lizzypagan-blog · 8 years
- how do I get her attention - what does she like - what are her fav offerings - how do I let her know I am on her side - I want her to annoy me - I love her tell her I love her - give me more info on Freyja - gimme gimme gimme gimme
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lizzypagan-blog · 8 years
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Prepare your spells!
to buy the pentacle:
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
I think one of the biggest misconceptions about magick and spell casting is the idea that you have to include words in your spells, and that’s just not true. If your intent is clear in your own mind, then that’s all you really need. The tools, supplies, and incantations are only there to boost your innate power. 
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
A moment
I had my Lughnasadh moment this morning. I usually have a moment where I ‘feel’ the season. That moment was this morning.  I went outside to pick blackberries for my breakfast. I had my possum joey on my arm. He was stealing the blackberries from the bowl and smooshing them into his mouth. I looked down at him and smiled. I then glanced at the dry grass stalks (my inner Lughnasadh image), the blackberry bushes with the lush berries, the beautiful dusky sky and finally the waning moon. <3 Hello harvest festival. 
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
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My boyfriend is doing something awesome.
He’s making an online spell maker/ witch encyclopedia
Basically you can type in an intent or keywords and get ideas for spells
Or you can type out everything you want and it is also color coded (key words like love are red, courage is orange, etc.) and do cyber spells
It’s not done yet but once it is I’ll for sure be sharing on here!
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
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Hello, friends, and welcome to Week 2 of the 2016 Grimoire Challenge! We started the challenge with a bang last week and I know we’re going to take all that excitement and use it to motivate ourselves throughout the rest of the month. 
Here are a couple things to remember: please tag your challenges with the appropriate tag. If you want to see your post on this tumblr, make sure to tag it with #2016 grimoire challenge. That is the only tag in which I will be looking for posts. 
I will also only be reblogging posts that apply to the current week. For example, once this post is up, I will only be reblogging posts that fulfill at least one of the challenges from this week. You may do as many or as few of the challenges as you like and I highly encourage adapting them to fit your needs.
You do not have to sign up to join this challenge - simply start participating in the challenge and tag your posts should you choose to share them. If you have any remaining questions, please consult the FAQ before sending me an ask. 
Got it? Awesome, let’s get into this week’s challenges:
Keep reading
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
Inventory of Herbs/Spices/Etc.
The following herbs, spices, etc. are in my pantry and/or garden:
References taken from “A Compendium of Herbal Magick” by Paul Beyerl and http://www.themagickalcat.com/Articles.asp?ID=242
·       Aloe: Growing it brings increased protection for your home and increases one’s chances of finding success in the world. The liquid may be used in a magical balm or a tonic. Helps those afflicted with feelings of loneliness.     ·       Anise seed: Can help find romance. Can deal with inner personal issues surrounding a lack of fulfillment. Can be served in food to guests to help them become more open to their own happiness and better enjoy one another’s company. Has propensity to help bring happiness and protect those who suffer from frightening dreams. Provides protection while moving through the astral or taking a shamanic journey.   ·       Basil: Can be used in the cleaning of the home previous to unpacking and getting settled. Brings protection and good fortune to those who live within. Used for many rituals of initiation - can be used as a bathing herb, burned as an offering, worn as an adornment, eaten, or taken as a drink. Can bring strength and help one move forward in a positive matter no matter how perilous the dangers. Provides fortitude when facing mundane dangers or pursuing transformation in the visionary and psychic realms. Protects the seeker from fears one encounters when moving along a spiritual path and may be used to bring protection for our families.   ·       Bay leaf: Attracts romance and love. Can be used to grant wishes (consult book for process), when potted is said to protect home during thunderstorms. Can be given during rituals of initiation - a symbol of esteem and glory, love and honor.   ·       Blackberry: Leaves can be used in magical healing. Possible to dry the fruit and powder it, making a please infusion or tea for use in ritual cup during rituals of health and healing.   ·       Cayenne Pepper Powder: Magical value in using when one needs to understand the divorce or separation of one’s parents.   ·       Celery seed: Good for mental abilities, increasing clarity and insight. Can enhance divinatory skills. Used in some Candlemas rituals.   ·       Chili Peppers: Can be dried and hung in a couple’s hope to help them understand their need for separate time and avoid the growing tension or stress that could break up their relationship.   ·       Cilantro: Protection of gardeners; brings peace to the home and helps to attune one with their soul.   ·       Cinnamon: Used in love potions. Place within an amulet to increase patterns of good fortune. Increases concentration. Can be used to learn about trust when decision making. Can enable the correct mindset for ritual work and enhance skill with prophecy.   ·       Clover: Can be used in proclamations of fidelity or monogamy. Clover used when exchanging the promises made is best gathered when the moon is full. Useful in the consecration of any ritual items made of copper or a pentacle.   ·       Comfrey: A leaf of comfrey is believed to provide safekeeping while traveling, bringing the traveler safely home from a journey. It is also a good herb to include in any magical healing.   ·       Coriander: Protects and brings peace to gardeners and all who reside in their household. Promotes peace among those who cannot get along. Helps find romance and love. Helps attune one to the highest ideals of one’s soul. Promotes astral nature of a union so that couples may return together and continue their relationship into the next life.   ·       Cumin: Promotes balance of one’s interaction between spiritual and mundane worlds. Protects one’s home or kindred. Can be used in spells to increases good fortune and prosperity. Can increase one’s sexual appetite.   ·       Dill: Can bring good fortune and a healthy outlook to one’s guests when used in cooking. Keeps the mind clear between the realities of magic and superstition. Provides a link between the strength of the mind and of the will, which is useful in accomplishing one’s desires.     ·       Flax seed: Banishes negative energies and is sometimes used in baby blessings.   ·       Garlic: Can be use to give Hecate honor during the new Moon and waning moons, or included in breads eaten in her honor.   ·       Ginger: Place pieces of the dried root in an amulet or medicine bag to magically promote good health. If a piece of dried root is found with some semblance of a human form, it can be dried to become a very powerful magical token. Can be used in the consecration of asthames by strengthening and providing excellent energy for the workings of the blade.   ·       Ground mace: Promotes concentration, focus, and self discipline; great for study and meditation. Used in reuniting rituals. ·       Iris: Can be used in rituals of death and dying to bring peace to the beloved - represents a belief in happy reincarnation. Symbol of hope and the eternal quality of the soul/spirit. The promise of the iris lends itself to rituals for baby blessings.   ·       Larkspur: May be used in ritual healing, especially that of the eyes. Can be used to improve the quality of sight - not only physical, but to perceive the world.   ·       Lavender: Is often burned in birthing rooms to keep them pure and welcoming to the new life coming. Promotes fertility in women - often included in elixir of ritual cup of newly joined couples, the bridal bouquet, cake batter, or flower crown. Assists one’s clarity when viewing the world, used magically to assist bringing work into manifestation. Can help promote healing from depression. Can sometimes increase one’s ability to manifest money or desired possessions, but can work in reverse if one’s motive is desire rather than genuine need. Used in the blessing of one’s home.   ·       Lemon Verbena: Worn to increase attractiveness or to bed to prevent dreams. Added to other herbal mixtures and charms to increase their effectiveness. Used in purification baths. Carried in an amulet to attract the opposite sex. ·       Lilly: Strong association with fertility goddess.   ·       Marigold: Petals may be dried and used alone or mixed with dry incense to consecrate tools of divination. Well-suited for today’s altars due to association with nature goddesses. Great for rituals of death and dying - adds a special, loving magic. Can help one find property lost to theft by helping them to see the thief in one’s mind and identify the location of the stolen property.   ·       Milkweed: Attracts monarch butterflies - encourages nature spirits and the presence of devas within your garden. Juice can be extracted to bless babies. Enhances one’s creative energy and imagination, bringing out the child within. Can be used at Autumn Eve to enter the realm of the faerie and see nature spirits.   ·       Mint leaf: Can be given to invoke success. Excellent for blessing one’s home. Can also be bundled with other herbs, dipped into blessed water, and used to purge previous energy and bring purification.   ·       Mustard: Provides good health - was once used as a cure for laryngitis. Can be used to bring magical protection o the voices of those who speak or sing in public - the root or flowers can be dried and placed in an amulet.   ·       Onion: Prosperity, stability, endurance, and protection. Burn onion flowers to banish bad habits and negative influences. Cut onions in half and place in the corners of a room to absorb illness, then bury or burn the onion halves in the morning. Sacred to the moon.   ·       Oregano: It is used in spells for happiness, tranquility, luck, health, protection and letting go of a loved one. It can also be used in spells to deepen existing love. When worn on the head during sleep, it is said to promote psychic dreams. Oregano symbolizes joy. Use it for rituals celebrating joyful occasions, or in spells to bring joy into one’s life. It is also suitable decoration for a grave to ensure the deceased finds happiness in their next life. Wreaths of oregano may be used to crown the heads of hand-fasting couples to ensure their happiness.   ·       Parsley: Parsley gathered on a Friday beneath a waxing moon can aid in success and romance. When used as a bathing herb, brings communication with the loving mother aspect of the Goddess. Can be fed to one’s horses to bring them fortune and success. Often planted at a burial sight.   ·       Rosemary: Used to increase one’s ability to remember things. Can help mark a celebration deserving of being remembered and keep them alive in one’s mind - sometimes included in hand-fasting for this purpose. Can help those who carry positions of responsibility, who are striving for success in the corporate world, or who wish to increase their control over their own lives. Once used to purify places of illness and distress. Can be used to protect against dark forces. Can be used in funeral rituals to help guests remember with love and fondness the one who is passing into another life.   ·       Sage: Can help keep one’s mind strong and clear. Can be used to promote health throughout one’s physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental being. Can be used to purify one’s self, removing negative energy and providing a healthy attitude toward life. Helps one dealing with grieving and loss Believed to assist women who desire to hold their own in the world of business or who are working to manage a household.   ·       Sesame oil: used to preserve the health and vitality of sexual organs. Provides an excellent base when making herbal lubricants and enables one to work with herbs which release sexual magic.   ·       Snapdragon: Provide a loving protection for one’s friends or family when given in bouquets. Growing them in your garden brings protection for your home and those who live there. Helps preserve the good witches in your life.   ·       Sunflower: Increases the sense of happiness in one’s life - can be used as a bathing herb, eating the seeds as a snack, or baking cakes of sunflower. Great aide for those dealing with depression. Brings protection against negative energy. Can be used to improve dexterity and alleviate clumsiness.
·       Tarragon: Brings a magic that promotes compassion for others but never at the inappropriate sacrifice of one’s self. Might be useful for caretakers, helping them extend love and nurturing without becoming martyrs. Can help those recovering from abusive situation, helping them reclaim their strength and independence. Can be used to consecrate chalices.     ·       Thyme: Can be used to call upon faerie folk. Carries the magic of delight and is excellent for those who take themselves too seriously. Can help increase courage and keep a light heart when working to achieve a goal. Used to protect against dangerous creatures, insects, and reptiles.   ·       Vanilla: Magickal uses include love, lust, passion, and restoring lost energy. Carried to increase energy & strengthen mental abilities.   ·       Walnuts: Provide an access to divine energy.  
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
Grimoire Challenge - Week Two, Correspondences
I really enjoyed this activity and am so glad to have this all written down now. Most of these I use only for cooking (what little I do). I have some more dried herbs, plants, and flowers up in my work room and will write them all down later. I wanted to try a test print on this paper and added a cute stamp in the corner.
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
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Dust off your old journal, open up that computer file - it’s time to fill your grimoire or book of shadows with things you’ll actually use and refer back to. We’re going to do a lot together this year! Don’t worry if you don’t get to participate every month - each month is designed to stand alone, meaning you can jump in whenever and not wonder what’s going on!
Each month, we’ll focus one or two different themes per month. There are six broad categories that don’t change from month to month, though they do get more specific. We will also have guest speakers each month who will speak to their areas of knowledge. 
This challenge thrives on participation, so if you find a great resource don’t be afraid to tag it with #2016 grimoire challenge! If you create something that you want to share with us - please do! 
I’m going to cautiously suggest that you have a “draft grimoire” - December will be the month in which we focus on compiling what we’ve gathered and making it look nice. I, personally, am going to be using a computer file to complete the challenge and then index cards to help me organize my thoughts before I begin writing in my journal. 
Interested? Follow this blog, track the tag, and check out our about page for more information! 
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lizzypagan-blog · 9 years
What is a witch?
Complex definition: a person, now especially a woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic or sorcery; a sorceress.
Examine definition: A person (a human being, whether an adult or child), now especially (but not necessarily) a woman, who professes (declares that) to or is supposed (others believe that) to practice (habitual (an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary:) or customary performance; operation:) magic (the art of producing a desired effect or result through incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural (of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal. OR of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or attributed to God or a deity (divine (heavenly; celestial (pertaining to the sky or visible heaven, or to the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as in celestial body.)character or nature, especially that of the Supreme Being; divinity.))agencies or the forces of nature(the material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.)Compare contagious magic, imitative magic, sympathetic magic.)(please do look at the different types of magic) or sorcery (the art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers through the aid of evil spirits(conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: ) black magic; witchery.)
Refined definition: a human that claims to or is claimed by others to regularly perform the art or power of stellar control over the material world by chanting words, with the help of incorporeal consciousnesses, directing natural forces, and/or by manipulating objects connected by authority over, similarity to or derivation from the target they are meant to influence to achieve their desired result or affect.
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