littletail · 6 days
caregiver! gray and caregiver! lyon taking care of little! juvia all day because she rarely regresses . (she’s 4) she spends the whole day making messing paint drawings for them . when it’s lunch time she throws a fuss because she doesn’t like the veggies they’re feeding her . she’s a biter so she likes to bite random things that’s not her paci or teething toys. lyon got her to eat the veggies by bringing up a reward if she ate them . she gets quiet after so gray burps her while lyon changes her. they let her watch cartoons for a while until it’s time for a nap. which of course she doesnt like naps so she starts fussing again. when she eventually gets to sleep she wakes up with an accident which makes her start crying and feel gross . gray distracts her by shaking her favorite rattle and stuffie while lyon changes her . then they spend the rest of the day out at the toy store since she was good that day
(It's finally done!)
Juvia giggled as she lay on her belly, swinging her legs in the air as she painted on a large piece of construction paper. She was laying on a large, washable mat in order to prevent getting paint on the floor, since she didn’t always want to sit at the table.
Gray crouched next to her, watching over her shoulder. It wasn’t often that she slipped into her headspace like this, so he valued the time he had with Little Juvi while he had it.
“What’cha painting, Sweetheart?” he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder.
She sat up, holding the paper up to him. It was a messily painted winter wonderland setting with a heavily decorated Christmas tree in the middle of it surrounded by what Gray could only assume to be snowmen.
“It looks beautiful,” he lifted her into his lap, then kissed her temple. “Are you feeling hungry yet? Papa is making dinner.”
“Papa make Juvi’s favorite?” Juvia asked, squealing excitedly as she gripped Gray’s shirt, staining it with paint.
“Yes he is! And more too. But we need to get you cleaned up before we can go eat,” Gray lifted her up, carrying her into the bathroom to clean her up.
It took a short while since Juvia ended up deciding she didn’t want to sit still and made a mess of the water next, but Gray eventually got her cleaned and paint-free, if very wet. He sighed and carried her into the bedroom, and made quick work of getting her dressed into dry clothes.
Ignoring the paint staining his own shirt for now, he took her into the dining room. 
“Took you two long enough,” Lyon teased, then tickled Juvia’s chin, causing her to giggle, “Did our little Raindrop here make a bigger mess than expected?”
“You know her, she loves her paintings. Speaking of, she has a new one for you to hang up on the wall,” Gray said as he sat the Little into her high chair.
“Is our little princess hungry?” Lyon booped her nose. Juvia giggled and reached out for him.
“Well, I made your favorite!” he said, placing a plate on the tray, “But we also need to eat some veggies, okay?”
Juvia’s good mood immediately soured and she turned up her nose.
“Now now, I don’t want to see any of that,” Lyon stated, picking up a fork, “Be a good girl for us, please?”
“No..” Juvia turned her head away, puffing out her cheeks. Lyon sighed, lifting his other hand to rub his forehead. This was something they had to deal with everytime Juvia slipped, and as much as the Ice Make wizards loved their little girl, taking care of her came with its own bunch of struggles.
He hummed, then smiled, “Well, in that case, I guess you won’t get an extra special reward later.”
Juvia glanced back at the man with big, curious blue eyes, “Reward?”
“That’s right! Good girls get rewards when they eat their veggies, right Gray?”
“That’s right! And you’re our extra good little princess, right Raindrop?” Gray asked, cupping Juvia’s cheek in his hand. Juvia glanced at her Caregivers, then down at the plate, back up at them, back down. She looked conflicted.
Finally, after several rounds of this, she opened her mouth to accept the fork. Lyon smiled, “That’s our girl!”
Once they were done with the side of veggies, they moved on to the rest of the meal, which Juvia accepted far more excitedly. As Lyon fed her, Gray looked for something hidden in the fridge, pulling out a package of cupcakes.
“Your reward as promised! You favorite cupcakes from the bakery!” Gray handed her one. Juvia squealed happily and took it, wasting no time in eating it.
“Alright, is our sweet girl ready for her bottle?” Gray asked, removing Juvia from the chair. He sat down in one of the chairs, holding her in his lap. Grabbing the bottle from the table, he slipped it into her mouth.
Juvia nursed happily, resting her head on Gray's chest. Once she was done, he pulled the bottle away and she slumped against him, murmuring quietly. He lifted her up, holding her against his chest and patting her back. She let out a burp, then blushed, but Gray just tickled her stomach, causing her to giggle instead.
“Wanna watch cartoons now?” Lyon asked, ruffling Juvia;s hair affectionately. The Little giggled again happily as her Caregivers took her into the main room. Lyon took her from Gray, sitting her in his lap while Gray started up the cartoons in question. An old series with colorful characters that Juvia loved watching.
Lyon bounced her as she sang along with one of the songs of the current episode, smiling as she threw out her arms with a, “Weee!”
Three episodes passed. Beginning the fourth, Juvia yawned and leaned into her Caregiver, watching through heavy eyes.
“I think it’s time for a nap,” Lyon commented, turning off the screen. Juvia whined, “Noooo! Not tired! Watch more?”
“Maybe after you wake up,” he said. She pouted, gently hitting his chest, “No! Watch more.”
“Ah, ah,” he said, “We don’t take up that kind of tone in this house. Now, you can either accept your nap, and we can go out on a very special adventure when you wake up, or you can be put in timeout, take your nap anyway, and there’ll be no adventure when you wake up. Your choice.”
Juvia pouted, but slumped against him with no further argument, “Nap..”
“Good girl,” he smiled, rubbing her back. He carried her into her nursery, then tucked her into her crib. She yawned again, then cooed quietly as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She reached out, grabbing her plushie toy, holding it close to her chest.
Lyon slipped her pacifier into her mouth, then rubbed her head, “Goodnight, Raindrop.”
Juvia awoke sometime later. Maybe an hour? She couldn’t tell. All she knew was that it was slightly darker outside of the nursery window.
She shifted uncomfortably. Her lower half felt cold and damp.
She shot upright, then moved the blanket. Sure enough, her padding was soaked. 
She whimpered, holding the plushie close to her chest as tears dripped down her face. It was so gross and embarrassing! She was supposed to be a big girl! Eventually, the small tears turned into full-blown sobbing as Juvia hugged her toy tighter.
Fortunately, her cries summoned her loving Caregivers. Gray lifted her from the crib, gently rocking her, “Shh.. shh.. What happened, Raindrop? Did you have a nightmare?”
“Icky..” she murmured.
“Oh..” Gray smiled, tickling her cheek slightly, “Well, we can fix that, right?”
He took a moment to swing her around with a, “Weee!” before lifting her onto the changing table.
“God, I was worried she had fallen out or gotten hurt somehow,” Lyon admitted.
“Yeah, but this is something we can fix nice and quickly, right?” Gray cooed at Juvia with a smile. When her tears didn’t cease, he grabbed a rattle, shaking it over her.
“Icky..” she whined, hugging her toy tighter. Gray brushed a strand of hair out of her face, “We know it is, Raindrop, but we’re cleaning you up. You won’t feel icky for much longer, Sweetheart.”
Juvia reached for the rattle as Gray kept shaking it.
“There we go!” Lyon announced. Juvia looked at him as he rubbed her belly. “All nice and cleaned up! See, that didn’t take long at all, did it?”
Juvia giggled lightly.
“Now that that’s done, is our little princess ready to get dressed so we can go on our fun adventure?” Gray asked, helping her sit upright, then lifted her off the table, holding her close.
“I think our little princess has earned a trip to the toy store, don’t you?” Lyon asked, poking Juvia’s nose. Juvia squealed excitedly, waving her arms.
“Well, let’s get to it, then!”
Neither of them were prepared for the amount of large plush animals they would return home with that night. Oh well, they never could say no to their little Raindrop’s big blue puppy dog eyes.
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littletail · 18 days
hii , i wanted to see if this acc was still active because your last post was a month ago :)
Sorry about that!
Yes, this blog is still active, but, unfortunately, it has been a lot slower as of recently. I've just gotten done with a semester of classes that demanded a lot of time from me, so I wasn't able to be as much involved as I'd have liked.
I'm also suffering a bit from burnout and overall exhaustion, but since we're going into summer now, I'll have more free time until the Fall semester, so hopefully I can get back into it.
I can't make any promises, but I will still try!
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littletail · 2 months
Fairy tail regression scenario
Fairy tail Little! Levy Macgarden having an accident in her diaper *Levy drank a lot of water in her sippy cup the past hour that Erza had been working* after she drank a lot of water (Caregiver! Erza only put her in them as a precaution more than anything else) while Caregiver! Erza had been busy with something in the apartment due to work and Little! Levy knew full well that if she wanted to go on the potty..she would have to let Caregiver! Erza know so Caregiver! Erza could help her..
How Caregiver! Erza would react when she realised that her little had an accident as it was obvious from the discomfort that she had on her face and how she reacted when her little said that she didn't want to bother her when she had been working (Little! Levy should've said to her mama that she wanted to use the potty..Erza will never be bothered by her little even when she's working..Erza loves her little dearly)..poor Little! Levy was on the verge of tears because she had an accident *that was why Erza put her in diapers for a reason* and a upset Little! Levy would end up having her diaper changed like a baby like many times before..and Caregiver! Erza comforts her little Levy in regards to Levy's accident. (Little! Levy was obviously too young to use the potty)
(Apologies again for the lateness!)
Little Accidents
Levy squirmed slightly as she played with her little picture book. Her empty sippy cup sat next to her. She wanted to ask for another refill, but Erza was busy with something now and Levy didn’t want to bother her.
She also really needed to go potty, but she needed help for that in her headspace and again, she didn’t want to bother Erza…
For now, she just tried to focus on her picture book. It had little tabs that moved images on the pages!
She kept squirming and whining uncomfortably. The book didn’t help much to take her mind off of it, but she still tried. She wanted to be a patient little girl!
She let out a quiet whine, pressing her legs together. But Erza wouldn’t mind, would she? She did always say that if Levy needed something, to go to her. And she needed this badly.
Steeling herself, she stood shakily, keeping her legs pressed together. It made walking awkward, but so did the diaper around her waist, so she was used to awkward walking by now.
Granted, she could just use the diaper since she was wearing it, but-
But nothing! She was a big girl and she didn’t need a stupid diaper! She could use the potty like the older kids!
Even if she didn’t feel all that big most days…
But Erza was helping her! She said that Levy would be a big girl in no time! She just needed to pass potty training first.
“Muh… Mommy..?” she called, not wanting to be too loud to avoid disturbing Erza, but still needing her to notice. “Mommy?”
She tugged at the hem of her skirt when she felt herself leak, “Mommy!”
“Just a minute, Sweetie!” she heard Erza call from the next room. 
Levy whimpered as the aching grew too much, and an all too familiar warmth flooded her padding. She whimpered, scrunching up her face in discomfort, and placing her hands to her eyes as tears threatened to fall, “Mommy!”
Erza didn’t respond, but Levy did hear footsteps and felt herself being lifted into a pair of strong arms. “Shh.. sh.. You’re okay.. You’re okay..”
Levy sniffled and cried softly into Erza’s shoulder, her voice too choked up to properly speak.
“Shh.. it’s an easy fix! Nothing to worry about. Why didn’t you tell me you needed to go potty?”
“M-mommy busy..” Levy admitted, reaching a hand up to play with her hair. “Levy d-didn’t want.. to bother..”
“You’ll never be a bother! I’m never too busy to care for my little girl!” Erza nuzzled Levy’s cheek. “Don’t be afraid to come to me next time, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy,” Levy nodded.
“Good girl. Now let’s get you cleaned up!”
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littletail · 5 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail age regression scenario of when Caregiver! Natsu knew exactly what he was doing when he basically hung little! You (his sister age 4 by the ankles..she is biologically four and she is four but it was proven that she had little! traits anyway) upside down by the ankles to get you to pipe down when you got upset for no reason at all with Team Natsu and you started laughing when he did that..honestly..you are a handful..Caregiver! Natsu didn't really have a clue what went on when he was in the toilet (he asked them to watch you) but it was definitely silly..honestly.
https://youtu.be/0BR1Na7w-jA?si=EzgBBg5WF68ie7uR (to help you with what I mean and it was typical toddler stuff)
(Sorry for the really late post. I've been struggling juggling finals ((Which are done by now, so yay, one less thing to worry about lol.)), writing, writer's block, and just overall being tired. I am still trying to work on the requests, I've just been struggling with them for the time being lol.)
Big Brother Rescue
You weren’t entirely sure what caused it. Heck, nothing could’ve caused it, really. You were just four and had a harder time growing up compared to your peers, so it could’ve easily just been toddler nonsense.
That being said, you were still sobbing and wailing as everyone around you tried to get you to settle down.
“Here, Sweetie, look at me,” Lucy tried as she waved a toy in front of you. No dice.
Gray attempted to entertain you by creating a functional rattle with his magic, but you just swatted it away.
“Easy, we do not hit,” Erza gently scolded. You didn’t care to hear it, you just kept crying.
“What set her off?” Lucy asked.
“I don’t know. I think she might’ve tripped? Or maybe she saw something that upset her?” Gray offered, but he didn’t sound so sure.
“Maybe Natsu can find out when he gets back..” Erza sighed, “Right now, let’s just try to get her to calm down.”
“Maybe she’s hungry. Or thirsty!” Lucy said, “I’ll grab a bottle,” she hurried off, before soon returning with said bottle in hand.
“Here, how about some milk? It’s nice and cold!” she offered, but you just turned your head away.
“Aww, don’t be like that. You love your bottle,” Lucy tried to coax you into it. Still nothing. You just kept turning your head away while trying to hit the bottle away.
Lucy sighed, backing away.
“What happened?”
The three turned, spotting Natsu. Your brother.
“She’s got herself worked up and we don’t know what happened,” Lucy explained, “Which means we also don’t know how to fix it.”
“I leave for a couple minutes to use the bathroom…” he sighed, “Alright, leave it to me. C’mere, you little rascal!”
He walked up to you, then grabbed your ankles and lifted you up, holding you upside down. He grinned down at you, before gently bouncing you. Your tears stopped, and you even giggled back up at him.
“There we go. There’s the smile I was looking for!” Natsu said, then spun around, letting you fly around. “Weeee!” you laughed happily.
“Alright, up we go,” he pulled you up, then held you in his arms upright, “That’s my girl.” 
You babbled happily, reaching up to grip his scarf.
“That worked?” Gray asked.
“Well, if it got her to calm down, I see no issue with it,” Lucy said, handing the bottle over to Natsu. “Think she wants it now?”
You reached for it, babbling away, “Ah! Ah!”
“I’d say so,” he chuckled, slipping it into your mouth. “My sweet happy little sister.”
You cooed happily.
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littletail · 6 months
The voters have spoken! I shall work on the rewrite as soon as possible! (Hopefully it won't take me long to get back to where we currently are in the story.)
I also wasn't expecting it to be quite so unanimous lol. I guess we're all excited to see Angel's addition! ^^
Ever since I made that What If chapter for the side one-shots series, I've been imagining more and I feel Angel would just add so much to the story.
Let me know what you guys think!
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littletail · 6 months
Wouldn't that mean that Lucy would be Angel's assigned Caregiver or something..if you do decide to rewrite "A fresh new start"?..I know it's your story but it's just a curious question..
(It's just a curious question and I know that Lucy fought Angel when she was first introduced)
Yep, she would be!
The Council assigns ex-criminal Littles to those who know them best and can handle them because of it. For Angel, it'd be Lucy.
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littletail · 6 months
Ever since I made that What If chapter for the side one-shots series, I've been imagining more and I feel Angel would just add so much to the story.
Let me know what you guys think!
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littletail · 7 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail age regression scenario of when Little! Juvia is in a rambunctious mood and can't help but feel a desire to push some limits..her Caregiver! Gray was extremely patient because the others were very close to losing their patience with her noisy behaviour (and toys) today. Some of the caregivers were extremely grateful when Caregiver! Gray told his little! Juvia in the nicest way possible to tone down a bit with her little toys..considering some of the littles were asleep in the backroom.
*Caregiver! Lucy is a caregiver to her little! Wendy*
*Caregiver! Laxus is a Caregiver to his little! Freed*
*Caregiver! Erza is a Caregiver to her Little! Levy and Erza is often a babysitter for Jellal and the other members of the littles*
*Caregivers! And basically babysitters Gajeel and Natsu often babysat Sting and Rogue..*
(There was also other littles who also had an assigned Caregiver too in the Fairy tail guild)
Little! Juvia is a diaper user and Gray only put her in them as a precaution and rightly so considering how often she had accidents and she never realised considering that she uses her diaper as if she was using the toilet..
Noisy Raindrop
It was the middle of the day at the Fairy Tail Guildhall, and the middle of a multi-Guild playdate being held inside. Everything was going just fine so far, up until it was decided that naptime was coming up.
“Alright, all the beds have been set up in the room. Time for all of you to settle down,” Laxus stated, lifting Freed to his feet.
Not a problem, normally, but not all Littles were expected to actually nap, which caused the ones who were to start pitching fits.
“How come they get to stay up while we have to nap?” Jellal demanded.
“Yeah!” Sting exclaimed. “I wanna stay up too!”
“It’s so unfair!” Freed huffed.
“Guys, how the others choose to care for their Littles is their choice,” Erza explained patiently, holding a sleepy Levy in her arms. 
“And we’re caring for you guys the way we choose to,” Gajeel stated, holding an actually asleep Rogue in his arms. “You can keep playing later.”
“And some of you are pretty tired, oh yeah!” Richard commented as Cobra and Midnight leaned against him, half-asleep.
“And all of you know how important naptime is for you,” Jura lifted Lyon into his arms. The icy Little huffed quietly.
“And others have already had their naps today,” Mirajane said, looking up from where Lisanna and Kinana played with each other.
Gray sighed, “Besides, they won’t just be playing while you guys are asleep,” he explained. “Juvia here will be having a snack and sitting with us. Isn’t that right, Raindrop?”
Juvia giggled, reaching for his hand.
“We’ll be setting up games for all of you to play together once you guys wake up,” Natsu explained, “And you don’t want to be too cranky to play later, do you?”
“No..” Sting sighed.
Jellal crossed his arms with a pout.
Lucy gently bounced Wendy in her arms. “Let’s get you all settled down, okay? We’ll wake you guys up when the hour is over.”
“Fine,” the Littles synchronized.
“Alright! I think everything looks pretty good,” Lucy said.
“I think so, too,” Erza said.
“We help!” Milliana exclaimed. Erza ruffled her hair affectionately, “You sure did!”
“Can we play the games now?” Kinana asked. Mirajane pulled her close, “Not yet. We need to wait for the others to wake up first.”
“Although, I don’t think that’s stopping some of them,” Kagura said.
“Oh no..” Gray murmured, watching anxiously as Juvia played with toys that loudly played some form of audio. First it was a dragon toy that had a voice box inside that would make it roar whenever you squeezed its chest, then a magic fairy wand that played music, a star necklace that lit up and played a jingle, and the list just keeps growing.
Gray honestly wondered if the Little was purposefully testing his patience given the fact that she only played with these toys after the others were still napping. She also never showed much interest in such toys before.
Not that he would lose his patience with his precious Raindrop, but he could feel the gazes of the others on his back, knowing they are slowly losing their patience with him.
He cleared his throat, grabbing Juvia’s attention. “Raindrop, maybe you should put those toys away,” he said, gently taking her current toy. “Besides, you’re supposed to be sitting with the Caregivers. I’ll let you have one quiet toy, but you have to stay with me.”
“Mmm..” Juvia murmured quietly, “Papa..”
Gray almost instantly knew what that meant. “Oh dear,” he chuckled lightly, “Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?”
“I’ll go check on the others to make sure her playing didn’t wake up the others,” Erza said, before ducking into the back room.
Gray took Juvia into the designated changing room, then cooed at her and tickled her stomach once she was laid down onto her mat.
“We need to have a talk, sweetheart. You knew you weren’t allowed to play with any of those toys while the others were napping, right?”
Juvia sheepishly nodded.
“I’m not mad,” he quickly clarified as he started on getting her cleaned up, “But you are aware that those toys would have woken the others, right?”
“Juvi.. didn’t..” she admitted. “Juvi sorry..”
“Don’t worry about it, Raindrop. But those music toys are getting put away after this, and you’re going to have an early bedtime tonight.”
He quickly changed her, getting her into a clean diaper, before taking her back out into the main room.
“Crisis averted,” Erza assured. “A couple of them were waking up, but I was able to get them to settle back down.”
“And Juvia here won’t be allowed near those noisemakers for the rest of today,” Gray assured the others.
“Thank goodness for that,” Gajeel huffed quietly. “Rogue is a pain to settle back down once he’s been woken up.”
“What Little isn’t?” Erza giggled.
“Alright, you’re sitting with me from now on, Raindrop," Gray booped Juvia's nose.
Juvia giggled.
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littletail · 8 months
Fairy tail regression scenario..
Little! Juvia Lockser getting hurt after a worried Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster told her to get down from a rather large and hazardous looking tree but Little! Juvia didn't exactly listen because she wanted to show her Papa how high she is in the tree..it was instinct karma when Little! Juvia Lockser (Juvia was 3 years old today) got hurt when the fragile looking branch snapped when she stood on it and Little! Juvia Lockser fell maybe..5 feet and landed rather hard on the wooden ground..she understandably started crying..Little! Juvia broke her arm and she was covered in bruises and grazes.
How it came to this..was that Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster took Little! Juvia Lockser out in the sunshine to a park that Little! Juvia Lockser will enjoy and generally because it was too nice to be indoors in the guild..and Little! Juvia was enjoying the playground well enough until Little! Juvia thought it would be alright to climb the tree that her papa told her to never climb up on or go near..Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster realised that his little was suspiciously quiet for some reason and it was obvious when Little! Juvia Lockser called out for her papa and she was halfway up the tree that Gray forbid her from going near..(too many people got hurt climbing up that dangerous tree, mainly littles)..Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster wasted no time in making his little come down from that tree that looked dangerous..but Little! Juvia Lockser didn't exactly listen to Papa because she wanted to show him how talented she is and she suffered an instinct karma of falling five feet from the tree when she stood on a weak looking branch before Gray could help her down and Little! Juvia Lockser fell hard on the wooden ground and the impact broke her right arm and she suffered bruises and grazes as well..of course Little! Juvia started wailing because it hurts..obviously the nasty fall broke her arm and gave her other injuries to boot and as much as Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster wanted to give her a scolding for not listening to him about not climbing up that dangerous looking tree that she got hurt on..treating her injuries and making sure that she was alright was his top priority..*cue a worried Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla running towards the scene because she saw what had happened..Lucy had been running an errand to the supermarket while her Little! Wendy was taking a nap in the Fairy tail guild under the watchful eye of Mirajane and Lucy saw what had happened*
Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster taught Little! Juvia Lockser a good lesson about dangerous looking trees and listening to Papa about them and not climbing on them from now on. Gray didn't shout..he wasn't cruel and regarding Juvia's headspace of that Juvia Lockser was regressed to age three years old..he doesn't want to be the one responsible for making her cry as well..(it was after Little! Juvia Lockser had her injuries treated and her broken arm set in a cast at the local Mongolia hospital for littles was when Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster taught Little! Juvia Lockser a good lesson about it)
Tree Climbing
“Papa! Papa, look!”
Juvia’s voice certainly didn’t come from anywhere it normally should’ve. It came from somewhere above Gray.
His heart almost stopped when he spotted her.
Juvia was climbing up a very tall, very unsafe looking tree. The height alone made Gray sick to his stomach.
“Juvia Lockser, you come down from there this instant!�� Gray called up to her. Her face fell when he used her full name instead of their usual ‘Raindrop’ but Gray had no time to worry about feeling guilty over that now.
“But.. Papa.. Look!” she climbed up onto another branch. One that looked awfully unsturdy.
“Juvia, no-!” Gray’s strangled sounding cry was cut short when the branch snapped and sent the Little plummeting.
“JUVIA!” he ran, trying to lunge for her. 
With a far more sickening snapping sound, Juvia hit the ground. Gray was too late to catch her.
Once the shock wore off, Juvia started wailing. Gray immediately cradled the Little in his arms, her clothes were ripped up and she had scratched from the branches, and he felt his stomach drop when he saw her arm bent at a strange angle. He hovered his hand over it, trying to use his ice magic to numb the pain a little bit, “You’re okay.. You’re okay, Raindrop.. Let’s get you to Wendy.”
Hopefully the girl was big enough to help her…
“Hur’s… Hur’s, Papa…”
“I know it does, Raindrop, but I promise, it’ll all be fixed up real soon.”
“Papa…” she whined. “Shh..” he kissed her forehead, “It’s okay, Raindrop..”
She sniffled, lifting her good arm and wiping her eyes, “Is Papa mad..?”
“Disappointed at most.. I warned you not to go up that tree..”
“Oh my God!”
Gray looked up as Lucy ran over, “I saw what happened! Is she okay?”
“A broken arm, and mostly shaken, but.. she should be alright. Do you have Wendy with you?”
“She’s taking a nap back at the Guildhall. Mirajane offered to watch her for me so I could run a few errands.”
“I hate to ask, but…” Gray trailed off.
“We’ll see once we get back,” Lucy said. “If she’s too small, then we might need to take Juvia to Porlyusica instead.”
Gray really didn’t want to have to deal with that. The older woman was a pain to deal with on a good day, and he really didn’t need her upsetting Juvia.
“We really need to have a talk with the mayor about that tree. Far too many Littles are getting hurt falling out of it,” Gray said.
“I know. My heart stopped when I watched Wendy fall out of it,” Lucy said. “She ended up being fine, but it still wasn’t a fun thing to watch.”
“Well, hopefully this one knows better now,” Gray gently rocked Juvia. Her crying had settled somewhat. She was no longer wailing, but she still had tears dripping down her face.
“Wendy will help you feel all better, Raindrop,” Gray said. “But can I trust you to stay out of that tree from now on?”
“Yes, Papa…”
Alas, Wendy wasn’t the best bet to get Juvia all fixed up, as the girl was sleepy and small herself. Fortunately, he was able to get her to the hospital in record time. They quickly got her arm set and wrapped up in its cast, then gave her some painkillers. While it was nothing compared to Wendy’s magic, she calmed down tremendously once they kicked in.
Gray had Juvia sleep for most of her time there. She had a rough day and was under a lot of medications to manage the pain, so he could only imagine how tired she was.
Once she was awake, however…
“You scared me half to death,” Gray stated, refusing to shout. He didn’t want to upset or scare Juvia, but still needed his point to be heard. “What were you thinking?”
“Juvi wanted to impress Papa..” she said meekly. “A-and Juvi wanted to be like all the others who did it..”
“Including the part where they all fell out?”
Juvia made an uncomfortable noise.
Gray sighed, “You don’t need to do reckless things to impress me, Raindrop,” he gently ruffled her hair. “We all warn our Littles to stay out of that tree for a reason. And now you’ve learned why,” he explained.
“Jelly said he didn’t fall!”
Jellal of all Littles climbed that damn tree?
Gray supposed it shouldn’t surprise him that much. It was like a magnet for Littles. He knew Wendy climbed it once, but he wasn’t too concerned about her. As a Dragon Slayer, she was far more durable than the average person, and she can use her wind magic to slow her fall.
He also knew that Freed, Levy, and now Jellal climbed it, which left him a lot more concerned. Jellal could probably save himself with his magic, but the other two would’ve been out of luck.
“Jelly probably lied about that part,” Gray said. “Every Little in Magnolia who's climbed that tree has fallen out of it.”
“Sorry, Papa..” she murmured.
“It’s okay, Raindrop. But you can guarantee you’ll be grounded from the park for a while,” he said. Juvia whimpered.
“Don’t give me that. You knew you weren’t supposed to climb that tree and still did it anyway,” Gray stated sternly. He hated being stern with his Little, but how else was she supposed to learn? He hated watching her get hurt more.
“I just want you to play safely. Promise me you can do that?”
“Juvi promises.”
“Good girl.”
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littletail · 8 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail age regression scenario of Edolas Caregiver! You (Gray Surge's older sister who is a Caregiver to Little! Gray Surge) meeting the Earthland! Little! You (Gray Fullbuster's younger sister who is a little and Gray Fullbuster is her Caregiver) in Edolas...Edolas Caregiver! You found it extremely weird to meet the little! Version who is a little in Earthland..and surprisingly it was the same feeling for your little counterpart..and Edolas! Caregiver! you found it so sweet of how Earthland! Little! You was so shy of meeting the Edolas counterpart who is a Caregiver..Earthland! Little! You hid her face on Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster's shoulder when Edolas! Caregiver! You greeted her in a friendly manner..it wasn't everyday that you get to meet your counterpart. Little! Gray Surge didn't like it very much that his Caregiver! Edolas! You was paying attention to another little and got rather clingy to his Caregiver! Edolas! You considering his headspace of a toddler..Edolas! Caregiver! You weren't planning on replacing your little! Gray Surge because apparently that was what he thought when he saw his mama (Edolas! you) talking to her little! Counterpart..Caregiver! Edolas! You loved your little! Gray Surge too much to do that to him and your little! Earthland counterpart already had a caregiver in Earthland (Earthland Gray Fullbuster is her caregiver in Earthland to your little! Earthland counterpart).
Edolas Reader
You were used to a lot of things. Life isn't exactly boring when your Guild is labeled as ‘Dark’ by the king and you’re constantly hunted down by his best soldiers.
And then a bunch of Fairy Tail counterparts who were able to use magic naturally without any form of trinket or tool came to the kingdom and pretty much upended everything.
And then several years passed, and just when things seemed normal, they got weird again. Lucy walked into the Guild, bringing the same counterparts from before with them. 
You admittedly blanched when you spotted the counterpart to your precious Snowdrop walking in, carrying your own counterpart in his arms. The Little was quiet and rather shy, a far cry to your own personality, but that just made her all the more adorable.
She hid her face in the Earthland Gray’s chest. As much as you wanted to coo at how great of a Caregiver your precious boy was, it was probably for the best that you didn’t as you didn’t know his Earthland counterpart that well.
“Hello, sweetheart,” you instead say to your own counterpart. The poor thing looked nervous and likely needed some reassurance. Your point was only proven further when she buried her face into Gray’s shoulder.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re safe here,” you said. Gray chuckled and adjusted her in his arms, “She has a hard time meeting new people. Even when those new people are.. well.. us.” 
“I believe it,” you said, “Gray is the exact same.”
Speaking of, you couldn’t help but notice that the Little in question hadn’t left your side ever since meeting the Earthlanders. He gripped your arm and he stared at them.
Looked like someone was a little clingy and jealous.
You wrapped your arm around his shoulders, pulling him close, “Sweet little Snowdrop, you want to meet Earthland you?”
Gray grumbled quietly. You knew what he wanted. He wanted you to stop paying attention to a different Little.
“You don’t need to be so clingy, Snowdrop,” you lead him away, keeping him close, “You are my Little. Nothing is going to change that, so don’t worry about it, okay? I swear, you are the only Little for me.” 
You kissed his forehead, prompting a happy giggle out of him.
“My sweet baby boy. I wouldn’t trade you for all the magic in Edolas.”
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littletail · 8 months
Hissy Fit
Gajeel rubbed his face as he contemplated how to handle this situation. He was a tried-and-true Caregiver, proud of what he does and damn good at it too. But if there was one thing he didn’t know how to handle that tried his patience every single time, it was a temper tantrum.
Especially when the Little in question had been so good for him the entire day prior and it seemed like seemingly nothing set him off.
The third problem was that this Little wasn’t known for his tantrums. He was normally pretty relaxed when he wasn’t giddy and excited for as long as Gajeel had known him. He didn’t even think the other was capable of such a fit.
But here he was. The one eyed redhead in question was on his belly on the floor, wailing and shouting while kicking his legs in the air while his face was bright red and soaked from the tears pouring out of his good eye.
“Alright, kid, that’s enough of that,” Gajeel scooped him up off the floor.
Gajeel winced at the volume. ‘No,’ had quickly become Cobra’s favorite word once the fit started, and he was no easier to handle now. He thrashed and kicked while Gajeel fought to keep him in his arms, because he knew that if he dropped the Little Slayer, he’d have to deal with whatever fit Cobra threw over that, and the first one was bad enough.
“Keep this up, and you’re getting the naughty corner!” Gajeel warned.
“No! NO NO NO!”
“I tried to warn you,” the Caregiver said, then carried the still thrashing Little to the chair facing the wall. The moment he let go, Cobra dashed off.
“Goddammit!” Gajeel hissed. He was suspicious that Cobra would try to escape, but he hadn’t anticipated something that fast nor so soon.
He tracked Cobra down, and found him scrambling to crawl under the bed. Gajeel grabbed him by his ankles, which prompted another shrill wail as he fought to escape, only for Gajeel to drag him out and pull him up until he was standing. Keeping a firm grip on Cobra’s shoulders, he made the Little Slayer face him.
“What have you been throwing a fit over all morning?” Gajeel asked, “I can’t help you until I know.”
Cobra growled, baring his teeth and gnashing his jaws at Gajeel. It’d actually look pretty intimidating if Cobra’s face wasn’t red and tear stained and he wasn’t in his snake patterned shirt with a pacifier clipped to it.
But regardless, it was still a show of disrespect that Gajeel couldn’t let slide lest Cobra start doing it more often.
He carried Cobra out to the corner again, sitting him down. This time, he didn’t let go until he was certain Cobra wouldn’t move.
“Thirty minutes. You know better than to cause problems and you especially know better than to growl at me for just trying to help you.”
Cobra let out another shout, but fortunately, didn’t move from the chair. He just gripped his head in his hands and kept sobbing.
Once the time was up, he went back to find Cobra resting his forehead against the wall, tracing his finger along the bumps in the paint, then slowly picked him up so as to not startle him and send him spiraling into another fit.
He sat down on the couch, cradling Cobra close to his chest as he pondered what to do with him. Calming him down was easier said than done since Gajeel didn’t know what set him off to begin with and nothing worked so far. It also didn’t help that Gajeel wasn’t knowledgeable enough to know what usually works for Cobra, as he had only taken in the Little a few months prior and this had never been a problem before.
Cobra wriggled in Gajeel’s grasp for a solid few minutes before giving up and going limp. He buried his face into the Caregiver’s chest, whining and sobbing.
“Are you ready to tell me what the deal is now?”
Cobra let out a shrill whine, gripping the other’s shirt and even trying to bite and tear at it.
“Oi,” Gajeel held up the pacifier to Cobra’s mouth. The Little paused to stare at it, before opening his mouth with a quiet, ‘Ah.’ Gajeel slipped the pacifier in and watched as Cobra nursed it. While Cobra was far from calm, judging by the tears still rolling down his cheek, he was getting somewhere.
“Deep breaths, kid,” Gajeel instructed. Cobra shakily inhaled, easing up slightly.
“Alright. Now, I know you’re upset, but I need you to settle down and tell me what’s the matter. Why are you pitching such a fit today?”
“I-I wa-want.. m-m-my sn-snakey!” the Little wailed.
That’s what the Little was fussing over? Or was it because he was exhausted from throwing a fit that he now just wanted the toy to calm down? Gajeel placed Cobra down and he ran back into the same bedroom. Gajeel followed him again and once again caught him crawling under the bed. Instead of pulling him out this time, Gajeel knelt down, spotting Cobra hugging the plush snake to his chest. It must have fallen under the bed, which made why he tried to dive under there before make sense.
“Is that better? You gonna stop with the hissy fit now?” he asked.
Cobra let out a quiet noise.
Gajeel reached in, gently pulling Cobra out of hiding before placing him on the bed and tucking him in. Fortunately, he didn’t fuss when Gajeel wiped his face with a tissue, drying his eye and cleaning his nose.
Cobra curled up under the blanket, keeping his snake held against his chest. He slipped his thumb into his mouth, only for Gajeel to replace it with his pacifier. The Caregiver stayed with him until his breathing evened out and he was softly snoring.
At least he didn’t have to worry about Cobra fussing over a nap. Hopefully, he’ll be in a better mindset once he wakes up.
Gajeel was taken out of his work by rustling in the kitchen. When he went to investigate, he spotted Cobra rummaging through the freezer while the snake was sitting on the dining table.
“What are you looking for?” Gajeel asked, causing Cobra to flinch. He slowly closed the door and looked at the Caregiver sheepishly. His face was still red and slightly puffy. 
“Um.. ice cream..?” he grinned weakly. Looked like he was bigger than before, but still pretty Little.
“Don’t have any,” Gajeel sat the Little down at the table. “You’re getting a proper lunch.”
“But my throat hurts..”
“Then I’ll give you some broth,” Gajeel said. 
Cobra made a face, obviously wanting to argue, but also not wanting to go back into timeout. Eventually, the latter won out and he just sighed and rested his chin on the table.
“Are you finally able to tell me what set you off earlier?” Gajeel asked, putting the bowl down in front of Cobra.
“Mmm..” Cobra grabbed the bowl and pulled it closer. He looked as if even he wasn’t entirely sure. “I.. felt bad..” 
“Why did you feel bad?”
“Mmm… I dunno..” he admitted with a shrug, before ducking his head in his shoulders. He looked guilty.
“Hey, kid, look at me,” Gajeel said. It took Cobra a moment to work up the courage to do so, but once he did, he met Gajeel’s gaze.
“Don’t feel bad about your fit, alright?” Gajeel said, “You’re a Little and it’s to be expected. Neither of us knows what caused it, and maybe neither of us will, but what matters is that you’re feeling better now.”
“If you feel yourself getting worked up again, I want you to come to me so we can work through it together, alright?” Gajeel said. 
Cobra slowly nodded, then hesitated before asking, “Does.. this mean you’re not.. mad..?”
“Why would I be mad?”
“I wasn’t.. good..”
“Yeah, but you were disciplined for it already and all’s been forgiven. Littles act up, they push back, and they test rules sometimes, but that’s just what they do. I’m not going to expect you to be perfectly behaved all the time. That’d just be unfair to you. Do you understand?”
Cobra nodded, a lot less hesitantly this time.
“Now, can you eat by yourself, or do you need me to help?”
Cobra slowly lifted the spoon, then sipped from it. He let out a content noise as it soothed his throat.
“Once we’re done with lunch, how about we head out to the park later. Sound good?”
“Yes, please!”
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littletail · 8 months
Chapters: 47/47 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Midnight | Macbeth & Erza Scarlet, Cobra | Erik & Natsu Dragneel Characters: Erza Scarlet, Midnight | Macbeth, Natsu Dragneel, Cobra | Erik, Cubellios | Kinana, Happy (Fairy Tail), Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Wendy Marvell, Charle | Carla, Makarov Dreyar, Angel | Sorano Aguria, Racer | Sawyer, Hoteye | Richard, Mirajane Strauss, Elfman Strauss, Gildarts Clive, Lucy Ashley, Midnight | Macbeth (Edolas), Natsu Dragion, Cobra | Erik (Edolas), Erza Knightwalker, Gajeel Redfox, Pantherlily (Fairy Tail), Mystogan (Fairy Tail), Freed Justine, Jura Neekis, Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki, Hibiki Lates, Eve Tearm, Evergreen (Fairy Tail), Bickslow (Fairy Tail), Cana Alberona, Mest Gryder | Doranbolt, Levy McGarden, Zeref Dragneel, Precht Gaebolg, Ultear Milkovich, Meredy (Fairy Tail), Zancrow (Fairy Tail), Rustyrose (Fairy Tail), Capricorn (Fairy Tail), Yomazu (Fairy Tail), Kawazu (Fairy Tail), Juvia Lockser, Laxus Dreyar, Acnologia (Fairy Tail) Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Regression/De-Aging, Age Regression Caregiver Natsu Dragneel, Age Regression Caregiver Erza Scarlet, Age Regression Little Midnight | Macbeth, Age Regression Little Cobra | Erik, not age play, Littles Are Known, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, sippy cups, Diapers, Thumb-sucking, Pacifiers, Bed-Wetting, Age Regression Little Cubellios | Kinana, Bottle-Feeding, Post-Oracion Seis Arc, Edolas Arc (Fairy Tail), Post-Edolas Arc (Fairy Tail), Tenroujima Arc, Nightmares Summary:
Earthland was a place filled with many people of many Classifications, this was something that Caregivers Natsu and Erza were well aware of. What they weren't aware of, however, was the fact that two of their latest enemies were Littles.
Or the story in which Natsu and Erza adopt a couple of Seis Littles.
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littletail · 9 months
Regression Fairy tail scenario
Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster with a little! female reader who absolutely hates injections/shots in other words and Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster felt guilty for lying to his little hook line and stinker about where they were going since Gray's little needed a flu shot and his little felt betrayed that her papa lied to her about it. Even though the reader was feeling big now..she certainly wasn't feeling like that when she saw the nasty shot..
It was quick..Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster didn't have to tell little! You to take deep breaths when the nurse gave you the shot..it took a split second for the pain to go up your body after the injection..it wasn't long before you let out a shrieking wail that practically filled the whole room when the smoother fell out of your mouth (the nurse did inform your older brother, Gray Fullbuster who is a Caregiver to you beforehand of that may happen..*it was a hospital clinc for littles anyway*) and Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster comforting his little sister who is a little..after that nasty injection.
(Never wrote a reader story before, so I hope I did it right lol. It was a fun challenge!)
Little Reader
You were pouting.
How couldn’t you? Your dear, sweet Papa turned out to be a liar!
A big old mean liar!
“Sweetheart, are you still mad at me?” Gray asked, resting his hand on your back. You turned your head away and closed your eyes with a huff. You weren’t talking to him! He promised ice cream and instead brought you to the doctor! 
Sure the nurses were really nice and it was fun being around the other Littles in the waiting room, but that wasn’t the point!
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart, but you’re overdue for your flu shot, so we need to be here,” he said quietly.
You crossed your arms and looked away from him. You weren’t entirely sure what it was with needles, but they were just too much. A line that should not be crossed.
Need a monster taken out? Consider it done!
Dark Wizards harassing a town? They were finished before they even knew it.
Ordinary bandits taking out wagons and carts? Easy peasy!
A flu shot? Not on your life.
“If you’re a good girl..” he started. 
Wait, you knew that tone. That bribery tone, reserved as a last resort whenever you were being extra difficult. It wasn’t going to work this time! All the Jewel in the world couldn’t convince you to get the shot.
“..then you’ll get a nice big sundae at the ice cream shop later. Whatever you want.”
You gasped. Whatever you wanted? Usually, he had to do the order for you to keep you from going overboard, but now he was giving you permission to?
“Promise?” you asked.
“Yes, but only if you’re on your bestest behavior!” Gray said, booping your nose. “Once the shot is done, we’ll go down to the ice cream shop and get whatever sundae you want, and then we can go home and tell Juvia that you were a big brave girl and she’ll be so proud of you.”
You giggled happily.
“And so will big brother Gray!” he tickled your side playfully. You squealed with laughter.
“Y/N Fullbuster?” a nurse called.
“That’s us,” Gray helped you up, then led you by the hand into the office. You tightened your grip on his hand and he gently ran his thumb over your knuckles in return. “It’ll be quick and easy,” he said.
He was half right. The initial check-up itself went by quickly and without many issues. Anytime you felt unsure, you looked to Gray for answers and/or reassurance.
“Alright,” the nurse said once it was over, “Give me a moment and I’ll bring in the vaccine, okay?” she said kindly. “Don’t worry about a thing, Sweetheart. You’ll hardly feel it,” she assured when you started nervously fidgeting.
“Here, take my hand,” Gray said, taking your hand in his own.
You gripped it tightly, burying your face in his shoulder. You could hear the nurse return and place down the tray of supplies. You flinched and whimpered, but didn’t look up, when you felt her move your sleeve and rub your arm with the alcohol wipe. Gray pressed your paci to your mouth, and you started nursing nervously.
“You’re doing great,” Gray said. “My big brave girl.”
You glanced up, catching a glimpse of the needle before letting out a quiet squeal and hiding your face again. You didn’t feel very brave. Or big for that matter.
“Deep breaths, Sweetheart,” the nurse said quietly. “Deep breath in..”
You did as told.
“And deep breath out…”
As you did so, you felt the all too familiar prick in your arm.
In hindsight, you’ll later agree that it wasn’t that bad. But in the moment, when you’re small and scared, it feels so much worse than it actually was.
You let out a shriek, causing the paci to fall out. Gray wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed and wailed. 
“There there.. It’s over.. It was nice and quick, just like we said..” Gray tried to soothe you, placing the paci back in your mouth.
“And you even got a cute Band-Aid to cover it up! You love snowflakes, right?” the nurse said, having remembered from the last few times you needed this shot.
You slowly nodded. Snowflakes reminded you of your big brother!
Eventually, your sobs eased away into quiet sniffles. Gray quietly rubbed your back until you settled down. 
“You were so brave this time around! You didn’t even kick up a fuss when you saw the needle,” Gray said. “Big brave girl.”
You didn’t feel big or brave, but your brother was usually right about things, so it felt safe to trust him. “W-we still gettin’ ice cream..?” you asked quietly.
“Yep! Anything you want, as promised!”
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littletail · 9 months
Classes have officially started for me, so unfortunately, that means progress on my works is going to slow down (More than it already has, that is.), so I apologize in advance for things taking longer than usual.
I will still be working on my stories; they'll just take a bit longer to be posted.
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littletail · 10 months
Edolas Fairy tail regression scenario
Edolas Caregiver! Juvia with stubborn Little! Gray Surge of when Little! Gray Surge refused to take off his never ending layers of clothes despite the fact that his clothes were absolutely filthy and he needed a bath pronto (Little! Gray Surge absolutely stinks of mud and other things) after he went missing for hours because he wanted to play in the mud after it rained for a certain amount of time. Caregiver! Edolas Juvia had an endless amount of patience despite how annoying it may seem..she knew better than to yell at her Little for not cooperating..but Edolas Juvia did teach her little a good lesson about staying clean and how others would feel if he was still covered in mud or if he got dirty in other ways..(Basically it was Juvia's talk of how would Gray feel if a friend refused to show good hygiene around him kind of talk)..
That finally got Little! Gray Surge to cooperate with the bathing and all..Little! Gray Surge finally listened to his Caregiver. *cue the gratefulness from the other members of the Edolas Fairy tail guild*
(Again, apologies for the long wait!)
“Gray, darling,” Juvia said, looking down at her Little. “You know you can’t wear all those layers for bathtime.”
“N-no..” Gray shook his head. He wanted to keep them on! He got cold easily and Mama knew that!
Juvia sighed, gently rubbing her forehead. Her precious little Snowdrop liked to run off and play for hours, even if he knew he shouldn’t. Juvia refused to let him play outside recently because it rained heavily and she didn’t want him getting sick, but he ran off anyway and it took the Guild hours to find him.
And when they did, he was all sorts of muddy and dirty. It seeped through the many layers of clothes, was in his hair, and made him look like an overall mess. It didn’t help that he was sweaty and smelled like the dirty water he played in.
Which led to the current predicament, getting him into the bath.
Her Little, as much as she loved him, was one of those Littles. The ones where you’d have an easier time wrestling with the Royal Army’s Legions than trying to convince him to do something he didn’t want to do.
"Snowdrop, don't those icky clothes feel uncomfy? I'm sure you'll feel so much better in the bath."
Gray let out an uncomfortable noise at the thought.
Juvia sighed. She had tried just about everything she could think of, but nothing seemed to get him to move. But then, one last idea went into her head.
"Darling, would you like it if Natsu kicked up a fuss about this? Or came to the playdate covered in mud and smelling like dirty water?"
"So do you think everyone else likes it that you are?"
"No…" his shoulders slumped.
"And do you think it's okay to be all dirty? What if you get sick and can't play anymore until you get better?"
"But.. cold.."
"Aww, darling, I'll make the bath nice and warm for you," Juvia assured him.
"Always. And you'll have all your fun bath toys."
Gray lit up.
"You just have to promise not to run off anymore," she said.
He nodded again, "I promise."
"Good, now let's get you all cleaned up, and we can cuddle later," she booped his nose, then took his hand.
She could already imagine how thankful the others will be after this.
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littletail · 11 months
Regression Fairy tail scenario
One of those times that people weren't so accepting of that Wendy is a Little..when Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla took Little! Wendy to a nearby park for a while and Little! Wendy overheard some rather unkind comments from 2 insensitive rude young girls about the fact that she was drinking from a sippy cup and wearing a diaper-it was obvious considering that Wendy was wearing type of clothes that a young toddler would wear (Lucy only put Wendy in diapers as a precaution more than anything else because as far as anyone knew..when Wendy slipped in her headspace..she was known to have accidents in her sleep or when she wasn't sleep.)..Little! Wendy was hurt by the comments judging by the tears that welled up in her eyes..and Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla standing up for her little.
(Sorry for the wait. I'm juggling life right now lol.)
Mean Girls
“Sissy! Sissy, look!” Wendy danced around Lucy.
“Look at my pretty girl!” Lucy squealed, lifting Wendy into her arms. “You excited to play in the park today?”
“What do you want to do first? They have a play area if you want to go there. They have a slide, swings-”
Wendy shook her head and stuck her tongue out, “No swing.”
Right, her motion sickness would likely get in the way of that. “Well, what about the slide? Or do you want to play tag?”
“Tag!” Wendy booped Lucy’s nose.
“Tag it is, then, but first,” she put Wendy down, then took a moment to check the padding under her skirt, “I wanna make sure you’re dry first. Since a certain someone doesn’t tell Sissy when she uses her diaper,” she lightly teased.
Wendy giggled quietly.
Lucy went to stand back up, only to freeze when she heard some.. not so nice comments aimed their way. She glanced over her shoulder, spotting two younger girls, looking around Wendy’s age, talking rather loudly amongst themselves.
“Is that girl wearing a diaper under that skirt?”
“Why does she look so childish? It’s weird.”
“Do you think that woman with her enables this?”
“God, I pity her. If my mom treated me that way, I would die from embarrassment.”
Lucy growled to herself, but tried to stay focused on Wendy. If she heard them, then the young Slayer definitely heard them too. She could see it on Wendy’s face, so she quickly assured, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Ignore some mean girls. We’re here to have a good day, not to dwell on others who are jealous of how cute you are.”
Wendy giggled quietly, “Cute?”
“Very cute! My precious little Sky Dragon! Why don’t we play tag now, or hide-and-seek? Would you like that?”
“Hide an’ see!” Wendy squealed happily. 
“Alright! You wanna hide first, or do you wanna seek first?”
“Alright! Close your eyes and count to 30 for me, okay?” Lucy took Wendy’s hands in her own, before placing them over her eyes. Once Wendy started counting, Lucy took off, hiding in a fairly easy spot where she could also keep an eye on her Little.
“9… 10… 11…”
Wendy uncovered her eyes, blinking curiously. Lucy froze again, ‘Oh no..’ 
“Look at this little baby,” one of the girls from earlier said. Her friend giggled, just as nastily, “How old are you supposed to be? Why are you such a baby? Aren’t you embarrassed by this?”
Wendy’s eyes started welling up with tears as she tried sputtering out something, anything, to say, “Well.. It’s.. It’s fun.. And..”
“It’s fun? I know you did not just say that. What a gross little baby!” the girl pushed Wendy back.
Lucy, now standing behind the girls after storming over, cleared her throat rather aggressively. When they turned to look at her, she growled out, “Where. Are. Your. Parents?”
They tried to keep standing tall, but Lucy could see the nervousness in their eyes.
“And uhh.. who are you?” the first girl asked rudely. Lucy narrowed her glare.
“I mean, yeah, why do you enable this? It’s so weird!” the other girl said.
“Let me get one thing straight here. You will not. Bully. My. Little. Girl. Do you understand?” Lucy hissed. “Now, I’m going to give you a choice. You can either leave now, or I will find your parents and tell them exactly what you’ve been saying, understand?”
“Now hang on a minute-”
“I said, do you understand?” Lucy said, a little more forcefully.
“Yes ma’am..” they nodded.
“Good, now get out of here. Hopefully you have learned something from this,” Lucy walked past them, picking up Wendy.
Once the two girls were gone, Lucy gently booped Wendy’s nose, “Do you want to go back to playing?”
“No more hide an’ see..” Wendy murmured. 
Lucy couldn’t say she blamed her. In fact, she didn’t want to be away from her either. “No more hide and seek. I say we have a snack instead. What do you say?”
“Yes please!”
Lucy smiled.
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littletail · 11 months
Fairy tail regression scenario
Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla being a caregiver when Little! Wendy slipped in her Littlespace (Wendy was no longer big!) when it was obvious that the little regretted everything when she persuaded her caregiver to take her on a child friendly water ride (Carla didn't come with them due to obvious reasons and it wasn't Carla's thing..so Carla stayed with Happy and Natsu). It got unsettling halfway through when it wasn't all happy and silly and sunshine and rainbows..the frightened cries of a 12 year old girl was obvious as hell (Lucy was reluctant to take her on that ride..Lucy knew that it would unsettle her). Wendy was acting like a full-blown toddler by now.
https://youtu.be/Sp5TwoWeivk (that was the ride that Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla and Little! Wendy went on in the water ride)..
Scary Ride
“Come on, come on!” Wendy tugged on Lucy’s arm.
“Patience, patience,” Lucy chuckled, “The rides will still be there if we’re five minutes late.”
Thankfully, the two girls had a day off. Neither of them were needed for a job, and they had plenty of Jewel saved up, so Lucy decided to have a day together with her precious Little girl at an amusement park. Carla decided to stay behind at the Guild (Lucy last saw her talking with Natsu and Happy, so it was highly likely she had joined them on whatever job they picked.) and waterparks never really appealed to the Exceed anyway.
Lucy allowed Wendy to lead her by the hand once she wasn’t as hyper. She was still energetic and bouncy, but at least she was no longer tugging on Lucy’s arm.
“Can we go on that one?” Wendy pointed. Lucy strained her eyes to see what the girl wanted, her gaze landing upon a sign labeled Monster Mansion.
“Are you sure? That one looks like it’s more of a spooky ride,” Lucy said. Even in her big headspace, Lucy wasn’t sure if Wendy could handle it. She had seen the girl do amazing things, but she was still rather meek and sensitive, even outside of her headspace.
Wendy nodded, “I can handle it, I swear!”
When Lucy still didn’t look convinced, Waned pulled out the puppy-dog eyes, “Please? I can handle it!”
Lucy sighed, “Fine, we’ll go on it. But if you can’t handle it, we’ll only be going on it once.”
“Deal,” Wendy nodded.
With that, Lucy led the younger girl to the ride she wanted to go on. It was a boat ride that went into a tunnel. A rather dark tunnel that left Lucy feeling slightly unnerved.
“It’s not too late to back out, you know,” she said. Wendy shook her head, “Fairy Tail wizards don’t quit!”
Lucy chuckled, and soon enough, the two of them were strapped into the ride, getting ready for it to take off.
“Don’t hesitate to hold my hand if you need to,” Lucy offered. Wendy nodded, slowly reaching over to do just that.”
Fortunately, the first segments were pretty easygoing. They passed by a camera, a few animatronics, a band, and a few changes in scenery. It gradually became darker and while the designs of the monsters unnerved Lucy a little bit, it didn't seem so bad. Wendy seemed to be enjoying herself.
As they continued, the tunnel kept growing darker, until it became impossible to see anything that wasn’t already lit up. Both girls jumped when a fake lightning effect lit up the room and fake thunder audio played overhead, which was quite loud. Lucy took note of how Wendy’s grip on her hand tightened.
They passed by an animatronic that appeared to be trying to tell them something while pointing at a picture of a mansion projected on a sheet, but Lucy had a hard time hearing him. The boat continued on its track towards what looked like a glowing, grinning face. Wendy gripped Lucy’s hand a bit tighter.
The face vanished, leaving everybody in pitch black darkness, with the only lights being the fake eyes watching them.
Wendy whimpered, and Lucy wrapped an arm around her.
With a deep snarl, the new animatronics appeared. These ones weren’t as cute or cartoony, and Lucy was reminded that yes, this was supposed to be a scary ride. Wendy tried to sink into herself, trying to make herself look smaller, while Lucy rubbed her back gently. “It’s okay,” she tried to assure the young Slayer.
Everything went dark again, with things only lighting up ever so slightly once the boat got close to them. Wendy squealed, covering her eyes. It wasn’t long before the poor girl was crying, and Lucy was trying her best to console her.
Fortunately, they were reaching the end of the ride, as they passed through a door that brought them back to the cutesy, cartoon animatronics. “Look, sweetheart, it’s over! It’s over..” Lucy soothed.
They passed through a large tunnel built into the shape of a monster’s mouth, which didn’t help matters much. What did help was when Lucy finally saw the sunlight at the end. She gently nudged Wendy, who was sobbing behind her hands. “Sweetheart, look! Look, it’s over. No more scary monsters.”
Once the ride had stopped, Lucy helped Wendy out and lifted the girl into her arms, letting her cry into her shoulder. “Here, let’s take a break and we can go get a snack from the stands, okay?” 
Wendy whimpered and sniffled, not looking up. Lucy kept rubbing her back, “Shh.. you’re okay, I’m here..”
It was probably safe to say they wouldn’t be trying that ride again.
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