littlelilylove · 10 years
Sometimes Lily thinks the universe wants to punish her simply to watch her squirm. 
Why else would James Potter be placed in a room with her, paying unbelievably close attention to the books placed on Dumbledore's desk? She allowed her eyes to stray for a moment, sneaking a glance across the office. He'd grown a bit over the summer, his robes seeming to fit a bit better. His hair was still the same though, ridiculous as ever, threatening to fall into his face as he slumped further down into his seat. Lily let out a huff, and attempted to direct her attention back to the Headmaster, but it seemed his speech was over.
She bolted out the door and into the hallway, nearly tripping on her robe tails as she did so. The sound of quickening footsteps behind her echoed in the hallway, and she almost smiled at the noise. Almost. Lily cast a look at him, raising an eyebrow. A year ago, she would have scoffed, telling him to sod off and to leave her alone. However, a year ago, if you'd told her James Potter was going to be head boy, she'd have said that you were mad as a box of chocolate frogs. The beginning of seventh year had taught Lily that anything, anything was possible. If James Potter could be Head Boy, then perhaps they could be civil enough to make their rounds in the halls together. "He said we should remain vigilante and to report back to his office if we had any trouble." She informed him. "He also said that your hair looks silly like that, and should be changed immediately." Lily shrugged, speeding her pace up slightly. 
Paying Attention ; James and Lily
It was a miracle James kept silent, sinking into the his chair and holding back the occasional winks he wanted to give Lily, placed in the opposite side of the room, paying complete attention and focusing her thoughts on anything, but the boy looking at her from a fair distance. Unlike her, the Gryffindor boy hasn’t caught a word Dumbledore was saying, so after the two of them walked away from his office, he sped up his pace in order to keep up with his companion. 
Attempting to sound as nonchalantly as possible, he looked over his shoulder at her and before he had even realized, words were forming in his mind. “Care to update me on what did the old man say, again? I must have fallen asleep at some point.” James joked, an arrogant simper creeping onto his face, camouflaging a somehow faded worry that she’d be snapping at him, as usual. Torn apart saying “As the Head Boy, I demand an answer” or something even more childish or simply waiting for an answer, James’ simper turned into a genuine rather sheepish smile. “I’m new to this paying attention thingy, you see.” he added and it almost sounded like an apology. 
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Maybe not. I've lost the enjoyment after the thousandth "C'mon Evans". Is it so enjoyable to see me annoyed?
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Potter, you couldn't play smart even if you tried. There are exceptions to every rule, and we, obviously, are one of them. If opposites attract you'd be better off with Narcissa than me. You'd also have a better chance with her as well.
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Maybe my humble request? Do tell me, Evans, is it that enjoyable to cut me open and rip my heart off my chest so cruelly? Because you seem to be having a blast by breaking my poor heart. 
Not to play smart, but even if you denied our undeniable chemistry, what they’re saying is that opposites attract, and although you’re as pretty as I am - debatable, but let’s say so - we are also pretty different, so here it goes. Magnets.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
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Who's going to stop me? If you keep badgering me, demanding is the best I can manage at the moment. Don't worry. I'm sure we can work our way up to hexing within the next few weeks.
We're people, not magnets. And if you paid one iota of attention to human emotion, you'd realize that, Potter.
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For your own sake, Lily Evans, I’m the one to highly suggest you don’t demand things I am unable to put into practice. Magnets are drawn together, aren’t they?
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Ruffians? In our dorm? We'd never let that sort of thing happen. Only ladies of stature and prominence in our room.
I thought you broke her. A week later, I asked her a question in Transfiguration, and she jumped. I think the only reason she didn't take off points was because a tiny part of her was weirdly impressed with your imagination.
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I think you're trying to ruin me, McKinnon. Tell Potter anything, and you're a dead woman. You were my main influence. Now all we need is to corrupt Mary.
Fine, but they’d better be on their best behaviour, we hardly need to be harbouring ruffians in our dorm.
That was not my fault and I refuse to accept responsibility for Minnie’s fragile mental state after it. I maintain that I was provoked, it’s as simple as that. But fine, if you really feel that hard done by, you’re cordially invited to the McKinnon residence, well, any time.
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Yeah, yeah— if you say so. You’re a lost cause and I won’t waste my energy convincing you otherwise. I know it, you know it and if I have anything to do with it, he’ll know it too. But admittedly, I helped… a lot.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
I'd like to believe that after these past few years, I've got it worked down to an effortless style. Egotistical git suits you as just well, and yet you're equally proud of both.
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For your own sake, Potter, I highly suggest you steer as far away from me as possible.
Now, are you trying to break my heart on purpose or does it just kind of happens accidentally? Oh, yes, beacon of hope does suit me. I’m glad we have settled to that conclusion.
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But with minimal interaction, how will you fuel your never dying love for me? I think it’s for the best to collaborate. For our generation’s sake.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Yes, you're right. I've been desperately needing to fill the void of condescending asshole, and I'm just so lucky that you're around. What a beacon of hope you are to the world.
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Don't remind me. I'm sure we can work out an arrangement of that with minimal interaction.
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Oh, give me a break, Evans! We all know you’ve been missing me greatly over the summer. But nonetheless, I’m afraid peace and quietness should be scratched from the list this year because you and I are going to be quite a team together, miss Head Girl.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Perfect. I'm sure she'll adore me, then. Invite the ones we don't like? Why, Marlene. We'd have no one at the slumber party if we acted like that. 
You're right, I wouldn't. But only because Mum lives for the praise you give her. A short lasting coma? I specifically remember once in fifth year after one of your detentions where she couldn't look at you for a full two weeks. I'm a tough chick, McKinnon. Have a little faith in me. I can take your house. You were close enough. Earthshake, earthquake, basically the same bit. 
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Oh, Marlene. For a moment, I actually thought you were the smarter one. If James Potter corrupted me, I'd start behaving like an arrogant child. I'd like to believe that this is a mixture of your corrupting me, and my actually behaving like a real teenager. Give yourself some credit, Mickey.
She used to love it when I braided her hair, so I can’t see why not. We can purposely not invite the ones that we don’t like, maybe it’ll teach the nasty fuckers some manners.
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Your mum’s Christmas pudding is too good for words, you wouldn’t dare begrudge me of it. I’ll have you know, I have a fairly impressive vocabulary. I know enough swear words to put McGonagall in a short lasting coma. You’ve spent six years with me, that’s true, but could you spend a few days with essentially eight of me? Now that’s the question we should be asking. If his parents are a riot, mine must be one of those earthshake…no, earthquake things.
Since you finally admitted the obvious, I’ll fill you in. James Potter has corrupted you, Lily Evans and you thought that I wouldn’t notice.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Obviously. We can only invite the most elite Slytherin. Narcissa might be available. We had a lovely chat earlier. Do you think she'd let me braid her hair?
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Good, cause if you didn't, you'd never be invited home for Christmas pudding again. We're preparing you for the real world, Mick. Some people won't love your elegant wording as much as Mare and me. I think I can handle it. I've spent six years with you, I imagine a few days would be just fine. If not, I suspect Remus will take me in. I imagine his house is the most peaceful one in town, and his folks are a riot.
Five years ago I wouldn't have believed you. Tell me the point, Mick, considering you're oh-so-wiser?
I’m sure they’ll be up for it. We should write a guest list, after all, we can’t invite them all and I’m sure that they’ll all be interested.
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Of course I do, don’t be stupid. I just have to actually think before I speak and that alone is a scary concept for me. I’d happily take you home, if you actually asked. A fair warning though, the entire McKinnon household is as loud and obnoxious as yours truly.
I could have told you that five years ago, Lils. You’re still missing the point though, this isn’t about that bloody sister of yours.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
You mean you didn’t enjoy the hat’s encouraging speech? How outrageous. 
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And here I thought that I'd actually get some peace and quiet for just a bit. Silly me.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
I've gotten useless before, but magic-stealing is fairly new. Freak isn't even worth mentioning.
I appreciate your looking out for me, but we both perceive my blood status in two completely different ways. You see it as a curse. I see it as a beautiful thing. So you're constantly reminding me is essentially pointless. 
Thanks so much for keeping me humble, Narcissa. I'll try not to let my ego get the best of me, so long as you're around to shout elementary insults at the back of my head.
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Spice things up? How about you’re a useless, magic-stealing freak? Is that “spicy” enough for you?
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Oh darling, believe me, I don’t enjoy our time together any more than you do. But I like to keep the reminder of what you are fresh. Just so you don’t get too full of it, with Potter and Dumbledore at your feet. 
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littlelilylove · 10 years
You know, the words sort of lose their meaning if you say them enough times. If you're going repeat the same thing I've heard since first year, at least spice it up a bit, yeah?
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Can't you pester me some other time? 
You’re never going to properly be settled here. Things are never going to be right for you, because you don’t belong here. 
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Things will sort themselves out soon enough. I’ll enjoy the day when we’re safe from your kind. 
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Ah, yes. Unity. Funny how the everyone at Hogwarts comes from magic, yet your idea of unity is only those born into a family filled with it.
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Perhaps you should turn the other direction, dear.
As much as I've missed hearing about your backwards traditions, I'd really love to have a night to get settled and not have you try to burn holes into the back of my head.
Perhaps I do. I believe in the message after all, of unity among all those that come from magic. 
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Now I wonder what’s standing in the way of that?
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Not at all, Narcissa.
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You wouldn't happen to have a problem, would you?
It was innocuous enough.
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Have a problem with it, Evans?
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littlelilylove · 10 years
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Merlin, I’ve been trying to suppress it. In my house, it’s something along the lines of “Marls, what have you done with the fucking bottle opener? I want a bloody drink!” It was a culture shock to say the least.
Petunia? Oh no, you’re not ignoring this.
We are the pinnacle of everything a Slytherin could possibly desire. I could tell them all about Muggle life, and we can all hold hands. 
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You mean to tell me you don't adore Christmas with the Evans family? I'm heartbroken. Maybe someday you'll love me enough to bring me home with you.
Petunia deserves this, Mickey. She borrowed my favorite sundress without telling me, and I swear it still smells of uptight bitch.
That’s a fair point. Maybe I can just stand there and poke them with a stick, that would work, right? That’s true, our personalities are simply radiant.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
If you'd like to try to lay your hands on the Slytherin girls to perform a search, by all means, go ahead. I, for one, would like to keep all of my fingers. Everyone wants to spend time with us, we are a delight. 
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I don't know what you were expecting, you must remember my mum from the last time you visited. "Lily, ask your father to bring this wine bottle down to the cellar. I'd have you do it, but I wouldn't want you to get…ideas." 
You're right. Let's just blame Petunia.
We should probably conduct a frisk search first, you know. I’d quite like to make it to my first detention of the year, I can add it to my list of personal achievements. But you had good intentions, who wouldn’t want to spend time with us? I’m not sure about you, but I’m fuckin’ brilliant.
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Special party alcohol? Oh Merlin, you’re one of those families. But honestly, I refuse to take any blame when there’s another clear culprit.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
Well, I suppose it did sort of get us thinking. The hat is being an optimist, a rare occurrence, really.
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You alright, Mare? You seem…pretty shaken up. Is something wrong?
I suppose he just wanted it to take a toll on us. Get us thinking…you know? Obviously some people are a bit far gone for making friendship bracelets and riding off into the sunset on unicorns with us, though. The hats being unrealistic.
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littlelilylove · 10 years
As seventh years, we've got to lend a helping hand. We could invite the Slytherin girls to our room, turn out all the lights so they're more at home- like a fun little sleepover. I'm sure they'd adore spending time with us. 
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I'm afraid it's your fault, really. Spending so much time with a rebel like yourself was bound to rub off on me eventually. So if Mum finds that her special party alcohol has been replaced with water and tea, I'm blaming you.
I think they’re taking the piss, to be honest. What kind of school are they running? Discouraging corridor torture porn and encouraging unity? This must be some kind of sick joke. We’re going to have to find them dark places now, where else will the poor buggers go?
You don’t have to ask me twice. I’m pleasantly surprised about the sheer amount of rule breaking that you’ve suggested in the past five minutes.
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