forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
@thirdgrdhopscotchchamp​ Liked for a short thing <3
Mystic Falls- a small town he’d never heard of, much like every other town he’d been brought to to hunt out the evil. Mysterious disappearances, and bodies drained of blood were what had called him here. He saw a young woman standing by a memorial for the missing townspeople, and decided that’s where he’d start. “Excuse me, miss? Could I ask you a few questions?” He chimed, flashing his very carefully fabricated badge.
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
@gwenmatory​ X continued
They were both exhausted; they’d both spent their lives hunting evil only to constantly be hit in the face by something worse a week later. He swallowed, his jaw clenching slightly, shaking his head. “We’ll just call it even, then.” He mused, looking back over at her. “No more apologies.” He stated.
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He nodded when she said she was tired. “Probably for the best anyway.” He added, looking down. “I’m going for a walk, I’ll be back in a bit- don’t worry about waiting up for me.” He informed her. The truth was, he was tired too, in more than one way, he felt like he needed to clear his head. He wasn’t usually the ‘go for a walk’ type, but something in him needed to get out of the dimly lit room, and breath in fresh air.
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
@carriageofaerietails X continued. 
He clenched his jaw, and turned his back to her for a moment, gathering himself, and more importantly, his thoughts. “I’d like to think I didn’t ask for all of this.” He mused, but he had. He was the one who sold his soul, he was the one so hell bent on hunting. Still, her lashing out at him always caused a flash of white hot anger to surge through him in a way he very much hated. But anger wouldn’t help either of them, and he knew it. “I don’t expect you to fully understand the gravity of the situation.” He stated. “If I don’t do what they tell me, we’re both screwed. And you’ll be handed off to someone else- someone much worse..” He trailed off, looking down at his hands, cursing his memory for betraying him and reminded him constantly of who they used to be. 
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
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“Okay, great, now we’re getting somewhere. So why is this woman who you were a little bit more involved with now a spirit that wants to kill you?”
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“She’s my ex.” He admitted- he only had the one, and of course now she was some vengeful spirit. “I couldn’t save her.” He added. 
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
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“What do you mean, something happened to me?” Mireya asked of Lucifer, her voice suspicious. She felt unwell, sure. Sleepwalking was not the norm, and she’d had the most horrific nightmare. Sure they came now and then, but never that vividly– and without even realising, one of her hands ghosted her covered stomach, as if brushing where she had imagined her innards being ripped out. Despite her skepticism, her heart raced. Why did she suddenly feel so sick?
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He hadn’t fully had time to process what had happened either; her being back, and her not remembering anything about before- he took in a breath and looked up at her. “You died.” He put it simply. “We were defending the castle, and getting the other people out-” His lips pursed together tightly as his finger dragged over the dusty surface that was her dresser. “You’ve been gone for quite some time- and I’m assuming you have no recollection..” He dropped the sentence off. “What is the last thing you remember, dear?”
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
“you’re gonna be okay.” (Luci)
He’d locked himself away in his study for the better half of the night- reading over old literature and seething over yet another betrayal. He heard her voice over his shoulder, and his eyes flicked from the book to the side, before he turned in his chair to face her. 
He took in a deep breath, leaning back in the seat, his fingers lacing together as he looked at her. “Of course I will be. I’ve got until the end of time to eventually be ‘okay.’” He commented softly. “But what really brings you here?” He questioned. Their relationship had been nothing short of a roller coaster straight out of- well, Hell. They’d had their ups and downs, and when they were down, they were vicious. They’d overcome a lot, but most of the time, he still didn’t have a very clear understanding of just what it was she felt towards him, and that left him.. unsettled. 
“Surely the other house guests haven’t been bothering you too much?”
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
“you’re a fucking animal.” (Dean)
Black eyes appear where his green irises belong. His jaw clenches as he takes in a breath, looking over at her his lips pursing for a moment before he looks away. His eyes squinted a bit as he looks over at her. “I’m not an animal.” He shook his head, pausing for a minute. “I’m a fucking monster.” He stated. 
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
I have a few things Queued (for tomorrow while I’m in class)
I still owe the starters from the starter call, and the memes and a few more drafts but what I’ve gotten done will Queue over the next few days on all blogs<3
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
I think because of how long it’s taking me to get things done I’m going to put all of my blogs on a small semi hiatus. 
All that means is that after today I wont be adding any new threads to my work haul. I’ll also probably be scarce on IM/Discord so that I can focus on getting things done.
I’m going to try and get all the memes/starters I owe done by next week but it’s a lot so that might not be realistic. Anywho, don’t feel discouraged if you have a n idea you’ve wanted to run by me because this wont be indefinite. 
It’ll probably be like a week or so since I have two days off this weekend, and I plan on staying in since I’ve been going out a lot lately. 
okie dokie anyway I don’t know how to stay on subject, but that’s my announcement. 
I love you guys, and I’m sorry I’m so slow<3
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
She figured they would get around to tracking down the vampires that had caused so much trouble as of late after they decided whether or not they were going to kill one another.  Over a car.  “I’ll respect the ride,” she promised.  “I won’t even touch it unless I absolutely have to.  What is it with guys and cars anyway?”
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He looked over at her skeptically as she spoke, his lips pursing at her promise to respect his ride. “this is more than just a car.” He informed her, with the raise of a brow. “I don’t have an answer for you there.” He mused. “This cars been through a lot-” He added, stopping the train of thought before it began. “Let’s just hunt these evil sons of bitches.”
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
To Do:
Add new things to the tracker.
Write up starters I owe/send memes (2/7 done (In drafts))
Answer memes (2/5 answered & in drafts)
Meme continuations (2 (I think))
and finish drafts, which I’m not sure how many threads I owe, because I need to plug them all into the tracker, so no number for that yet. 
Crossed out = Done
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
Short starter (or meme if I can’t think of anything to write) call for Dean after I get his replies done ???
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Or I might reply to an open idk hit me up if whatever you end up getting doesn’t work for you<3
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
Short starter (or meme if I can’t think of anything to write) call for Dean after I get his replies done ???
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
Okay so I’m making myself get off my butt and do some cleaning and I’m cooking dinner and getting things done, which will hopefully also mean that my muses will be here tonight.
(for whatever reason when I stay busy they work with me more, so fingers crossed)
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
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~Bobby Singer
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
That moment when you want to add season 1-3 sam to your muses also
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forgcdbyhcll-blog · 7 years
supernatural s1ep17 sentence starters
“ come on, man, is it much further? i’m cold.”
“ how did you find this place anyway?”
“ oh, i am so not going in there.”
“ we came all the way out here, might as well check it out.”
“ let’s just hurry this up and get back to the car, alright?”
“ want me to hold your hand?”
“ ew. shut up, you loser!”
“ ooh, look, it’s the evil root cellar. where satan cans all his vegetables.”
“ get your candy-ass down here and see for yourself.”
“ i don’t see anything scary. do you?”
“ what? what is it?”
“ ha-ha. very funny.”
“ not a lot of scenery here. kind of gotta make your own.”
“ we’re not kids anymore.”
“ we’re not gonna start that crap up again.”
“ that prank stuff. it’s stupid and it always escalates.”
“ what’s the matter? you afraid you’re gonna get a little nair in your shampoo again, huh?”
“ all right. just remember you started it.”
“ most of those websites wouldn’t know a ghost if it bit them in the persqueeter.”
“ there’s no harm checking this thing out.”
“ it was the scariest thing i saw in my whole life, i swear to god.”
“ i think it was blood.”
“ i had my eyes closed the whole time.”
“ rumor has it you might know about one.”
“ i didn’t think there was anything to the story.”
“ i don’t know what the hell to think, man…”
“ this was not a prank. i swear to god, i don’t wanna go anywhere near that house ever again.”
“ that’s exactly why you never get laid.”
“ hey, what about this one? you seen this one before?”
“ what are you doing here?”
“ what the hell are YOU doing here?”
“ i belong here. i’m a professional.”
“ oh, you gotta be kidding me.”
“ and i know who you are too… an amateur.”
“ so if you don’t mind. i’m trying to conduct a serious, scientific investigation here.”
“ huh. so, have you ever really seen a ghost before, or…?”
“ dude, come on, man. we did our digging. this one’s a bust.”
“ i say we find ourselves a bar and some beers and leave the legend to the locals.”
“ that’s all you got? it’s weak. that is bush league.”
“ why do i have to go in there?”
“ i’ll take the homicidal ghost, thanks.”
“ would you ever take that dare?”
“ hello? is anybody there?”
“ i think maybe we missed something.”
“ i don’t believe it.”
“ i got an idea.”
“ who you gonna call?”
“ come on, we don’t have much time.”
“ i dare you to take a swig of this.”
“ what the hell would i do that for?”
“ i double dare you.”
“ i hate rats.”
“ you rather it was a ghost?”
“ what the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?”
“ maybe we should just go.”
“ sweet lord of the rings…”
“ it’s bugging the hell outta me.”
“ this whole damn job’s bugging me.”
“ that explains why it went after you, but why me?”
“ i thought it was funny at first, but… now that girl/guy is dead.”
“ it was just a joke. you know, i mean - none of it was real. we made the whole thing up. i swear.”
“ hey, where were you?”
“ hey, why don’t you get dressed? i wanna go grab something to eat.”
“ dude, what’s your problem?”
“ people believe in santa claus. how come i’m not getting hooked up every christmas?”
“ because you’re a bad person.”
“ how the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?”
“ man, i think i’m allergic to our soap or something.”
“ you did this? you’re a frigging jerk.”
“ no, no, no. NO, forget it. forget it! i’m not going back in there again.”
“ i know, but i’ve never actually seen a real ghost before. like, a real ghost! like, an apparition!”
“W.W.B.D. what would buffy do? huh?”
“ oh, look at that. action figures in their original packaging. what a shock.”
“ why should i trust you?”
“ well, i have an obligation to kick your little ass right now.”
“ slow your roll, buddy. they’re gonna know we’re excited.”
“ if you pull that string one more time, i’m gonna kill you.”
“ come on, man. you need more laughter in your life.”
“ you know, you’re way too tense.”
“ you didn’t.”
“ i barely have any skin left on my palm.”
“ what the hell are you trying to do? get yourself killed?”
“ so these - these guns don’t work?”
“ come and get it you ugly son of a bitch.”
“ that’s your solution? burn the whole damn place to the ground?”
“ it’s fast and dirty, but it works.”
“ little lingo for ya.”
“ anywho, excuse me. i’m off to la-la-land.”
“ well, congratulations, that sounds really great.”
“ oh, yeah, luck, it’s got nothing to do with it. it’s about talent. you know, sheer, unabashed talent.”
“ i’m the one who put a dead fish in their backseat.”
“ truce?”
“ yeah, truce. at least for the next hundred miles.”
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