livelyavocation · 4 years
My other account @http//deadlyaffairs.tumblr.com was terminated... and I want to know why? I was on it the other day, I’m so confused. I want it back. LITERALLY ALL MY WORKS ARE ON THERE! Stuff I worked hard on all down the drain... for WHAT?!
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livelyavocation · 7 years
This was not requested, but I started watching Bloodline ( I watched two season in the span of 2 days what life do I live?) and I love Nolan. Mostly Owen Teague, but yes Nolan as well. Baby boy just wanted to able to help his dad. Also Danny deserved better, but fuck what do I know? There are also not too many Nolan fics out there and so I wanted to put one out there because I needed this release. This is my interpretation of Nolan, so yes he may be out of character. 
I must state that I do not condone having sex with an underage person, if  it is consensual between both parties that is another story. This is fictitious, and the characters are fictional. Please reframe from sending negative or rude comments. 
Warning: Mentions of underage sex, smoking, and cursing? 
word count: 857
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Nolan and Janey were out in front. Nolan’s leg was bouncing and Janey was going on about school. The two turned their heads as they heard laughter and a conversation. Ben and a girl walked by, both stopping as they noticed Nolan and Janey.  “Hey Tamia, I haven’t seen you in a while.” Janey said as she smiled at the girl.  Nolan however couldn’t look away, Ben took noticed of that right away. 
“Well we’re going to go inside now.” Ben said as he tapped Tamia’s arm before Tamia could reply, Tamia looked over at Ben before nodding and looking back and Janey and the boy waving.  “Alright then, I’ll talk to you later Janey.” She said as they walked inside. Ben had sighed loudly as he made his way to the kitchen, grabbing two glasses, and opening the refrigerator.  “Juice?"  "Yes please, and who was that? Janey got a boyfriend?"  Ben made a face of disgust and shook his head.  "No. No. That’s Nolan, he’s my uncle Danny’s kid."  Tamia’s eyes widen and she turned, glancing at the door.  "Danny’s got a kid?"  Ben nodded his head as he poured the juice into the glasses.  "Apparently, I mean he does look exactly like my uncle Danny did when he was younger. But that doesn’t make it exactly true."  "Come on Ben. Your uncle was gone for a long time… a long enough time to have a kid."  "It doesn’t matter, I just find it odd that he shows up after—"  Tamia made a face.  "After what?"  Ben shook his head as he gestured for her to follow. 
An hour later Janey, Nolan, Diane, and John are all sitting inside. Nolan was facing the TV that was on, but kept glancing to the door where Ben and Tamia were currently. He was certainly confused as to why John and Diane would allow Ben to have a girl over with not knowing if they were up to anything. Nolan was so absorbed in his own thinking that he didn’t hear a door open, Ben and Tamia walking out while smiling. 
"Hey Mom, Dad. I’m going to drop Tamia off at her Dad’s ok."  "Oh, Hi sweetheart I haven’t seen you in a while. You don’t want to stay for dinner? We always have room for you.” Diane said as she stood.  Nolan had turned his head to stare at Tamia. She wasn’t taller than him, she looked a good foot shorter if he had to guess. She had dark brown hair, which was wavy, and stopped at the curve of her breast. Her breast…  “Oh I’d love too, but unfortunately it’s my dad’s week and so I have to be in at a certain time. Thank you so much although. It was good to see you too Mrs. Rayburn."  "Aw… well you have a nice night alright. I hope to see you again soon."  "Goodnight everyone.” Tamia said as she smiled, glancing at everyone and shocking Nolan when her eyes lingered on his for a bit longer than the rest. 
The next day Nolan was smoking as he sat outside of John’s house. His mind blank and his body numb. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the fact that he was missing his dad and he couldn’t tell him so or that everywhere he went everyone was reminded of Danny and it put him into a even deeper hole of sorrow. He inhaled and exhaled the smoke, the nicotine a warm embrace he had grown accustomed to.  “Hey…"  Nolan’s head shot up at the sound and he clumsy stood as he noticed it was Tamia. Now that she was up close and personal he could see that her eyes were a green, specks of brown floating around, and her face was dusted with just the right amount of freckles that worked for her.  "Hey.” was all he said as he cursed himself mentally “You’re Nolan right?"  Nolan stood dazed for a second before he nodded. Tamia smiled and walked closer, so that she was directly in front of him. Nolan swallowed the lump inside his throat and she looked up at him through her lashes. He felt himself harden, but tried not to react in a way that would out him. He saw her hand reach up and he flinched away before she gave him a look that said she wasn’t going to hurt him and he watched as she reached for the cigarette in between his lips. His lips stayed parted as she put it in between her own, inhaling and exhaling.  "I’m Tamia. You Janey’s age?"  "Yeah."  Nolan watched as she sighed, her eyes still burning through his own.  "That’s a shame…"  "Why?"  "You’re cute.” She said as she winked, sticking the cigarette back in between his lips, and walking away.  “What does that mean?"  Tamia turned, walking backwards. "You’re underage and your uncle’s a cop. I couldn’t possibly get away with fucking you."  The cigarette fell to the ground as he stood there shocked, her smirk etching itself into his brain.  "Later Nolan.” She said as she turned back around, Nolan’s eyes meeting her backside, and then moving down to her ass. Wondering what the hell just happened.
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livelyavocation · 7 years
Source:@/bitchinkylo on twitter
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livelyavocation · 7 years
how to trick writers into giving you more fanfic to read
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livelyavocation · 8 years
hey if ur ever feelin shitty use this
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livelyavocation · 8 years
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366 days with Robbie Kay ~ Day: 22
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livelyavocation · 8 years
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“Coolest pillow seat ever ift.tt/2dDN4Og”
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livelyavocation · 8 years
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#little shit
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livelyavocation · 8 years
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livelyavocation · 8 years
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( ✿ ≖ᴗ≖)
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livelyavocation · 8 years
“what are you reading?”
“its a…online book.”
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livelyavocation · 8 years
the 1 rule for watching teen wolf:
don’t get emotionally attached because you will get emotionally attacked
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livelyavocation · 8 years
Stop what you’re doing right now and go write 3 sentences of your story.
Every time you see this, write 3 lines.
Reblog so other writers will do the same, let’s finish these damn stories.
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livelyavocation · 8 years
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livelyavocation · 8 years
me & squad
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livelyavocation · 8 years
“Except for you, Stiles. What do you turn into?” I love this edit! - Adriannah
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livelyavocation · 8 years
“My heart is gold and my hands are cold.”
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