littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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So this is my life now.
With family.
And so confused.
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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Cameron Boyce photographed by Madeleine Morlet for Teeth Magazine
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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Out with the crew tonight at the reservoir
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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Played bloody buckles tonight!
Kicked David’s Ass 😂❤️
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
Definitely worth the read!
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On the definition of  Angular Momentum
Anonymous asked:
Why is it mr^2 omega and not some other weird formula that is conserved? Why not mr^3 omega or mr^2 omega^2 ?
This is a great question. And to be honest, there is no intuitive answer as to why it is defined this way or that.
What makes the definition special?
Conservation laws can be understood better through the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics.
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That’s the conservation of momentum for a free particle. It means that this quantity mv remains constant with time (not m2v, not m2v2 ,just mv).
And similarly for a rotating body, one can find that the quantity that remains constant wrt time is the angular momentum.
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And that’s the best rationale using modern physics that can be provided for why Angular momentum takes the form that it does.
Any other form would just not be conserved. Sure, you can construct a Lagrangian that would give you the form that you need but that would not  represent anything physical !
Hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking !
** If you have not heard about Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics, the wiki article on Principle of Least action is a really good place to start..
The principle of Least/Stationary action remains central in modern physics and mathematics, being applied in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics, and string theory.
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
anywaY so the uncertainty principle applies to all waves in general and can use it to explain the single slit experiment ie. shine a light through a small hole and it kinda. spreads. 
So the uncertainty principle says that the better you know something’s position, the less accurately you know the momentum, and vice versa
You got a laser or something shooting photons. You limit it to shooting one quanta at a time (since yeah they’re not really particles or waves, particles and waves get unified into quanta) with momentum p
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Let’s just…focus on the y-axis. Since we shot the photon horizontally, that means its momentum in the y-axis is 0, and is very well defined with little uncertainty. So the photon is definitely Somewhere, but the uncertainty in position is very big, as he momentum uncertainty is v small
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and then it approaches the single slit. The photon passing through the slit, it’s not gonna be passing through the walls, which means its position is now limited
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Now we have a smaller uncertainty on the y-axis position. That means there’s greater uncertainty on the y-axis momentum, so the y-axis momentum is now 0 plus/minus some uncertainty. Which means the photon can now be moving a bit in the y-axis. 
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and so now there’s an Area on the detector where the photon might hit, due to this new y-axis momentum having arisen from a combination of confinement (ie. more certain position) and the uncertainty principle (more uncertain momentum to compensate). 
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shoot many particles, and you got the diffraction. 
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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Teal & Orange
•please like or reblog if you use
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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Today David called me his girlfriend when the doctor asked who he brought with him to the ER
I almost shit myself.
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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Towards the Mighty Mountains of Peru by Max Rive
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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beckystarsmore on ig
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
Someone tell Megan Fox about the thousands of Jennifer’s Body stans on tumblr. she deserves to know that we all know the movie was Ahead of its Time
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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a little comic about kisses and curses. happy halloween!
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
Self harm
I’ve overcome my eating dissorder but sometimes I’ll get a random urge to hurt myself. Like right now, I won’t do it but I think it’s so strange that I have a desire to hurt my beautiful body.
Isn’t it crazy how chemical imbalances make you think?
Impulsively is my biggest weakness but I think this is what I’m going to work on this year. Maybe I can go the rest of the year without self harming! That would be amazing!
I’m looking forward to positive future for myself ❤️
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littlemisspuddinpop · 6 years
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I’m in love with him ❤️
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