lizzie--ryder · 4 years
Another tiring shift had Lizzie ready to lay down and forget the world but hearing Andrew call out still brought a smile. Things might not feel the same or be as easy as they’d been but. He still gave her butterflies and made her happy.. when he wasn’t making her sad, anyway. “Yep. Just me..” She took in the sight of him in only a towel, wondering how it could still have such an impact seeing him like that. “I want to.” Lizzie bit her lip, following the trail of a water droplet. “I think I can get someone to cover my shifts.”
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“Lizzie?” He called out as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it around himself before he moved out of the bathroom. Andrew had heard the front door so naturally he thought it was her. “Babe? That you.” But one could never know in this town. Honestly he was still working on fixing things between them, he knew he had fucked up and got caught up in the past and she didn’t deserve that. Not after everything that happened between them. She had stuck by his side for the whole Leanne bullshit and everything since. “So I was thinking that we could get away this weekend if you want and you are able to.”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“I was on my way to get one so, join?”
“Would a drink help?”
“Certainly wouldn’t hurt!”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“Would a drink help?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this fucking bored in my life.” If only Ana wasn’t with her sister today.
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
There was so much wrong lately that she sometimes wondered what others would do in her position. Crawl in a hole maybe? That wasn’t Lizzies style but she could understand why someone might want to. Get really, really drunk and on a regular basis? Anything to avoid thinking and feeling like shit. She missed feeling connected to Andrew. Knowing where they stood. Lizzie wondered when the end would come because the last... however long it’d felt a lot like he’d been trying to get her to dump him. So it’d be her decision and he’d be off the hook. So, him showing up with flowers and saying he wanted to take her out threw her. “Really? I mean, thanks.” Her smile was real as she looked at him and then took the flowers.
Andrew had to fix this, had to fix them. Yes, he screwed up. Big time screwed up and he was willing to do whatever it took to fix this. Lizzie deserved better. She didn’t deserve any of this. In the beginning he had chosen Lizzie even after Leanne’s death. Sure, they had a lied to cops about Andrew being with Liz that night but still in the end he had chosen her over Jessica. And maybe now was the time to show her that he still did. Of course he knew what he had to do, and he was more than willing to do it at this point. Sure, cutting Jessica out of his life wasn’t going to be easy. After all she was still his step sister. But he would do it for Lizzie. She deserved so much more.
There was a small sigh as he looked at the flat door, flowers in hand. Reaching over, he opened the door and moved inside. “Lizzie?” He called out, questioning. Honestly he wasn’t ready to give up on them and just wanted to fix things between them. Yes, he loved her. That was something that Andrew never questioned. Moving into the bedroom, that was where he found her. “Umm–these are for you and I was hoping that I could take you out to dinner tonight.”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“Why does it matter? It’s over.” She shook her head. “It wasn’t one. Not at you anyway,” Liz shoved a hand through her hair with a sigh. “I don’t know. You tell me.” Again she got the feeling that he’d never really picked her. Not really. Never been sure about her. Not when she’d been willing to try and understand.. be supportive of something she didn’t like because it meant a lot to him. While he’d seemed to decide that everything was ruined over one thing. So maybe the only one kidding themselves here was her.
If Liz could read his thoughts she’d probably have made a comment of how everything seemed to come back to Jess. Luckily she couldn’t because she was feeling shit enough already between all of this and remembering the apology. “No. It happened and.. better to just pretend he doesn’t exist.” Ignoring problems wasn’t usually her way of dealing but when it came to what’d almost happened it was. “It’s not a dig.. well, not really.” Sarcasm aside she hadn’t really wanted to make a dig.
Andrew narrowed his eyes at her. “Who is he?” He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly in confusion. “It kind of sounded like a dig.” He said, standing up and crossing his arms. “Are
 kidding ourselves at this point, Liz?”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“What should I order next? Any preferences?”
“Definitely not so drink up.” She tossed back another shot.
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
Andrew let his eyes rest on her, his hands gripping the back of the kitchen chair as she talked about what had happened. It pissed him off. Men taking advantage of drunk women pissed him off. And for a second he thought about Jess and the amount of danger she put herself in because she was drinking. He inhaled and looked down. “Do I need to kick his ass?” He asked, lifting his eyes up towards her. “Not sure where the dig was supposed to go there.”
If Liz could read his thoughts she’d probably have made a comment of how everything seemed to come back to Jess. Luckily she couldn’t because she was feeling shit enough already between all of this and remembering the apology. “No. It happened and.. better to just pretend he doesn’t exist.” Ignoring problems wasn’t usually her way of dealing but when it came to what’d almost happened it was. “It’s not a dig.. well, not really.” Sarcasm aside she hadn’t really wanted to make a dig.
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“About what?” Andrew glanced at her phone, exhaling at the picture, nodding his head. “Yeah, they are.”
She shrugged but figured no secrets meant no secrets even ones like this. “There was a party I went to with.. Annie.” So he’d realize just how long ago and not a big deal it was. Even if Liz wasn’t entirely okay with it all. Or even just having seen Jake. “And the guy was just not taking no for an answer you know? And I was drunk and hadn’t learned to throw a punch yet so it maybe got a little further than I wanted but. It was fine in the end since I left and now he’s apologized so.” She shrugged again. Liz felt like it made her vulnerable just saying all of that and ugh. The text was whatever. It was just frustrating that they couldn’t leave her alone. “Nice picture, though.” It was obviously sarcasm but there wasn’t much bite to it.
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“Is there anything else I should know?” Andrew asked as he kept his eyes on her, pressing his lips together. “Yeah
 You sound like you are holding back.”
“I don’t have a bunch of secrets so.. I don’t think so. I mean, I had a guy apologize recently for something he did years ago but I don’t feel like that’s a secret thing.” Not like he was talking about anyway. “Holding back?” She felt her phone go and had to frown slightly at the text. “Know what’s not a secret? This persons really annoying.” She held the phone up.
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“Okay, I can do that.” She held his gaze, sounding sure. Lizzie didn’t have a long list of secrets so she didn’t assume that’d be a problem. The only thing that came to mind that she was keeping to herself was the thing with Jake apologizing since it’d been recent. But since she hadn’t really told anyone about that night with Annie when he’d not wanted to take no for an answer — it didn’t really make a difference. And it wasn’t a secret. Just an embarrassment because she’d felt so.. vulnerable. It hadn’t been easy to get away after all. “Oh.. okay.” Liz didn’t know what she was supposed to say to that. Did it make her feel shitty because she’d spent the night worrying and also wondering where she stood with him? Yes. Did she think it meant more than just crashing? Not in the physical sense but.
If he knew he loved her why wouldn’t he want to work to figure something out? It didn’t make sense to her.. and if things were different well, she had a good idea of why. Not that she planned to say so. Liz wasn’t interested in a bunch of denials. She was more interested in focusing on him and what he actually wanted to do. “Okay.. If that’s how you feel.. what do you want to do?”
“No more secrets, okay?” Andrew kept his eyes on her. “The friend I was crashing with last night
 was Jess.”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“Nice.. should warn they were pretty much just tequila and more tequila.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
“I’ll have the first four drinks you did.”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“Yeah. I dont care for it. Drinking alone is fucking dull.”
“Good. I was hoping not to drink by myself.”
“No one should drink alone.”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
If he knew he loved her why wouldn’t he want to work to figure something out? It didn’t make sense to her.. and if things were different well, she had a good idea of why. Not that she planned to say so. Liz wasn’t interested in a bunch of denials. She was more interested in focusing on him and what he actually wanted to do. “Okay.. If that’s how you feel.. what do you want to do?”
She bit her lip, not sure if it made her feel better or worse that he did. “Maybe we can figure it out together?” She offered after a pause. “Unless.. being with me is one of the things you’re not sure about?” Liz had to ask despite the twisting knot in her stomach. She was sure of her feelings for him but she knew that didn’t mean he was sure of his.
“Maybe.” Andrew turned his head to look over at her, exhaling at her words. “I know I love you
 It just feels like things are different with us.”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
“There’s not much to talk about.” Not without getting all weird and she’d rather forget about things for a bit. “So. How’s life?”
She shrugged. “I usually do.” Her confidence had taken a bit of a blow. “Nah.. but I will be after these.” Her eyes lit up at the new shots.
“Gonna assume you don’t wanna talk about it, huh?”
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
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Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and Back Again + Veronica Lodge
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lizzie--ryder · 4 years
Andrew slowly nodded his head. “I feel the same way.”
She bit her lip, not sure if it made her feel better or worse that he did. “Maybe we can figure it out together?” She offered after a pause. “Unless.. being with me is one of the things you’re not sure about?” Liz had to ask despite the twisting knot in her stomach. She was sure of her feelings for him but she knew that didn’t mean he was sure of his.
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