lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
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heaven // the neighbourhood
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
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“the stars said hello, love.”
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
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Eric Hosford, Paintings.
Astonishing paintings influenced by clouds and nature from artist Eric Hosford.
Be sure to follow Supersonic Art on Instagram!
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“I just want somebody who will never stop choosing me.”
A.G.   (via barbieandken)
follow me if you are horny now.
(via sexanndlove)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“To make the right choices in life you need to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of.”
— Deepak Chopra (via thoughtkick)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.”
— Unknown (via perfeqt)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“I want to hold your hand.”
— The Beatles (via amargedom)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“When was the last time anyone ever told you how important you are?”
— Maya Angelou (via schwierigephase)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn’t go as planned, and that’s okay.”
— Rachel Wolchin (via thoughtkick)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“You’re the type of person that makes forever feel too short.”
— Witt Lowry (via verbautezukunft)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 5 years
“I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies”
— Eric Shaw (via perrfectly)
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 6 years
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 6 years
do u ever daydream about decorating ur first apartment bc i do
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 6 years
im not a fan of this sleeping alone thing anymore
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lmrl-quotesandpoems · 6 years
tbh my heart is real different than it was last year this time around
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