lnxelrx · 3 months
Stop for a while. do not cross . My name is Amna from Gaza. We lost everything, home, dreams, and everything that gives life. My children are living in bad conditions. I ask you to help me for the sake of my children, for the sake of humanity. Those who cannot donate can share the post and link
@occupationsurfer @northgazaupdates @nabulsi @elierlick @evelyn-art-05 @soon-palestine @fairuzfan @bibyebae @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
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lnxelrx · 3 months
-> daily life with the hq boys after you two have gotten married!
ft. osamu miya, tetsuro kuroo, shinsuke kita, kiyoomi sakusa, koushi sugawara
OSAMU: coming into onigiri miya had been your daily ritual since you first started dating samu—so that most definitely didn’t change when you both got married. you walked into your husband’s restaurant and he smiled when he notices that it’s you walking in.
you lean over the front counter and smile up at him. “miss me?”
he hums in response. “your usual?”
you nod, taking a quick look around to see if anyone was around. luckily for you, it was mid-afternoon and the lunch rush had just ended. before osamu could turn around to start up your usual order, you pulled him by the collar of his uniform and let your lips gently press into his.
you pulled back and flashed him a quick, satisfied smirk before you found yourself a seat at a nearby table, watching as samu chuckled to himself as he went back to start your order.
after a few minutes he walks back out with your special order in his hands.
“here ‘ya go, babe,” he smiled.
you laughed. “thank you very much, ‘samu.”
you turned back to your phone as you aimlessly scrolled through it. picking around at your food, you finally looked down and noticed what samu had written on your napkin.
“for my wife<3”
it really did have a nice ring to it.
TETSURO: your afternoons consisted of one of two things: bringing kuroo lunch to his office, or meeting him for lunch on the off chance that he didn’t have a stack of paperwork to go through that afternoon.
today had been a long day for him, and it wasn’t even over yet. luckily for him, it had been your day off and you had spent most of your morning preparing the most delicious bento to bring your husband for lunch today.
you made your way past the front desk and softly knocked on kuroo’s office door. you heard a muffled, come in!” from inside. taking that as your invitation, you walked into his office.
you smiled, teasing, “delivery!”
he looked up at you and smiled. “oh? and what do we have here?”
“rice and tonkatsu!” you beamed. “made it all myself this morning.”
you walked up and placed the bento on his desk, setting the bag beside his desk. you sat on the corner of his desk.
he hummed, opening the bento. “tell me about your day?”
“okay! so i started with dishes. which reminds me, no more late night food making in my clean kitchen, tetsuro— i mean it! and, well, then i—”
he smiled at everything you said, still working on the paperwork in front of him. but listening to you made it all so much easier.
SHINSUKE: being married to kita meant early mornings. he’d get up before dawn to tend to the rice fields and wouldn’t get back till the afternoon, leaving you home alone for most of the morning.
like clockwork, your husband hit up at 5am and got dressed to head out towards the field. you smiled to yourself as you felt him place a gentle kiss on your forehead, just before he made his way out the door. rolling out of bed you walked towards the kitchen and made yourself a cup of coffee—the only way you were going to survive the early morning.
you made your way onto the front porch and curled up on the stairs below, watching as your husband walked back and forth down the rows of the rice field. he was too far out and too preoccupied to even notice you.
soon as your cup of coffee was gone you got up and headed back inside to get started on house chores. kita was a man of routine. he believed in doing things consistently and effectively. but, today, when your husband comes back from his long hours out in the rice fields, all his chores will have been done for him. that way you can have him all to yourself for the rest of the afternoon.
free to hold; free to kiss. all yours, just for today. or for as long as he’d have you.
KIYOOMI: sure, to anyone else, your husband didn’t seem like the sweet, loving type. but, deep down, he really could be.
on his off days from volleyball, he’d be the one home most of the day while you were at work. this only made things easier for him, in his eyes.
the laundry? done.
dishes? washed and put away.
all those annoying, minuscule cleaning tasks that needed to be done around the apartment but you’d been putting off because who would even notice them? done, done, and done. and, for what it’s worth, he noticed them.
you came home to kiyoomi preparing dinner in the small kitchen of your apartment.
“kiyoomi?” you yawned, kicking off your shoes. you noticed how fresh the apartment smelled—the scent of the cleaning products still lingering in the room. “you.. cleaned?”
he hummed. “yeah, figured it needed to be done.”
you smiled, hugging your husband from behind. “mm you smell clean too.”
he winced. “go take a shower. you smell like work. dinner should be ready soon.”
you laughed. “okay, whatever you say.”
KOUSHI: it was the weekend and it was late. 10pm? 11pm? you had lost track.
your husband was hunched over the dining room table—papers sprawled out in front of him. it was the week before school break and grades needed to be finished for the semester. of course koushi had known this for weeks now, but chose to be the procrastinator he was and put it off till now.
you blinked the tiredness from your eyes, yawning.
had you fallen asleep? shit. what time was it?
the alarm clock on your bedside table shown 11:23pm. you rolled over to your side and felt around in bed. no koushi.
you forced your tired self out of bed and made your way towards the kitchen. there you found your husband, hunched over the dining room table grading papers.
your wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into his soft hair.
“koushi, my love, it’s late. you need sleep,” you mused.
he sighed. “i know. and i would. i will. i just gotta finish grading this last few papers. then i’ll come to bed, love, i promise.”
you laughed, turning to the counter to find yourself a pair of reading glasses. you took a pen from koushi’s side and set a stack of ungraded papers in front of you.
your husband didn’t protest, too tired to argue. this is how you two spent the next hour together, until koushi looked up to see your head laid down atop your arms on the table and soft snores coming from your lips.
he smiled, moving to get up. he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom, laying down next to you for the night and falling asleep.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: none at the moment !! let me know if you want to be added!
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lnxelrx · 4 months
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unbothered. moisturized. happy. in their lane. focused. flourishing.
132 notes · View notes
lnxelrx · 4 months
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Shortcomings. (Sakuatsu family au!!)
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summary: Sakusa Kaede was used to her parents not being around, but sometimes she just wished that the assumptions of people were right.
word count: 4486
warnings: swearing, light angst but eventually becomes fluff, suggestive (if you squint).
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A normal day in the life of Sakusa Kaede consists of cooking her own breakfast and walking to school while munching on said breakfast. People might think that her mornings consist of her Dad’s preparing her a nice and nutritious breakfast while telling her about their matches. She wishes that the said scenario is true, but the reality is that whenever she wakes up, her parents are already with their team, practicing. Don’t get her wrong, she loves the MSBY Black Jackals, but she despises them a little for taking her Dad’s from her all the time. 
“Oy! Kae-chan, wait up will ‘ya?” A voice said, catching up to her.
“Will you shut-up? It’s too early to be energetic, Hisho”
“The ever-so-grumpy Sakusa Kaede, aren’t you?”
Yup. He is Kageyama Tobio and Hinata (Kageyama) Shoyou’s son. 
“Ha ha” She laughed sarcastically. 
“By the way, where is Keiko-chan?” She asked the man walking beside her.
“She went early since she’s in charge of class duty today.”
Ah. Sucks to be her. Kaede thought as she munched on her sandwich while walking.
“By the way, are Tsumu-nii and Omi-nii coming to the award ceremony next week?” 
Oh yeah, There’s that. She thought as she swallowed what she was munching on earlier. 
Though she doesn’t answer Hisho’s question and just shrugged. 
And the latter just returned it with a sign and a pat on her shoulder as they continued to walk in silence. 
“Finally, you both are here” A voice welcomed them.
“Morning, Keiko.” Hisho greeted the girl. While Kaede just nodded at the latter.
“Kae, Dad said you’ll eat dinner with us later.” A new voice told Kaede.
“Yeap, he said that I should drag you if you refuse.”
“As if I’ll refuse free food, and not to mention GOOD food.” Kaede replied to her cousin with the emphasis on GOOD food. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“You haven’t told them about your parents?”
“Kageyama Hisho, what’s the point in telling them?” She said as she closed her locker with her books in her hand. 
“Well, for starters, they might talk to them?” 
“That will only burden them, so no.”
“You’re too independent, you know?” Keiko, who was silent ever since the conversation started, uttered. 
“Coming from you?” Kaede bit back.
The former just rolled her eyes. 
Frankly, I don’t even know why I’m thinking about it. 
“It’s not as if they're gonna change if I talk to them about it. Right?”
“Well, I’m not them— But, you won’t lose everything if you just simply asked” Her cousin replied to her.
Would they? I mean, it’s not as if I’m asking for a lot? Am I?
She was pulled from her thoughts as she saw Samu-nii's shop in front of her.
“Kaede!” Greeted the latter as she opened the door. 
“Samu-ji!” She returned the gesture as she hugged her Uncle.
“Glad to know that Shi didn’t force you nor dragged you here.” Suna— Miya Rintarou, teased as he hugged the girl.
She and her cousin had a brief eye contact before she smiled at her other Uncle.
“Yeah, glad Tsumu permitted you.” Osamu told the girl.
Kaede laughed (awkwardly) before responding “Yeah, glad Dad gave me permission” as she glanced again to her cousin, knowing full well her parents don't have the slightest idea on where she is right now. Nor if they even care about her. Okay, maybe that is going too far. Or is it?
“So Kae-chan, any update on oh-so-mighty Sakusa Atsumu?” Her Uncle joked as they ate dinner.
“Don’t worry, Samu-ji. Dad’s still the same” She responded with a laugh.
“I'm not worried about that pig! Heck he could hurt his fingers right now and I'd laugh at him!” Her Uncle defended. 
“Okay, maybe that’s a stretch. But still!” He added.
“Just admit you miss your twin” His husband teased him.
As they wrapped up dinner with laughter, she wishes she could just stay here forever. Laughing and just being carefree. Hoping she doesn’t need to go home. Wishing she doesn’t need to face reality. But she knows she needs to, because in the end she’s Sakusa Kaede. She knows she should be grateful for it, but she can’t help but feel like she’s cursed.
As she was walking home, Kaede wondered what it would be like if her parents were just like Shiori’s. What would it be like if they were Samu-ji and Rin-ji? But then again, as she stared at the sky, reality slapped her. Because in the dark and vast sky, there’s only one star. A star that’s trying its best to shine. A star that is so much like her. 
Because in the end, she’s Sakusa Kaede, Daughter of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Sakusa Atsumu nee Miya. And even if she wishes the assumptions of people were true, she knows it won’t happen. Since like the dark sky, she’s the star. The star that’s hoping, the star who’ll always hope. Hoping one day, her parents will turn to her too and support the light she’s been trying to keep on for too long. Wishing that one day, her parents will acknowledge her too.
“I shouldn’t let those thoughts occupy me.”
And as she tried to pry those thoughts, she was already in front of their house. With the lights on.
She tries to not get her hopes too high, but she can't. Because in the end, she’ll always hope if it’s her parents.
“Hi, Dads” She greeted them as she removed her shoe.
To which the said Dads only nod. 
“Uhm, Dad?” she asked timidly.
Both turned towards her, with tired expressions.
At first she hesitated, they’re both tired. Should I not do it?  
But in the spur of the moment, she decided against it. Because if not now, then when?
“Are you both free next Wednesday?”
“I’m n0t sure”
“We have an important practice match that day. Why?” 
“Oh, uhm, it’s nothing. I was just wondering. You better rest, Dads, good night.” She said as she smiled towards her parents and went upstairs. 
Stupid. Why’d you even expect it? 
“Are your parents really not gonna come?” 
“How many times do you have to slap that to my face? Hisho-san”
“I’m not!”
“They have an important practice match, emphasis on the important.” She replied.
“Oh yeah, Dad did say something like that. But he said he’ll try to make it or he’ll just come celebrate after.”
Lucky you then. That Shoyou-nii even tries.
Her inner thoughts clouded her. But she said nothing to the man in front of her and just stared off into the distance. 
“Oh, Kaede-chan!” An adult voice exclaimed at her back.
“Tobio-nii!” She greeted the voice back.
“Where are Atsumu-san and Kiyoomi-san?” The former asked her.
“They’re with Shoyou-nii I believe” She answered.
“Oh yeah, they have a practice match today to prepare for the season.” 
“But, won’t they join you?” He added.
“They will later, but don’t worry Tobio-nii, Samu-ji and Rin-ji are here so I’m not exactly alone” She smiled as she reassured the older that she has someone to accompany her.
The younger Kageyama only stared at her with eyes asking “really?” To which she gladly returned it with a glare. 
“Kae-chan, I’m so proud that you didn’t inherit Tsumu’s brain.” Her Samu-ji dramatically exclaimed.
“As if you two don’t share the same brain” His husband retorted.
“Oh, by the way. Where IS that pig? He would’ve been gloating at me right now.” Her Uncle wondered. And she could only sighed inwardly before responding, “They were here earlier but they already left to catch up to the match” She reasoned.
“Oh, but will they be here later to celebrate?” The former asked.
“They said they’ll try to come later.”
“In that case, you should come with us, Kae-chan” Rintarou told her as he beamed at the girl. Frankly, he’s very fond of the girl and is always trying to invite her over for dinner whenever he can.
“I don’t see why I can’t come, Rin-ji” The latter beamed at him as she followed them out of the gymnasium. 
As she walked home, it became her habit to stare at the sky and get lost in it. Often drowning her thoughts in the sight of stars, clouds, or any celestial body she could witness. Frequently comparing herself with the stars, and of course her parents as the sky.
But those thoughts came into a halt when she heard someone calling her.
“Why are you only arriving now?” 
A cold voice welcomed her as she closed the door of their house.
“We-we went out to eat for dinner” She answered with a shaky tone, bound to break at any moment.
“With who?”
“Have you always been eating out whenever we’re not home?”
“I-uhm… Yeah” 
It’s like the words are stuck in my throat. No matter how hard I try to speak, it just won’t come out. It’s as if something is blocking it. 
“And you don’t even bother telling us nor ask us if we’re okay with it or not?”
She flinched at the tone used by her dad. His tone is something unfamiliar to her, and it scares her, it scares her that her dad is someone who she doesn’t know. That the dad in front of her isn’t her dad. 
“Well… I thought i-it’s okay since…. You guys weren’t around..” 
The words came out as if they were just whispers. Whispers that are afraid to be heard. Words that shouldn’t be heard.
“So you just decided that our input is unnecessary?” 
No! It was never unnecessary to me! It’s the most important thing to me even! 
She wants to shout those words. Words begging to be let out. But in the end, nothing came out. As she tries her best to form her emotions into words, her vision gets blurry. 
“No….I…” Again, her voice betrayed her. Because no matter how much she tried, nothing came out. 
The tone used by her parents still rings in her head. A voice inside her saying Your opinion is the most important for me Dad, believe me! 
But she just kept silent, her thoughts getting more clouded as time passed. She is cowering more from her parents as she continues to stand in front of them. She just wants to run away from this situation. She wants to disappear. She wants nothing but to be held in her parents’ arms. Parents’ whom she’s familiar with and not those in front of her. Because the one’s in front of her seems cold, too cold to be the one who gave her life.
She wants to scream the words she’s been longing to tell them. Words that she’s afraid once she swallows, they’ll be gone as well. Words that she desperately wants to utter. But her voice betrayed her.
“Dads… I’m…. sorry” 
As she said those words, she felt her footsteps. And every step she takes, her world starts to shake and turn black. She thought that it must’ve been because she’s a coward, but at that one blink of her eye— everything turned black. 
The moment she opened her eyes, white ceiling and blinding lights welcomed her. As well as the sound of drip from something and the faint sound of people outside. She blinked a few times, before getting up. Trying to read for signs on where she might be, on what happened to her after that. 
As she continues to roam her eyes, all the signs point out that she’s in a hospital. But why on earth is she here?
She figured opening the door would answer her questions.
As the door opened, a pair of black and brown eyes stared into her. 
“You’re awake”
All she did was nod at the remark of the man with brown eyes. 
“Let’s go inside, it’s too loud in here.” The man said as he led her back inside.
She just followed her Dad’s lead and was sat on her bed by him even before she knew. 
The silence in the room was too suffocating if you’d ask her. Why did it come to this? All I’ve wished for was for my parents to acknowledge me but not in these circumstances. She ranted, as she wrecked her brain on how to break the tension.
“We’re sorry”
“Me and your Dad are very sorry”
Oh. So this is how we break the silence? 
“It’s fine, Dad—”
“It’s not. You can be honest with us, Kae.” The Dad with black eyes, uttered. The first thing he uttered ever since she saw them outside. 
As she tore her eyes off the dark eyed man, she felt a hand clasp hers. 
“Dads are very sorry, Kae-chan. We’re sorry that we’ve neglected you, invalidated you, and made you feel as if you are nothing to us.” 
“I know this may be hard to believe, but we've always thought what we are doing is right. That, us, prioritizing our work is for you. But then again, due to that mindset, we ended up neglecting you and made you feel as if we don’t care.” Atsumu added.
“And for that, Dad is very sorry. Kaede.”
As soon as his Dad finished his apology, he buried his face in his daughter’s hands. 
Oh how she wishes to just wipe his Dad’s tears and tell him to not blame himself. That it’s okay, and that she’ll always forgive them no matter what. Because in the end, she’s still their daughter, and they are the ones who raised her and gave her life.
“Dad, it’s okay. Don’t blame yourself for something like that. I forgive you, and I’ll always do.”
“It’s fine to tell us that we have shortcomings. It’s fine to not be okay. And it’s most definitely fine to tell us that we’re wrong.” The black haired Dad uttered.
“I…. Yeah, it wasn’t fine. It was hard on my part.” Tears were already streaming on her face as she continued.
“It was hard coming home to a house that doesn’t feel like a home. It’s hard to convince myself that everything’s fine despite eating dinner alone. It was hard to tell myself that in the end, it will be worth it because I don’t have anything to hold on to. It was hard to tell myself that you’re wrong because I could never paint you in the wrong light even if I have to lie to Samu-ji, Rin-ji, Tobio-nii, my friends and even myself. It’s hard to always be let down by my expectations every time you are home. It’s hard…. What I’ve put up with… but what’s funny is that I could never blame you for it. Because no matter how many times you let me down, I’ll still expect. No matter how many times you’ve done me wrong, I’ll still forgive you. Because you are my parents, you’ve brought me to life, fed me, and raised me. So how could I ever hate you? even when you don’t acknowledge my presence. I loathed myself for that, but even now. I can’t hate you, even if it’s a single percent of you. The love I have for the both of you will always win. Even if it pains me, even if it lets me down. So even if it was hard, I still forgive you and will always do.”
As she finished those words, a hand cupped her face. Wiping the tears gushing out from her eyes, and as she stared at the owner of the hand. Brown eyes met hers. The same eyes that she also has, the person who gave birth to her, and the person who she longs for the most.
“How did we get so lucky to have you?” Atsumu whispered as he continued to wipe his daughter’s tears.
“Me and your dad are so lucky to have you. But you also need to know that you can always tell Dad to make it up to you. It’s fine to ask things from us. Because even if we failed to fulfill our promise to you before, we’ll try our best to fulfill it now.” He added as he wiped the remnants of tears on his daughter’s face.
Kaede, always remember that whenever a tough situation comes up, Me and Dad will always be by your side, okay? You can always ask us, your Dads. Because in the end, you’re always our child. And us as your parents will always be a wall that you can lean on. 
She remembers her Dad’s words as if they were uttered yesterday. She remembers that very promise, how could she not? That's the promise that kept her together even if she’s slowly breaking and falling apart. That one day, her Dads will be a wall that she can lean on.
“Your dad is right.” The man that has been standing beside them, uttered.
“We’re sorry that we expected too much from you, we’re sorry that we forgot about our promise. We’re sorry for not telling you to take it easy. Because in the end, you’re just a kid. And we as your parents failed to see that, therefore we failed our responsibility. We’re sorry for not telling you that it’s okay to take a breather. It’s okay to breathe and take it in before continuing. We’re sorry that we’ve burdened you for too long.” 
“I hope you can forgive Dad” 
As he finished the last words, he came close to where his husband and daughter were. He wrapped his arms around the two as if they would disappear if he let them go. He hugged his daughter tightly as if she would slip from him the moment he let go.
“I’m proud of you. I really am, Kaede. Although I don’t really say it. You’ve grown and matured so much even without our help and even if it hurts saying it, you still deserve to be acknowledged for your own efforts.” Sakusa mumbled while still holding his daughter.
Dad’s proud of me. Dad acknowledges my efforts.
Those five words she’s been longing to hear. Words that mean everything to her. Words that are so simple to others but are very trivial for her. Her Dad is proud of her. And mind you, Sakusa Kiyoomi is very hard to please.
She snuggled more in her parents embrace. She didn’t even know that she needed this, just to be held in her parents’ arms. It makes her feel protected, it makes her feel safe. And even if her parents have their shortcomings, she’s sure they can work on it as time passes.
As they were savoring their moment, a loud thud was heard.
"Tsumu you jerk!" 
Her Samu-ji approached them with an expression that she could only describe as a mixture of anger and disappointment. 
"Look at your daughter! She's now on a hospital bed. And yet whenever we asked her about you, she always says that you guys are fine and are just busy. But how busy are you to forget that you guys also have a life you made? a person who also needs your guidance and presence." Osamu exclaimed to his twin.
As he finished scolding his twin, he turned to stare at his niece.
"How are you, Kae-chan?"
"....I'm fine now, Samu-ji"
She timidly answered, remembering that his Uncle now knew that she's been lying to him about her parents. But could you really blame her? Even if she's disappointed, hurt, and feels alone— she could never paint her parents in the wrong light. Even if it means that she'll lie, even if it means that she's the only one who knows the truth.
"Get your shitty hands off of my niece" Osamu growled at his twin and at Sakusa.
Kaede laughed at how his Dads cowered in front of her Samu-ji. Because who would have thought that two olympic athletes would cower in front of the owner of Onigiri Miya.Or worse, it's a new sight for her to see her two stoic dad cower at the sight of her Uncle.
The power that Samu-ji emits, better not get on his nerves.
"Samu, stop chewing them both, not in front of their daughter at least." 
A voice interrupted them from the door. 
"'Sup little Sakusa" 
Rinatarou greeted her as he ruffled his niece's hair. Which she only laughed at, used to her Uncle's antics.
As soon as Rintarou stopped ruffling his Niece's hair, he turned to the couple beside her.
"Nevermind, you deserve to be chewed out even with your daughter here." He blatantly told the two.
"Now, first and foremost, you dare to ignore this cute human-being? Second, what the hell is with MSBY's schedule that you can't even give up a little time to attend your daughter's awarding ceremony or be in her life in general? Talk about being good parents." 
"Last, you dare call yourself her parents? If not for her physical attributes then I don't think people would say that she's your daughter if they know her."
"Now, Rin, that's being too harsh."
"It might be harsh, but it's not like they don't deserve it. Especially after her state right now. Imagine she had to come home to her Dads scolding her without even knowing what she suffered that day. As if they're the only ones who had a bad day, as if they didn't just invalidate nor neglect her feelings." Suna argued with a spite laced tone.
The two who were being scolded just hang their heads low at Rintarou's words. Because how can they even argue back when everything that he said was the truth?
"It's fine now, Rin-ji. No need to scold them that much—" She tried calming her Rin-ji down but she was cut off by her other Uncle.
"While it is true that they deserve to be chewed out, I think they've realized their mistakes themselves more than anyone. And besides, they seem to be reflecting on it as well." Osamu said as he stared at the two beside him.
"You two won't really rebut?" Osamu asked them.
"Do we even have the right to?" Atsumu spoke after being silent for what feels like eternity.
"Yeah, you won't last the wrath of Mama Miya then." Rintarou uttered.
"Shut 'yer trap, Tsumu. We didn't tell her, but she would find out anyway. She's at our house with Shiori, we told her we had an urgent business to tend to, but who knows if she's already on her way here, because frankly I would be fuming if I knew that my granddaughter is in the hospital because of her parents."
The said parents whitened at the information. 
Oh, so shit's about to happen.
"Samu-ji, could you hand me my phone?"
"Hm? sure. Why, though? Wanna capture your gran' chew the hell out of your Dad?"
"Nah, I gotta prevent that from happening."
As Samu-ji handed my phone I started to dial Shiori’s phone. Pick it up, Shi. We must prevent shit from blowing up. 
"Let me guess, Old man told Tsumu-ji that gran' is in town and currently here at ur house?"
"Yeah, so try to prolong or much better prevent chaos from breaking."
"Eh, as if Tsumu-ji and Omi-ji don't deserve it. Oh, and I know they can hear me or if they don't put me on speaker so I can repeat it."
"I hear you just fine, Shi-chan" You spawn of the devil. Atsumu thought as he turned to his twin and his husband.
"Good, Tsumu-ji. You better change or else I'm sending the bomb right there and then."
"Me and Atsumu will try our best, Shiori-kun. But first, can you entertain your Grandmother for a bit longer?" Sakusa spoke after being silent ever since the girls' parents came barging.
"Oh, so Sakusa Kiyoomi is afraid of Mama Miya?"
"As if you weren't the first time you met her, Rinta" Atsumu bit back.
“Well, at least I won’t be chewed out by her when she gets here.” Suna rebutted back at the setter.
“Ha! shit you Rintarou” The setter cursed back.
“Okay, you all should act like a grown-up, like your age.” The girl on the bed argued with her parents and uncles.
“Now that’s something we don’t hear often. Getting scolded by someone that’s almost 3 decades younger than me.” Her Samu-ji laughed.
“Imagine your daughter scolding you, lame” Rintarou teased.
“Imagine being scolded by your niece, loser,” Atsumu teased back.
As they continued to banter and tease each other, the room was filled with laughter.
When the laughter died down, a knock was heard at the door. It wasn’t any ordinary knock, it was a rushed and pissed kind of knock, which only means one thing— Mama Miya.
"Gran' save the scolding after the door closes." Shiori tried to calm her Grandmother.
As soon as they heard their Mother's voice, the twin visibly cowered. Appearing to be smaller than their height, and that says a lot since they usually stand confidently and at a staggering six feet high. 
"....ma........" Atsumu tried to speak, but fear was evident in his tone.
"Don't "ma" me Atsumu! Look at the state of my grandkid, she's in a hospital bed!"
"Gran', I'm okay now though, look—" Kaede was cut short by her Gran'
"You don't need to lie about your parents' shortcomings anymore, Kae-chan." Her Gran' said affectionately as she glared at her parents.
Kaede just laughed at her Grandma's antics but soon stared at her parents.
"While it might be true that they have their shortcomings, they promised to make-up for it." She said as she smiled at them.
Her parents only stared at her while her Uncles laughed at the contrast between her parents and her. They are right. If not for her physical attributes, she's nothing like them.
".........You really don't deserve a daughter like her, Tsumu." Osamu teased his twin as he elbowed him.
"Osamu's right, but what can I say....... Thank you for giving me a granddaughter like her, Atsumu." Their mom told Atsumu affectionately, as if she wasn't fuming at him earlier.
"Your duality really surprises me, 'kaasan" Atsumu exclaimed.
"Shut 'yer trap, this kid." Mama Miya said as she slapped Atsumu in the back.
And maybe, even if reality hurts, even if it stabs her and lets her down, maybe—just maybe it might be a bit bearable now. Because now they’re here with me again, and they said that they'd try their best. Maybe it’s not too bad to let my guard down on them, and maybe it’s not that bad to depend on them.
Sakusa Kaede might've thought at first that the picture the people painted about her family is the one she wants to experience, but right now? She wouldn't exchange this feeling. Even if it's not perfect, we can work on it bit by bit.
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lnxelrx · 4 months
Just a prompt
should I write a fanfic where timeskip haikyuu but they already have their own families like Kagehina, Sakuatsu, Bokuaka, Kuroken, etc… and their kids like each other 🧐
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lnxelrx · 4 months
so there’s this fanfic I’ve been looking for, the plot was hinata thought kageyama knew that they were dating and stuff but kageyama was so clueless and because of his naivety he hurt hinata but in the end they reconciled and yamaguchi also was hinata’s friend in that fic. This was before they separated ways and it has multiple chapters (as far as I remember). Help me out y’all 🥹😭
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lnxelrx · 6 months
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it’s rough out here
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