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Little Lion Man
Pairing: Leon Dompteur x Reader
Prompt: Day 1 (Love), Day 4 (Brothers) and Day 6 (Dance) for Leon Dompteur Sequel Route Release event (hosted by me)
Word count: 1330
Tags: Fluff (with a brief appearance from Chevalier, Jin and Leon's young son)
A/N: This fic was inspired by Leon's recent Halloween gacha card in JP as well as @ikeprinces-stuff artwork with an alternate Leon costume that can be seen HERE. Jin and Chevalier's gacha cards are also referenced throughout the fic.
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“You are going to be the cutest little lion cub at tonight’s party!” you squealed as you adjusted the lion ears on top of your son’s head.
“Do you think Papa will like my costume?”
“Like it? He will love it!” You picked your son up in your arms, thankful he was still light enough for you to carry, and held him against your chest as you both looked in the mirror. “I think Uncle Yves did a great job with both of our costumes this year, don’t you think?”
Your son looked up at you and smiled. “You will be the prettiest bunny rabbit tonight, Mama.” He looked back into the mirror and opened his mouth wide to let out a tiny little roar. “And I will be the fiercest lion at the ball!”
Beaming with joy, you put your son down and took his little furry paw in yours. “Are you ready to go to a party now?”
He jumped up and down excitedly; his smile, bright as the sun, was a near replica of his father’s. “But where’s Papa?”
You looked out the nearby window, the darkening skies telling you it was already getting late in the day. “He said he had something to do before the party, and that he would meet us there.”
“This is what you came to my office for, Black?” Chevalier let out an exasperated sigh as his ice blue eyes met Leon’s amber eyes in a cold stare.
“Yes! This is an important matter!”
“Your ridiculous costume does not concern me,” Chevalier remarked, his eyes returning to the documents on his desk. 
“I found out that Silvio is going to the Halloween Ball as a vampire.  I was supposed to go as a vampire. I’m the King, I can’t be wearing the same costume as someone else!”
“I don’t think you’ll have that problem now,” Chevalier commented with a smirk. “I can assure you, no one else will be dressed like that tonight. Although, the color is very fitting for you, Black.”
Leon grumbled loudly at being called this nickname, but refused to dwell on it. Unfortunate as it was, he needed Chevalier’s help.
“Please. You read more books than anyone I know.”
“Yes. And you read none.”
“That’s not the point,” Leon growled. “I’m asking for your help.” 
Chevalier straightened in his seat and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his icy gaze silently saying speak.
“Belle read a story to me the other night. It was about a masked, sword-wielding hero and his swashbuckling adventures.”
“And this is who you are supposed to be?” Chevalier asked wide-eyed.
“Yes! His name was…ah, Zoso or something?”
Chevalier was polite enough to cover his mouth when he snickered. “You mean Zorro.”
“Isn’t that what I said?” No, wait. Don’t answer that.” Leon pulled out the rapier that was sheathed at his waist and dramatically flipped his dark cape. “I am Zorro, the dashing masked vigilante!”
Leon put down the rapier and stared at Chevalier. “That was believable, right?”
“The masked part certainly was.”
Leon’s brows knitted in frustration. “You’re a bully. You know that, right?”
“You’re the one who came to me,” Chevalier replied with a snort of laughter before returning his attention to the papers on his desk.
“Oh hey, Chevalier. What costume are you wearing tonight?”
“Evil demon,” he replied without looking up from his desk.
“Ah, well, that makes perfect sense. You could go as yourself, no need to even dress up,” Leon muttered under his breath as he made his way towards the door.
“I know,” Chevalier called out. 
Leon didn’t have to turn around to know there was a wicked grin plastered on the face of the second prince.
“Have you seen Leon?” you asked Jin when you ran into him at the dessert table.
Jin looked around the room slowly, looking for his younger brother. “I haven’t seen him since I got to the ball. When I saw him earlier, he did mention he might be a little late this evening.”
“Did Papa forget about the ball?” a quiet little voice asked.
Jin crouched down and held out a lollipop to his nephew. “I’m sure your Papa didn’t forget. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still at his desk, finishing up some work that just couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
Still crouched, Jin noticed a familiar figure dressed in black approaching. Leon held a finger to his mouth, to which Jin gave a quick wink.
Standing off to the side, you smiled as you watched Leon walk on tiptoe, trying to surprise his young son.
Jin leaned in closer to his nephew, whispering loudly in his ear. “I heard there will be many mysterious visitors at the ball tonight. Some might be friend, others foe. I need you to be on high alert and let me know if you see anyone suspicious. Can you do that for me, buddy?”
“Yes, Uncle Jin,” the small boy answered seriously.
“I think it's best if you turn around then. You won't be much of a lookout if all you're doing is looking at me,” he said. He put his hands on his nephew's shoulders, ready to turn him around at the right moment. “On my count. One, two…three!”
On three, Jin spun the young prince just as Leon was a few feet away.
“Papa!” the boy exclaimed, breaking from his uncle's hold and running to his father.
“Whose Papa? I don't recall raising a lion cub!” Leon scooped his son up in a big bear hug, gently tickling him until he began to squirm with laughter.
“It's me, it's me,” he squealed in between peals of laughter.
“What do you think?” Leon winked, gesturing to his costume. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. You're Zoso, the dashing, masked vigilante from the book Mama read to us!”
Leon threw back his head and let out a loud roar of laughter. 
Like father, like son, he thought to himself as he pulled his son into another hug.
“Hey!” Leon called to you, extending his hand. “Don't think you're hopping away so fast!”
Joining him in a tight hug, your heart filled with warmth. “I thought you were going to be a vampire,” you whispered in Leon's ear.
“It's a long story, I'll tell you later.” After Leon set the tiny lion cub on the ground, breaking the family hug, his hand searched for yours. “I heard…” he started in a very excited voice, “that there is a haunted maze out in the gardens. Who wants to go?”
“I do, I do!” cried a young voice.
“And you, my bunny?” Leon asked with a smirk. 
“If you're going, I'm going.”
“Hey, what about me?” Jin asked, a small pout forming on his lips.
Leon looked over his older brother for a minute. “ I'm not sure they're letting in any lazy mummies this year…” Leon let Jin stew only a few moments before clapping him on the shoulder with a wide smile. “Lucky for you though, your brother happens to be king.”
Leon led the group to the haunted gardens, his hand still clasped in yours, while Jin and the young prince ran up ahead.
“I was really looking forward to seeing you as a vampire tonight,” you said, trying to mask your disappointment.
“Not that this costume doesn't look amazing, but….” you smiled at Leon, “…you know…”
“Know what?”
“Vampires…biting….” you replied, quickly looking away as you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
Leon pulled you closer, so close he could feel that heat as he whispered to you.  “I can always change later. I still have the vampire costume.”
“Let's hurry then,” you said softly, not wanting to be heard by anyone but your husband.
Leon quickened his pace, excited to continue the haunted festivities. His arm wound around your waist as thoughts of what this evening would later bring were already dancing in his head.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
@ikesenwritings @justpeachyteastea @kalims-pessimist-bestie @shadowylakes     @writingwhimsey  
@ikeprinces-stuff @candiedcoffeedrops     @kookie-my-little-sunshine
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yeah we make a great team 😌😌🦁🫶
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I found these HERE
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A Study in Green
Words: 2915
CW: Fingering, Artistic Liberties with History | NSFW
Pairing: Arthur Conan Doyle / Female-Bodied Reader
Prompt: Abandoned Mansion (caution!)
Notes: This is I think the third time I've ever written smut, so please bear with me. I also thought the title was rather cliche, but I liked it, so... I also think I got a little carried away. Whoops. And Mo, if you read this - I remembered that comment I left you on your fic about the Paris Green and MC freaking out and it immediately came to mind when I rolled this prompt with my dice.
Crossposted on Ao3 here.
Banners/dividers by @natimiles.
For @xxsycamore's event, Sexy Ikemen Summer!
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked, eyeing the abandoned building with suspicion. It appeared to have been an older, late-eighteenth century mansion. Ivy crept up the crumbling mortar like grasping tendrils, giving it a foreboding look. 
“It’ll be fine, luv,” Arthur said, a cheeky grin on his face. “A little urban exploration never hurt anyone.” 
“I would like to see the evidence to back up that stateme-” You were cut off by Arthur tugging you close and kissing you sweetly.
“Come now. I swore to protect you, didn’t I?” He tapped your nose with a gloved finger. “That includes the dangers of uninhabited, derelict places and all the things that go bump in the dark. You have absolutely nothing to fear as long as I am here with you, okay?” 
You exhaled shakily and offered a weak smile. “Okay.” 
“Besides,” Arthur added. “You do make a rather adorable damsel in distress.” 
You stuck your tongue out at him, and he laughed, taking your hand and leading you inside. 
One thing you had never quite gotten used to in this era was the sticky heat and lack of air conditioning. Even though the climate wasn’t too different from what you were used to, the fashion of the day was much more stifling. The summer sun was currently high in the air, beating oppressive rays down on the building. Fortunately, the mansion was still in reasonably good repair; the roof was intact everywhere except the far left wing, where the walls had collapsed in on themselves. It offered some protection from the heat, paltry though it was.
Arthur had, true to his word, faithfully stuck by your side. The vampire hardly even let go of your hand, giving you something to anchor yourself to. You were grateful for his considerate nature. 
The sunlight shining through the cracked stained glass windows cast glittering constellations on the dusty wood of the parlor floor. Furniture draped in age-stained cream cloth was positioned in key places around the room. If it weren’t for the thick layer of dust and the obvious smell of decaying wood, you would almost think the owners were just out on vacation. 
Arthur had done some amount of research on the building before bringing you here, aided by le Comte and his connections. As it turns out, the owners of this mansion had fled to America twenty or so odd years ago due to some sort of legal trouble. The Crown had seized the mansion to repay the family’s debts and it had remained uninhabited since. According to Comte, the left wing collapse happened a few months after the Crown took over the property, and they hadn’t tried to renovate or rebuild the structure. Ultimately, other than the left side, the mansion should have been perfectly safe - within reason for an abandoned building - for a first-time urban explorer. 
He grinned. “Look at this,” Arthur said, using your joined hands to point at the desk in the corner of the room. It was neatly organized, a couple of books stacked on the side. A half-written letter lay on the workspace. A quill pen sat in a long-since-dried inkwell, the bottom of it stained black with India ink. “They really were in a hurry,” Arthur commented, pulling his tortoiseshell glasses from his pocket and setting them on his nose. “Let’s see…”
He blew gently on the surface, scattering the dust. Your eyes watered and you cough into your elbow. “Sorry,” Arthur murmured, rubbing your back lightly as he looked at the letter. 
“To my love,
“I hope the day comes when I can see you again. Father says we must leave in order to stay out of prison, and I dread leaving you behind. I had desperately dreamed of the day I would make you my wife, but I fear we must place those plans on hold for now. Wait for me, my love. I will return for you.
“Forever yours,”
And then nothing. There was no signature. You frowned. “The poor dears.. I hope he was able to stay in contact. Or at least let her know what happened.” 
Arthur studied the paper intensely for a moment, before looking at the books next to it. “I can’t imagine she wouldn’t know what happened. These kinds of things are rather big gossip in the upper echelons of society.” The hand on your back moved to your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Her family likely refused any further contact with him or his family after they left. Even if he continued to write to her, she probably never saw any of those letters.” 
“That’s so sad,” you said, leaning into him. “It sounds like he really loved her.” 
“If he loved her half as much as I love you, he must have loved her a lot,” Arthur replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “If you would like, luv, we can maybe try to deliver this letter to its intended recipient. There’s probably some other correspondence between the two stashed somewhere here, if we look for it.”
You looked up at him in surprise. He had a kind smile on his lips, but his eyes were serious. If it were something you wished to do, he would make it happen somehow. “I would, but,” you started to say. “What if it opens up old wounds? What if she’s moved on and this just brings it back up?” You sighed and laid your head against Arthur’s shoulder once more. He ran his thumb up and down your waist in soothing motions. “I don’t want to make things worse.” 
“Even if she has moved on, it could give her closure,” Arthur pointed out. “But you are right; it could cause more trouble for them. Maybe we should leave it here?”
You mulled it over for a moment. “If I were in her shoes.. And you had moved away for some reason against your will, I don’t think I could really move on. Even if I was forced to marry someone else. I love you too much to ever forget you.” 
Arthur was silent for a moment. “Then we should do everything we can to make sure it’s delivered. Even if it is twenty-something years late,” he said, voice quiet and somewhat choked. You went to move away and look up at him, but Arthur’s hand kept your head against his neck. His free arm wrapped around you and he held you firmly to his body. You gave up fighting him, and just locked your arms around his neck. “Thank you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Arthur finally let go and stepped away from you, looking around the room once more. “Let’s see if we can find out who the lucky lady is, yeah? The game, my dear, is on!” 
The two of you went looking around the parlor for any other correspondence between the pair. Coming up empty handed there, you moved to other rooms. Normally Arthur would have been able to make an educated deduction on which room likely belonged to the author, but with the state of disrepair the house was in it was much more difficult. Or at least, that’s what Arthur said - but you suspected he just wanted an excuse to lead you around the house by the hand for a little longer. Not that you’d complain about that.
The two of you looked inside a bedroom suite on the second floor. The door creaked open, revealing a lavish room, covered in linens matching those in the parlor. A thick layer of dust coated the room as it did everywhere else in the house. You carefully stepped over to another desk, this one facing the window that overlooked the long-overgrown lawn. Spread across it were several letters in varying states of completion. Some were well-worn, clearly having been read over multiple times. Those ones appeared to have a different author than the one found downstairs. 
“Alyssa Bloodwell,” Arthur murmured. “That name doesn’t ring any bells for me, but Daddy Dearest knows just about everyone worth knowing among Europe’s elite. We can ask him when we get back. For now, though…” Arthur turned to you, a devilish smile on his lips.
“Arthur,” you warned him to no avail. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed you by the hips. Your arms snaked around his neck automatically. 
He grinned. “What is it, oh darling love of mine?” He gave you an innocent peck on the lips. 
“Oh, don’t even start, Arthur,” you protested, but made no motion to step out of his embrace. His lips moved to the side of your face and you reflexively tilted your head to give him access. “We can’t - not here.” 
“Says who?” Arthur murmured seductively, nibbling at the shell of your ear. “It’s not like there’s anyone here to stop us.” He walked you backwards to a sturdy chest of draws against the far wall, and easily lifted you up onto it. “You’ve been looking positively delectable all day. I can’t help myself from wanting a taste.” He leaned in and kissed you more insistently, his fingers dancing around the ribbon at the collar of your blouse. 
“You are incorrigible,” You responded weakly, already returning his kiss. 
“But you like it, don’t you?” Arthur replied, grazing your earlobe with his fangs. “You dirty little thing.” He ghosted his lips down the side of your neck, pressing a kiss right over your pulse point, before mouthing the spot and sucking hard. You cried out at the sharp pain of it. 
Arthur ran his thumb over the red blooming there. “Beautiful,” he said. “I would bite you, but then I’d have to carry you back to grab a carriage.” He ran his tongue down the column of your throat, his fingers gently setting the ribbon to the side and dragging the top of your blouse down. His other hand slid up your skirt, the thumb running back and forth over the flesh of your inner thigh. “And I really don’t want to have to explain that one to the constable,” Arthur whispered, his breath coming out in puffs against your collarbone.
The drag of his sharp fangs against the skin of your chest combined with Arthur’s fingers moving higher underneath your skirt caused your breath to hitch. His gloved hand pressed gently against your clothed sex, applying a small bit of pressure through your underwear. You let out a soft whine at the contact. He rubbed his fingers back and forth between your thighs while leaving love bites all over your exposed chest. 
His lips kissed back up your throat, and he pulled away to look at you. Smirking, he pulled his hand from between your thighs and took the glove in between his teeth. Arthur slowly, teasingly, pulled it off of his hand, the now bare appendage returning to its former place between your legs.
“Arthur,” you whimpered as he slid the material of your panties aside. He dragged his fingers back and forth through the wetness gathering there, circling the sensitive nub at the apex of your thighs. 
You threw your head back, a low keening sound escaping your lips as he continued to swirl his fingers between your legs. Arthur shot out his other hand to catch the back of your head.
“Look at me,” he murmured. You bit your lip but did as he asked, and he smiled. “Good girl.” 
Arthur’s thumb brushed against your lips and then he leaned in for a deep kiss. “You’re so cute when you come undone under my fingers like this,” he purred. “You’re normally so put together.” You probably were a sight to behold right now - skirt hiked up to your hips, blouse untied and loosely draped under your cleavage, chest heaving  - you were the very image of debauchery. 
Arthur leaned back in for another kiss, his tongue moving against yours in time with his fingers as they pushed inside of you. 
Your gaze drifted up, suddenly settling on the walls of the room. Your eyes widened and you broke the kiss. “Arthur,” you breathed, voice scratchy. “Is it just me or is that wallpaper green?” 
Arthur groaned and he pulled away with a discontent sigh, his lips forming a frown. “It is, and quite a lovely shade of it. But I don’t see how the color of the wallpaper is more important than my hand.” His fingers deftly continued their work, and you bit back a groan. “Unless you are unsatisfied, and want something more?”
“Because,” you breathed, trying to ignore Arthur’s actions and failing miserably. “Green pigments from around this time period are made of arsenic. It’s poison.” Your thighs trembled as he pleasured you. You were so close-
-and then Arthur suddenly stopped and looked at you, bewildered. You whined at the loss of stimulation. “Really?” He looked away from you, his gaze flitting all around the room that was blanketed in peeling green wallpaper. Arthur’s cobalt gaze met yours again, a light panic to his eyes. “And they didn’t know this?” 
“No! The paint was invented sometime in the early nineteenth century and fell out of use during the mid nineteenth century because people were getting sick,” you sighed, the ache in your belly slowly subsiding, leaving you feeling uncomfortable and wanting for more. “It was later used as a pesticide, until they realized that was dangerous, too.” You were somewhat regretting your choice to stop Arthur at this moment. Curse your brain for being safety-conscious even with an incredibly attractive man between your legs, who wanted nothing more than to bring you pleasure.
Arthur sighed, pressing a kiss to your lips. “We should probably continue this elsewhere, then,” he conceded, removing his hands from your thighs. You shuddered at the loss of contact and watched as he lifted his slick-covered hand to his mouth, sucking on the fingers. The lewd sight sent another flare of smoldering heat right to your belly. “When we get back home, you’re going to have to make up for leaving me hanging like this. I hope you’re ready for the consequences of your actions.”
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After speaking with Comte about what you discovered while exploring (trespassing), you and Arthur found yourselves standing outside of a beautiful, well-kept mansion in the Parisian countryside. As you approached the gate, a butler, who was trimming roses nearby, placed his garden shears down and stepped over.
“Bonjour, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,” he greeted. “How can I help you?” 
“Is there an Alyssa Bloodwell at this residence?” You asked.
The butler frowned. “Madame Bloodwell does live here, yes, but we were not advised of any visitors today. Was she expecting you?”
“Not exactly,” you replied. Arthur then pulled a time-worn letter out of his pocket and showed it to the butler, explaining, “I shan’t go into the specifics on how, but we came across this letter and believe its intended recipient is your mistress. We simply wish it to go where it belongs.” 
The butler looked at the letter for a moment before nodding. “If you will, follow me,” he said and led you both into the mansion’s entryway, and from there to the parlor. “Please wait here, mademoiselle, monsieur. I will inform Madame Bloodwell of your visit and we shall proceed from there.” 
After a few minutes of waiting, you looked up to see a woman in her late thirties descending the stairwell. “I am Madame Alyssa Bloodwell. I was informed you had correspondence intended for me?” she asked. 
You curtsied and Arthur handed over the letter. She took it, eyeing it, and her hand dropped to her chest. “Where did you get this?” she said, breathless. 
“We recently came into possession of it,” Arthur said, smoothly avoiding giving the details. “We did some detective work, and determined you were the recipient.” 
Lady Bloodwell walked over to an armchair on uncertain legs and sunk down into it. “Louis,” she murmured. “I haven’t heard from him in twenty four years.” Her fingers caressed the fraying edges of the paper. “His family had been found to be embezzling money from one of the royal artisans and was disgraced. They fled Paris in the middle of the night and caught a ship to America. My parents forbade mention of him and the betrothal was called off. I ended up marrying a local lord, but.. I never did stop wondering what happened to him.” 
You smiled sadly at her. “I’m sorry that we didn’t come bearing current news, but I’m glad we could at least bring you the letter. It’s obvious how much he loved you.” 
“Thank you, cherie,” she said. “Please, is there anything I can do to repay you for doing me this kindness?” 
You began to decline, but Arthur cut in. “If you don’t mind, could you answer a question for us as payment?“
She inclined her head. 
“Did you ever move on?” Arthur asked, a serious look on his face. 
Madame Bloodwell shook her head. “I love my husband,” she began. “But no. Louis was - is - special to me. I never stopped loving him, and I doubt I will stop until the last breath leaves my lungs.” She looked between you and Arthur, a content smile on her face. “I see such a resemblance between you two and myself and Louis. Monsieur, whatever you do, don’t ever lose her.”
Arthur looked straight at you and squeezed your hand. “I won’t.” 
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Taglist: @natimiles
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having someone you can tell every detail of your day without feeling like you are seeking for attention is such a great feeling
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“It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool’s paradise.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
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LEANOR & QARL in House of the Dragons (2022—) 1.06 "The Princess and the Queen" dir. Miguel Sapochnik ⤿ requested by anonymous
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This is adorable. Also brings to mind the scenario of MC getting mad at Rio and using his full name so he knows he fucked up lmao
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Not how in Silvio's engagement story all the merchants are hanging around the docks happily gossiping like fishwives about Emma and Silvio and discussing the rumors about how stupidly in love with her Silvio is, how he can't open his mouth without saying something about Emma 24/7, basically 🥺
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Kagari Amagase
What Lies Ahead of Connecting the Past and Present
Taglist: @candied-boys
In the country of Kogyoku, it’s said that good things will come to you if the tea leaves stand upright in your brewed tea."
However, when I entered the forest, I encountered Prince Kagari holding a sword in one hand while grabbing a child by the collar with the other.
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Emma: "W-What are you doing!?"
???: "......!"
Kagari: "Princess, what a coincidence. What brings you to the forest?"
Emma: "The weather was nice, so I thought I'd take a walk in the... No, what are you planning to do with this child?"
Kagari: "Exactly as you imagined, I was about to give him a quick stab."
Kagari: "He’s the potential cause of future misfortune. He needs to be dealt with before it's too late."
Emma: "A source of misfortune... He looks like a normal child to me. Surely, you must be mistaken."
Kagari: "I wouldn't mistake myself."
Emma: "Yourself?"
(This child has... red hair in braids, green eyes... he’s the spitting image of Prince Kagari.)
???: "...Who are you?"
Emma: "I'm Emma. Can you tell me your name?"
Little Kagari: "...Kagari."
(If he has the same name, then...)
Emma: "Is this a dream?"
Kagari: "If this is a dream, then there shouldn’t be problem with me laying my hands on him, right? No problem at all."
Emma: "No, no, you can’t! If you point your sword at this child again, I won't talk to you anymore."
Kagari: "......"
(Thank goodness... he put his sword away.)
Emma: "Why are you in the forest, Little Kagari? Or was it Big Kagari that brought you here?"
Little Kagari: "I was playing in my brother's room, but before I knew it, I was in the forest."
Little Kagari: "Then as I walked around, I met the adult me."
Little Kagari: "I was impressed because it's the first time I've met someone stronger than me."
(His expression hasn't changed, but his eyes are sparkling a bit... how cute.)
(It’s the first time he’s met someone stronger than himself, huh... Then he was skilled in swordsmanship at such a young age.)
Emma: “I see.... In that case, you might return to your brother’s room after some time passes."
Emma: "How about we stay together until then?"
Little Kagari: "...Is that okay?"
Emma: "Of course."
Kagari: "You’re so optimistic, Princess."
Kagari: "But it's better than wasting time overthinking this impossible situation."
Emma: "You’re staying with us too, Prince Kagari?"
Kagari: "Just to keep an eye on you in case you do something strange."
Kagari: "And because it's convenient."
Emma: "I don’t think there’s anything to worry about, but it’s reassuring to have you with us."
Kagari: "Good answer. Let's go."
Emma: "Huh? Where to...? Ah, Prince Kagari, you don't need to pull my hand, I'll follow you."
Emma: "Little Kagari, can I hold your hand?"
Little Kagari: "......?"
Emma: "It would be terrible if you got lost."
Little Kagari: "...Like this?"
Emma: "Yes, thank you."
Little Kagari: "......"
Little Kagari: "...Warm."
Emma: "Wow...! I didn't know there was a festival going on in the nearby town."
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Kagari: "You're still new to Kogyoku, so it's only natural."
Kagari: "It's on the smaller side, but do you like it?"
Emma: "Yes!"
(There are so many stalls I've never seen in Rhodolite.)
(Goldfish scooping, ring toss, cherry-flavored tea leaves, bread, dumplings, grilled meat!? I wonder if it's tasty... Ah.)
Emma: "Was that 'convenient' comment from earlier because you planned to invite me to this festival?"
Kagari: "Yes. Although an unexpected stray cat tagged along."
Little Kagari: "...Is that me?"
Kagari: "Yes, you."
Emma: "Oh, please don't put it like that."
Emma: "But thank you. I'm really happy!"
Kagari: "I know."
Little Kagari: "......"
(Little Kagari is looking around a lot.)
Emma: "It would be nice if there's a dorayaki stall around."
Little Kagari: "...Why?"
Emma: "Hm? Don’t you like dorayaki?"
Little Kagari: "...I’ve only ever eaten candy."
Kagari: "I see... he’s from before he met Keith. No wonder."
(So he wasn't a dorayaki fanatic yet at this age.)
(Even so, having only candy for sweets...)
(He doesn't look weak, nor does he seem to dislike sweets, so he might have been raised strictly.)
Emma: "Little Kagari, is this your first festival?"
Little Kagari: "......Yeah. I've seen them from the castle before."
(He's still small, and given his royal status, he probably can't just go out freely.)
(That makes this even more special...)
Emma: "Then let's enjoy it to the fullest today!"
Emma: "Is there any stall that catches your eye?"
Little Kagari: "......No. Anything is fine with me."
Kagari: "There must be something. Speak up."
Little Kagari: "........"
(He seems a bit hesitant.)
(I guess Prince Kagari was the type who had trouble expressing his opinions when he was a child.)
(He's looking around, so there must be something that interests him, just as Prince Kagari said.)
(Maybe I can figure it out by following his gaze.)
Emma: "Ah, you're interested in the candy apples, aren't you?"
Little Kagari: "!"
(Great, that reaction means I got it right.)
Emma: "How's the candied apple?"
Little Kagari: "......It’s tasty. And they're shiny and pretty."
(Haha, he's stuffing his mouth full.)
Little Kagari: "......Want some?"
Emma: "Can I? Just one bite then... mmm, it's sweet and delicious."
Kagari: "If you're going to spoil someone, spoil me, Princess."
Emma: "If I'm going to spoil anyone, I'd like to spoil both of you."
Kagari: "Greedy Princess."
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Emma: "Don't sulk. After the candy apple, let's have some dorayaki! Come on, both of you, let's go."
Little Kagari: "......Shall we hold hands?"
Emma: "Can we?"
Little Kagari: "......I want to."
(Gah, the way he looks away as he says it is just too adorable...)
Kagari: "The adult me is cute too."
Emma: "D-Don't read my mind and try to compete with him."
Kagari: "Don't worry, it was just written all over your face."
(Does that mean I had a silly expression? That’s more embarrassing than having my mind read...)
(What, Rain!? Even though it was just sunny...)
Emma: "Let's find somewhere to take shelter from the rain—whoa!"
Little Kagari: ".........!"
Kagari: "Hold still if you don't want to be dropped."
(Prince Kagari is strong enough to carry both me and Little Kagari under his arms while running!?)
Kagari: "The rain should stop soon enough."
Emma: "That's good. I still want to enjoy the festival some more."
Emma: "Little Kagari, you ‘re a bit wet, so let me dry you off with a handkerchief."
Little Kagari: "......It's fine. It'll dry soon."
Emma: "Pretty please? I just really, really want to dry you off!"
Little Kagari: "......Alright."
Little Kagari: "......"
(Oh. Is he happy? Haha, I'm glad to see him showing different expressions little by little.)
Kagari: "........"
Emma: "That should do it. Next is—Prince Kagari!? "
Kagari: "What's the matter, Princess?"
Emma: "I should be asking you that! Why are you standing in the rain!?"
Kagari: "I wanted to be dried off too."
Emma: "I was already going to do that! Anyway, come back under here quickly, or you'll catch a cold."
Kagari: "Oh, you're so being forceful, Princess."
Emma: "I have to be... geez."
(His hair is dripping wet! I need to dry him off quickly.)
Little Kagari: "........"
Kagari: "Being dried off by you feels nice. Makes me want to purr."
Emma: "I'm angry, you know?"
Kagari: "You’re cute even when you’re angry."
Emma: "Um, well, thank you... but don't deliberately get wet in the rain again, okay?"
(Alright, this should be good enough.)
Little Kagari: "... Miss Emma."
(What— just now...)
Emma: "Little Kagari, did you just call my name—wait, how are you even more wet than before!?"
(What happened!?)
(Could it be that he imitated adult Kagari...?)
Little Kagari: "......I want you to dry me again, Miss Emma."
Little Kagari: "It felt warm and cozy."
(I knew it...!)
Emma: "Oh, you'll catch a cold from this kind of coziness!"
Little Kagari: "Wha... you're a bit rougher than before."
Emma: "It’s punishment for being bad.”
Kagari: "Being punished by the Princess... sounds nice."
Emma: "Prince Kagari, don't you dare try getting wet in the rain again—achoo!"
Kagari & Little Kagari:
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Kagari & Little Kagari:
"......I’m sorry."
Emma: "......I'm sorry too."
(Hm, getting hugged from both sides to warm me up is so unfair...)
(When you do something this cute, I can't stay mad!)
In the end, I spent a blissful time being warmed up by these spoiled cats until the rain stopped.
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Two types of people in Gilbert’s route (contains spoilers)
First type: Sobbing crying throwing up at his backstory
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