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Geostorm (2017)
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Yesterday my post about umbrella academy memes achieved +500 likes, which is very surprising since I had only 2 followers. So here are some more:
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Another thing we all tend to laugh off as a moment of comedic gold, is when Five’s temporal anomaly appears, and Klaus screams “OUT OF THE WAY,” rushes at it without a thought as to his own safety, tries to “put it out” with a fire extinguisher, then hurtles the whole extinguisher at the anomaly.  
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Allison begs to understand his plan, and he wails “Well I dunno, do you have any other ideas?!” and as funny as that genuinely is, Klaus also flung his scrawny body at an unknown danger with any tools at hand, for the sake, once again, of protecting his siblings. 
This is not a new impulse, and it’s easy for us to forget in the storm of Season Two and the way he conceals Ben from the others (I’ve talked about why that is, elsewhere, too, if anyone’s interested <3 ) but Klaus has always tried to protect and/or comfort his siblings.  
There’s the Klaus and Luther scene, just after Luther learns Reginald sent him to the moon for no reason, which leads ultimately to Klaus actually dying to try to pull Luther out of his depression.
There’s, as I’ve discussed, the way Klaus tries to convince everyone that Vanya isn’t necessarily a danger if they just ask her how she feels about her newfound White Violin powers, and don’t lock her up in the same cell where she was stuck as a child: 
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There’s immediately embracing and kissing Vanya when he sees her again:
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There’s Allison facing race riots in Season Two, and Klaus immediately pulling her to safety, and leading her away from the police: later to help her bury the body of one of the Swedes, without question: in fact, maintaining calm and composure for Allison and Ray, who are both understandably shaken.  
There’s telling Diego he “looks like Antonio Banderas” to help buoy him up emotionally to go into a ground zero of Vanya’s powers.
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There’s frankly Klaus letting Ben piggyback off his whole life, because Ben’s “scared to go to the light” and wants some connection back to their family, and even letting Ben possess him to kiss a girl, which proves to be tremendously unpleasant physically and mentally (this when Klaus already suffers from issues of bodily autonomy because of his powers AND his war PTSD). And forgiving Ben immediately thereafter when Ben doesn’t respect his “stop now.”  
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And how about when they’re children? Same deal. For instance, in a flashback in the pilot, hugging Allison while both cry after getting their  Umbrella tattoos.  
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Basically this is just a big old Klaus stan post, for his instinctual, innate sweetness and supportiveness.  
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Five? That you?
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Klaus Hargreeves • Moodboard • Purple
“eternal peace is probably overrated”
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Cha Cha: you have the right to remain silent
Klaus: do I have the ability though?
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Reginald: sometimes I feel like I have failed as your father
Klaus: sometimes?!
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So. Ben, huh? Gone forever… isn’t he? He wanted me to tell you that he was too scared to go to the light. It wasn’t you that made him stay.
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Nathan Young | Klaus Hargreeves parallels [8/∞]
Interview with Misfits cast (2010) | The Umbrella Academy s2 (2020)
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9 things of Five and Klaus relationship
1) When they were kids, Klaus puts his arm on Five’s shoulder showing a closeness not seen in the other siblings.
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2) Klaus tried to protect him, even though Five has powers just like everyone else.
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3) Klaus listens to his brother talk about Dolores
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4) Klaus love Five :)
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Klaus: I love you
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Klaus: Even when you don’t love yourself
6) Five shows his vulnerability with him
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Five: Are you okey?
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7) They are a team
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8) They understand each other just by looking at each other
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9) And no matter what happens, they are family
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You used to think I was an idiot?
I still think you’re an idiot.
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So canon that Diego and Klaus had a secret handshake?
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Deleted scene
@yourcasualwannabe thanks for ur laptop
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so ur telling me that in misfits, robert sheehan plays an immortal asshole, and in umbrella academy, robert sheehan plays an immortal asshole?
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Do you think Klaus even meant to start the cult or did he just fall out of the sky talking to ghosts in front of a group of people and they all just went “yep, that guy’s a prophet” and started fawning over him. And then his dramatic touch starved gay ass went “oh? Attention?” and just embraced it
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This goes to my favourite BTS picture.
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klaus hargreeves
like/reblog if you use
photos not mine but edits are
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