littleonabudget ¡ 5 years
Cgl/ ddlg is a kink and kink is always a sexual thing. There is no other way around this. You are being harmful to minors by making them think that being in the kink community is non sexual and is therefor safe for them.
Sigh. Here we go again. I refuse to re-hash what I’ve already said, SO...
Do NOT try to tell me that I’m harming minors when I’m HELPING by explaining how a CGLRE relationship can turn into a power exchange relationship, despite it being non-sexual. 
YOU are hurting minors by saying “Well, as long as it’s not sexual, it’s fine!” Because it’s NOT fine if you have minors engaging in punishment dynamics because they don’t know why it’s a bad idea.
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littleonabudget ¡ 5 years
Do you know of anywhere that sells onesies/babygrows cheaper than $25? I live in England and the shipping is like another $20 and it's sad
Unfortunately that’s pretty much the lower end in terms of pricing! I don’t specialize in UK products, so I wouldn’t know much about other options for you.
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
So, you’re a little and you want to hide your pacis, sippys, etc. from your parents.
Unfortunately, parents aren’t always that understanding about age regression. But that’s okay! They don’t have to know, and there’s ways to keep your age regression private. Here are my tips.
1) Get a prepaid Visa.
If you want to order little stuff online but don’t want your parents asking questions, look into getting a prepaid Visa. Some of them require your parents to activate them, so make sure to check. If you think your parents would without wanting access to your account, then go for it. But if you want it more discreet, try to find one that you can just load and go.
You can usually buy these at gas stations or the gift card aisle at Wal-Mart.
2) Order from a discreetly-named website, and pretend you bought something else.
If getting a prepaid Visa doesn’t work out, you still have options! Order your little stuff from Amazon, and say you bought a book or something like that. (Make sure to have your something picked out in case they ask.)
3) Ship your stuff to a friend’s house. If you can’t, get a PO Box if you have the money to do so
If you have a friend who’s parents are less likely to snoop, ask if you can ship your stuff to their house instead.
A post office box is a box at the post office where you can have mail sent instead of your house. Then you can go and pick it up. Minors can have a post office box, so if you’re underage, no worries! The price for a post office box varies, so make sure you can realistically afford it if you’re going to go that route.
4) If you’re going to buy at the store, make sure to have a good cover story for what you’re buying.
If your parents are with you at the store, you can tell them one of your friends at school has an older brother/sister who just had a baby and you want to get them a present. 
If you’re a girl, you can say you need emergency pads/tampons and ask your mom/dad to drop you off at the store and pick you up in the parking lot when you’re done. Then just buy your little stuff with it (make sure you have the little stuff on a separate receipt.) As long as the extra bulk in the bag isn’t obvious and you’re keeping it relatively hidden, they probably won’t notice.
If you can drive but your parents see you coming home with stuff and ask about what you bought, have a lie ready. If you’re a girl you can say pads/tampons or bras and they’re probably not gonna look. If you think they would anyway, try to provide a distraction. Have a bag of candy or two ready and take it out when they ask and say “Candy, want some?”  That’ll be a distraction so they hopefully don’t ask questions.
5) Have really good hiding spots.
A shoebox under the bed isn’t really a good spot. Neither is your pillow case. Your parents used to be teens who hid things from their parents, too, so don’t go with your first instincts. Get creative. Think of things they’d never dream of. Here are some ideas.
⭐️ Walk into your room and look around. Pretend you’re a nosy parent snooping for your kid’s hidden stuff. Where would you look first? Avoid all those places.
⭐️ For small things such as pacis, you can hide them in hoodie pockets or pants pockets. If your parents do your laundry, this is probably not the best idea. Even if they do your laundry though, they probably dont re-wash clean and folded socks ;) You can put your pacis in a clean pair of socks and fold them up.
⭐️ A great discreet option is a fake book lockbox. Your parents wouldn’t suspect a dictionary is hiding a paci hoard! (Note: it’s not big enough for a sippy cup or bottle, so only use it for pacis and other small things.)
⭐️ Who says your closet isn’t a good hiding place? All you need are four things things: a heavy coat, a t-shirt, a hanger, and some sort of purse or bag you can put on the hanger. First, put your sippy cups, bottles, or whatever else fits, into the bag and secure it on the hanger. Hang it up in your closet, and make sure the hanger doesn’t look uneven. If all looks good, put the t-shirt on the hanger, over the bag. Finally, cover it with the heavy coat and button it up. 
⭐️ One place your parents will never think to look is the air vents. Remove the front plate of the air vent and you have a perfect hiding spot! The only downside is that it’s not very easily accessible. If you go this route, make sure to wrap whatever you’re hiding in a washcloth so it doesn’t rattle around in there when the AC is on.
⭐️ If you’re a girl, a large makeup bag is a good option. Put it in your underwear drawer and have some pads/tampons on top so it looks like your feminine hygiene products are stored in there.
⭐️ If you’re allowed to keep snacks in your room, you can use a cereal box. Eat half the cereal and use the bottom of the box to store whatever will fit. Then put the bag of cereal on top.
⭐️ If your parents don’t take out your trash, you can store stuff inside the bottom of your trash can. Just lift up the plastic bag with your trash, put your stuff down at the bottom, them put the trash bag back inside. (Just make sure to always have trash inside, so you can’t see the stuff hiding at the bottom. But don’t let it get full, either, in case your parents decide to empty it themselves.)
⭐️ Have any old board games you don’t play any more? Store your stuff in there! It won’t look suspicious stashed on the top shelf of your closet. (Bonus points if you store the game somewhere else and occasionally play the game in front of your parents.) If you don’t have any, here’s some cheap ones .
⭐️ If you have a bean bag, unzip it and hide stuff in there. Make sure not to store small stuff that might get lost, though!
⭐️ Get some fake flowers (here’s some nice ones for under $5) and a vase that isn’t see-through. Put your stuff in the vase, then insert the flowers. This is a cheap vase that’s big enough to hide a sippy cup inside. For added security, get some easter grass and put it inside the vase, on top of your sippy cup. It’s completely hidden!
6) My door doesn’t have a lock. What do I do?
If you’re going to spend some time being little and want to be alone, prepare in advance. Stuff a towel or blanket against the door. If someone tries to open it, it’ll only open a few inches. 
If your parents ask why you did that, say you were trying on outfits and didn’t want them walking in on you. 
Be sure to have a temporary hiding place to shove the pacis, bottles, etc. you’re using in case of an emergency. If you’re wearing a diaper, make sure to keep it covered or have pants nearby that you can quickly put on.
This is all the tips I have for now! If anyone has more ideas, let me know and I’ll add them to this. I hope this helps!
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
tip for littles who are shy about buying things for themselves: whatever you’re buying, get a gift bag with it. they’re not too expensive (most are $1-2) and will make what you’re buying look like a gift. sometimes I’m embarrassed to get cute/agere stuff for myself but this tip helps me a lot!
This is a good suggestion!
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
Is it possible to be in cglre but be kinky like not directly?
Yep! cglre just means you don’t participate in kink while you’re regressing. What you do as an adult in an adult headspace doesn��t change that.
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
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Boy regressors don’t get enough recognition. I support the heck out of boy age regressors!
(DNI: k!nk, NS!FW, CG!l (or variants) or AB!DL)
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
aaah im sorry but whats the difference between cg/l and cglre. I know you probably answered this question tons of times but I can't find it right now.
No worries! CGL is a kink term for caregiver/little. It’s the gender-neutral term for DDlg, DDlb, MDlb, and MDlg. Cglre is non-kink age regression involving a caregiver. 
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
Hey, cg/l is power exchange and even if it's not sexual is still a kink. BUT cglre is caregiver-little-regression and is not a kink, as it is a form of coping mechanism for trauma and other reasons. (This is for the other anon)
Yep! Cglre is a relationship that does not involve a power exchange dynamic. But it’s easy for people who don’t know enough to be confused about cglre. For example, parents punish their kids for doing wrong right? So it’s easy for someone who doesn’t understand power exchange dynamics to think it’s okay for their non-sexual caregiver to punish them for being bad. In reality, that’s not such a good idea. 
What I want to express to my younger followers is what power exchange relationships look like v.s cglre relationships, because it’s very easy for a cglre relationship to fall into a kink dynamic on accident. That can result in some very bad experiences, and I don’t want anyone to go through that.
I actually had a cglre relationship that turned into an abusive cgl relationship. It’s so gradual and subtle that people who haven’t experienced that form of abuse might not realize what’s happening until it’s too late. 
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
I’ve spent years researching the psychology of alternate sexual practices. Before you go throwing a tantrum over something you clearly know nothing about, do some research. 
CG/l stands for caregiver/little and is a power exchange dynamic. I don’t know why you’re equating kink with sex, because they can and do exist completely independent of each other. There are asexual members of the kink community. There are kinksters who engage with people outside their sexual orientation. Because sex has nothing to do with their interactions.
Kink can evolve other emotions besides sexual arousal. The endorphins released can feel similar to a heroin high. It can create an adrenaline rush similar to sky diving or roller coasters. It can create emotional intimacy similar to kissing or cuddling. Some people use kink for catharsis   Kink can simply be physical sensations and emotional states. What exactly someone experiences varies from person to person. So I’ll say it louder for the people in the back.
This is especially important because there are minors out there who enter into power exchange dynamics without being aware of what they’re doing, and think that it’s okay because it isn’t sexual when it’s very much NOT okay. These relationships are intense and can easily become dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Cgl isn't a link term. It's a sfw and nsfw term
Sorry anon, but cgl is a kink term, even if the person means it non-sexually. Not all kinks are sexual. 
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
Cgl isn't a link term. It's a sfw and nsfw term
Sorry anon, but cgl is a kink term, even if the person means it non-sexually. Not all kinks are sexual. 
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
hey, i just found these fairly cheap animals on amazon, “squishmallows” !!!! they come small and kind of large, lots of different colors and animals!! i have one and adore it. i’d love for more people to know about them!!! and they’re not specific to anyone - girls or boys or anything at all. just cute and colorful animal pillows!! could you make a post showing them? i’d completely understand if not!!! ✨💓🌟💗✨
These things? They are really cute! They’re like pillows and stuffies, and they have so many, oh my gosh! I can’t decide which one I like the most! (The panda is super cute though >w
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
Hi, so i recently bought some adult paci from onsie down under but i bought a nornal size one and one with a smaller sheild and the normal one i alway gag but ive never gagged on the smaller one and i was wondering if this has happened to you?
I’ve never experienced that. I looked at their website and the nipples are the same size and material, so I don’t know why that would be happening to you. Has anyone else had this happen?
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
hello 😊 i really think that regression would help my anxiety but im very scared that ppl will be mean to me if they were to find out or think its weird and not like me so I've never done it
You don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to. It’s completely your choice. And if people judge you, so what? That doesn’t say anything at all about you. It just goes to show that they’re jerks who have nothing better to do than invest toxic energy into something that doesn’t affect their lives the tiniest bit. 
I think you should just do what you feel is right for you, and keep people in your lives that bring positivity. Make some good friends that understand you, maybe even look to make some age regressor friends on tumblr so you can have a support system. 
You’ll be okay nonny c: Stay cute!
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
Shy little! 🙈 and artsy little because I love my coloring books 💖
# Tag yourself! #
☁️🍼 Soft Little 🍼☁️
♡ Perpetually surrounded by a pile of stuffies
♡ They need to be tucked in and read a bedtime story in order to go to sleep
♡ Dresses for comfort and cuteness in that order
♡ (Lots of onesies and soft baggy sweaters)
♡ Watches their favorite little movie over and over again because it makes them feel safe
💗🍼 Cutesy Little 🍼💗
♡ Pastel colors, lace, and thigh highs
♡ Goes to the “little sections” everytime they shop
♡ Their outfits look like something out of a lolita/kidcore/fairy kei fashion magazine
♡ Squeals and makes lots of other cute little noises
♡ Goes to build-a-bear workshop whenever they save up enough money
♡ Is constantly giving too-tight hugs
♡ Has their stuffies organized on top of their bed during the day
☠️🍼 Spooky Little 🍼☠️
♡ Halloween is their favorite holliday
♡ Loves horror movies/games
♡ Their favorite Disney character is a villain
♡ Definitely has or wants at least one bat stuffie
♡ Goth/alt af
⚡️🍼 Hyper Little 🍼⚡️
♡ Can’t sit without kicking their legs
♡ Runs around with their shoes untied because they can’t be bothered to stop
♡ Is literally never tired
♡ Pacies and teethers don’t stand a chance
♡ Their favorite part of the playground is all of it
🙈🍼 Shy Little 🍼🙈
♡ Hides behind their cg in public
♡ Hides from their cg behind their stuffies
♡ Communicates through vauge gestures and noises
♡ If you give them your hand, they will not let go
♡ Permanent case of the blushies
♡ Scared of crowds and loud noises
♡ Carries a comfort object with them at all times
🎨🍼 Artsy Little 🍼🎨
♡ Colors morning, noon, and night
♡ Has paint stains on most of their little clothes
♡ Their cg’s fridge is constantly running out of room
♡ Trying to get them to choose what comes off the fridge is impossible
♡ If you leave them alone with pens or markers, their hands will be drawn on by the time you get back
🎶🍼 Musical Little 🍼🎶
♡ Constantly humming
♡ Sings along to every song they know
♡ (And some they don’t)
♡ If you leave them alone, they will eventually start singing everything they do out loud
🌿🍼 Nature-Lover Little 🍼🌿
♡ Loves being outdoors
♡ Stops while walking to point out plants they like
♡ Has probably tried some form of vegetarianism
♡ Buggies are to be cactched and released outside, not stepped on
♡ If there is a puppy or a kitty on the street, they will be pet
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
💝 cuddling a stuffie
💝 draw a cute picture
💝 putting my paci in
💝 eating foods that make me feel small
💝 go for a walk and get some fresh air
💝 singing songs
💝 wrapping myself up in a soft blanket (put it in the dryer for a few minutes to make it extra warm!)
💝 make a soothing playlist
💝 put together a kiddy puzzle
Self-care list
Reblog with your fave self care items/habits
💝heatable suffed animal
💝cup of tea with fave music playing
💝shower AND lotion
💝deciding to postpone chores for a better time
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
Don’t demand validation on one hand, but reject others who are different on the other. Hateful ignorance breeds more hateful ignorance. Validation isn’t just for you- it’s for everyone.
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littleonabudget ¡ 6 years
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Super cute adult bottle & paci sets for only $13!!! 😍 The sets come in pink, blue, yellow, or white!
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