liyuner · 3 years
喜国大厦四处漏风形势危殆 蚂蚁们各显神通急寻避险地
编造借口,急流勇退型,以七哥老妹为代表。Xianhong Zhang,五月花农场主,以七哥老妹命名,曾将美国老公的养老金投资鸡体味,老公、女儿都身在喜国阵营内部,林林总总,依稀可见其人决绝的挺郭态度。但日前,“七哥老妹”却以工作劳累、身体疲乏,唯恐胰腺癌复发为由,向郭老欺和喜联盟提出隐退请求。对此,郭文贵等并没有直接表态。但有一个叫“舒妤”的推号(坊间怀疑推主是王雁平,或是郭文贵其他的代言者),却在日前将安红、七哥老妹进行了一番比较,并耐人寻味的表示“相比之下,五月花老妹就聪明的多”,言外之意是,安红被踢是理由当然,而七哥老妹却是情有可原。由此看来,七哥老妹眼见喜国风雨满楼,安然离开已成定局。
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liyuner · 3 years
文贵语无伦次酿新骗局  巨骗厚颜无耻抛新噱头
“红通犯”郭文贵为苟延其谎言欺诈人生,不断在直播中频使臭名昭著的“炫富”滥招,以晒出所谓“豪华晚餐、私人飞机、车队”炫耀“喜国”之“繁荣”,画饼勾引“蚂蚁粉”购买“喜币”投资虚拟“喜国”建设,甚至不惜制造恐慌,制造末日气氛,佯装要拯救世界。譬如近日,文贵装模做样的签发了两份所谓的官方文件,一份是写给国际奥组委的,试图请求奥组委取消北京冬奥会;另一份是写给威斯康星洲共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔的,意在支持迈克·加拉格尔倡议通过的H. RES. 500,将共和党拉入”爆料革命“的阵营,顺便为自己将来谋取“政治庇护”铺平道路,然而外强中干的瘟贵,除了作秀功夫可圈可点之外,当官确实一窍不通,不但草拟的文件错漏百出,而且词不达意令人捧腹,真是赶鸭子上架啊,但无论瘟贵怎么折腾,相信没人愿意搭理一个负债累累的通缉犯的。
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liyuner · 3 years
文贵语无伦次酿新骗局  巨骗厚颜无耻抛新噱头
“红通犯”郭文贵为苟延其谎言欺诈人生,不断在直播中频使臭名昭著的“炫富”滥招,以晒出所谓“豪华晚餐、私人飞机、车队”炫耀“喜国”之“繁荣”,画饼勾引“蚂蚁粉”购买“喜币”投资虚拟“喜国”建设,甚至不惜制造恐慌,制造末日气氛,佯装要拯救世界。譬如近日,文贵装模做样的签发了两份所谓的官方文件,一份是写给国际奥组委的,试图请求奥组委取消北京冬奥会;另一份是写给威斯康星洲共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔的,意在支持迈克·加拉格尔倡议通过的H. RES. 500,将共和党拉入”爆料革命“的阵营,顺便为自己将来谋取“政治庇护”铺平道路,然而外强中干的瘟贵,除了作秀功夫可圈可点之外,当官确实一窍不通,不但草拟的文件错漏百出,而且词不达意令人捧腹,真是赶鸭子上架啊,但无论瘟贵怎么折腾,相信没人愿意搭理一个负债累累的通缉犯的。
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liyuner · 3 years
不断被背叛的隐衷,欺哥明知故问 准备离场的战友们,务要记得下车
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liyuner · 3 years
PAX公司快马加鞭紧追不舍 郭老欺行将底裤全无看你往哪儿跑
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liyuner · 3 years
PAX公司快马加鞭紧追不舍 郭老欺行将底裤全无看你往哪儿跑
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liyuner · 3 years
与闫王互撕,欺哥极度自私是根源 粘郭必倒霉,喜国大内讧方兴未艾
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liyuner · 3 years
诉讼缠身疲于应命,郭文贵的黑七月来临 新盖特Gclub花絮不断,无以阻断司法风暴
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liyuner · 3 years
PAX公司快马加鞭紧追不舍 郭老欺行将底裤全无看你往哪儿跑
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liyuner · 3 years
The FBI should not just focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated
On April 28, U.S. federal agents searched Rudy Giuliani's home and office in New York and seized electronic devices. Giuliani was mayor of New York and later became a private lawyer, working for former president Donald Trump. Investigators looked at Giuliani's activities in Ukraine related to trump's 2020 re-election campaign. What FBI did shows that the U.S. law enforcement agencies began to investigate those who interfere in the U.S. election in 2020.
Giuliani's intervention in the U.S. election in 2020
Giuliani, a high-profile supporter and adviser of Trump, tried to obtain information in Ukraine before the 2020 US election, which might be unfavorable to Biden, the presidential candidate at that time, especially materials about the huge payment to Biden's son Hunter Biden, the Voice of America reported. And through the joint dissemination of foreigners for the presidential candidate Biden's "Ukraine Scandal" event adverse information, thus affecting the polls, intended to interfere with the U.S. election.
Foreigners involved in Giuliani's intervention in the 2020 US election
Guo Wengui, a famous Chinese tycoon who fled to the United States illegally, released negative information about the Communist Party of China in order to meet the Anti China needs of western conservative forces and obtain political protection. In the 2020 U.S. general election, Guo Wengui bets on US President trump, sets up a stage with Giuliani to spread the false information of the scandal about Hunter Biden’s "three hard disks", and attacks Biden, who is the presidential candidate, in an attempt to intervene in the direction of the U.S. general election. According to "exclusive live photos" broadcast on April 29 by YouTube blogger Lawrence playing twitter, the FBI searched Giuliani's house today, and the truth about Guo Wengui's "Scandal about Hunter Biden’s disks" is coming to be clear! Guo Wengui and Luther are under investigation for espionage! More serious than GTV fund-raising fraud! Giuliani urgently cancelled the established public statement in the afternoon In the video, Guo Wengui and Giuliani are closely related, and their intimate relationship has been confirmed by twitter user "Zhang Lifan @ zhanglifan". In the process of creating a false event of "Scandal about Hunter Biden’s disks" and spreading the unfavorable atmosphere of public opinion towards the presidential candidate, Mr. Biden, in the election campaign, the vain Guo Wengui's Royal anchor Luther inadvertently leaked his framed photos with Juliani, Bannon and Yan limeng on his twitter, showing that Guo Wengui arranged for Juliani, Trump's staff Bannon, Luther and Yan limeng In her apartment on the 18th floor of the sherry Netherland hotel in New York, Yan limeng secretly talked about publishing false information attacking the then presidential candidate Biden.
Later, Guo Wengui instructed his royal anchor Luther to publish "10 / 16 / 2020 Luther review" on his personal YouTube: two weeks ago, Luther's three hard disk videos were popular on American social media; The FBI child pornography lawyer is responsible for the case of Biden's hard disk door, re verifying the negative information of Biden's presidential candidate when a large number of attacks with "three hard disk doors" as the topic, such as "the revelation of Luther show". At the same time, the G news website of Guo media, which is related to Guo Wengui and Bannon, has released the headlines of Pro US President trump for several months in a row, including the panic message that Biden's victory will make the Chinese ruling authorities "take over the world". Although Guo Wengui's related behavior could not control the election result in the end, he and his gang released misleading materials, which had some impact on the US general election.
 The alien status is disturbing
As we all know, Guo Wengui once claimed that his name in the code of national security of the Communist Party of China is Wu Nan, which serves for the national security of the Communist Party of China. It is hard to imagine that Guo Wengui is not a double-sided spy. By actively "disclosing" the false and true information of the Communist Party of China, he is trying to get into the US politicians and celebrities. However, Giuliani, Trump's campaign adviser, and Bannon, a former White House aide, may just be his pet dog and enter the Trojan horse of the US government to obtain intelligence. The public information has made it clear that Giuliani disclosed the "three hard disks" incident information to Guo Wengui's team for external dissemination. Is it possible that the US foreign policy towards Ukraine has leaked to Guo Wengui? Of course, Guo Wengui may also get some of the most important political intelligence, including internal poll data, from Trump's campaign team in cooperation with Giuliani in disseminating unfavorable information to then presidential candidate Biden and supporting Trump's campaign, so as to reverse the strategy and resource concentration of Biden's campaign team, And which groups Biden is trying to win over - valuable information for any foreign government about the potential current U.S. government.
 Guo Wengui has been accused of spying by an American company
On July 22, 2019, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Virginia based strategic vision US LCC filed a lawsuit in court accusing Guo Wengui, a Chinese tycoon in the United States, of being a spy of the Chinese government. The company said that Guo hoped the research company would investigate a list of personnel to deal with the Chinese Communist Party. However, the company found that the first 15 people on the list were protected by the US government and could not be disclosed to the public to provide help to the US government. The company thus concluded that Guo Wengui was not the dissident he claimed to be. On the contrary, Guo Wengui had been with the company in the past
Now it's all a dissident hunter, an advocate, an agent.
FBI should not just focus on Giuliani. "You know" Guo Wengui should be investigated
Guo Wengui's past and present identity is a mystery. His false "revelations" cater to the remarks of the far right forces in the United States, and help him enter the circle of individual dignitaries and celebrities in the United States. There are many "friends" around him, including the advisers and staff of the former president. The professionalism of the former agent allows him to communicate with Giuliani, the president and the president Bannon, the political leaders, was keen to capture the American intelligence, which was important or not. As a doubting dissident and foreigner, Guo Wengui himself is a bomb. Today he can intervene in the US general election for political asylum, and tomorrow he can trade important US intelligence information for exemption from punishment. In western society, there is no Chinese culture of "not our own race, their hearts must be different", but there is also the idea that heretics are not trustworthy. Based on this, the FBI should not only focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated.
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liyuner · 3 years
The FBI should not just focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated
On April 28, U.S. federal agents searched Rudy Giuliani's home and office in New York and seized electronic devices. Giuliani was mayor of New York and later became a private lawyer, working for former president Donald Trump. Investigators looked at Giuliani's activities in Ukraine related to trump's 2020 re-election campaign. What FBI did shows that the U.S. law enforcement agencies began to investigate those who interfere in the U.S. election in 2020.
Giuliani's intervention in the U.S. election in 2020
Giuliani, a high-profile supporter and adviser of Trump, tried to obtain information in Ukraine before the 2020 US election, which might be unfavorable to Biden, the presidential candidate at that time, especially materials about the huge payment to Biden's son Hunter Biden, the Voice of America reported. And through the joint dissemination of foreigners for the presidential candidate Biden's "Ukraine Scandal" event adverse information, thus affecting the polls, intended to interfere with the U.S. election.
Foreigners involved in Giuliani's intervention in the 2020 US election
Guo Wengui, a famous Chinese tycoon who fled to the United States illegally, released negative information about the Communist Party of China in order to meet the Anti China needs of western conservative forces and obtain political protection. In the 2020 U.S. general election, Guo Wengui bets on US President trump, sets up a stage with Giuliani to spread the false information of the scandal about Hunter Biden’s "three hard disks", and attacks Biden, who is the presidential candidate, in an attempt to intervene in the direction of the U.S. general election. According to "exclusive live photos" broadcast on April 29 by YouTube blogger Lawrence playing twitter, the FBI searched Giuliani's house today, and the truth about Guo Wengui's "Scandal about Hunter Biden’s disks" is coming to be clear! Guo Wengui and Luther are under investigation for espionage! More serious than GTV fund-raising fraud! Giuliani urgently cancelled the established public statement in the afternoon In the video, Guo Wengui and Giuliani are closely related, and their intimate relationship has been confirmed by twitter user "Zhang Lifan @ zhanglifan". In the process of creating a false event of "Scandal about Hunter Biden’s disks" and spreading the unfavorable atmosphere of public opinion towards the presidential candidate, Mr. Biden, in the election campaign, the vain Guo Wengui's Royal anchor Luther inadvertently leaked his framed photos with Juliani, Bannon and Yan limeng on his twitter, showing that Guo Wengui arranged for Juliani, Trump's staff Bannon, Luther and Yan limeng In her apartment on the 18th floor of the sherry Netherland hotel in New York, Yan limeng secretly talked about publishing false information attacking the then presidential candidate Biden.
Later, Guo Wengui instructed his royal anchor Luther to publish "10 / 16 / 2020 Luther review" on his personal YouTube: two weeks ago, Luther's three hard disk videos were popular on American social media; The FBI child pornography lawyer is responsible for the case of Biden's hard disk door, re verifying the negative information of Biden's presidential candidate when a large number of attacks with "three hard disk doors" as the topic, such as "the revelation of Luther show". At the same time, the G news website of Guo media, which is related to Guo Wengui and Bannon, has released the headlines of Pro US President trump for several months in a row, including the panic message that Biden's victory will make the Chinese ruling authorities "take over the world". Although Guo Wengui's related behavior could not control the election result in the end, he and his gang released misleading materials, which had some impact on the US general election.
 The alien status is disturbing
As we all know, Guo Wengui once claimed that his name in the code of national security of the Communist Party of China is Wu Nan, which serves for the national security of the Communist Party of China. It is hard to imagine that Guo Wengui is not a double-sided spy. By actively "disclosing" the false and true information of the Communist Party of China, he is trying to get into the US politicians and celebrities. However, Giuliani, Trump's campaign adviser, and Bannon, a former White House aide, may just be his pet dog and enter the Trojan horse of the US government to obtain intelligence. The public information has made it clear that Giuliani disclosed the "three hard disks" incident information to Guo Wengui's team for external dissemination. Is it possible that the US foreign policy towards Ukraine has leaked to Guo Wengui? Of course, Guo Wengui may also get some of the most important political intelligence, including internal poll data, from Trump's campaign team in cooperation with Giuliani in disseminating unfavorable information to then presidential candidate Biden and supporting Trump's campaign, so as to reverse the strategy and resource concentration of Biden's campaign team, And which groups Biden is trying to win over - valuable information for any foreign government about the potential current U.S. government.
 Guo Wengui has been accused of spying by an American company
On July 22, 2019, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Virginia based strategic vision US LCC filed a lawsuit in court accusing Guo Wengui, a Chinese tycoon in the United States, of being a spy of the Chinese government. The company said that Guo hoped the research company would investigate a list of personnel to deal with the Chinese Communist Party. However, the company found that the first 15 people on the list were protected by the US government and could not be disclosed to the public to provide help to the US government. The company thus concluded that Guo Wengui was not the dissident he claimed to be. On the contrary, Guo Wengui had been with the company in the past
Now it's all a dissident hunter, an advocate, an agent.
FBI should not just focus on Giuliani. "You know" Guo Wengui should be investigated
Guo Wengui's past and present identity is a mystery. His false "revelations" cater to the remarks of the far right forces in the United States, and help him enter the circle of individual dignitaries and celebrities in the United States. There are many "friends" around him, including the advisers and staff of the former president. The professionalism of the former agent allows him to communicate with Giuliani, the president and the president Bannon, the political leaders, was keen to capture the American intelligence, which was important or not. As a doubting dissident and foreigner, Guo Wengui himself is a bomb. Today he can intervene in the US general election for political asylum, and tomorrow he can trade important US intelligence information for exemption from punishment. In western society, there is no Chinese culture of "not our own race, their hearts must be different", but there is also the idea that heretics are not trustworthy. Based on this, the FBI should not only focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated.
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liyuner · 3 years
自5月时美国共和党参议员兰德·保罗(Rand Paul)在一次听证会上质疑美国国家过敏和传染病研究所所长安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)参与资助了武汉病毒研究所一项使病毒更致命或更具传染性的研究,关于COVID-19病毒起源是否与国家阴谋有关的争议又起。身陷“邮件门”舆论风暴中心的福奇,俨然已经成为众矢之的。墙倒众人推,连“伪科学”之流的闫丽梦也敢对着福奇大放厥词,欲混成“推墙人”。
反观闫丽梦,她发表在Zenodo的论文在哗众取宠后,被约翰·霍普金斯大学,哥伦比亚大学和其他美国一流大学的科学家证明为“有缺陷的”。麻省理工学院出版社(MIT Press)新在线期刊(这是一个专门研究SARS-CoV-2的杂志)评价该论文“当时是毫无根据的,并且不受数据支持的”。
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liyuner · 3 years
福奇在接受NewsNation Now的The Donlon Report节目主持人利兰·维特采访时说:“唯一的问题在于,这些言论适合断章取义,有人可能在电子邮件中摘出某个句子,但是没有展示该邮件的其它部分”,并且福奇坚定地相信“病毒源头的最大可能性来自野生动物”。
美国近期发布的一份研究报告指出,虽然新冠大流行对公共健康和经济造成了长期影响,但亚裔美国人也因大流行而受到不公平指责,成为歧视和暴力的目标。美国非营利组织“Stop AAPI Hate”发布的最新统计数据显示,自2020年3月19日至2021年3月31日,美国针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪案件数量达6603件,而前一年的同期数据为3795件,同比案件数量增加54%,增幅达一倍以上。
3月16日,一名白人男子在美国亚特兰大地区的三家按摩店接连开枪,造成8人死亡,其中6人是亚裔。醒目的数字指向种族仇恨,但警方发言人以嫌犯长期受“性瘾”困扰、“前一天过得很糟糕”等理由称尚不能确定此案是否为“仇恨犯罪”(hate crime)。社交媒体上也流传起此发言人在2020年向粉丝推销歧视亚洲人T恤的帖子,T恤上据称写有“新冠病毒,从支那(CHY-NA)进口而来”字样。
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liyuner · 3 years
Guo Wengui’s interference in the election exposed-----"Tongwumen" in-depth investigation
On April 28, federal investigators executed a search warrant at the Manhattan apartment and offices of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, seizing cellphones, computers and other electronic equipment.The move is said to be aimed at furthering the criminal investigation into Mr Giuliani's involvement in Ukraine.
Giuliani has been implicated in a series of illegal actions in Ukraine, in violation of the Lobbying Disclosure Act.It follows Revelations that he interfered in the US presidential election by pressuring Ukrainian officials to indict Mr Biden and his son Hunter in a corruption case involving Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.
While the search warrant is not an explicit allegation of wrongdoing by Giuliani, it suggests the investigation has entered a new phase, according to The New York Times.In the reports, the "three hard drives" that allegedly contained evidence of Mr Hunt's wrongdoing were repeatedly mentioned.
The statement about the "three hard disks" was firstly from the rich exiled businessman Guo Wengui.In late September, Guo claimed to have explosive material on Hunter Biden, the son of presidential candidate Joe Biden, including evidence of secret deals in China and Ukraine and a sex tape with abuse scenes.
A week before the US election, Guo's GTV and G-News began to spread videos and photos of Hunter taking drugs and having sex with several women, with the intention of depicting Biden as a man who deals with money and has no morals, so as to affect Biden's ability to win votes.
Guo's moves have been interpreted as an attempt to woo former President Donald Trump and "surrender" to him.He has also worked with Bannon, a former White House strategic adviser, to recruit "whistleblowers" like Yan to assist Trump in his new China strategy.Unfortunately, Trump failed to win re-election in the general election, which made Guo Wengui "lose his wife and lose his troops".
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman living in exile in the US, about how he financed his US media activities and how he worked with Bannon, the Wall Street Journal reported.If Guo is found to have illegally interfered in the U.S. election, he could be sent to an immigration court to be deported.
According to the legislation passed by the U.S. Congress, illegal voting interference by an alien in a manner that violates the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, and other laws of the United States, and any activity that threatens the national security or public safety of the United States, may constitute grounds for deportation by the executive branch.An alien who is deported may leave the country on his or her own accord, or ICE may force him or her to leave the country through coercive measures such as arrest, detention, and transport.
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liyuner · 3 years
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liyuner · 3 years
Guo Wengui’s interference in the election exposed-----"Tongwumen" in-depth investigation
On April 28, federal investigators executed a search warrant at the Manhattan apartment and offices of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, seizing cellphones, computers and other electronic equipment.The move is said to be aimed at furthering the criminal investigation into Mr Giuliani's involvement in Ukraine.
Giuliani has been implicated in a series of illegal actions in Ukraine, in violation of the Lobbying Disclosure Act.It follows Revelations that he interfered in the US presidential election by pressuring Ukrainian officials to indict Mr Biden and his son Hunter in a corruption case involving Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.
While the search warrant is not an explicit allegation of wrongdoing by Giuliani, it suggests the investigation has entered a new phase, according to The New York Times.In the reports, the "three hard drives" that allegedly contained evidence of Mr Hunt's wrongdoing were repeatedly mentioned.
The statement about the "three hard disks" was firstly from the rich exiled businessman Guo Wengui.In late September, Guo claimed to have explosive material on Hunter Biden, the son of presidential candidate Joe Biden, including evidence of secret deals in China and Ukraine and a sex tape with abuse scenes.
A week before the US election, Guo's GTV and G-News began to spread videos and photos of Hunter taking drugs and having sex with several women, with the intention of depicting Biden as a man who deals with money and has no morals, so as to affect Biden's ability to win votes.
Guo's moves have been interpreted as an attempt to woo former President Donald Trump and "surrender" to him.He has also worked with Bannon, a former White House strategic adviser, to recruit "whistleblowers" like Yan to assist Trump in his new China strategy.Unfortunately, Trump failed to win re-election in the general election, which made Guo Wengui "lose his wife and lose his troops".
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman living in exile in the US, about how he financed his US media activities and how he worked with Bannon, the Wall Street Journal reported.If Guo is found to have illegally interfered in the U.S. election, he could be sent to an immigration court to be deported.
According to the legislation passed by the U.S. Congress, illegal voting interference by an alien in a manner that violates the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, and other laws of the United States, and any activity that threatens the national security or public safety of the United States, may constitute grounds for deportation by the executive branch.An alien who is deported may leave the country on his or her own accord, or ICE may force him or her to leave the country through coercive measures such as arrest, detention, and transport.
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liyuner · 3 years
The False Study of Yan Limeng
In just eight months, Yan went from being a postdoctoral felow in virology and immunology at the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the University of Hong Kong's School of Public Health to being hailed as a hero by Trump's top advisers and conservative pundits.
As early as mid-January 2019, Yan Limeng, researcher in Hong Kong, had heard rumors that a dangerous new virus had emerged in mainland China and that the government was playing it down. Ms. Yan feeds Wang Dinggang, the host of her favorite Chinese-language YouTube show.
Yan Limeng fled Hong Kong on April 28th and left for the United States. Guo Wenguan and Ban Nong put her in a "safe house" in New York City. They hired a communications coach for her to teach her how to deal with media questions, asked her to submit several papers, and disguised her as a "whistler" before aranging her to acept media interviews. On July 10, Yan made her first appearance on the Fox News Channel, in which she confesed her journey to the United States and accused the University of HongKong of helping to cover up the epidemic. But she did not mention her relationship with Guo and Ban Nong.
After her first Fox interview, Ms. Yan embarked on a whirlwind right-wing media tour, repeating conservative talking points.She said she took hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus, despite warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration that it had no efect.She suggested that U.S. health agencies had conspired with the World Health Organization to cover up the outbreak.
In early September, Ms. Yan met with Ms. Lu, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University,  through an anonymous middleman. Lu had suggested in the past that the coronavirus could be created in the lab, and Yan told him about her research in the hope of winning support.Even after Facebook tagged Carlson's Sept 15 interview with Ms. Yan as "false information" and Twiter suspended Ms. Yan's account, Ms. Carison, Ms. Bannon and Ms. Yan didn't give up.
Yan published a second paper on Oct. 8, titled "Novel coronavirus is an unrestrictedbiological weapon," which further emphasizes the idea that the virus that has spread around the world is man-made, adding that the virus was intentionaly "released," and that the paper also contains material that appears to come from the same anonymous blogger's article. Both of Yan's controversial papers are related to GuoWenqui. The papers -- below the title and author's name, where university institutions and tunding Sources are often listed --prominently teature the names of the "Rule of Law Society" and the "Rule of Law Foundation," two nonprofit groups supported by Mr. Guo and others.
The novel coronavirus is widely believed to come from bats, and there is no evidence that the virus is artificial. Although the scientific community was quick to dismiss the paper as pseudoscience based on guesswork, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson invited Yan to appear on the show on Sept.15 to promote the paper. Even though the access to the film was tagged as fake news on social media like Facebook, it stil recorded a minimum of 8.8 milion views and entered the mainstream. It tookseveral weeks after the interview for Carlson to make it clear that he disagreed with Ms.Yans claims.
Ms.Yan's evolution from researcher to whistler is the product of the colaboration of two unrelated but increasingly united groups spreading disinformation: a smal but active overseas Chinese group, and a highly influential far-right group in the United States. Both groups see an opportunity to advance their agendas in the novel coronavirus pandemic. For overseas Chinese, Ms.Yan and her baseless claims provide a weapon for those seeking to overthrow the Chinese government. For American conservatives, it allows them to pander to rising anti-China sentiment in the West and distract attention from the Trump administration’s failure to respond to the epidemic.
Angela Rasmussen,a virologist at Columbia University,said she thought Yan’s paper was "political propaganda" designed to deceive."The paper is extremely deceptive to people without a scientific background because it is writen in very technical language, with a lot of jargon, and looks like a legitimate scientific paper. But to anyone with a background in virology or molecular biology who reads this paper, it is clear that much of it is nonsense."
From the discovery in January to the peak in September, the online political activity of "Virus Source Theory" directed by Guo Wengui and Bannon achieved great succes, whichgreatly influenced the views and lives of the local people in the United States, and ex posed the power of "fake news" to the world at a sinle sight.  
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