A reminder for Percy Jackson fans:
I understand how excited you are for the tv show, trust me I’m excited too. But we need to remember that we are still boycotting Disney+. They are also only releasing it an episode at a time(why would you want to watch one episode at a time?)
We need to keep speaking for Palestine. Percy himself wouldn’t be happy about this, he’d fly there right now and do what he could to help. He’d question the gods why they weren’t doing anything to help. Percy Jackson, son of a single mother who single handedly made the god of war bleed! Believe me, he would go into god-mode for the people suffering. He would play with the kids and try to help them. He would help as many people as he could. He’d go to God Himself and ask Him what the hell is He doing to help defend these people who are being bombed by His so called ‘chosen people’
Keep speaking for Palestine. Boycott services that support Israel. Make Percy and the Palestine people proud.
Strawberries and watermelon go well together. Let’s keep fighting and using our voices.
Also yes I know Rick has a ‘neutral stand’ on this and I don’t really want to talk about that or think too much about that because he’s made his choice. He’s a grown man who can do his own research and make his own decisions.
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Lily Chen is the only person with a correct opinion ever.
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i don't know if this has been done before but HOW IS HE LITERALLY ALL OF THEM?!
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Now I have a Simon Snow too! Fun fact: I studied sweater design at art school. I had so much fun with the details!
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happy gojo unboxing go girlboss queen 🤙
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He’s back.
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the best duo
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happy ten years you crazy assbutts
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Reading Ben’s new analysis of the Darkling’s character and it’s like deja vu for Tom Hiddleston’s analysis of Loki.
Two actors who understand their characters better than anyone, horrendously underutilized, and having to provide depth to the characters through every microexpression they can fit in because the writers, directors, producers, everyone else certainly isn’t doing it.
Also, that analysis of the Darkling was so accurate it took my breath away. What I feel the show sometimes and the books all the time forget is that the Darkling didn’t start off evil. He didn’t start off violent, diametrically opposed to Alina’s point of view. He started off as her. He became this.
“School her in cynicism?” “Watch the people you love die over and over?” This is literally what made him this way. This is how he got from where she is to where he is.
There’s a section I believe in the books but it may also be in the show where Alina essentially scolds the Darkling about his violent and extreme tendencies and suggests he try diplomacy and his reaction is an exhausted “how many times do you think I’ve tried that?”
He’s exhausted other options. He’s lived so long he thinks every manner of person is going to act exactly the same. He’s not truly seeing individuals anymore, only archetypes, i.e. the lecherous king, the bigoted nobles, the superstitious commoners. And why shouldn’t he think of them this way? History has shown him to be right with few anomalies.
And once he lost hope why would he risk it all on the idea that maybe just maybe some people might be different? He has too much to lose to take that chance. He doesn’t have the ability to get that hope back because he’s too frightened of the possible consequences and rightfully so.
So Ben is absolutely correct, the Darkling sees Alina as someone he used to be. And he’s trying to teach her the lessons he feels he’s learned so that she won’t make the same mistakes and have to go through the same pain to figure out what he already knows. It’s much more tragic and complicated than, he’s evil, she’s not.
But that’s what you get when your shitty source material creates a vibrant political landscape and uses it as a background for a cheesy romcom.
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#a great end to the year
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an absolutely insane way to end this year 
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A story in four parts:
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Yeah turns out that pizza box? Well turns out the Romanian police were waiting to raid Tates apartment, but they needed proof that he was in the country. That's a pizza brand unique to Romania.
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The Tyler Split Personality Theory
AKA why Tyler Galpin is 100% innocent. And deserves a hug.
Foreword. I know that DID being represented as like an "evil mode/personality" is harmful and not accurate, but I do think its what the writers are doing with Tyler (and hydes as a whole), so heres my theory on why:
Tyler, to my understanding, has 3 modes: Regular Tyler, Evil Tyler, and the Hyde. Regular Tyler is the nice, sweet guy we spend most of the show getting to know. Evil Tyler is the manipulative and cruel side that gets shown off in episode 8. The Hyde is the literal monster (I'll be referring to Evil Tyler and the Hyde both as "the hyde" because they're the same entity, and just calling Regular Tyler "Tyler"). Thinking about Tyler and the hyde as two separate people with different morals and motivations really helps to understand the dichotomy at play with his character.
I believe that Tyler can't control what the hyde does and doesn't enjoy doing violent things, at all.
1. Tyler admits it. Sort of.
To start off, this conversation between Wednesday and Tyler is very very significant. The show lends a lot of weight and screen time to this supposed mural destruction from a year ago for, seemingly, no reason. Yes, it informs how Tyler and Xavier act around each other, but I think it represents Tyler's feelings on his destructive actions as a hyde.
The way Tyler looks off into the distance when he says "I could give you a million excuses, but... the truth is I'm still trying to figure that out" leads me to believe that the hyde had something to do with it. He isn't quite sure whether that was something he did intentionally, or if he was commanded to. If you read everything Tyler says here as him talking around being the hyde and doing violent acts against his will/knowledge, the conversation suddenly means a lot more than it did at face value, and it has a real reason to be present in the show.
In particular, Tyler mentions a "boot camp" which is presumably his torture sessions with Thornhill. He also does not call himself a normie, rather a "townie", which could be semantics, but it's worth mentioning. Tyler saying "I did a terrible thing, but I swear I'm not a terrible person" is also a great way of foreshadowing his split personality and guilt over his actions in a subtle way (assuming this theory is true).
2. Jekyll and Hyde
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Obviously there's the hyde's namesake: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. If you're unfamiliar, Jekyll is a brilliant scientist that unlocks his alter ego, Hyde, using a chemical mixture. He's aware that he is Hyde and knows that Hyde is doing terrible things, but allows him to do so (at first) because he feels like needs to keep the "evil" inside of him separate from the "good" inside of him.
While it's possible that Wednesday borrowed the namesake just to allude to the well-known story and add to the "monster that transforms into average person" mystery, a INCREDIBLY crucial aspect of Jekyll and Hyde's story is that Jekyll is a good person but also can't control Hyde. While Jekyll unlocked Hyde intentionally, he quickly lost control and Hyde took over more and more until Jekyll was forced to commit suicide. I strongly believe this is also a big part of being a hyde, with the individual affected by hyde-dom taking the place of Jekyll.
Tyler had his hyde unlocked by Thornhill, not by himself, which is immediately a deviation from the old story. To me, this just means that Thornhill tortured Tyler in order to force him to let it out, weakening his ability to hold the hyde at bay, and increasing her hold over him.
3. Tyler's Therapy with Dr. Kinbott
In episode 2, Tyler mentions that he's seeing Kinbott because he has "court ordered" therapy. This is odd given that court ordered therapy is usually only given to people if they are a direct harm to themselves or others, like in Wednesday's case. It's unclear whether this is the result of his hyde getting him in trouble or if he was just ordered therapy following his mother's death because it was especially hard on him.
Near the beginning of episode 8, there's a scene where Sheriff Galpin is listening to recordings from Kinbott regarding Tyler's therapy sessions:
"When I press him on his mother or any sensitive issue, he snaps. It's like I'm talking to a different person. I'm increasingly concerned. I believe the trauma of losing his mother may have left Tyler with deeper psychological scars that I had suspected"
That scene serves zero narrative purpose outside of letting the viewer know this information about Tyler, so it has to be significant. In particular, the line about him turning into a "different person" is especially relevant. It seems like some part of Tyler (hyde or otherwise) is very defensive about his mother and has an extremely hard time even discussing her. This may be the result of Thornhill using his mother to coax the hyde out (see: "Tyler honey, make Mama happy and shut her up."), so any discussing of his mom makes the hyde come to the forefront.
4. Tyler's relationships
A lot of the things Tyler says and does could be interpreted as an extremely well thought out manipulation plot, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I genuinely believe that Tyler is a good person and that most of what he says pre-e8 can be taken at face value.
Tyler does genuinely care about Wednesday. Many of his actions with her are likely influenced by the hyde (especially their date lining up perfectly with Thing's stabbing), but he put so much care put into their dates and conversations that it's hard to believe it was all a lie. If Tyler really didn't care about Wednesday, he might not have go so far to decorate a crypt, apologize so profusely for wrecking Xavier's mural, or help her escape Jericho when he knew Thornhill needed her for her plan.
5. Episode 8
There's a lot of small but crucial things in episode 8, so I'll just mention them all here.
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This tiny moment is EXTREMELY concrete evidence in my eyes. The way the music rises to an intense swell but then fades almost immediately (as if some danger has passed) and Tyler goes from smirking and being all confident to almost crying, it's just the only explanation that makes sense. Tyler was taken over by the hyde and then regained control of himself. Seeing how shaken and afraid Wednesday was overwhelmed him with guilt, so he backs off immediately.
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Similar to the scene in the police station, it seems like Tyler snaps himself out of the hyde's control for a moment. But this time, instead of it being at the end of an outburst, it's Wednesday mentioning his brief torture that brings him out of it.
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At first, Sheriff Galpin's involvement in the Tyler vs. Enid fight seems strange and sort of pointless. He doesn't contribute much other than giving Enid the upper hand for a moment and futilely calling out for Tyler. To me, they included the Sheriff here in order to demonstrate that the hyde is not Tyler. If it were, he might have calmed for a moment or even just hesitated before rushing to attack his father, but he didn't. I believe they're using the Sheriff to represent Tyler's humanity, which the hyde has completely stripped away in this moment.
6. Master/Hyde Dynamic
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A hyde becomes a "slave" to the person who unlocks it. This is a big part of the unraveling mystery of the show and it seriously calls into question Tylers agency and free will. Even if Tyler was a completely terrible person who wanted to do everything Thornhill told him to do, he would still be a victim because hydes by nature form a weird and dependent bond with the person who freed them, even if the hyde was freed against the individuals wishes.
Aand thats all! I'm sure theres more stuff I didn't mention, and there was even stuff I left out because I didn't want to get to bogged down in the micro-expressions, but! There it is. Can Tyler haters give him a break now?
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After finishing Wednesday, I’ve become a Weyler truther. These two shouldmust end up together in s2. Their chemistry was good and the attraction was there on  BOTH sides. The fact that it is a lovers to enemies trope makes things that much more delicious.
He is a sad boy with a maniacal monstrous side which is literally called Hyde as in Jekyll & Hyde AND he has Mommy issues. 
Plus… am I the only one catching this neatly done metaphor for him being the monster and her taming him?? It doesn’t get more straightforward than that.
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Bonus points for the script calling the machine he had trouble with and which she fixed - a monster for the second time under a minute. 
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AO3 is down again and the downdetector did NOT disappoint. Mass suffering can be so entertaining sometimes.
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