’t so bad to have some alone time with the original members of the host club. Kyoya didn’t mind spending time with his closest friends. “It’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach, Kaoru so I figured might as well come along. We can use pictures of this event for profit as well” he says with a smirk.      He looks over at the other two. “This spot is fine, Tamaki and Haruhi you should know better that I never forget anything” he states. Kyoya looks over at the ocean. It was nice to see the sea. He hasn’t seen it in a while since he’s been in this world.  
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   He sets his backpack down before pulling out a small blanket and spreading it on the pink sand. “See. I’ve come prepared. You can set your things on this so it won’t buried in the sand” he says before he puts his backpack on the blanket and sits himself on the edge. “Alright so we found a spot. What’s next, Tamaki?”
Tamaki felt his stupid ego boost as everyone agreed that this was an amazing spot. Of course they couldn’t argue against the blond’s judgement (or his puppy dog eyes). He knelt down to pick up his bag and dusted off the sand granules before setting it softly onto Kyoya’s towel. His brows furrowed together as he frowned.
“Was I- was I suppose to plan what else we’re supposed to do?” Tamaki asked as his index fingers fiddled together. Little did they know, he had planned everything out but left his cute little list on his kitchen table. The only soul that would be able to read it would be Antoinette, and she didn’t need a list of things to do at the beach. But this meant that Tamaki had forgotten the events that were supposed to happen.
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“I mean, I… I figured we could just play around the beach for a bit. Sometimes we need to do things in the heat, literal heat of a summer day, moment!” He stood up straight as he grabbed the fronts of his pants before ferociously yanking the fabric forever; the sounds of popping clasps filled his ears as he stared at his swim trunks. The blond had purposely bought these tearaway pants just for the beach trip; and for him, he believed it to be a grand success.
“What else would we do at the beach? It’s not like we’re here to entertain guests.”
    “Thank you senpai.” Haruhi smiled softly at Kyoya as she placed her bag on the floor and crouched down to pull out some things she had brought for them. Two towels, one for herself and extra in case someone forgot, sunscreen a pair of sunglasses, and some things to build a sandcastle. 
    She hadn’t really been paying attention after then to whatever they had started talking about but had glanced up the moment that Tamaki and torn off his tearaway pants and she stared in complete and utter shock at the whole moment. He had told her about this idea, and had even bought her a pair to use, but she had thought and assumed that he had been joking about the whole thing, but she should have known better. 
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    “I’m going to pretend that didn’t happen.” She spoke flatly, turning away yet again from them as she pulled off her shawl and picked up her sunscreen. Her swimsuit had been a modest two piece, the top piece being a salmon color, which ended right above the lower piece. It was almost tank like, which was perfect for her as it wouldn’t show too much of her curves. 
   Kaoru chucked softly at Kyoya’s response, rolling his eyes teasingly. Of course he would be thinking in terms of profit, he always was - and it wasn’t like the new host club couldn’t use some. As the aburnette turned around to speak to their self proclaimed leader, Kaoru’s eyes widen considerably at the sight of Tamaki’s tear-away pants. His mouth drops open, and then he bursts into laughter, raising his hands to clap. “Well, if we were, that would have been a great start!”
   Kneeling down near Haruhi’s bag, one arm around his stomach to quell his giggling, the Hitachiin picks up two small scoops form the brunette’s pile. Straightening up, Kaoru smiles over at her and hands her one. “I love your swimsuit, Haruhi! Very you. Wouldn’t you say so, Boss?”
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   “First one to make the best sand castle replica of Ouran wins,” He called over his shoulder, already starting down towards the damper sand with a bounce in his step. He tossed the unbuttoned shirt he’d been wearing onto Kyoya’s blanket in the process, fully intending to drag anyone into the water who dared to follow him. “Loser buys the ice cream!”
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Obligatory Beach Episode |
@rosesxinxspring​, @moneydearest​, @littledeviltwin​ are going to the beach!
The fresh smell of the sea assaulted Tamaki’s nose as the blond took a deep breath. The beach in Wonderland was vastly different than in Japan, and Tamaki couldn’t help but stare awe in at the pink grains of sand decorating the horizon. He laughed gleefully before taking a hurried breath through his nose to calm himself down.
“I—–” The single word lingered on Tamaki’s tongue as curious blue eyes glanced around the area. They widened with excitement when he saw the most treasured area on the entire beach, and the blond awkwardly ran after his. His feet kicked up sand as he ran, his body teetering as he ran like an excited child.
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He threw his bag on the floor, listening to it pitifully plop as he stomped his foot. “I claim this spot as ours! Unless…” He turned towards his group and gave his signature puppy dog eyes. “Unless you think we should claim a different spot?”
    Haruhi rarely ever went to the beach,  not because she didn’t like it, but she just never really had time before. The last time she’d gone to the beach was with the host club, and of course it would only make sense for them to be going again together if she was honest. She only hoped that things would be different this time. 
    She pulled the shawl she had on over her bathing suit closer around her as she followed Tamaki to the spot he’d chosen for them. “I think this spots fine.” She replied to him softly as she turned to glance out to the ocean, a small smile on her face, she wished those who were missing could be there with them to enjoy the moment. 
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    “Did you guys bring everything we need?”
   As much as Kaoru enjoyed a relaxing day near the water, he really didn’t go to the beach all that often. Granted, on the surface world he could have easily gone to any lake, river or beach he wanted to, and here there was one within a day’s trip. But even still, the fact he’d spent so long alone turned him off from it.  However, now that more of his fellow hosts and best friends had seemed to find themselves in Wonderland as well, Kaoru happily excepted Tamaki’s invitation. The sun would feel great on his skin again. 
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   “I think this spot is great, Boss!” Kaoru cheers, a grin tugging at his lips. Dropping his bag onto the sand near Haruhi, he placed a hand on his hip, and turned his head towards her. “I think so, I double checked the list I had.”
   The aburnette turned around to face the taller male behind him, chuckling lightly. “I’m surprised the Boss got you to come, Kyoya. I figured you’d be too busy to join us for something like a beach day.” He teased.
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
soft caring sentence compilation
❛❛ I took your hoodie and I’m not giving it back. ❜❜ 
❛❛ Please just… just hold me. ❜❜ 
❛❛ C’mere. Lean on me. ❜❜
❛❛ You look like you need a hug. Come here. ❜❜ 
❛❛ I’m never leaving this blanket nest ever again. ❜❜
❛❛ I know you don’t like hugs, but… I could really use one right now… ❜❜
❛❛ Just stay a little longer. Please. ❜❜
❛❛ It’s so cold outside, but you’re so warm… ❜❜
❛❛ I’m sorry. I should have asked first, just… it reminded me of you. ❜❜
❛❛ Let me hold you for a while. ❜❜
❛❛ It’s okay. I’ve got you. ❜❜
❛❛ Everything hurts. Being with you is the only good thing in the world anymore. ❜❜
❛❛ Hey, hey, don’t cry. It’s okay. C’mon, come sit under the blanket with me. ❜❜
❛❛ All I want to do is sit and eat cookies and watch cheesy romcoms right now. But I’d love some company. ❜❜
❛❛ I brought blankets, takeout, and your favourite movie. I know it won’t fix everything, but it might help. ❜❜
❛❛ Please stay with me tonight. I don’t want to be alone. ❜❜
❛❛ I made some tea. Now, do you need to talk? Or should I just put on some music? ❜❜
❛❛ I’m not going to leave. I’ll stay as long as you need me to. ❜❜
❛❛ Your hair’s soft… I just want to pet it until I forget everything but how soft it is… ❜❜
❛❛ Shh, shh. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe now. ❜❜
❛❛ I know you’re hurting right now, and I’m so sorry. Tell me what will help and I’ll do it. ❜❜
❛❛ I just want to see you smile again. ❜❜
❛❛ This is stupid but… could you sing to me? You have such a nice voice, and I think it might help calm me down… you don’t have to, but… ❜❜
❛❛ Lay your head in my lap and try to get some rest. ❜❜
❛❛ wait , did you just say you love me? ❜❜
❛❛ i’m so happy! ❜❜
❛❛ is this a gift for me? ❜❜
❛❛ hey! i’ve got something for you! wait right here! ❜❜
❛❛ i love you. ❜❜
❛❛ wow … your smile is breathtaking. ❜❜
❛❛ let me take you out on a date. ❜❜
❛❛ so what will it be tonight? ❜❜
❛❛ you know , you’re really cute. ❜❜
❛❛ shh … don’t cry. ❜❜
❛❛ so … do i get a goodnight kiss? ❜❜ 
❝  i’m here for you.  ❞
❝  let me help with that.  ❞
❝  i’m here.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna hurt you.  ❞
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
❝  i’ll protect you. ❞
❝  i’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.  ❞
❝  let me take a look…  ❞
❝  i’m a phone call away.  ❞
❝  you should have called me.  ❞
❝  here, sleep.  ❞
❝  if you wanna talk, i’m here.  ❞
❝  hey, shh, it’s okay.  ❞
❝  i’ll never let you go.  ❞
❝  you’re with me now.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna take you from my side.  ❞
❝  i’ll do what i have to.  ❞
❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞
❝  it’s safe here.  ❞
❝  i’m fine, let me see your face.  ❞
❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞
❝  i like seeing you smile.  ❞
❝  you’re so beautiful.  ❞
❝  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ❞
❝  i miss/missed you.  ❞
❝  let me do this for you.  ❞
❝  i’m on your side  ❞
❝  i’ve got your back, okay?  ❞ 
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Misc. angst starters
as requested. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Why didn’t you tell me you were in the hospital?”
“I’ve been alone my whole life…”
“I thought you were different.”
“Everything is falling apart!”
“The police said they couldn’t find anything…people are dead!”
“I can’t believe this is happening to me again.”
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“Listen to me! Everything is NOT going to be fine!”
“I don’t know who to trust anymore.”
“I cried so much last night that I dried out my face.”
“You just make everything worse.”
“We were supposed to be friends, and now we’re not.”
“Are you going to rip my heart out again?”
“Just go. I’d feel better.”
“…what are you covered in?”
“Nothing I do is right, apparently.”
“There’s got to be a way out of this…I just can’t find it.”
“How can I tell him/her/them the truth? I’ve told so many lies.”
“You’re nothing but a liar.”
“I’m not going to turn my back on him/her/them!”
“You don’t have to stay. I understand.”
“Don’t think I’ll forget about this.”
“You just don’t understand what it’s like.”
“I’d die happy if I could just get my revenge.”
“I didn’t CHOOSE this! It’s just my life, okay?!”
“Come on…don’t die on me..”
“Just because I put on a smile doesn’t mean I’m happy.”
“Your mouth tells me one thing, but your eyes tell me another.”
“I’m not the person I want to be.”
“Why couldn’t you just be careful for once in your life?”
“My heart is darker than the night sky.”
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
   Kyoya enters the dorm, the box still held by his right hand. He smiles at the boy. “It’s your birthday, Kaoru. Of course I’d want to celebrate with you” he says happily. “In fact I made you something” he says before he walks to the nearest surface and plants the box on top of it. “Literally made it from scratch. All by myself. So it’s not perfect but I tried my best” he says as he starts to open the box. 
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  What showed was a orange icing cake topped with flowers and little balloons and presents. All in somewhat messy array of sprinkles and frosted swirls. “I know you’re used to sharing your birthday with Hikaru and I’m sorry he isn’t here with you now but maybe just once you can have your own little birthday and it will be alright” he says with a smile. There was some messy cursive writing on it that read “Happy Birthday Kaoru!”
  Kyoya looked over at the boy, a blush appearing on his cheeks. “I made this. Just for you, Kaoru”.
   Kaoru blushes once more, his hand resting on his neck for a second before it dropped to his side once more. A grateful smile tugged at his lips and he follows closely behind Kyoya. “That means so much to me, Kyoya-Senpai... thank you...” Leaning over him, Kaoru’s mouth fell open in a soft gasp.
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   He studied the details put into the cake, obviously made with a lot of thought. The writing on the top, and knowing Kyoya had made it himself from scratch, Had Kaoru grabbing at the bottom of his t-shirt and sucking in a breath. It was such a sweet gesture, he nearly teared up. However, at his next words about Hikaru and celebrating his birthday as his own, he did. Rubbing his eye, Kaoru beamed brightly. 
   “Thank you, Kyoya-Senpai, this is amazing. I love it. I’m sure it will taste wonderful.” 
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
   For some reason, it seemed as though Wonderland was giving Kaoru a reprieve of sorts for his birthday. His hair hadn’t turned its insane color yet despite it being a new week, which he was grateful for, and nothing crazy had swept through the world just before it either. He’d received several calls and texts from the friends he’d made in Wonderland and once his Boss had heard it was his birthday, they had granted him the day off without hesitance. Even Kyoya had dropped by that morning to personally wish him a happy birthday, and the younger Hitachiin could hardly keep the grin off his lips. 
   He was reading a book he had borrowed from a friend when another soft knock sounded on his door. Dog-earing the page he was on, he stood and pulled open his dorm door, face to face with one of his favorite people to see.
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   “Haruhi!” The aburnette greeted with a grin, opening his arms in offering of a hug but careful not to force her into one. He was a touchy person by nature, but he knew Haruhi wasn’t always and given recent happenings, he would be fine to go without. “It’s so good to see you!”
Happy Birthday
    Even with how hectic everything had been the past month, Haruhi had not forgotten Kaoru’s birthday. It was one of the things that kept her motivated as she planned what she would do for him. 
    Just like the others, she knew she couldn’t get him something big and fancy like he was used to, but she knew he would appreciate whatever she did end up getting him. So she had set herself to bake him a cake and had gotten him a bouquet of roses, it was all she could afford at the moment, but he was the nicer of the twins so she knew he wouldn’t have an issue, or at least she hoped so. Now she just had to deliver it, and she just hoped he was at home. 
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    “Maybe I should have texted him before showing up…” She mumbled to herself softly as she knocked and waited for an answer.
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
   “T-Thank you!” Kaoru’s cheeks flushed a rosy pink in his surprise, and a shy smile tugged at his lips. “Of course, Senpai,” He mused, stepping to the side and allowing the other in. “Sorry for the mess,” He begins, though it really wasn’t that disorganized. With the money he’d saved since being in Wonderland, he was able to afford one of the dorms with more than one room. His had a smaller living area and a bathroom, and he prided himself on it. But for some reason, with Kyoya standing in front of him, he felt nervous about it. Rubbing the back of his neck, the younger Hitachiin smiles and glances at the ground. “I didn’t really expect anyone to stop or anything.”
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Just For You || Kyoya & Kaoru
@littledeviltwin​ continue from x
   Kyoya didn’t know why he was so nervous in the first place but the second the door opens and shows a disheveled yet cute auburn hair boy all his worries went away. He smiles. “Happy Birthday Kaoru!” he shouts with glee. “Mind if I come in?” he asks with a delighted smile.
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Kyoya didn't know why this was this a good idea since the boy worked at a bakery and was always with sweets but this wasn't any cake. It was a cake he actually took the time to learn to bake for this special occasion. He knocks on Kaoru's Apartment.
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   Usually on his and Hikaru’s birthday, the two slept in together and let the morning pass lazily, in high spirits for the afternoon. However, this birthday he was alone -- again, and again he found himself abandoning old traditions that didn’t feel right to perform without his brother by his side. Today, he chose to sit and appreciate the beautiful sunrise instead, treating himself to the sweetest coffee he could make and a warm blanket to watch from the window of his dorm room.
   No more than a few hours later, a soft knock sounded at his door and the Hitachiin turned his head. He supposed it could have been one of the Arisatos or Marinette, but he wasn’t sure he’d even told them. His expectations of it being too early for his school mates, being just passed 8:45, were shattered as he opened the door to the familiar face of his upperclassmen. “Kyoya-Senpai! To what do I owe this nice surprise?”
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Aftermath || Open
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Kyoya didn’t get it but the minute he heard Kaoru being injured he panicked. Tamaki was still recovering and he was scared then too but he felt something different with this news and he wasn’t sure why.  His heart pounded rapidly in his chest as he raced to the hospital to make sure that this friend of his was was safe. 
When he got there the boy was soundly sleeping and it was scary how frustrated it made him to see him look so helpless and disheveled. He wish he knew what exactly happened but he didn’t and he just wanted everything to make sense right now but nothing did. He sighs before turning to leave when suddenly he heard movement. Turning around Kyoya sees the poor boy trying to reach for the cup of water on the end table.  “I didn’t mean to wake you” Kyoya says with a slight frown. “You should rest more, Kaoru. You’re still recovering. I’ll go get the nurse to have your vitals check” he says before reaching for the handle of the door to leave.
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   Kaoru watched the other male with confusion. What was he doing here? How had he known? How long had Kaoru been asleep? It couldn’t have been that long -- his stab wound wasn’t that terribly deep, despite how badly the pain argued in his side. “No... it’s okay...” He murmured in response, bleary eyes struggling to focus on Kyoya’s face. 
   Amber eyes widened as a calculated hand reached out for the doorknob, and Kaoru shocked himself with the volume of his own voice. “No!” He spoke suddenly, loudly, coughing shortly after. Kaoru’s dry throat protested him, but even as his cheeks burned, Kaoru pulled his hospital blanket closer to his chest and looked up at his Senpai. 
   “Please.. don’t go, Kyoya-Senpai. I don’t... wanna be alone. Just in case. Will you stay with me?”
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
   He was tired. He was tired and he was cranky and all Kaoru wanted was to go back to his dorm room and sleep the rest of his day away. It wasn’t that Kaoru hated his job -- the opposite, in fact. Working in a bakery was just as much fun as one would assume it to be. But considering this was his seventh day in a row on the schedule (one of his coworkers had needed to take a sick leave), he was growing weary. Nonetheless, the aburnette plastered on his host charms as he greeted and served each new customer that entered the bakery doors.
   Just because his day had gone poorly didn’t mean he needed to make their experience worse off. 
   And admittedly, his exhaustion may not be the only thing eating away at him. His birthday was up and coming this week, and as the day drew nearer, his loneliness grew in his chest. Sure, he had Tamaki and Haruhi to celebrate with, but the club was incomplete without the others -- Honey, Mori, and especially Kyoya. But to make matters worse, his own twin wouldn’t even be there to share the day with him. It would be the second birthday that he would come to ultimately celebrate alone. 
   With a sigh, Kaoru tightened the bow of his apron and turned around to greet the next hungry patron, a customer service smile present across his lips. However, the voice startles him and his breath catches in his throat. 
   “K-Kyoya-Senpai! Is it really you?”
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Dreaming In The Daylight|| Kyoya & Kaoru
This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. Kyoya was just walking across town to get to his car when suddenly a strange door appeared, being rather curious he decides to open it.  It was there he found himself in a strange land never seen before and it clearly wasn’t his hometown It took much to process that he fainted on the spot.
It didn’t make sense but when he woke up he swore he saw some creepy purple cat looking at him strangely. Kyoya decided to explore this so-called dream like land. Wandering the streets he spots a bakery shop and decides that he was feeling rather famished so he walks right in. It was then he realizes that his pockets were actually empty and he had no way to pay for his food. He was about to walk back out the door when a familiar auburn hair boy filled stood across from him. Now his head was starting to spin.
What the hell was Kaoru doing here? Wasn’t’ this just a dream?   He stares a bit too long before the door jingles signaling another customer walking in causing him to be taken out of his reverie. He then couldn’t help but smile because this just had to be a dream. He decides to have fun with it.  He walks more into the bakery and calls out over the counter. “Kaoru. Is there a reason you’re here?” he asks with a teasing smile.
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Aftermath || Open
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   When Kaoru woke up after his restless, painkiller nap, the first thing he noticed was how thirsty he was. And the sudden headache. And the searing pain in his side. Coughing, the youngest Hitachiin opened his eyes to the blinding light of his room and sat up -- regrettably, because whatever medicine they had given him made him nauseated. Holding his breath, Kaoru squeezed his eyes shut until it passed. 
   “Water...” He mumbled, fumbling around on the table next to him until he noticed the figure standing near him. The male jumped, and the water was forgotten, the events of the last few hours flooding back. “S-Sorry! I... didn’t expect to see you here...”
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
For Your Friends || Event Drabble
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   Kaoru had never been an impulsive person on his own. It was more Hikaru’s style, and the two of them together weren’t always the smartest, but alone Kaoru had always thought through every possibility before making a decision. But when he had received the call from the other’s about Tamaki’s condition, after the countless hours he had spent worrying and the endless questions he had shot at the Jax police, demanding they find Haruhi -- he had deciding to take things into his own hands. 
    He hated that he understood. In the midst of all of this, he understood that the police department had so much on their hands with the Killing Joke that they had to stop him before pursuing every other lead. But shit! This wasn’t just another lead. This was Tamaki and Haruhi, this was his friends -- no, his family. And their lives were on the line. He told no one where he was going, not even Kyoya or Hikaru, before he left at sundown. 
   “I’ll make this right,” The youngest Hitachiin mumbled, looking up into the sky. 
   Now here he was, one half of a pair alone in the middle of Jax, searching. He really had no solid leads, nowhere to truly look, but he knew this was where the pair had been when the attack occurred, and his feet carried him heavily there. Maybe he couldn’t do anything. Maybe he could do everything. Maybe none of it mattered now. Swallowing thickly, Kaoru heaved in a chilled breath and began dissecting the town piece by piece. 
   It wasn’t until he came upon a broken locket on the ground that he stopped in his tracks. He didn’t recognize it, knew nothing like it belonged to either of his friends, but something about it caused him to freeze. The way the rusted chain stuck to the cobblestone and the heart shape had been bent, seemed... so utterly lonely, so fitting for the situation. It was abandoned, forgotten, a moment in time. Where had it come from? Had someone lost it in a struggle? Someone like Haruhi? Maybe he should take a closer look-- 
   And then the searing pain began, in his right side. It burned, and Kaoru sucked in the sharpest breath he could manage. What the hell? Turning as well as he could manage with the object in his abdomen (which was only enough to catch the glimpse of a figure), his heart beat loudly in his chest. How had he not heard them approaching? How could he have been so reckless? How could he-- 
   A low chuckled resounded in his ear, and he began to feel sick. The locket in his fingertips fell to its place on the ground once more, and he could taste the faintest of metals in the back of his mouth. The knife twisted in his side, a sort of warning he could have guessed. ‘Leave it alone.’ It seemed to say: ‘Or next time it will be much more than just you.’
   As quickly as it had been shoved into him, the sharp object was gone and Kaoru was on his knees, stones digging into skin. He clutched at his sides and gasped, the wetness on his fingertips causing them to shake violently. Echoing footsteps receded, and the male reached for his phone. It nearly clattered to the ground with the force of his trembling. Dialing the only number he knew by heart, Kaoru’s free hand caught him against the street. 
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Anon or not, send my muse any question you want! Funny, sad, angsty and fluffy are all fair game!
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
Same thing goes for me, only reblogging this once! This meme is open for all my muses (Shouko Nishimiya, Kaoru Hitachiin, Will Solace, Tohru Honda, Hina Gallagher, Eijiro Kirishima && Marshall Lee)! Feel free to send to this blog or to their respective blogs!
Ship Meme:
Send me a ship and I’ll answer: 
Who wakes up first?
Who is grumpiest in the morning?
Who cooks breakfast? 
Who serves the other breakfast in bed?
Who suggests the skip work and stay home?
Who falls asleep on top of the other?
Who always has to be touching the other?
Who stays up until 2 reading?
Who kisses their partner while they’re sleeping?
Who is most adventurous?
Who is most protective?
Who cares too much?
Who is most competitive? 
Who sings in the shower?
Who is more likely to get naughty in inappropriate places?
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littledeviltwin · 4 years
​Hard Conversations. Sentence Starters.
Feel Free to Personalize.
“What happened between you and them?”
“I know you want kids but I don’t.”
“It’s not always going to be like this, right?”
“This isn’t working out, is it?”
“Why can’t we be together?”
“I think we should take some time apart.”
“Do you still love them?”
“Who’s better in bed? Me or them?”
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“Did you sleep with them?”
“What are we?”
“How many people have you said I love you to?”
“Do you have any feelings for me?”
“Do you really love me?”
“Why haven’t you told me this?”
“Where did this happen?”
“Did you ever tell anyone?”
“Is that how you got that scar?”
“I wish I could just forget.”
“Was I a mistake?”
“Why can’t you just look at me?”
“What did I do?”
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“Do you hate me?”
“Can’t we just forget that?”
“It was a mistake!”
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?”
“What happened to us?”
“Have we always been this fucked up?”
“When did this start?”
“Why did you do this to me/us?”
“I’ve never told anyone this.”
“Please don’t do this.”
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