lizards-of-nyc-blog · 7 years
The Boys + Their Rooms
Let’s state the obvious that it’s very clean
He has everything put away and organized, it’s simply disgusting how well this turtle has his shit together
But let’s get into the nitty gritty
Leo doesn’t actually like to clean, he just hates mess
The smallest room of the brothers
Actually has very few belongings
Like, there’s a bed, a mirror, a chest for his clothes and other miscellaneous items, a single scroll and some candles
What stuff he does have is near and dear to him
His bed is pushed up against the wall to open up the room so he can practice katas and such
There are no pictures or posters on the walls, but he does have a scroll hanging up depicting some of the first katas he learned
He has a fairly large collection of insence but hardly uses it because its meant for special occasions
Doesn’t have many books, but the few he does have he reads over and over (there’s a book of really old Japanese poems that is his favorite, with English translation writen very neatly in between the lines)
Much like Master Splinter, he has a space set for meditation where he lights candles and keeps a few crystals to calm his energy
But by far his most treasured possession is his mirror
Its rather large, and hangs next to his door facing his bed. In the lair few things they own are unbroken, and this mirror is one of those things
On his actual bed he has one pillow and one blanket that he uses year round
If he gets cold he uses one of the guest blankets that Raph started to knit after April, Casey and you started to come around
Of course his main blanket is blue
It doesn’t mach his mask but its close enough
Speaking of which, once he’s ready to sleep he lays his mask on top of his gear, all of which is set neatly out for the next day
Surprisingly it’s pretty clean
And I mean clean
While he may seem messy, he’s kind of a neat freak
Like, he may have some shorts or a book laying about but you will never find any dust, grime, or old food laying around
His cleanliness stems from his dislike of bugs
He once left an old thing of pizza in his room for a week
There were ants everywhere; he was #traumatized
He has managed to collect a lot over the years
His walls are lined with old rolling stone covers of famous musicians
He has random vinyl hung up as well as thrown out CD’s; they don’t play but the art is cool
His room is pretty long, and sectioned off by a random portion of wall
He enjoys the privacy
His bed is behind the wall obvs
His main light doesn’t work very well because its too small, so Donnie helped him set up lamps and string lights all over
There’s are neon signs in there too, idk how
He does indeed have workout equipment in his room
A set of dumbbells and another punching bag (having two helps)
He’s quite the reader actually
A lot of the books they had were old classics that were thrown out, so he owns a lot of old, torn up copies
Theres actually a lot of seating on his room, a couple of bean bags and some ancient chairs (also thrown out and fixed up)
His bed is the most lavish of all his brothers
He didn’t have a lot of pillows, but then April, Casey and you entered his life
He loves pillows
Normal ones, plush ones, ones made out of boobs, body pillows
He legit has like ten
He uses one blanket, but due to his knitting he has a bunch laying around
Speaking of knitting he has a corner set up for it and a stash of everything he needs nearby
There are some wood working pieces around but he tend not to carve because its hard to find the proper wood
He doesn’t like how cold the floor is so he has rugs
There’s an old radio thats constantly playing classic rock
Seriously, it’s never off
He sleeps with lights on
His mask is where ever he throws it before falling asleep, but typically its nearby so he can grab it and go
He calls it organized chaos… But its a mess
Has the most stuff
Most of it has use but a lot doesnt
If a bedroom could constantly look like a frat party, thats what his would be
He has all sorts of lights set up to sweep his room
Most of the time they’re off but be careful if they’re on, you might have a stroke by how crazy they are
He has clothes all over; half clean half not
His bed is the biggest and his room is the biggest because this is the room the baby turtles shared until they were about seven of so
His bros have to force him to clean
Surprisingly it doesn’t smell
He has a desk, a lot of shelves, and a toy chest with the toys all the bros shared when they were younger
His walls are much like Raphs, and are covered in posters he finds, makes, rips out of magazines
Half the stuff on the walls he doesn’t even like, he just likes how it looks
Totally owns a disco ball
He has all sorts of art supplies everywhere, and sometimes does commissions or sells pieces
His bed, while lacking the grand amount of pillows, is still quite lavish
He has multiple blankets to sleep in and one huge body pillow
Everything is orange
His bed has an actual frame, so he hangs his mask on that before bed
A lot of the time he falls asleep with it on though
So for starters, his room is separate from his tech corner of the lair
But its not super far away from it either
Donnie has an actual cot in his lab because he’s to lazy to get to his room most nights
Be forewarned: his room is booby trapped
Literally; You have to put in a code before you even open the door
You will be zapped if you get it wrong too many times
Of course he has it set to let you in anyways because he likes you a lot more than his bros
The code changes depending on his mood too
Fortunately if he’s in his room the door is either propped open a tad or its all the way open, and I’ll tell you why
Donnie is the brains behind team turtle, we know this. He’s greatly responsible for his and his bros survival
That is super stressful, and while it doesn’t bother him much anymore, he still has bad days
Solution? R&R themed room
His room isn’t the largest but its close second. This is due to the fact that the four bros can often be found lounging around inside all together
There’s nothing super special about the room per say
He has some posters, his bed is in the center of the back wall, and he has a random assortment of furniture to lounge on
There’s also a few shelves lining the walls, filled with all sorts of books. From kids books to medical books to science fiction he has it all
No one can say why his room is the best, it just is
It smells nice, the purple tones are super soothing, and everything is very comfortable
His bed is hardly used but its by far the most comfortable, if only because Donnie is always working his magic on it
If he manages to actually sleep in his bed he’ll put his mask on the chair next to it
The rest of the time he falls asleep in it
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lizards-of-nyc-blog · 7 years
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lizards-of-nyc-blog · 7 years
Dustin!! <3
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Happy Halloween!
I’m currently watching the second season of Stranger Things. What an amazing series! Today I gonna watch the last four episodes and I’m already so excited. For Halloween I drew my favourite character Dustin with Dart.
By the way I’m now on Instagram too:
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lizards-of-nyc-blog · 7 years
Not Alone Ch. 2
Jen and Eva sat across from each other in awkward silence. Jen was sitting on the couch looking away from the other mutant. Eva was slumped on the large, leather armchair across from Jen. She noticed that Jen didn’t really have real clothes on. All she wore was a dirty, brown jumpsuit, like she was a prisoner. In fact, all of her was dirty. Even the long dreads that hung over her face were dirty and messy, or, messier than dreadlocks should be. 
“Hey, um...” Eva started, making Jen looked up a little through her dreads. Eva could see Jen’s green eyes and how they shone a little bit. The dark green eyes were striking compared to the rest of her. Eva scratched the back of her neck before speaking again. “My name’s Eva,” she held out her hand towards Jen for a handshake and Jen stared at it before staring back at her.
“Jen.” she said simply as she grabbed Eva’s hand, giving a firm handshake. She noticed that Eva was staring at both of their hands, obviously still not used to the green color. “...I can barely remember the color my skin used to be...and how it felt to have soft skin, not scaly.” Jen pulled her hand away and looked at it before putting it in her lap with her other hand. Eva frowned and looked at her own green hands. She moved her tail a bit and shivered. 
“I may never get used to that though, ugh...” Eva cringed and Jen just looked at her own tail and moved it too. 
“Just embrace it. When used right, they’re pretty strong.” Jen said with a small smirk. Jen’s voice was darker and it was certainly quieter than Eva’s voice. Eva’s eyes widened a bit, already imagining Jen knocking those stupid scientists out and send them flying across the room with just one hit of her strong tail. She then started to wonder what all Jen was capable of and it almost made her nervous. Could this feral looking girl be dangerous?
“Listen, April, there are...more.” Chief Vincent spoke lowly into the phone. April was currently sitting in her apartment watching a random movie that was on Lifetime when she got the call from the chief. The reporter furrowed her brows and shook her head a bit, obviously confused.
“More? More of what?” she asked. Chief Vincent took a deep breathe and answered.
April froze and she stopped breathing for a moment. She immediately thought of huge, hulking mutants like Bebop and Rocksteady and that’s what scared her. “What...what kind of mutants? Are they dangerous?” 
“No, they definitely don’t seem to be, but there is one that I’m going to be keeping an eye on but I’m not too worried about her.” Chief Vincent rambled on a bit before April cut her off.
“Wait, ‘her?’” April smiled a bit. A girl mutant, huh? Interesting-
“Four girls. All of the lizard variety.” April was stunned at Rebecca’s words. “We need you to get down here.” 
“Do you want me to bring the guys? Or at least Master Splinter?” April ran a hand through her hair and walked around her apartment and looked at the time briefly. It was 11:15pm. Splinter might be asleep, but this was important. 
“Bring Splinter. We don’t want to overwhelm the girls.” she said. April nodded and after a quick goodbye, she hung up the phone and called Splinter. She instantly felt bad when the gentle, old rat answered his phone with a sleepy, “Hello?” 
“Splinter, hey...listen, something..happened a-and we need you at police headquarters. I’ll be at the usual alleyway waiting on you. Sorry this is so...sudden..” April spoke gently and a little shyly. Splinter sat up and was fully awake now. He didn’t know what was going on but it sounded important. The police never asked for Splinter. 
“I will be there soon, Ms. O’Neil. Just hold on,” 
Back at Police HQ, scientists were quickly bustling about a large lab located one floor underground. Two large pods were found in the TCRI building and both of them held one girl each, both mutants. The first and oldest pod had the date 10/18/1976. Inside was the frozen, female mutant. She had long, light auburn hair and minty green scaly skin and a tail that curled a couple of times like a chameleon’s to match. She wore what would now be vintage shorts, an off white t shirt that said “Peachy” that was tucked loosely into her shorts, black converse, and a large, light pink, knitted cardigan. 
The second pod had the date 1/7/1994. The female mutant had lime green skin and red markings around her eyes and a red stripe going down her tail much like a gecko. She had brown, shoulder length hair that was big, curly and a little messy, such as the style back then. She wore high waisted vintage jeans with ripped knees and a black, tucked in tank top and a pair of black ankle boots on her feet. 
It took a few hours to gently thaw the two girls then get them warm again and when they finally started to stir awake, they acted like they were waking up from a long nap. Neither of them had any memory of what happened and neither knew that they were no longer in their own times anymore. They were in the 21st century. 
“Miss? Miss, can you hear me?” Carol heard muffled voices and cracked her eyes open just a little bit and she weakly held her arm above her eyes to shield them. Everything was so bright and blurry, people seemed to blend in. They must have been wearing all white. She shut her eyes again and with a little “Ngh..” she turned her head to the side. Everything was too bright and things didn’t sound fuzzy anymore, they just sounded loud. It all felt like too much. 
“I can...hear you...” she said weakly. Her voice was soft and gentle but at the same time it was slightly annoyed. The last thing she remembered was being at a keg party with her friends. Carol thought her friends were trying to wake her up. But once she opened her eyes again, her vision became clearer and what she saw were people wearing all white. In fact, everything was white. “Who...are you people?” 
“Oh, don’t worry about them. They’re pretty cool..” A more awake but still weak voice next to Carol made her turn her head. What she saw made her wake up even more. The girl next to her was...green. With a tail! Carol’s breathing quickened and she sat up too quickly and got light headed. She groaned and laid back on the bed again. The girl next to her introduced herself, saying that her name was June and just like Carol, she had no idea what was going on.
“The last thing I remember was getting separated from my friends after a concert...everything after that is a giant blur,” she paused. “and here I am.” June shrugged and sighed a bit. Carol nodded then chewed the inside of her cheek for a second before speaking.
“So...what concert did you go to?” she asked. June looked at her and smiled a bit before answering.
“Oh, it was a Snoop concert. He’s so cool. Rap is in,” June said with a smile as she laid back on her pillows. Carol furrowed her brows and she gave June a confused look. 
“...Snoop? And what’s rap?” Carol asked, earning a shocking look from June. Carol didn't quite notice the look because she was still a little out of it. “I went to a Tony Orlando and Dawn concert last weekend. He sang Tie a Yellow Ribbon, that’s my favorite song,” Carol said sweetly. She hummed the song to herself while June just looked at her totally confused. This is when she realized that something was up.
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lizards-of-nyc-blog · 7 years
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lizards-of-nyc-blog · 7 years
Not Alone Ch. 1
Love: an intense feeling of deep affection
This is something Jen Dahl never feels, and according to her, never will. It seemed as if the world was always out to get her and to punish her for things she never did. Her life has been hard since day one and she thought that running away from her abusive, alcoholic father to New York to get a fresh start would be a good idea. So at the age of 18, she got herself a solo plane ticket to the big city. Jen got to enjoy three fabulous hours of newfound freedom in the big apple before she was cornered in an alley by men in all black, almost resembling ninjas. 
The rest was a giant blur that was broken up into a few parts. 
That was five years ago. 
Jen was the only one (that she knew of) that was mutated and was continuously treated like a dog. Chained up in a dirty cage, cold and hungry and she always felt so, so tired. Her hair was in long, thick, messy dreads that she made one year after being captured. She rarely got to wash her hair and thought it would be easier to just dread it. 
“The Secret Weapon” That’s what they called her. And by god, she truly was made into a weapon of mass destruction. After a few years of terrible, torturous experimentation, Jen was able to conduct electricity. She was able to control electronics and was also able to shoot powerful bolts of lightning from her fingertips. 
So she was chained up even tighter and those twisted scientists at TCRI took extra precautions so she couldn’t escape or attack anyone. 
Jen woke up to the evil looking Japanese woman, whose name was Karai, banging on her cage. She growled and looked at Karai menacingly through her dreads, looking almost feral. 
“Don’t give me that look. We brought you a friend,” Jen’s eyes widened and she raised her head a little to look at what the hell this woman was talking about. What she saw nearly made her scream out of pure anger. 
These monsters have kidnapped and mutated another innocent girl and she looked to be around the same age as Jen (early 20s). She also looked, well, a lot like Jen...except without the long dreadlocks. This girl had short brown hair and dark green, scaly skin and a scaly dark green tail. She wore a grey hoodie with a black. leather jacket over it. She also wore faded blue skinny jeans with dark red converse. She looked more pissed off than scared and Jen liked that. This girl was tough, so maybe an escape wouldn't be as hard as she had thought. 
Jen knew the schedule and she knew her strength so she was going to use these two things to her advantage. Tomorrow at precisely 8am everyone will be fed a shitty breakfast then Jen will be taken for her first round of shots and the usual horrible things. They would return her to her cage then they would be fed a shitty lunch and several hours later Jen would be taken out of her cage again for more rounds of testing. This is when she’ll attack using what she knew how to do with that electricity she could now conduct and hope she could at least provide enough of a distraction to rescue the girl and get her, as well as herself, out of there.
So, the day came and Jen went along with everything that she was told to do. Never did she look at the other mutant to even give smalls hints that she was plotting a great escape because in the back of her mind, she didn’t want to get her hopes up in case she failed.
At the end of the day, Karai walked up to Jen’s cage and opened it up. Thankfully, after five long years of not showing any resistance, Jen no longer had to have her chains around her wrists so everyone in the building would never expect her to attack and try to get away. This means she had to wait for exactly the right moment to attack.
Jen followed Karai to the usual lab room where she would be getting her second around of shots for the day and to run the usual tests so see how their “secret weapon” was doing.
“You know what to do,” Karai said firmly and Jen sat on the cold, metal table and let the scientist, whose name was Baxter Stockman, apparently, stick her with large needles with strange looking ooze inside of them. He hadn’t been there long, only about half a year now, but Jen thought he was incredibly...weird. She would smirk a bit to herself, already knowing that Stockman must have been one of those super weird, nerdy, socially awkward boys in high school. He would have never survived in her poor little, crummy school in the ghetto. Jen was snapped out of her thoughts by a painful pinch in her upper arm. Stockman was using a particularly large needle today and it was filled with a neon blue liquid. It almost made her nervous about the side effects.
“Now, stand up and show me that amazing thing you can do.” said Baxter, stepping back so Jen could stand as he laughed in that weird way he normally did. Jen got off of the table and shot a wild bolt of bright blue lightning at a target they had set up for her. The next time they would ask her to do it...she would shoot the lights and some gas tanks so she could get to the others quicker. 
“Again. Harder. More power.” said Karai simply but sternly, standing several steps behind Jen. Jen looked over her shoulder at Karai for a moment before slowly turning her head back around to face the target. She hid her nerves and that daring smirk that threatened to spread across her face. She got in her stance...left foot behind the right, legs slightly bent...she charged up and right before she was about to hit, a loud alarm went off, startling everyone. 
“You’re under arrest!”
“Secure the area!” 
At least fifty police officers stormed in, along with what appeared to be some higher ups. Jen could only stand and watch in shock and disbelief as everything that happened in slow motion right in front of her. Baxter Stockman was arrested and Karai, of course, managed to slip away without a trace. 
“Go into that backroom, our primary objectives are in there. I’ll take care of this one,” Jen heard a blond woman say to another police officer. Jen stiffened when the powerful looking woman started to walk towards her and Jen almost thought about attacking her and making a run for it, with or without the other mutant. She was sick and tired of being here. “You,” Jen was snapped out of her thoughts when the blond woman spoke to her. “Are you okay? Come on, you’re coming with us.” she said and made a move to grab Jen’s hand. 
“Where are you taking me?” Jen asked then looked back to the other cage. “....us.” The other mutant looked up, 
“Well, allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Chief Vincent, Rebecca Vincent, and from now on, the four of you are safe.” she said, offering Jen a kind smile, especially since Jen had also finally allowed the Chief to take her hand while a couple of other officers worked on getting the other mutant out of he cage, who’s name happened to be Eva. 
“That...that sounds wonderful, but...the four of us? Aren’t we the only two?” asked Jen, gesturing to herself and to Eva who had just walked up next to her. Chief Vincent just sighed and looked behind her at the back room where the group of officers had went in. 
“We wish it was only the two of you, but...” she looked behind her again and saw the group leaving with two large pods. Inside of each pod...was a mutant, mutants like Jen and Eva and they seemed to be...frozen? Jen was in shock as she watched the men wheel the pods away to their large vans. In her five years of being here, Jen never had a single clue about what had been in that back room this entire time, nor did she really care. But now, more than ever, she wished she had.
“Come on you two, we’ve got warm beds and plenty of food waiting for you back at headquarters. You two, and the other two once they’re thawed out and conscious again, will be living in the ‘apartment’ at the back of headquarters.” Jen and Eva looked at each other with raised brows.
The ‘apartment’ Chief Vincent was talking about was kind of a chill space for the officers for when they were on break. There was a kitchen, a living area with two couches, a coffee table, and a large tv. In the back were two bedrooms with two beds in each for when some officers have night shifts and want to take a nap and one small bathroom with a shower. Jen and Eva had zero complaints, Jen especially. She had basically lived in a cage in a lab for the past five years and before that, she lived in a crummy apartment with her abusive father. So this was heaven. Jen couldn't help but smile widely at the little place. Compared what she was used to, this was luxury. 
“This will be your temporary living space until we figure something else out...but I have more supplies coming your way. Blankets, clothes, food, entertainment...anything to keep you comfortable.” she said. She smiled at Jen a lot, almost like she knew the hell she’s gone through, like she was trying to make up for finding her five years after she had been mutated. 
“Thank you, Chief Vincent, we really appreciate you rescuing us from those monsters and for providing us with a safe place to stay. If there’s anything we can-”
“No, no. Please, just relax. When the other two are awake and are healthy, they will be moving in with you.” said Chief Vincent. Jen and Eva nodded and smiled at her. After a couple more thank yous the Chief left the girls alone so they could get to know each other. 
The chief walked quickly to her office and she shut the door. She sat at her desk and dialed the number she had come to know very well.
“O’Neil? It’s Vincent. I need you over here ASAP.” 
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