littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Yule Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Yule needs! What is Yule? [X] Yule is celebrated on slightly different days depending on who you ask, but the broad spectrum is: December 20th to January 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and around June 20th (give or take a few days) in the Southern Hemisphere.
 The basics:
Yule correspondences
Celebrating Yule
Yule: A very merry sabbat
Guide to Yuletide plants + herbs
Yule - ‘tis the season
Yule practices
A Yule ritual
50 Yuleisms
Inexpensive Yule decorations
Yule Crafts:
Yule potpourri recipe
Witch balls / more witch balls
A twelve-herb sachet for Yule
Mini herb wreaths
Yule log
Yule craft ideas
Pine protection balm
Dried orange slices
Apple feeders for winter birds
Yule Recipes:
Herbal shortbread
Bread dipping oil
Chocolate Yule log
Yuletide muesli
Yule tea
Yule Punch
Non-alcoholic mulled wine
Winter sabbat wine
Yule Spells:
Merry Yule spell jar / Season of peace spell jar
Holiday ornament snow spell
Yule bath spell
Blessed Yule - for a positive holiday season
Winter solstice spell
Spell for a happy family gathering
Yule energy sun spell
Winter stasis spell sachet
Holiday home blessings
Safe delivery envelope spell
Yule Tarot Spreads:
The return (2 card)
Yule spread (3 card)
Tarot spread for Yule (3 card)
Winter inspired spread (5 card)
Yule reflection + advice spread (5 card)
A Yuletime tarot spread (6 card)
Music ideas / Winter witch playlist
Altar/celebration ideas / Yule altar guide
Yule plants / Mistletoe Lore
Yule oils/incense / Yule incense
Emoji spell for luck during Yule and Solstice
Spell ideas for the holidays
Updated June, 2020. Please inform me (via askbox) of broken links!
Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule / Bedridden ideas
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Rotting/Decaying Herbs Correspondence
After seeing numerous masterposts about herbs, I noticed there wasn’t any mention of the correspondences when it comes to rotted or decaying herbs.  Here’s my take on this.
Anise- Use to cause a person to have nightmares, misfortune and/or relationship issues.
Apples- Use to cause turmoil between romantic partners.
Barley- Use to direct negativity and misfortune towards a person.
Basil- Use to cause fights, arguments, etc. between two lovers, two friends, two family members. Used to deter love from developing between 2 people. Use to deter customers from shopping at a business.  Use to attract negativity (place in rooms of a house for protection from negativity).
Bay- Use to cause a person to experience nightmares. Use to direct negativity and misfortune towards a person.
Birch- Use weaken protection of a person.
Blackberry- Use leaves in spells to cause for wealth to be drained or mismanaged.
Blueberry- Use to cause for a person to experience negativity and unwanted guests at their home.
Cabbage- Use to cause for fighting and arguing between a married couple.
Cactus- Use to weaken the protection of the home or other properties.
Camellia- Use to cause a person financial difficulties.
Carnation- Use to weaken a person’s leadership skills, commemoration and self-esteem.
Carrot- Use to cause for a person to lose sexual desire.
Catnip- Use to direct misfortune and unwanted spirits towards a person.  Use to cause for a person to feel confused or unwanted.
Celery- Use to cause a person to have difficulty concentrating during tasks.  Use to cause a person to have difficulty falling asleep.  Use to cause for sexual desire of a person to decrease.
Chamomile- Use to cause for financial difficulties. Use to heighten curse effects.
Cherry- Use to cause a person to feel undesired or loved.
Chicory- Use to heighten and strengthen obstacles in a person’s life.
Cinnamon- Use to cause for setbacks in business or a person’s goals in career.  Use to decrease a person’s protection.
Clove- Use cause for financial hardships.
Cucumber- Use to hinder fertility.
Cumin- Use to cause a person to argue with their significant other and to cause for a person who’s been unfaithful to feel overwhelming guilt.
Cypress- Use to slow down emotional healing process.
Daffodil- Use to cause a person misfortune and to have difficulties in love.  Use to cause a person to feel isolated.
Daisy- Use to deflect unwanted attention from potential romantic partners.
Dandelion- Burn to block unwanted thoughts about a person.
Dill- Use to weaken protection of a person.  Use to cause a person to be unnoticeable and avoidable.
Elder-Use to direct negativity and misfortune.  Use to cause a person to experience a restless night’s sleep.
Fern- Use to weaken a person or location’s protective energy.
Fig- Use to cause a person to experience decreasing sexual desire and decrease protective energy of a home.
Flax- Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulties.
Foxglove- Use to cause for a person’s garden to rot.
Frankincense- Use to weaken protection and stunt spiritual growth of a person.
Gardenia- Use to cause a person’s illness to be slow and difficult.  Use to cause for a person to to feel unwanted.
Garlic- Use to weaken a person’s protective energy and to cause for a restless night’s sleep. Use to cause a person to experience a stroke of bad luck.
Geranium- Use to cause a person to experience weakened protection, romantic desire, and confusion.
Ginger- Use to cause a person financial and love life difficulties.  Use to undermine another person’s magickal workings.
Ginseng- Use to repel love and cause for a person to feel unwanted. Use to cause financial difficulties.  Use to weaken a person’s glamour magick and promote back luck.
Grape- Use to decrease fertility and to weaken mental powers. Use to cause a person to experience financial hardships.
Hazel- Use to cause a person confusion and forgetfulness.
Holly- Use to cause for a person to experience bad luck.
Honeysuckle- Bury near a home to cause for the residents to experience financial difficulties and a stroke of bad luck.
Iris- Use to weaken protection around a person or location. Use to cause a person confusion.
Ivy- Bury near home to cause for it to experience chaos and disarray.
Jasmine- Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulties. Use to cause a person nightmares and a restless night’s sleep.attract money.
Juniper- Use to weaken protective energy around a person or location.
Lavender- Use to cause a person to experience difficulties with love. Use to cause a person to experience nightmares and a restless night’s sleep.  Bury near a person’s home to cause the home to become restless and chaotic. 
Lemon- Use to cause a person to question their romantic partner’s faithfulness. Use to cause a strain between friends.
Lemon Grass- Use to cause a person’s psychic powers to weaken.
Lettuce- Use to cause a person to experience a restless night’s sleep.
Lilac- Use to cause a person to experience bad luck.
Lily- Use to cause for a person to have unwanted visitors to the home.
Liverwort- Use to drive an emotional wedge between romantic partners.  use to cause a romantic partner to doubt their lover’s dedication.
Magnolia- Use to expose a unfaithful romantic partner.
Maple- Use to repel unwanted romantic partners.  Use to cause a person financial difficulty.
Marigold- Use to weaken a person’s protective energy and to cause for a restless night’s sleep and/or nightmares.  use to cause a person to become less influential and respected and respected by peers, colleagues,etc.  Use to cause a person to experience difficulty in handling legal matters.
Mint- Use to repel unwanted sexual urges.  Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulty.
Mistletoe-Use to cause a person to experience misfortune, nightmares while sleeping and weakened protection. Use to cause for couples to fight.
Mulberry- Use to cause for a person’s magickal work to backfire or be negated.
Oak- Use an acorn from an oak tree to cause for a person to experience a deduction in sexual desire.  Use to cause for a person to physically and mentally “feel their age”.
Orange- Use to cause for a person to come across as being bland and dull.
Orchid- Use to cause a person financial and social/interpersonal difficulties.
Pansy- Use to repel unwanted feelings associated with love.
Parsley- Use to repel unwanted sexual desire.  Use to cause a person to experience a decrease in lustful thinking.
Peach- Use to cause a person confusion and forgetfulness.  Use to prevent emotional attachment.
Peppermint- (See Mint).
Pine- Use to weaken defenses against negativity.
Raspberry- Use to decrease protective energies around a home or person.
Rice- Use to cause for a married couple to argue.
Rose- Use to repel an unwanted lover or romantic partner.  Use to cause a couple to argue and fight.
Rosemary- Use to cause a person to experience a restless night’s sleep and nightmares. Use to cause a person to experience difficulty in learning new information and become confused.
Rowan- Use to cause a person’s divination skills to become weak and confusing.  Use to cause for a person to become weak, unlucky, and experience misfortune. Use to increase spirit communication.
Rue- Use to cause a person to become love-struck and confused. Aids in curses.
Saffron- Use to repel lustful feelings.
Sage- Use to cause a person confusion and misfortune.
St. John’s Wort- Use to cause a person to feel unwanted.  Use to repel unwanted romantic partners.
Sassafras- Use to cause a person to experience financial difficulties.
Spearmint- Use to deter lust.
Strawberries- Use to cause a person to feel unwanted or unloved.
Sugar Cane- Use to deter unwanted love and attention.
Sunflower- Use to hide the truth from a person or within a situation.  Use to cause a person misfortune.
Thyme- Use to cause a person to experience nightmares. Use to cause a person to be avoidable and unnoticeable or to cause a person to receive overwhelming amounts of unwanted attention.  Use to decrease energy level and cause for a person to become fearful and afraid.
Vanilla- Use to decrease lust. Carry a vanilla bean to cause a person difficulty in maintaining energy and memory.
Vervain- Use to cause a person to experience chaos and instability.  Use to cause for wishes made to be unheard.  Use to cause friends to become enemies.  Use to repel unwanted lovers.
Violet- Mix with lavender to repel unwanted lovers and sexual partners. Use to cause a person to have difficulty sleeping and have an increase in their anger.
Willow- Use to repel love. Use to cause healing of a person to be slow.
Wintergreen- Use to cause healing of a person to be slow.
Wormwood- Use to cause a person to experience mechanical difficulties. Use to repel an unwanted romantic partner.
Source: My personal grimoire
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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Throwin’ the Bones
Of the divinatory techniques with which I am familiar, bones are my personal favorite. Yes, they have that very witchy vibe – but it’s more than that; the bones are honest. They don’t sugar coat, and while they have to be interpreted, once you know how to read them – there’s little room for interpretation. They are very direct and are much better suited to answering yes or no questions than tarot. With a little imaginative methodology, there few questions the bones can’t answer. And even fewer they won’t answer (as tarot cards can be known to do). A few examples of things I think the bones are better at answering than tarot: questions involving time, questions regarding health, sickness and maledictions; they present a broader grasp to any given situation – incorporating things outside of the question presented and how these things relate to the question or the reading, showing the interconnectedness of life – and how these things all relate back.
Our countless cultures have countless methods for collecting and reading the Bones – and I can only rightly attest to my own methodology: one in which the Bones need not necessarily consist solely of bones, but a collection of gathered trinkets and curios, all with their own meaning, their own story and their own energy. My collection consists of: bones (bare and painted), coins, stones, shells, jewelry, twigs, buttons, animal teeth and other squabbles. The only rule I implement is that the item can be easily gathered and (safely) tossed without breakage or injury (save your razor-blades and glass shards for witches’ bottles!).
Collecting the Bones and Bobbles
Most any small bones will do, though its recommended that you use bones that haven’t been cooked, as cooked bones have a tendency to get very brittle – especially in the case of chicken, which is quite common. In my collection I have a number of different animal bones: most are chicken, but I also have some raccoon and possum bones, as well as teeth and claws. I built a “base” of bones, but am continuously adding or replacing as I see fit.
A short list of “Bones” I like to include – most of which serve as my “base” bones:
Self Bone – used for the reader
Other Bone – used to represent another person or the person you are reading
Magic Bone – represents the need for or use of magic
“Evil” Bone – malicious or hateful acts, disadvantageous behavior
Love Bone – represents romantic love
Male Bone – represents male fertility, masculinity, sexuality or a man
Female Bone – represents female fertility, femininity, sexuality or a woman
Health Bone – represents physical or mental health
Wealth Bone – represents financial standing or monetary issues
Family Bone – represents familial connections or a family member
Fate Bone – represents destiny and your lifepath (I use a shell for this: open side up means an event can be altered, destiny is not set in stone; open side down, this path must be walked – prepare in lieu of fighting)
“Key” Bone – (I actually use a small key) which represents the key to any given situation, the remedy or problem at hand and its cause
This list is by no means comprehensive and I have many more bones in my collection with more menial meanings. This is simply a small list of options to be added to and adapted by whosoever casts the bones.
Reading the Bones
There is no right or wrong way to read the bones, there is simply your way and their way. Below I will dictate how it is that I do a general reading – again, this is just an example of one way, take and adapt to fit your own unique style or tradition!
Begin by collecting your bones into your hand. I keep mine in a leather pouch, but don’t like to toss them directly from the bag as it doesn’t allow for much control – i.e. the bones fall out either in a massive, unreadable pile or they fly out in such a scattered way nothing is close enough to read. Throwing them from the hand allows for a rather contained casting, and one that can be read easily. I do not include the Self or Other bone, instead, the Self Bone is placed before the caster and the Other Bones is placed either in front of the person you’re reading for or simply in the middle of the casting area. When reading for yourself, place the Self Bone in the center and discard the Other Bone.
Throw the Bones. This can be done on a square of cloth on which a circle (or any number of complex shapes) has been drawn or simply upon a flat table. If throwing in a circle, discard all bones that fall outside of it. These bones are null for the reading, though they can also be read as “far from the person’s mind/current situation.”
Interpret the Bones. This is done by noting the location and connection of the bones present. For instance, note the Love Bones proximity to the Other Bones and the Male Bone. This could be interpreted as being the male love of the querent – but if the “Evil” bones is introduced, this could symbol ulterior motives or a hostile or explosive relationship. Read based on both their proximity to the Other Bone – the closer, the higher priority the matter is – and their relation to one another. It’s very much like investigating a big puzzle, putting it together piece by piece to form a comprehensive understanding of their life or situation. Also not their relation based on the third dimension: x bone seems to be overlapping y bone – is the x issue eclipsing an underlying problem or truth represented by y? It depends. Only through practice will you find clarity.
Convey the message. I always like to spend a few moments making a variety of “hmm” noises when reading for others – it builds up their anticipation. Or you can throw in the occasional gasp or snarky smirk. Their responses are usually hilarious – even more so when yours are genuine! If you are reading on your own, it may be a good idea to sketch out a general map of the readings as opposed to taking a picture as often bones overlie others, which makes for a rather misleading photo representation. You might also find jotting down notes rewarding, especially in synthesizing a cohesive read.
Once you’ve garnered all the information you can from that particular toss, feel free to specify: take the bone/situation you wish to examine and toss the rest again over it/them, reading the others through that particular lens. I.E. Who is this person mentioned? What are their qualities? What is the nature of this love? What magic is being referenced here? Follow that rabbit hole as far as you wish, building your understanding.
Do not be afraid to adjust your style! Want to narrow down a time frame? Make a sort of timeline with the bones. Wish to determine the source of an ailment? Shape the bones into the form of a body. I find the bones allow for far more creativity and ingenuity than cards. And above all – TRUST YOUR GUT.
Photos: These are photos of my “base” bones when I first started reading; since then they have probably doubled (if not tripled) in number and do not incorporate my other animal bones, claws or teeth. 
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
gemstone safety
gemstones that are toxic or soluble in water
more gemstone water safety
gemstone cautions list
gemstones not to leave in sunlight
gemstones not to cleanse in saltwater
additionally, pyrite, lapis lazuli, opal, and hematite should be kept away from dry salt!
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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. : in the witches forest : . (by Martin Pfister)
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
My favorite bit of folk medicine is that we’re supposed to take wormwood for intestinal parasites. It’s actually really effective, which is how wormwood got its name, but the reason it’s effective is that wormwood is literally just poison and it happens to kill the worms slightly faster than it kills you.
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Tips for writing spells:
If you want to keep something close, bury it in your back yard. If you want to attract something, bury it under the front door step If you want to destroy its influence, burn it. If you want it to move away and sink, throw it in running water If you want to disperse it to a distance, throw it into a crossroads If you want to fix its influence, inter it in a five-spot pattern If you want it to work by means of spirits, bury it in a graveyard If you want to hide its point of origin, conceal it in a tree If you want it to work in secret, give it in food or drink If you want it to work by stealth, hide it in clothing or on objects If you want its influence to begin or strengthen, throw it East If you want its influence to end or weaken, throw it West If you want its influence to rise and fall cyclicly, float it in a tidal estuary
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Safe Crossings for Someone Who’s Passed
A simple ritual to help someone who’s passed find peace.
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A small candle (white or black is good, or a color you associate with the deceased)
A small piece of paper and pen/pencil
Rosemary oil or leaves
Violet, marigold, or rose petals
Ground clove
A pinch of sugar (any kind)
A small candle-safe bowl/holder (needs to be a bit larger than the candle itself so herbs can be placed around)
1.) Write the name of the person on the piece of paper. Write what you wish for them (peace, rest, happiness, love, reunions, etc.).
2.) Place the paper under the candle. If you have rosemary oil, rub the candle with it lightly. If you have the leaves, you can stick them into the candle in a ring around the outer edge.
3.) Create a ring around the candle with the herbs and petals. Sprinkle the sugar around on top last.
4.) Light the candle and say the person’s name and the things you wished for them.
5.) Leave the candle burning as long as you are able, but it’s okay if that’s a short amount of time.
6.) Bury the herbs/petals and paper- or burn them if you’re unable to bury.
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Why do my interests in canning, couponing, and homesteading overlap so often with blogs with titles like ‘The Obedient Housewife’? 
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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✨🍳 Breakfast Magic 🍳✨
a list of breakfast food correspondences for kitchen witches ✨
🍳 coffee | focus, energy, grounding
🍳 tea | calmness, peace, grounding
🍳 milk | nurturing, fertility, health
🍳 eggs | renewal, new beginnings, strength, fertility
🍳 butter | nurturing, health
🍳 bread | love, healing, grounding, protection
🍳 oats | prosperity, abundance
🍳 potatoes | grounding, protection, stability
🍳 strawberries | dedication, fertility, love, luck
🍳 oranges | divination, fertility, prosperity, friendship, love
🍳 bananas | resilience, wealth, luck, spirituality
🍳 blueberries | protection, divination
🍳 raspberries | protection, love, fertility
🍳 blackberries | healing, sex, fertility
🍳 peanuts | wealth, prosperity
🍳 almonds | luck, wealth, career
🍳 maple syrup | wisdom, balance, love, wealth
🍳 honey | kindness, relationships
🍳 hazelnut spread | wisdom, creativity, good luck, fertility
🍳 cocoa | grounding, prosperity
🍳 cinnamon | protection, purification, luck
🍳 vanilla | soothing, empowerment, luck, love
🍳 salt | cleansing, grounding, protection
🍳 pepper | banishing, protection
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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another spelljar, this time for money attraction
a seashell (blank canvas) dry moss (bed for growth) mint (for staying energised) rosemary (for luck) chestnut and acorn (for grounding and stable money attraction) 3 coins amber chunks (for optimism and luck) basil (for attracting money) thyme (for staying calm while attracting money) a bay leaf with a money sigil drawn on it green candle for sealing everything
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Bed magic (for my spoonie witches):
The setup: 🌟-Sigils placed under your mattress for pain-free rest and anything else you need! 🌟-Place crystals under your pillow (or in the case) for restful sleep or a specific use. I often place amethyst and Quartz under my pillow for headaches! 🌟-Hang herb sachets above your bed. 🌟-Keep any supplies you want nearby in case you become bedridden.
Bedridden witchy things: 🌸-Play with spare bits of energy in the room. 🌸-Listen to music that makes you feel witchy/powerful. 🌸-Wash your face with a pre-prepared cleansing spray (add herbs and such). 🌸-If possible, open a window for at least five minutes and soak in the sensations of the outside world. 🌸-Read a witchy book/write in your grimoire. 🌸-Hold your crystals or keep them near you. 🌸-Washing your sheets/blankets/pillow case = the ultimate cleanse. 🌸-Meditate and work on breathing. 🌸-Spend some time with your tarot cards or pendulum (you don’t have to use them though!). 🌸-Do some dream magick. 🌸-Drink some herbal tea.
Remember, your witchiness isn’t based on your ability to practice all the time. It’s perfectly acceptable to take as long as you need when you aren’t feeling great.
(This is okay for everyone to reblog and use btw.)
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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🌻 Midsummer, or summer solstice
🌻 Art By: Lanajay_Art on instagram https://www.instagram.com/lanajay_art/
🌞 When Is Litha?
🌻 Northern Hemisphere:
20-24 June
It is typically celebrated on the longest day and the shortest night of the year
🌻 Southern Hemisphere:
20-24 December
🌞What Is Litha?
🌻 Litha is the celebration of the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The sun god is thriving and at his most vibrant peak, giving warmth to the earth and growth all around. We are celebrating the potential and successes that surround us. From now on the days will begin to become shorter again and darkness will begin to take over. The summer and warmth are still sticking around for a while, though, and it is still a very happy occasion. We are celebrating the pregnancy of the Triple Goddess with the Horned God. The Oak King is currently ruling the waxing half of the year while the Holly King is ruling the waning half of the year. The Holly King and the Oak King are battling with each other and the Holly King will eventually overrule the Oak King. Litha is a time for important magick and major spell work that needs to be put into action; It’s the best time to complete any huge magickal workings that need tackling. Before the darker days return, we must celebrate.
🌞How To Celebrate It
🌻 Litha comes at such a positive time of year and your celebrations will reflect this.
🌻 Tackle the most challenging and most anticipated spells and rituals at midsummer, the ones that require the most energy from you; what better time to do it than when the world’s energies are at their peak! It’s the best time of the year for rituals to do with fire,faery magick, love, passion, energy and luck for the warmer times to come.
🌻 It’s also a good time to renew any tools or create or purchase any extra magickal tools you may require.
🌻Throw a midsummer bonfire or have a fire ritual. Or organize an outside gathering to simply enjoy the sun! There are loads of different ways that you can do this, a traditional midsummer bonfire would (obviously) be outside, although if this is not an option, a wood burner inside would also be fine. Burn pieces of old oak, light them on the evening before midsummer, then let them burn out as they reach the morning. It is also common to scatter herbs on the fire. Some Wiccans also burn the nine sacred types of wood (birch, rowan, ash, alder, willow, hawthorn, oak, holly and hazel) to bring them good luck and a good harvest. During the midsummer bonfire they would jump over the fire, then let the fire burn down completely and sometimes collect ashes from the fire and scatter them on the fields or on their herb garden to bring good fortune in the harvesting season coming in the near future. You could also keep some ashes for luck within spell work or rituals.
🌻 Create a god’s eye: it is typically made from wool or string and its purpose is to give protection and luck for the darker and colder days to come. Hang the god’s eye above your altar or on your door.
🌻 Go for a walk and enjoy the peak of summer! Collect things from the natural world that you need for magickal workings and to place at your altar. Have a picnic or barbecue or even just go to the beach or go for a bike ride.
🌻 If you work with the fae or just like to appreciate them, midsummer is the time for the faery rede. At this time, the fae will be riding magickal animals across the countryside, so hang out, either outside your house or in a nearby field, Bells and offerings such as sparkly decorations and food can be used to create the perfect area for the fae.
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🌞Altar Ideas
🌻 Light green, yellow, gold and red candles to represent the sun god at his peak and the green earth at its fullest.
🌻 Decorate your altar with summer flowers such as sunflowers, carnations,poppies and hydrangeas.
🌻 Place a ring of flowers around your altar or around specific items for protection.
🌻 Pictures of the sun or ornaments symbolizing the sun honour the sun god being at his peak.
🌻 Oak leaves represent the Oak King, who has been ruling for this hald of the year, but will be laid to rest soon. Oak in different forms can be relevant to Litha.
🌻 Gold, yellow and orange ribbons and cloth can be draped at your altar.
🌞Food And Drink
🌻 Warm-colored vegetables such as butternut squash,sweet potatoes, carrots and tomatoes are all great to eat around this time of the year. They represent warmth and the wonderful produce we receive from the summer.
🌻 Home-grown or locally produced leafy green vegetables
🌻 Spicy foods
🌻 Curries
🌻 Spiced cakes
🌻 Spiced punch and rum
🌻 Anything with honey or as an alternative golden or maple syrup- bees are another representation of Litha, the midsummer full moon is acutally also known as the honey moon!
🌻 Barbecued food or flame-grilled food is good to eat too; once again it represents the heat and the sun’s energy.
🌻 Ice cream- not only is it cooling in the summer months, it also represents the colder days to come.
🌻 Relevant crystals to carry around with you this time of the year, to meditate with, to use in divination and spell work, and to place at your altar are:
Yellow Tourmaline
Yellow Topaz
🌻 Seasonal fresh herbs are great of Litha, as is anything that represents heat, flavour and greenery and ties in with Litha’s celebrations.
🌻 Good incense to use during casting circles and burning at your altar around Litha time and for cleansing and consecrating, as well as for magickal workings, are:
Citrus scents, such as orange and lemon
Summer Flowers
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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Summer Solstice/ Mead Moon Honey Cake
sorry this took me so long to post. I know the full moon and the solstice are already over, I just wanted to put this recipe out there because I made it for the first time and it was really good :) -picture by me-
CAKE: ~Ingredients~ 1 cup butter (softened) 1 cup honey (I used raw local honey) 1 ½ cups self-rising flour 3 eggs
1.) cream the butter and honey, then add the eggs. 2.) add the flour ½ cup at a time. 3.) pour into a greased 8 inch cake pan (I used a loaf pan) 4.) bake at 350 for about 45-50 minutes, until a skewer comes out clean.
FROSTING: ~Ingredients~ 1 cup powdered sugar 1 tbsp. melted butter 1 ½ tbsp. milk 1 teaspoon honey
1.) warm up milk slightly and mix in the honey until dissolved. 2.) mix in butter and then powdered sugar.
after the cake is cooked and cooled down, slice it up and pour the frosting over entire thing :)
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
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Lavender Lemonade
Nothing beats the summer heat like a tall glass of ice cold Lavender Lemonade! Not only will you love the refreshingly delicious taste it has to offer, but you may find yourself more relaxed since the mere scent of lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety. In addition, the odor from essential oils that are released from lavender blossoms may provide migraine and insomnia relief.
1/4 cup Dried Lavender Flowers
2 cups Boiling Water
1 cup Honey
1 tray Ice Cubes
1 cup Lemon Juice
5+ cups Filtered Water
Put the dried lavender flowers into a bowl and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it.
Add the honey and then allow it to steep for about 15-20 minutes.
Strain out the lavender flowers.
Add ice cubes to a 2-quart pitcher.
Pour the honey and lavender mixture into the pitcher.
Add the lemon juice and top it off with cold filtered water.
Stir and enjoy!
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littlemisswitcher · 4 years
Money Oil Recipe
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Carrier Oil (olive oil, grapeseed, etc)
Money - I used 1 nickel and 2 pennies. This odd number adds up to 7 cents, the number 7 representing prosperity. You can also use paper money such as a 1 or 2 dollar bill.
Whole Cinnamon Stick - luck, prosperity, and to encourage quick & speedy cashflow
Cloves - money & protection of all physical wealth
Thyme - constant flow of money
Basil - to attract money and success
Whole Bay Leaf - For wish granting; On the leaf I wrote in green pen “I have money, I have wealth, I have prosperity”
Bless and activate each ingredient while adding it to the jar. After all ingredients are added shake the jar while empowering it with your intent. Keep in a cool dark place.
Thursdays, full or waxing moon, or when Moon is in Taurus or Sagittarius
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